Lawsuit of SFR against Annie Lobé journalist of investigation - Procès de SFR contre Annie Lobé journaliste d'investigation

PARIS 17 octobre 2006:
Procès de SFR contre Annie Lobé journaliste d'investigation
"Les gens meurent sous les antennes": les dernières informations.

PARIS October 17, 2006:
Lawsuit of SFR against Annie Lobé journalist of investigation
"People die under the antennas" : latest news.

Deux livres parus cet été présentent les résultats de cinq ans d'enquête menée par la journaliste d'investigation Annie Lobé.
Les jeunes et le portable: Alzheimer à 35 ans ? - Téléphone portable: comment se protéger.

Two books published this summer carry out the results of a five years's survey established by the journalist of investigation Annie Lobé. - Young people and the mobile: Alzheimer at 35 years? - Mobile Telephone: how to protect himself.


- Procès de SRF contre Annie Lobé: Décision de Justice.


A well known artist, Gillian Wise, with her website at is contacting us to distribute news of an important lawsuit taking place in Paris this month. Can anyone raise press interest?

"Paris Sept 29 2006

Dear Rod Read

A quick note – a big affair* re electronics is happening on the 17th October – Palais De Justice (near Notre Dame).

A Black Joan of Arc’ has appeared, to take on the operators of the mobile phone networks ALONE, a scientific journalist.

Annie Lobe

(See Nextup website and also her personal one)

She’s brought out two books in the last months, with heavy-duty stuff (needs to be translated into English.) (A test of the seriousness of the UK associations). I predict they will try to bury her existence. The operators are going nuts & have her up for two trials (defamation). I went to the first day of the first one – her treatment was pretty disgraceful & amounted to (racial?) harassment. The case was then put off until the 17th.

Meanwhile the Mayor of Paris has posted on the official website – that there are NO harmful effects from antennae & masts END OF STORY.

The Greens’ – (the majority on the City Hall Committee) requested he take that off, he refused. Meanwhile a whistle-blower revealed the neutral experts’, (who measured the effects) were secretly in the pay of the operators. This was confirmed in Le Monde (this info was buried deep in files – never to be revealed!). This weakens the vicious attacks on Annie Lobe – the information came out 2 days after the adjournment.

She will call 10 witnesses, the operators trawled through years of her articles & found a phrase in 2003; saying people were dying under rooves with antennae.

Most of her witnesses are people with expertise, coming from all over France. The details of the 17th court case are on NEXTUP. The Nextup site is covering her defence costs, they are highly respected especially for the technical information.

Please alert the UK press and/or other media, this story has legs & could go international.

The operators will expend vast efforts (and cash) to suppress reporting .. the usual affair .. is that she will get a large fine (for telling the truth shades of WMD) Perhaps 10,000 Euros.

At some point decent people will have to insist on the truth, NOT the formula of discrediting victims & their defenders.

SO do your best, the website should liase with NEXTUP, I know the director – he is very competent & active with high-level backing.

The lawyers of the operators reduced Annie Lobe to tears – several times –
(with malice?). A distinguished Black professional (her African father was in court) Afterwards she was still distraught at the treatment, we all felt outrage. She is a fine person. Mr Nextup promised her every assistance.

Gillian Wise"

ElectroSensitivity-UK (registered charity 1103018) helping the vulnerable minority with radiation sickness’, and reacting with health problems to electromagnetic fields, microwaves, RF etc. all 'electrosmog'.

Rod Read M.Phil.,(Cantab), Dip Psych Couns., Cert.Ed. director

Please support us with a donation, (£10 min.) our only income, to ES-UK as below.

We welcome help from scientists, doctors and health experts in understanding causes and links, diagnosis and treatments. Also all media inquiries, personal accounts of ES in your life, info on what helps and e-mail addresses where possible.

ES-UK Office, Bury Lane, Sutton, Ely, Cambs, CB6 2BB. Tel: 01353-778151 or at
Also by e-mail at electrosensitivity(at)

Trustees: Professor of Human Radiation Effects Dr Denis Henshaw, Dr David Dowson MD., ChB, Jean Philips BA. Scientific advice from: , Keith Jamieson Dip.AAS. Bsc(Hons) RIBA. Inst.Ph., Environmental Consultant and others. Visit


Risk factors for Alzheimer disease

Tumours and Alzheimer

Alzheimer mortality: why does it increase so fast in sparsely populated areas?

Cellphones May Cause Alzheimers

Mobile phones 'may trigger Alzheimer's'

Alzheimer und Demenz

The Autism Increase

Soviet Proof That Mobile Phones Do Cause Brain Damage

Reports on the Biological effects of Mobile Phones and Base Stations - link to Alzheimer's disease

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Caused by EMF? - Doctors in Japan may be reluctant to diagnose Alzheimers

Environmental causes of Alzheimers

Alzheimer durch Mobilfunk


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