Take a Stand Against Global Climate Change: Pledge Action Today!
A message from Purple
calling all environmental activists... care2 action. Please read and consider sign the following. Thank you. lol xPurple
Take a Stand Against Global Climate Change - Pledge Action Today! October 4th is ENERGY STAR Change a Light Day. Become part of this national movement and help reduce the risks of global climate change by pledging to replace at least one standard lightbulb with an energy-efficient, ENERGY STAR qualified lightbulb!*
By signing, you will join over 80 thousand people who have already pledged to reduce global warming by reducing their home energy use!
Why become part of this growing number of people taking steps to save energy and help fight global climate change? Consider the following facts:
* Your home can cause twice as much greenhouse gas emissions as your car.
* Energy-efficient lighting requires 2/3 less energy than standard lighting, generates 70% less heat, and lasts up to 10 times longer.
* Changing to energy-efficient lighting is a simple step we can each take to preserve energy resources, save money and help protect our environment.
calling all environmental activists... care2 action. Please read and consider sign the following. Thank you. lol xPurple
Take a Stand Against Global Climate Change - Pledge Action Today! October 4th is ENERGY STAR Change a Light Day. Become part of this national movement and help reduce the risks of global climate change by pledging to replace at least one standard lightbulb with an energy-efficient, ENERGY STAR qualified lightbulb!*
By signing, you will join over 80 thousand people who have already pledged to reduce global warming by reducing their home energy use!
Why become part of this growing number of people taking steps to save energy and help fight global climate change? Consider the following facts:
* Your home can cause twice as much greenhouse gas emissions as your car.
* Energy-efficient lighting requires 2/3 less energy than standard lighting, generates 70% less heat, and lasts up to 10 times longer.
* Changing to energy-efficient lighting is a simple step we can each take to preserve energy resources, save money and help protect our environment.
rudkla - 2. Okt, 13:17