Our day of national mourning
No Force, No Fraud
by Bob Smith
In my mind, our traditional Memorial Day holiday is a day of national shame ... a day on which we remember the millions of young lives wasted in military actions that should never have occurred. Not one of those honored today was a life given in defense of our nation from invaders. Not one was truly lost in defense of our freedoms. Those phrases, those descriptions are no more than the lies we tell in a feeble attempt to make the tremendous loss of our young people seem righteous, worthwhile, or meaningful. Lies...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
by Bob Smith
In my mind, our traditional Memorial Day holiday is a day of national shame ... a day on which we remember the millions of young lives wasted in military actions that should never have occurred. Not one of those honored today was a life given in defense of our nation from invaders. Not one was truly lost in defense of our freedoms. Those phrases, those descriptions are no more than the lies we tell in a feeble attempt to make the tremendous loss of our young people seem righteous, worthwhile, or meaningful. Lies...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
rudkla - 30. Mai, 15:15