Analysis of Codex and the Natural Solutions Foundation Strategy for solving the Codex problem

Natural Solutions Foundation

A lot of people are talking about Codex these days.

Not many are doing anything significant about it. We are.

We've asked a lawyer to talk about Codex and clear up some of the mystery.

Codex is confusing and, to make matters worse, people who claim to know a lot about Codex tell you different things about it.

Some organizations tell you Codex is a hoax, some tell you it is not a problem, some tell you it is actually good for you and for America. And some health freedom activists muddy the water still further. So I asked a regulatory lawyer who has been fighting for natural medicine and health freedom for decades to write about Codex, look at the Natural Solutions Foundation strategy for protecting us all from Codex and give you his perspective on the Codex battle.

Click here for his cogent analysis of Codex and the Natural Solutions Foundation Strategy for solving the Codex problem.

Taking the Battle to the Streets (of the World's Capitals, That Is!)

Here is a list of what the Natural Solutions Foundation has been up to in the last several weeks on behalf of your health freedom:

Radio: Dr. Laibow has appeared on

- ProActive News with Bill Brombaugh (5/4/06) - Arctic Beacon with Greg Szymansky (5/10/06) - with Alex Jones (5/12/06) - The Byte Show with George Ann (5/12/06) - Sun E Radio with DJGene (5/17/06) - Nutrimedical Report with Bill Deagle, MD (5/18/06) - Liberty Radio with Stan Montieth, MD (5//24/06) General Stubblebine appeared on Alex Jones' (5/12/06) and Andre Eglishon's show (5/25/06).

Travel: General Stubblebine and Dr. Laibow flew to:

- Ottawa Ontario (5/1/08) where we had a striking success with South Africa's startling and vitally important Codex "intervention" at the Codex Committee on Food Labeling (CCFL). This "Ottawa Beachhead" is the direct result of our acitvities in our coaliton building. (see our press release, and watched this historic beachhead be established.

- Flint MI (5/10/06) to meet with a core group of physicians and other interested parties amd help make a large community meeting possible. This group of 22 people is using the event template prepared by the Asheville NC group after their highly successful community event on March 5, 2006. The template is available without charge for any group which would like to do the same.

- Taipei, Taiwan (5/20/06) to meet with Chinese thought leader. Codex issue was a surprise to our Taiwanese contact in a17 hour meeting followed by return trip (no sleepover time). And now we are getting ready for our next travel responsibility:

- Nassau, Bahamas We will attend, and have been asked to speak at, the World Organization of Natural Medicine, June 1-4, 2006

- Various African nations to meet with Ministers of Health, National Codex Committee members and leading consumer advocates to build support for maintaining and expanding the "Ottawa Beachhead" gained by South Africa during the Codex Committee on Food Labeling earlier this month.

- Geneva, Switzerland to attend Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC), the annual Codex meeting where standards and Guidelines are ratified. We will be there to support and lobby for our health coalition and the "Ottawa Beachhead".

- New Delhi, India to meet with Indian Codex decision makers, deliver at least one lecture and lobby for the international health coalition.

- Mangalore, India to meet with influential decision makers prior to Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses (CCNFSDU) in Thailand at the end of October, 2006.

- Beijing, China to meet with industrialists and government decision makers to enlist China's support in the pro-health coalition.


Ambitious? Assuredly.

Important? Absolutely!

Expensive? You bet!

If you believe, as we do, that health and health freedom for the entire planet is worth this kind of effort, please get involved . NOW!

Health freedom is waiting for you.

Yours in health and freedom,

Rima E. Laibow,
MD Medical Director


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