Get involved now to help us stop torture!
We need your help to stop the United States from using extraordinary rendition or “outsourcing torture.” In the post-9/11 context, rendition has come to mean the extralegal forced transfer of an individual into the custody of a country with a known record of using torture and other inhuman treatment.
There is also what some call “reverse renditions,” when a country transfers custody of a detainee to the US without any judicial oversight. Victims of “reverse renditions” have found themselves in Afghanistan, Guantanamo or secret US detention facilities. Transferring a person to another country where there is a chance they will face torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment is unlawful under international law and treaties that have been ratified by the United States.
We're asking you to help us end torture by participating in our special district lobby initiative during the week of June 26th, the International Day in Support of Survivors and Victims of Torture. Activists nationwide will visit the district offices of their federal legislators to call for an end to the practice of "outsourcing torture." Get involved now to help us stop torture. Apply to be a delegation leader today.
You can also join a delegation by viewing the list of existing delegations.
Your efforts are making a difference in the fight to stop torture.
Eric Sears
Project Manager,
Denounce Torture Initiative Amnesty International USA
There is also what some call “reverse renditions,” when a country transfers custody of a detainee to the US without any judicial oversight. Victims of “reverse renditions” have found themselves in Afghanistan, Guantanamo or secret US detention facilities. Transferring a person to another country where there is a chance they will face torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment is unlawful under international law and treaties that have been ratified by the United States.
We're asking you to help us end torture by participating in our special district lobby initiative during the week of June 26th, the International Day in Support of Survivors and Victims of Torture. Activists nationwide will visit the district offices of their federal legislators to call for an end to the practice of "outsourcing torture." Get involved now to help us stop torture. Apply to be a delegation leader today.
You can also join a delegation by viewing the list of existing delegations.
Your efforts are making a difference in the fight to stop torture.
Eric Sears
Project Manager,
Denounce Torture Initiative Amnesty International USA
rudkla - 26. Mai, 14:00