An amendment to the European Parliament's 7th Framework Programme for Research calls for research into electromagnetic radiation and therefore phone masts

Far and wide please :>)



Subject: research into phone masts

Dear Lisa, I hope you and your family are well. I am circulating the email below. It represents an excellent opportunity and I hope that you can pass it on.

Best wishes


I am writing on behalf of Caroline Lucas, the Green Party Euro-MP for the South-East of England. Together with other Green colleagues, she has tabled an amendment to the European Parliament's 7th Framework Programme for Research. The amendment calls for research into electromagnetic radiation and therefore phone masts. As I am sure you will agree, there is an urgent need for research into the effect of electromagnetic radiation on health and wellbeing.

The amendment in question is number 629, pasted at the end of this message. It relates to the part of the programme which talks about Information Communication Technology research in general, and Caroline has proposed some additional text (in red) to try and ensure that health effects are closely monitored.

It is likely that this amendment will not be very popular which is why we are asking for your assistance in contacting MEPs to urge them to vote for it. It would be great if you could call on your contacts to write to the members of the Parliament's Industry, Research and Energy Committee (ITRE) - the lead Committee on this dossier - who are due to vote on this on 30 May. Naturally, please also write to MEPs yourself! The list of members of the Committee can be found at

They are most likely to take note of approaches made by citizens / groups from their own country, so if you have contacts in other countries who could target their own MEPs that would be even better.

Please let me know if you need any further information; otherwise any help you can offer on this would be much appreciated. The success of the amendments may depend on it!

Your sincerely,
Andrea Smith
Office of Caroline Lucas MEP
023 92 361 988


Amendment of the Green/Efa Group - Amendment 629 Annex I, Chapter I 'Cooperation', subtitle 'Themes', point 3 'Information and Communication

Technologies', subtitle 'Rationale', paragraph 2

The escalating economic and societal demands, together with the continued mainstreaming of ICT and the need to push further the technology limits set a growing agenda for research. To bring technology closer to people and organisational needs means: hiding technology complexity and revealing functionality on demand; making technology very simple to use, available and affordable; providing new ICT-based applications, solutions and services that are trusted, reliable, and adaptable to the users' context and preferences. Driven by the demand of more-for-less, ICT researchers are involved in a global race to achieve further miniaturisation, to master the convergence of computing, communications and media technologies, and the convergence with other relevant sciences and disciplines, and to build systems that are able to learn and evolve. From these diverse The escalating economic and societal demands, together with the continued mainstreaming of ICT and the need to push further the technology limits set a growing agenda for research. To bring technology closer to people and organisational needs means: improving usability; providing new ICT-based applications, solutions and services that are interoperable and reliable, and adaptable to the users' context and preferences; using ICT for sustainable development, particularly in the management of transport, in conservation of energy and in natural resource use; monitoring closely any possible impact of ICT on human health and wellbeing, in particular, as regards the effects of electromagnetic radiation. Special emphasis shall be placed on overcoming barriers of jurisdiction, language and location. Driven by the demand of more-for efforts a new wave of technologies is emerging. ICT research activities will also draw on a broader range of scientific and technological disciplines including bio- and life sciences, psychology, pedagogy, cognitive and social sciences. less, ICT researchers are involved in a global race to achieve further miniaturisation, to master the convergence of computing, communications and media technologies, and the convergence with other relevant sciences and disciplines, and to build systems that are able to learn and evolve. From these diverse efforts a new wave of technologies is emerging. ICT research activities will also draw on a broader range of scientific and technological disciplines including bio- and life sciences, psychology, pedagogy, cognitive and social sciences.


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