Tell Nancy Pelosi Impeachment Is Good for Democrats

Democratic House Leader Nancy Pelosi has instructed the Democratic Caucus and promised the corporate media that the Democrats will not impeach Bush and Cheney even if they win a majority in Congress. Of course, such timidity is the most likely way for the Democrats to not win a majority in Congress. While 90% of Democrats and 81% of Independents disapprove of Bush in the latest Harris poll, only 67% of Republicans approve of him. Every poll done on impeachment shows very strong support among Democrats and weak opposition among Republicans. Moreover, an off-year election is won by inspiring your "base" to turn out in higher numbers, and nothing inspires Democratic voters like impeachment.

Here's an article about Pelosi's position:

Here's where you can send her your own thoughts:

Tell your own Representative and Senators to support impeachment:

Help us elect pro-impeachment Democrats:

Delivery Planned for Petition --Cindy Sheehan to Lead Delivery of Petition to White House --Ray McGovern to Lead March to Sec. Rumsfeld's Home

Delivery of petition to White House opposing attack on Iran When: 1-3 p.m., Thursday, May 18 Where: Lafayette Square Park, in front of White House, Washington, D.C.

March to Secretary of War Donald Rumsfeld's House When: Departing at 3 p.m., Thursday, May 18 Where: Lafayette Square Park, in front of White House, Washington, D.C.

JOIN US! Take the Metro to McPherson Square.

A broad coalition of organizations has collected over 40,000 signatures on a petition opposing a U.S. attack on Iran. See the list of participating organizations, the petition, signatures, and comments at:

Cindy Sheehan plans to lead the delivery of the petition and signatures to the White House between 1 and 3 p.m. on Thursday, May 18, in cooperation with a "Pray In" in Lafayette Square Park organized by the Network of Spiritual Progressives:

Prayer leaders will include: Bob Edgar, Rev.Lennox Yearwood, Rev. Joan Brown Campbell, Ahmed Ahrar, Holly Near, Rev. Osagyefo Sekou, Rev. Jim Winkler, Rev. Penny Nixon, John Dear S.J., Archdeacon Michael Kendall, and Pledge of Resistance to the Iraq War: Ken Butigan. Also speaking in support of the petition delivery will be Cindy Sheehan, founder of Gold Star Families for Peace, Medea Benjamin, Co-Founder of Code Pink: Women for Peace, and David Swanson, Co-Founder of the After Downing Street Coalition.

Following remarks by these speakers and delivery of the petition, along with boxes of signatures and comments, to the White House, Ray McGovern, U.S. Army veteran and retired 27-year CIA analyst, will lead a march through downtown Washington, D.C., to the home of Donald Rumsfeld, where protesters will gather to ask Rumsfeld why he lied about the need for a war on Iraq.

Representatives of many of these organizations, which promoted the petition, will be present and available for comments: Gold Star Families for Peace, CODE PINK, Progressive Democrats of America,, Traprock Peace Center, Global Exchange, Velvet Revolution, Democracy Rising, Truthout, OpEdNews, Backbone Campaign, Consumers For Peace, Campus Antiwar Network, The Young Turks, Citizens for Legitimate Government, Counter Punch, United for Peace and Justice, Stop the War Coalition, This Can't Be Happening, Voters Evolt, Springs Action Alliance, Radio News America, OrbStandard, International Socialist Organization, Voters for Peace, Thom Hartmann Show, Environmentalists Against War, U.S. Peace Council, Grandmothers for Peace, Justice Through Music, Campaign Against Sanctions & Military Intervention in Iran, World Can't Wait, The Rational Response Squad, Idriss Stelley Foundation, Bush Free Zone, Voice International, Foundation for the Development of Human Resources, Tbilisi, Georgia, Political Cooperative, City Sites, Agir contre la guerre (France), Americans Against the War (France), Spiritual Activism Conference, Muslims for Peace (Australia),, Peace Movement Aotearoa, Not in Our Name Aotearoa New Zealand, Pixel4Peace, Liberty News TV, IntelligentFuture, CampUS Strike for Peace.


Cindy Sheehan and Ann Wright to Speak in Virginia May 17, 2006 - 7 p.m. Martin Luther King Jr. Performing Arts Center Charlottesville, Virginia Music -- Speakers -- Question & Answer Period Cindy Sheehan is co-founder of Gold Star Families for Peace and the mother of Army Spc. Casey Sheehan, KIA April 4, 2004, Baghdad. In August, 2005, she camped outside President Bush's home in an effort to ask him for what noble cause her son was sent to die. Ann Wright resigned from the U.S. State Department in protest the day the Iraq War began. She had served as a diplomat for 16 years and received the State Department's Award for Heroism. She also served for 29 years in the US Army/Army Reserves and attained the rank of Colonel. Terri Allard is a singer/songwriter with an extraordinary talent for capturing the human spirit in her songs. With power-packed vocals and infectious energy she has the uncanny ability to move her audiences to pin-drop silence. Charlottesville Center for Peace and Justice 434-961-6278


The MLK Jr. Performing Arts Center is located at 1400 Melbourne Rd Charlottesville, Va. Suggested Donation - $5.00 (No one turned away)

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Read This Book!



----- Original Message -----
From: XMJMac
Sent: Sunday, May 14, 2006 11:05 PM
Subject: My Fax to Pelosi who stated impeaching Bush "Not in the cards"

Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi
Washington, D.C. Office
2371 Rayburn HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-4965
Fax: (202) 225-8259

To Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi,
May 14, 2006

I just read an article in the San Francisco Chronicle in which they reported: “Nancy Pelosi of San Francisco has told her caucus that the idea of impeaching President Bush isn't in the cards if the party takes over the House in November's elections.” And “Pelosi also restated her opposition to the idea of censuring Bush over his decision to invade Iraq in March 2003.” To this I add, America is dying a slow painful death due to Bush, Cheney, et al and it is incumbent upon the very survival of this republic that all of these criminals be removed from power immediately. I am astonished that you would not lead in calling for their removal from office and with that said, we need new fearless Democrats leading our congressional caucus if we are to save this country. In my opinion, I can think of two men who have shown such leadership and they are Congressman John Conyers or Congressman John Murtha. Both of these patriotic congress members have exhibited the wear-with-all to stand up to these despots.

I would like to ask you, Rep. Pelosi, just what are you thinking when you make such statements? You are not showing leadership but collusion. When your spokesman Brendan Daly stated: “We want oversight and checks and balances,'' He is joking, right? Without fearless leadership going into these mid-term elections where our message is that Bush, Cheney, et al must be impeached to save this republic there will be no checks and balances and we will not retake the house. America is at a critical mass right now and it is incumbent upon our party to save her from blowing apart in a nuclear meltdown.

While your spokesman stated that it is not your interest, it is the interest of many Democrats like me that these criminals are taken out of power before they do more damage. Impeachment is the driving force behind many to make sure that we take back both the house and the senate.

There is an old saying: “If you are not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem” and by your alarming remarks, it proves that you are indeed part of the problem. By your sentiments expressed in that article, it is time that you step aside as minority leader since you are failing to lead this party, this country and where you would want leading this country a man that has committed many acts of treason. If you think I am the only one that feels this way, I can assure you that I am not.

In closing, I am faxing you pictures of soldiers whose faces have been blown off and pictures of dead and injured Iraqi children and you tell me if Bush and Cheney who are despots and dictators deserve to stay in power.

Mary MacElveen

This letter sent to you is being sent to other Democrats and will be posted on my blog.

Article: A Democrat-controlled House wouldn't impeach, Pelosi says

Informant: Bugs


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