Turning a Planet into a Slum
A billion people currently live in slums and more than a billion people are informal workers, struggling for survival. They range from street vendors to day laborers to nannies to prostitutes to people who sell their organs [for transplant]. These are staggering figures, even more so since our children and grandchildren will witness the final build-out of the human race.
From Information Clearing House
The Imperial City and the City of Slums
In Humanity's Ground Zero, Part 1 of the latest Tomdispatch interview, Mike Davis took up the slumification of the planet - the phenomenal (and little noted) expansion of cities, especially in the global south, that are gaining people by the minute and shedding jobs just as fast. Now, Davis turns to the exchanges of planning and violence between the slum city and the imperial one, between the Pentagon and groups from the periphery intent on disruption and, often, damage - and also to the possibilities that the city, even the slum city, holds for our future.
From Information Clearing House
The Imperial City and the City of Slums
In Humanity's Ground Zero, Part 1 of the latest Tomdispatch interview, Mike Davis took up the slumification of the planet - the phenomenal (and little noted) expansion of cities, especially in the global south, that are gaining people by the minute and shedding jobs just as fast. Now, Davis turns to the exchanges of planning and violence between the slum city and the imperial one, between the Pentagon and groups from the periphery intent on disruption and, often, damage - and also to the possibilities that the city, even the slum city, holds for our future.
rudkla - 11. Mai, 12:47