Gingrich, Palin, GOP Offer Magic Jobs Solution: More Tax Cuts Now!
Art Levine, Truthout: "With the economy still reeling from unemployment at 10.2 percent, Democrats and progressives are battling a barrage of GOP-driven misinformation about the first $787 billion stimulus plan as they look to create a new, targeted, fast-acting jobs program, possibly before Christmas. Aiming to cash in - literally - on growing public anger over joblessness, Sarah Palin and Newt Gingrich separately returned this week to the Republican nostrum of wide-ranging tax cuts, mostly for the rich, as the answer to every problem under the sun - in this case, unemployment."
Sarah, Don't Go Rogue; Go Home
Dr. Wilmer J. Leon III, Truthout: "With the release of her new book, 'Going Rogue: An American Life,' former Alaskan Governor and Republican Party vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin is once again being given a spotlight she does not deserve. Under normal circumstances, Palin would have drifted into obscurity by now; a political has-been, who never was. Instead, a sub-par politician with no substantial constituency, no command of relevant issues and no solutions to substantive problems is being given air and face time as though she really matters. The simple reality that few are willing to articulate is, if she were not relatively attractive, of European ancestry and a woman, Sarah Palin would be day-old bread."
Why can’t we look away from Sarah Palin?
by Vanessa Richmond
Sarah Palin is a liar who is unfit for public office. This is generally accepted. And yet, she’s getting more attention than people who are honest, sane and actually holding office, and also more than people, even celebrities, who are arguably insane and vapid. Media and audiences clearly can’t take their eyes and ears off her, much as they might want to. I’m among them. Every day, I’m surprised and perplexed that she’s still in the news and on talk shows, then I watch more and read more about her. I am surely one of those liberal media elite haters she keeps referring to, and if this continues, she’s going to have to acknowledge we’re her main audience, if not her base. The question is why...
Tea Party, meet the Religious Right
The American Prospect
by Michelle Goldberg
Next month’s Tea Party National Convention has been making news for the fat fee Sarah Palin is commanding — $100,000, according to many reports. But the gathering, to be held at Nashville’s Opryland Hotel, is interesting for another reason as well: It marks the attempt of the old-school Christian right to take over the tea-party movement. Speakers joining Palin include Rick Scarborough, Roy Moore, and Joseph Farah, men who are radical even by religious-right standards. Their presence shows that the tea-party movement is no longer merely populist, libertarian or anti-government, if it ever was. It is theocratic. Indeed, after several months in which the religious right seemed lost and dispirited, it has found a way to ride the tea-party express into renewed relevance...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
The Palin Paradox
Rehabilitating a Vengeful Rogue Going P.T. Barnum
By Robert S. Becker
Palin's circus obeys Barnum's model, "There's a sucker born every minute."$787