Donnerstag, 23. August 2007

Next-up News n°288

Pitching the Imperial Republic: Bonaparte and Bush on Deck

Juan Cole writes for TomDispatch: "French Egypt and American Iraq can be considered bookends on the history of modern imperialism in the Middle East.... There are many eerily familiar resonances between the two misadventures, not least among them that both began with supreme arrogance and ended as fiascoes. Above all, the leaders of both occupations employed the same basic political vocabulary and rhetorical flimflammery, invoking the spirit of liberty, security, and democracy while largely ignoring the substance of these concepts."

Loan Sharks Wreak Havoc on Main Street and Wall Street

Jim Hightower writes for Hightower Lowdown: "This is one of those economic stories, like the savings-and-loan scam of the 1980s, that are usually buried back in the business section of newspapers. But, just as with the S&L collapse, this debacle is growing too big to contain, and all of us need to be paying attention. The built-in traps of the subprime mortgage market have already taken the homes of more than a million people in just the past year, and the dangers are quickly rising for millions more."

If the Democrats Want to Lose ...

Robert Parry writes for Consortium News, "Today, the US capital is in the midst of a bizarre replay of 2002 when Democrats tried to assuage Bush by acceding to his demands and major mainstream news outlets joined with the powerful right-wing media in a lock-step march toward war."

White House Declares Office Off-Limits

Dan Eggen reports for The Washington Post: "The Bush administration argued in court papers this week that the White House Office of Administration is not subject to the Freedom of Information Act as part of its effort to fend off a civil lawsuit seeking the release of internal documents about a large number of e-mails missing from White House servers. The claim, made in a motion filed Tuesday by the Justice Department, is at odds with a depiction of the office on the White House's own Web site."

Andreas von Bülow: Der 11. September 2001

Bilder zur Meinungsbildung. Augenschein am Tatort. Ein Versuch, dem unbefangenen Beobachter eine eigene Beurteilungsgrundlage zu geben, ob die Rechtfertigung eines Jahrzehnte dauernden Weltkrieges gegen den muslimischen Terror auf Grund der Ereignisse des 11.9.2001 in sich stimmig ist oder auf einem Lügengespinst aufbaut Kriege beginnen mit Lügen. Sie werden über die Medien verbreitet und zerstören das Urteilsvermögen der Bürger. Diese werden verängstigt und klammern sich mit Mehrheit Schutz suchend an ihre Regierung. Genau dies ist das Ziel der Operation. Der neue Feind wird eingepflanzt. Erste Bürgerpflicht bleibt es, sich gegen die Kriegslügen abzuschotten. Die Dokumentation soll zu Skepsis und gesundem Menschenverstand ermuntern...

Andreas von Bülow: Der 11.9.2001 im Urteil von Sachverständigen

Ausgewählte Zitate aus der Homepage der Gruppe 'patriots question 9/11' Ein Beispiel: "Meine Frau und ich verfolgten gebannt vor dem Fernseher das sich entwickelnde Grauen, beobachteten vor allem, wie unbeschädigte Stockwerke des WTC-Südturmes begannen sich nach und nach zur Seite zu neigen bzw. zu drehen in Richtung der Einschlagstelle. Doch plötzlich erstarrte die Drehung, und das, was sich drehte, fing an einzustürzen, wie unter dem Einfluss der Schwerkraft. Der Drehpunkt war nicht länger zu bemerken. Es brach aus mir heraus: 'Mein Gott, sie haben das Gebäude zur Sprengung verkabelt.'" (Mike Hawryluk, Professor Emeritus of Physics and former Division Chairman, Suffolk County Community College, NY)ülowülow

Save the Armenian Forest!

Call to halt mast plan

23 August 2007


The proposed telecommunications mast will replace one of the floodlight pylons at the sports centre

A COUNCIL officer has recommended granting planning permission for a mobile phone mast to be erected close to two schools, despite a petition and objections from residents living nearby.

Mobile phone company O2 UK has applied to North Hertfordshire District Council (NHDC) for planning permission to erect a 15.6m high telecommunications column with a floodlight attachment on land at the sports centre in Whitethorn Lane in Letchworth GC.


US-Gericht verpflichtet die Washingtoner Regierung auf Berichterstattung in Sachen Klima

Bush zum Rapport

British Army deploys new weapon based on mass-killing technology

Informant: Gomez

Keine Steigerung der Krebsrate?

The White House Crowd Control Manual

Even the Soldiers Know It's Wrong

Widerstand gegen den inneren kalten Krieg: Helden mit Zivilcourage

„In Zeiten des sozialen kalten Krieges gegen die eigene Bevölkerung, in denen das Abhalten von Versammlungen, politischen Aktivitäten oder Demonstrationen immer schwieriger wird, in Zeiten kriegerischer Aufrüstung und medialer Gleichschaltung, also in heutigen Zeiten sind wieder Heldinnen und Helden gefragt, die eine demokratische Gegenmacht zu der von der Obrigkeitspolitik der Parteien und der Wirtschaft übernommenen Alleinherrschaft aufbauen. HeldInnen des zivilen Widerstandes brauchen viel Courage, und es gibt sie. Sie nennen sich „Die Überflüssigen", „Agenturschluss" oder „Müllemer Mädcher gegen Sozialschnäuvnas". Ihr Handlungsfeld ist vielfältig, aber sie haben ein Ziel: Auf die Veränderung von Fehlentwicklungen in der Gesellschaft zu drängen…“ Artikel von Hans-Dieter Hey in der NRhZ-Online - Neue Rheinische Zeitung vom 22.08.2007

Aus: LabourNet, 23. August 2007Überflüssige

Arbeit und Armut

Achim Trube/Norbert Wohlfahrt: Arbeit und Armut - Die deutsche Unterschichtsdebatte im Lichte aktivierender Sozialstaatlichkeit

„… Von den wirklichen Ursachen der zunehmenden „Unterschicht“ – der immer „prekärer“ werdenden Lohnarbeit und ihren Folgen – ist in der öffentlichen Diskussion wenig die Rede. Demgegenüber möchten wir im Folgenden noch einmal festhalten, wie sich der Zusammenhang von veränderter Sozialstaatlichkeit, (fehlender) Arbeit und Armut in der BRD entwickelt hat und inwiefern der bestehende aktivierende Sozialstaat aktiv an dem mitgewirkt hat, was ihm nun als „abgehängtes Prekariat“ gegenübertritt.

(…) Schon nach wenigen Jahren aktivierender Sozialstaatlichkeit lassen sich deren Konsequenzen besichtigen: bezahlte Lohnarbeit wird zunehmend als ein Mittel der internationalen Standortkonkurrenz gehandhabt und in Folge dessen nehmen Beschäftigungsverhältnisse, die eine einigermaßen stabile individuelle Reproduktion gewährleisten, in raschem Umfang ab. Gleichzeitig sorgt eine veränderte sozialstaatliche Programmatik dafür, dass diejenigen, die als nicht mehr rentabel genug freigesetzt wurden, möglichst rasch und mit entsprechendem Nachdruck in Arbeitsformen gebracht werden, die nach anerkannten statistischen Berechnungsformen „Armut“ beinhalten. (…) An der Diskussion der Instrumente zur Korrektur dieses Tatbestands (Mindestlohn; Kombilohn; Flexibilisierung des Kündigungsschutzes; maßgeschneiderte Tarifverträge, verschärfter Arbeitszwang usw.) lässt sich erkennen, wie weitgehend die Aufweichung eines nationalen Lohnarbeitssystems, von dem die Arbeitenden leben können, schon fortgeschritten ist. Mit dieser Erosion – so steht zu befürchten – wird nicht nur das „abgehängte Prekariat“ quantitativ zunehmen, sondern auch die Vorschläge derer, die nochmals eine Verstärkung staatlicher Aktivierungsanstrengungen verlangen, da sie den Zusammenhang zwischen der Prekarisierung von Arbeit und der Entstehung von Armut nicht wahrhaben wollen, wenn denn der Faktor „Arbeit“ durch Produktivitätsfortschritt und Rationalisierung immer weniger gebraucht wird…“ Artikel von Achim Trube und Norbert Wohlfahrt, zuerst erschienen in der Zeitschrift "Gesundheits- und Sozialpolitik" Heft 5/6 2007 (pdf)

Aus: LabourNet, 23. August 2007är

Kritik des Neoliberalismus

Christoph Butterwegge u.a.: Kritik des Neoliberalismus

Keine andere Wirtschafts- und Gesellschaftstheorie beherrscht die Tagespolitik, aber auch die Medienöffentlichkeit und das Alltagsbewusstsein von Millionen Menschen fast auf der ganzen Welt so stark wie die neoliberale. Die Publikation versteht sich als kritische Einführung in den Neoliberalismus, skizziert seine ökonomischen Grundlagen und stellt verschiedene Denkschulen vor. Anschließend werden die Folgen neoliberaler Politik für Sozialstaat und Demokratie behandelt, etwa im Hinblick auf Maßnahmen zur Privatisierung öffentlicher Unternehmen, staatlicher Aufgaben und persönlicher Lebensrisiken. Das Buch richtet sich an Leser/innen, die nach Informationen über den Neoliberalismus, guten Argumenten für die Debatte darüber und gesellschaftspolitischen Alternativen suchen.

Siehe dazu:

Die Verlagshomepage zum Buch

Die Homepage zum Buch mit den Bestellmöglichkeiten. Das Buch ist soeben im VS-Verlag erschienen, kostet 12,90 €, hat 298 Seiten und die ISBN: 978-3-531-15185-4;do=show/sid=146238557646cac70eecc9b756972995/site=w/book_id=9935#top

Das Inhaltsverzeichnis


Christoph Butterwegge: Wie der Neoliberalismus das Gerechtigkeitsempfinden verändert

Vom Verfasser überarbeiteter Auszug aus: „Kritik des Neoliberalismus“ exklusiv im LabourNet Germany. Wir danken dem Autor und dem Verlag (pdf) butterwegge_31.pdf

Privatisierung des Wohlfahrtsstaates gefährdet Demokratie

Interview von Michael Klarmann mit dem Politikwissenschaftler Christoph Butterwegge auf telepolis vom 14.08.2007

Aus: LabourNet, 23. August 2007

Christoph Butterwegge u.a.: Kritik des Neoliberalismus

Am Donnerstag, dem 23.08.2007 wurden im Newsletter beim Beitrag zum Buch von Christoph Butterwegge leider die kompletten Links vergessen. Wir holen dies nach und bitten um Nachsicht!

Die Verlagshomepage zum Buch

Die Homepage zum Buch mit den Bestellmöglichkeiten. Das Buch ist soeben im VS-Verlag erschienen, kostet 12,90 €, hat 298 Seiten und die ISBN: 978-3-531-15185-4'58'&T=0&Plugin=10&HE=10&HEP=978%2D3%2D936096%2D82%2D8

Das Inhaltsverzeichnis

Christoph Butterwegge: Wie der Neoliberalismus das Gerechtigkeitsempfinden verändert Vom Verfasser überarbeiteter Auszug aus: „Kritik des Neoliberalismus“ exklusiv im LabourNet Germany. Wir danken dem Autor und dem Verlag (pdf)

Guantánamo in Deutschland: Unmenschlicher Umgang mit Beschuldigten

Beschuldigte im § 129a-Verfahren wurden bei ihrer Festnahme
krankenhausreif geprügelt und wie Guantánamo-Häftlinge behandelt.
Sonderhaftbedingungen in der JVA Moabit erinnern an Isolationshaft. Die
Pressemitteilung auf der Seite vom Bündnis für die Einstellung des §
129a-Verfahrens vom 22.08.07

Aus: LabourNet, 23. August 2007

Works begins on mast while protestors visit phone company

VILLAGERS in Bishampton were incensed when they returned from a demonstration against a phone mast only to find work had already started on the installation.

Residents had been campaigning against the 13ft mast at Nightingale Farm since February because they fear emissions from the mast could threaten their health.


Mobile phone mast worries

23 August 2007


The site of the proposed mast – Pic: Sarah Lucy Brown

A PHONE company's appeal against a council decision to refuse planning permission for a mast has brought a furious reaction from residents.

Mobile provider O2 applied for permission back in March 2007 to erect a 12.5m phone mast outside the Total petrol station in London Road, Sawbridgeworth.


Electronic Voting Company May Be Banned in CA

Kim Zetter reports for "California announced that it plans to hold an administrative hearing on September 20th to discuss the fate of Election Systems & Software for violating state election codes. ES&S, the top voting machine company in the country, is being accused of selling at least five CA counties a version of its AutoMark ballot marking system that hadn't yet been tested or certified for use in the state or the country."

Troubled Economy Undercutting GOP's "Good Stewards" Theme

Peter G. Gosselin reports for The Los Angeles Times, "The credit crisis that has hit home mortgages and shaken worldwide financial markets is turning into a political albatross for President Bush and Republican presidential contenders, piling atop an unpopular war in Iraq and eroding traditional GOP claims of being good stewards of the economy."

Club against phone mast plan

The chairman of Bridgnorth Town Football Club today claimed T Mobile’s plans to build a phone mast on its ground are detrimental to what the club is trying to achieve.

Eric Eagles said he was worried a 17m mast could turn people away from the club and sour relations with the community - even though it has nothing to do with them.

His comments come after T Mobile’s application to build a new floodlight with a telecommunications antennae at the Crown Meadow ground was finally registered with the district council.

Bridgnorth Town FC, which leases the ground at Innage Lane from the town council, has already voiced its opposition to the scheme.

Read the full story in today’s Shropshire Star

Ist Handystrahlung gefährlich?

The power to end war

Boston Globe
by Charles A. Stevenson


The debate over whether and how to end the war in Iraq has been muddied by legal disputes over which branch of the federal government has the power to do what. Supporters of a strong presidency can point to court decisions upholding a broad reading of the commander in chief’s powers. Constitutional purists who believe in Congress’ supreme power to authorize war can quote the Framers and most early presidents in their own behalf. What has been largely ignored in this debate is what Congress has actually done in previous conflicts. In fact, there are many precedents for Congress to act to restrict presidential authority or capabilities to fight the war. The question is whether Congress can muster majorities to enact the necessary laws...

The utter uselessness of the Petraeus report

The American Prospect
by Paul Waldman


Just a few weeks from now, the most eagerly anticipated premier of the year will finally be here, complete with fierce disagreement among the critics and relentless hype by the producers, cameras furiously clicking when the starring players emerge in public. That premier is the report coming in mid-September from U.S. ambassador to Iraq Ryan Crocker and, more importantly, Gen. David Petraeus, commander of American forces there. If you’re expecting a surprise ending, you shouldn’t hold your breath. But it isn’t just the report itself that is utterly predictable. The script for what will come afterward is a sure thing, too...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Bush may have buried the GOP

Human Events
by Doug Patton


During the first six years after the so-called Republican Revolution, the GOP Congress held spending to a mere avalanche. They reformed welfare and balanced the federal budget. And even though it was Bill Clinton who got the credit, it was Congress which held the purse strings. Then came George W. Bush. As president, the self-proclaimed compassionate conservative led his party down a path of spending and expansion of government that would have made FDR envious. He and his GOP Congress deserve credit for cutting taxes at a crucial time, and for saving the country from what could have been a severe downturn in the economy, post-9/11. But the alienation of the GOP base that followed six years of George Bush working with a Republican Congress has been depressing to watch...

Codex Alimentarius Global Food Imperialism

News With Views
by Elissa Meininger


Recently, I had occasion to pick up a copy of a new book called, ‘Codex Alimentarius — Global Food Imperialism.’ It bowled me over. It is a compendium of articles on Codex (which I describe briefly below) compiled and edited by Scott Tips, someone I consider a major authority on Codex...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Codex Alimentarius

The New World Order & Codex Alimentarius

Codex Alimentarius Global Food Imperialism

Codex nutrition meeting concludes in South Africa

From Mast Sanity/Mast Network

The vanishing right to travel

Online Journal
by Ezekiel Jones


Middle-aged Americans remember how our leaders, parents and teachers distinguished our country from the Soviet Union and its Warsaw Pact allies by pointing to the pictures and films of desperate East Germans and Hungarians who were forced to risk their lives just to move to a new country. In those days, there were people like William O. Douglas who had both the inclination and the power to defend Americans’ right to travel, but today, with so many fundamental liberties under assault at once, the more subtle attack on freedom of movement has received little attention. It would be tragic if some Americans finally come to the conclusion there is no option but to leave their repressive homeland only to find that they have already lost the right to do so without risking a dangerous, illegal run across a border...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Little Brother is Watching: Spying by Flying Drones

by Michael Dickinson


[D]ifficult though they may be to avoid, at least you are usually able to spot a surveillance camera and know when you are being filmed, but now along comes a new little surveillance device (only 70 cm wide) fitted with high-resolution still and color video cameras as well as infrared night vision capability, that actually flies!

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

New misgivings on wiretap law

Christian Science Monitor


The administration’s warrantless wiretapping program looks set to be the subject of renewed and bitter wrangling between Congress and the White House when lawmakers return to Washington in September. And this upcoming battle promises to be far more complex than a run-of-the-mill dispute over an agriculture bill, say, or tax legislation. The law in this area is unusually dense and difficult. The underlying activity is classified. One of the key administration figures dealing with the issue is Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, an official in whom many in Congress have little trust...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

FDA approves strong psych drug for kids

USA Today


The Food and Drug Administration on Wednesday approved a widely used adult psychiatric drug for the treatment of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder in children and adolescents. The action permits use of Risperdal for schizophrenia in youths aged 13 to 17 and for bipolar disorder for those aged 10 to 17, FDA said...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Appeals board overturns cell tower OK

County won't allow 11-story pole on Randallstown High School site

By Jennifer McMenamin
Sun reporter

August 23, 2007

Finding that the risks of building a cell phone tower near tennis courts and athletic fields at Randallstown High School were too great, the Baltimore County Board of Appeals overturned yesterday a zoning commissioner's ruling to allow the project.

Read More...,0,3765791.story

Made in America: Abu Ghraib

Court Rebukes Bush Administration on Global Warming

Clayton Sandell says for ABC News: "A federal court today issued a harsh rebuke of the Bush administration for its failure to issue long-delayed reports assessing the impacts and consequences of global warming in the United States."

Sea Turtles: Iconic but Going Extinct

Shalendra Singh, Inter Press Service, writes: "Reports of the extinction of China's iconic Yangtze River dolphins have some conservationists in the South Pacific fearing that the same fate awaits certain migratory species of sea turtles, which are similarly imperiled."

Soldiers Against the War

NOW says, "Choosing to go to war is both a government's decision and one made by individual enlistees. But changing your mind once you're in the Army is a risky decision with serious consequences. On Friday, August 24, we talk to two soldiers who went AWOL and eventually left the Army, but who took very different paths."

Oil Giants Fixed Prices for 23,000 Gas Station Owners

The Associated Press reports: "Nearly two dozen gas station owners in California sued Shell Oil, Chevron and Saudi Refining on Tuesday, claiming the companies conspired to fix prices for 23,000 franchise owners nationwide."

Federal No-Bid Contracts On Rise

Robert O'Harrow Jr., The Washington Post, reports: "Under pressure from the White House and Congress to deliver a long-delayed plan last year, officials at the Department of Homeland Security's counter-narcotics office took a shortcut that has become common at federal agencies: They hired help through a no-bid contract. And the firm they hired showed them how to do it."

Facts and Fascism

The real Fascists of America are never named in the commercial press. It will not even hint at the fact that there are many powerful elements working against a greater democracy.

From Information Clearing House

Belarus introduces visa restrictions for U.S. officials

"In response to visa restrictions against certain Belarusian officials, Belarus is forced to take commensurate measures against a number of American officials," the Belarusian ministry said, without indicating who would be blacklisted.

From Information Clearing House

Russia steps up military expansion

Vladimir Putin announced ambitious plans to revive Russia's military power and restore its role as the world's leading producer of military aircraft yesterday.

RAF jets scrambled to intercept Russian bomber

As military posturing goes, it has all the echoes of a classic Cold War contretemps. High above the North Atlantic, an RAF fighter jet offers a none-too-gentle reminder to a Russian aircraft that it is fast approaching British airspace.

From Information Clearing House

Former CIA officer says U.S ready to strike Iran within 6 months

"We won't see American troops cross the border," said Baer. "If this is going to happen, it is going to happen very quickly and it is going to surprise a lot of people."

A provocative action against Iran

Without a doubt, the latest US move is aimed at increasing pressure on Tehran over its nuclear activities. The Bush administration has succeeded in ramping up its confrontation with Iran.

Tehran gets ready for potential US strikes

High-ranking sources stated that the Iranian leadership is taking US threats to strike its nuclear sites very seriously. The sources also noted that Iran was currently weighing three options to respond to any potential US military strikes and that the three options included targets within the Gulf region.

Iran has remote-controlled launch pads

Preparing for a possible American or Israeli strike on its nuclear installations, Iran has developed a remote-controlled launch system that can be used to operate dozens of unmanned Shihab ballistic missile launchers in underground bunkers.

IAEA welcomes UN-IRAN nuclear deal

The source said that after three rounds of talks, the two sides underscored the importance of implementing a work plan to settle all pending issues concerning Iran's nuclear dossier topped by its undeclared nuclear activities during the past two decades.

US attacks Iran over nuclear pact

Iran has been accused by the US of trying to manipulate the International Atomic Energy Agency following the signing of a nuclear pact.

US criticism of IAEA-Iran deal unhelpful, diplomats say

IAEA Deputy Director General Olli Heinonen had judged Tuesday's agreement with Iran a 'milestone,' one diplomat said, so it was 'disingenuous to discourage it, partly before even knowing the details of what it contains.'

From Information Clearing House

US-Iran Policy Dynamics

By Noam Chomsky

IN CRUDE and brutal societies, the Party Line is publicly proclaimed, and it must be obeyed, or else. What you believe is your own business, of lesser concern. In societies where the state has lost the capacity to control by force, the Party Line is not proclaimed. Rather, it is presupposed, and then vigorous debate is encouraged within the limits imposed by unstated doctrinal orthodoxy.

Following Us Home: France Invades US

By Jerry Ghinelli

Nearly halfway through its fifth year, the French mission to bring democracy to the US, free the American people from the tyranny of George W. Bush and rid the world of America's stockpile of weapons of mass destruction has entered yet another phase, as blame, finger pointing and the "D" word (defeat) have now crept into the dialogue.

Iraq Does Not Exist Anymore

Democracy Now! Audio and Transcript.

Journalist Nir Rosen on How the U.S. Invasion of Iraq Has Led to Ethnic Cleansing, a Worsening Refugee Crisis and the Destabilization of the Middle East.

At Iraq's Front Line, U.S. Puts ex-foes On Payroll

By Peter Graff

Slowly but deliberately, U.S. forces are enlisting groups of armed men -- many probably former insurgents -- and paying cash, a strategy they say has dramatically reduced violence in some of Iraq's most dangerous areas in just weeks.

Crisis in the Green Zone

By Jonathan Steele

Nuri al-Maliki's outburst against US criticism is bad news for George Bush, whose political project for Iraq now looks more fragile than ever.

Bush insists he supports "good man" Maliki

On Tuesday, the U.S. ambassador to Iraq, Ryan Crocker, had called political progress in Iraq "extremely disappointing" and warned that U.S. support for Maliki's government was not a "blank check."

Iraqi prime minister, on visit to Syria, lashes out at U.S. critics

Iraq's prime minister lashed out Wednesday at U.S. criticism, saying no one has the right to impose timetables on his elected government and that his country "can find friends elsewhere.''

From Information Clearing House

The War on Democracy

"The film tells a universal story," says Pilger, "analysing and revealing, through vivid testimony, the story of great power behind its venerable myths. It allows us to understand the true nature of the so-called war on terror".


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Earth's axis tilt has recently increased by an additional 26 degrees

Informant: Bob Banner


How & Why

Informant: Di

Bee die-off now observed in British Columbia

Spy chief reveals classified surveillance details

Informant: ranger116 (AT&T)

'Washington is already fighting the next war' with Iran

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Comptroller general of US says US on path to perdition, like Rome

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Bush's speech on Iraq & Vietnam shows he knows he's lost

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news


Bush Compares Iraq With Vietnam

Dan Froomkin reports for The Washington Post: "President Bush entered risky rhetorical territory yesterday, likening the war in Iraq to Vietnam....Bush tried to turn the Vietnam analogy on its head, arguing that the US withdrawal led to disaster there and emboldened American enemies around the globe. He even went so far as to argue that present-day terrorists like Osama bin Laden are inspired by the turning of American public opinion against the war in Vietnam."

Why America's Pullout From Vietnam Was a Success

Michael Hirsh for Newsweek magazine responds to Bush's mangling of history when he discussed the aftermath of removing troops from Vietnam to make the case that a pullout from Iraq should not be undertaken.

Army cutting training so soldiers 'can be used faster'

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

George W. Bush: A CIA Analysis

Informant: Supreme Law Firm

Bush doesn't deny plans for N. American Union;article=113066

There are a lot of people who lie and get away with it

Informant: Cal


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