Freitag, 17. August 2007

Saure Meere im Treibhaus

Kohlendioxid heizt nicht nur das Klima auf, sondern könnte in einigen Jahrzehnten auch die Ozeane versauern. Die Paläobiologie gibt Aufschlüsse über die Folgen.

Gletscher gucken

Holidays on Ice: Die Grönlandreise der Kanzlerin, das Klima und der Wahn

Iranischer Staatsterror?

Die amerikanische Regierung will die Revolutionären Garden künftig offiziell als Terrororganisation bezeichnen.

Börsen in Panikstimmung

Tagelang sollten Beschwichtigungsformeln Normalität vorgaukeln, doch neue negative Daten vom US-Immobilienmarkt sorgen nun für Panik an den Börsen

Campaigners claim 6-0 win over mast bids

17 August 2007 09:42

Delighted campaigners today notched up another victory in their battle to stop mobile phone masts from being built near their homes.

The Planning Inspectorate's decision to dismiss T-Mobile's appeal against Norwich City Council's decision to turn down plans for the mast in Colman Road is the sixth victory for families who have opposed masts where they live.


Krieg um's Öl oder Frieden durch Erneuerbare Energien

Die Münchner ödp lädt ein zur Vortragsveranstaltung mit dem Thema:

"Krieg um's Öl oder Frieden durch Erneuerbare Energien"

Donnerstag, 13. September 2007, 19.30 Uhr – Einlass 19:00 Uhr – Der Eintritt ist frei Referent: Ulrich Haushofer, Stb., Gehrlicher Solar Management GmbH

Brienner Str. 46/EG – Vortragssaal der Gregor-Louisoder- Umweltstiftung U 1/7 und Tram 20/21 Stiglmaierplatz (3 min zu Fuß) U 2/8 Königsplatz (5 min zu Fuß)

Mehr als 900 Mrd Euro wurden 2006 weltweit für Waffen ausgegeben - 3,5% mehr als im Vorjahr. 83% davon entfielen auf 15 Länder, knapp 400 Mrd Euro allein auf die USA. Grund hierfür sind auch die knapper werdenden Ressourcen. Fossile Brennstoffe - auch Uran - gehen in den nächsten Jahrzehnten zur Neige. Den Industrienationen sind keine Kosten zum Schutz der herkömmlichen Energiequellen - dem Lebensnerv unseres Wohlstands - zu hoch. Dem gegenüber stehen nur halbherzige Anstrengungen für einen Wechsel zu einer nachhaltigen Energieversorgung.

Der Referent wird in seinem Vortrag folgende Fragen ansprechen und beantworten:

- Haben die Regenerativen Energien das Potenzial zur Sicherung einer nachhaltigen regionalen und weltweiten Energieversorgung?

- Können unsere Stromnetze mit Regenerativen Energien sicher betrieben werden?

- Ist ein Ersatz der fossilen Brennstoffe im Verkehrsbereich durch Biomasse möglich?

- Was sind die effizientesten Instrumente zur Förderung der Regenerativen Energien (Einspeisevergütung, Emissionshandel, Ökosteuer, Subventionen)

Das heutige Energiesystem beschert seinen Betreibern hohe Gewinne, so dass viele der etablierten „Energieexperten“ mehr mit der Konservierung der veralteten Strukturen, als mit der Lösung dieser Zukunftsfragen beschäftigt sind. Die Parteispenden großer (Energie-)Konzerne tun ihr übriges, um die etablierten Politiker von einer wirklichen Wende zu Erneuerbaren Energien abzuhalten.

Herbert Brunner
Pressebeauftragter Ökologisch-Demokratische Partei (ödp)
Stadtverband München
Fon 089/45 24 74 15 × Fax 089/55 06 99 86
E-Mail m.hollemann

Weitere Veranstaltungen: Immer in den Räumen der Gregor-Louisoder-Umweltstiftung: Brienner Str. 46 / EG, U2/U8 Königsplatz und U1/U7 Stiglmaierplatz.

Do., 11. Okt. 2007, 19.30 Uhr "Gentechnik, Functional Food und Politik – die Globalisierung des Brotzeittellers" Referent: Thomas Semonsky, ganzheitlicher Ernährungsberater

Do., 25. Okt. 2007, 19.30 Uhr "In Würde altern – für eine gute ambulante Pflege und streng kontrollierte Altenheime!" Referentin: Johanna Schildbach-Halser, Nachbarschaftshilfe Rosenheim, ödp-Bezirksrätin

Do., 08. Nov. 2007, 19.30 Uhr "Vorwärts in die Steinzeit? Wie die Industriegesellschaft sich selbst zerstört“ Referent: Martin Kraus, M.A., Philosoph

Do., 22. Nov. 2007, 19.30 Uhr Film: "Lacoma und der Konzern (ein energiepolitisches Gesellschaftsspiel) – Auswirkungen des Braunkohletagebaus für Mensch und Umwelt"

Do., 13. Dez. 2007, 19.30 Uhr "Der Global Marshall Plan – Initiative für eine weltweite Ökosoziale Marktwirtschaft" Referent: Frithjof Finkbeiner, Global Marshall Plan Initiative

ödp – Profil

In der ödp arbeiten Menschen zusammen, die dem Streben von Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft nach "Immer mehr" das Prinzip Verantwortung entgegensetzen: "So leben, dass Zukunft bleibt!". Ange- strebt wird eine Wende im Lebens- und Wirtschaftsstil - weg von der Überfluss- und Verschwendungswirtschaft, hin zu Nachhaltigkeit und "echter" Lebensqualität.

One Billion Dollars Later, New Orleans Is Still at Risk

John Schwartz, of The New York Times, reports: "Six inches. After two years and more than a billion dollars spent by the Army Corps of Engineers to rebuild New Orleans's hurricane protection system, that is how much the water level is likely to be reduced if a big 1-in-100 flood hits Leah Pratcher's Gentilly neighborhood. Looking over the maps that showed other possible water levels around the city, Ms. Pratcher grew increasingly furious. Her house got four feet of water after Hurricane Katrina, and still stands to get almost as much from a 1-in-100 flood."

Iraqi Women Turning to Prostitution to Feed Their Children

Arwa Damon reports for CNN on Iraqi women who "are too afraid and ashamed to show their faces or have their real names used. They have been driven to sell their bodies to put food on the table for their children -- for as little as $8 a day."

Workouts, Not Bailouts

Paul Krugman writes for The New York Times: "Many on Wall Street are clamoring for a bailout - for Fannie Mae or the Federal Reserve or someone to step in and buy mortgage-backed securities from troubled hedge funds. But that would be like having the taxpayers bail out Enron or WorldCom when they went bust - it would be saving bad actors from the consequences of their misdeeds."

Leahy Asks for DOJ Probe of Gonzales

Klaus Marre, of The Hill, reports, "Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) asked Department of Justice Inspector General Glenn Fine Thursday to review whether testimony Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has provided 'was in any instances intentionally false, misleading, or inappropriate.'"

Democrats Slam "Political Spin" Over Iraq Report

Agence France Presse reports, "Anti-war Democrats on Thursday accused President George W. Bush of plotting to lace a potentially pivotal report on his Iraq troop surge strategy with 'White House spin.'"

Jet-Setting Leonardo DiCaprio the Convenient Environmentalist



By Climate Ark, a project of Ecological Internet, Inc. August 17, 2007

TAKE ACTION Growth in aviation threatens the Planet, celebrities flying in private jets are no friend to the environment, and shared climate sacrifice means the super-rich must swear off jet- setting ways

The rise in demand for air travel is one of the most serious environmental threats facing the Earth. Global aviation's negative impact upon global climate and ecology is becoming more evident and known. Aviation accounts for about 2% of world emissions of carbon dioxide, over 6% in the U.K. and other over- developed countries, and projected passenger growth of five percent a year means airplane emissions are growing more rapidly than any other source. Air transport contributes disproportionately heavily to global warming, as carbon dioxide and water vapor emitted at high altitude are four times more potent than at sea level... The "Camp for Climate Action" outside London's Heathrow airport is this week highlighting aviation's centrality to fighting global warming. Heathrow is the world's busiest airport and a bigger source of CO2 emissions than most countries, yet the airport's capacity is to be doubled by building a third runway... The danger of "celebrity environmentalism" is clear as the launch of Leonardo DiCaprio’s eco-documentary entitled "The 11th Hour" coincides with the Heathrow aviation protests. Mr. DiCaprio glibly defends his and other celebrity's use of private jets, and despite a solar powered house and hybrid car, all his personal efforts to reduce his carbon footprint are shattered by a jet-setting lifestyle. Clearly addressing climate change and other global ecological crises will require shared sacrifice and a reduction in consumption by many... Let Leo know that the battle to stop the growth in aviation's greenhouse gas emission is one the most important environmental battles ever that require his personal example... Let him know you will see his movie if he swears off private jets.



School fears mobile mast is a health risk


A LEADING private school has joined protests against plans by a city church to construct a "hidden" mobile phone mast on its roof.

Staff and parents of pupils at Edinburgh Academy Junior School have hit out plans by neighbouring Inverleith Parish Church to apply for permission to install a fake flagpole in the middle of its square tower.

The school believes the mast, which is to be run by T Mobile, will pose a health risk.


MP in new fight against phone mast

Aug 17 2007

By Michael Corley

AN MP is leading a campaign to halt the installation of a second mobile phone mast in a Warwickshire village.

Warwick and Leamington MP James Plaskitt is urging residents to back him in the fight against T-Mobile's plans to install a 10-metre mast in Cubbington.

The campaign comes after rival mobile phone operator O2 installed a mast in the village earlier this year, despite fierce opposition from residents.


Porn fear phone mast gets green light

By Jonathan Moyes

A PHONE mast will be attached to a church spire despite fears it will be used to distribute pornography to children.

Telecommunications giant T-Mobile has been given the green light by the ecclesiastical Court of Arches to erect the mast at SS Peter and Paul church on The Green, Chingford, which will be paid an unspecified sum.

Campaigners say it is wrong for the church to facilitate the distribution of pornography and called for the Diocese of Chelmsford to intervene.


Hartz-IV-Empfänger fordert Wiedereinführung der alten Sozialhilfe

Trotz Verbot: Pharmakonzerne manipulieren Ärztefortbildungen


Mogelkampagne der Energie-GroßkonzerneÄrztefortbildung

Next-up News n°282

Next-up News n°281

Kinderarmut: Schande für reiche Gesellschaft

17. August 2007

Das Bremer Institut für Arbeitsmarktforschung und Jugendberufshilfe hat erschreckende Zahlen zur Kinderarmut in Deutschland veröffentlicht. Dazu erklärt Marc Mulia, Mitglied des Parteivorstandes der Partei DIE LINKE:

Im März 2007 lebten in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1,929 Millionen Kinder im Alter unter 15 Jahren in sogenannten. SGB II-Bedarfsgemeinschaften – das ist der höchste Stand seit Inkrafttreten des SGB II (Hartz IV). 16,9 % aller Kinder in diesem Alter, müssen mit einem Monatssatz von 208 Euro über die Runden kommen. Dass in einer reichen Gesellschaft so viele Kinder in Armut leben müssen, ist für DIE LINKE ein Skandal. Die jetzt veröffentlichten Zahlen zeigen, dass seit Einführung von Hartz IV die Kinderarmut in Deutschland stetig ansteigt. Der oft vermeldete Wirtschaftsaufschwung ist offenbar ein Aufschwung für die Unternehmen, von dem im Wesentlichen diejenigen profitieren, denen es ohnehin schon gut geht. Rentnerinnen und Rentner, Arbeitslose und deren Kinder haben nichts davon. Vor allem für die Kinder ist das fatal: So reichen die im Regelsatz enthaltenen 1,63 Euro für Schulbedarf vorne und hinten nicht. DIE LINKE fordert: Hartz IV muss weg! Es ist genug Geld da, so dass niemand in Deutschland in Armut leben muss. Zugleich setzt sich die Partei für ein Kinderrecht auf Bildung ein. Dieses beinhaltet eine vollständige Gebührenfreiheit für das Bildungssystem von der Kita bis zur Uni. Dazu gehört auch, dass alle Kinder Schulbücher bekommen müssen. Bildungschancen dürfen nicht vom Geldbeutel der Eltern abhängen.

Peace and justice for veterans and all of us

from Reason to Freedom
by Melinda Pillsbury-Foster


A cessation of the present assault on Iraq will not bring peace. Peace is not just the absence of violence, it is a dynamic state wherein individuals stop using violence, coercion or deceit to obtain their goals. After the War in Vietnam ended over there the war against veterans continued here in America. There has been a continuous barrage of quiet war against both veterans and all Americans for generations. Like the photo of the little girl in Vietnam ravaged by Napalm, this continued war is not a single incident or a mistake. Think of it instead as a corporate strategy that uses war as a tool for profit...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The sovereign presidency: Is this what the framers had in mind?

Foundation for Economic Education
by Joseph R. Stromberg

American government under the Constitution was supposedly meant to work as follows: Congress, staying within delegated powers and the Bill of Rights, passes laws; the president executes the laws; and the courts sort out ensuing wrangles. This plan ran aground rather early—the 1798 Alien and Sedition Acts, for example—which raises at least two possibilities: 1) The Federalist movement systematically misrepresented its project or 2) the framers’ well-meant ‘design’ fell short of their goals... (written 01/07; posted 08/16/07)

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The superpower in debtor’s prison

Frontiers of Freedom
by Will Mannen


This latest charade in Congress points to two grim truths, about not merely the U.S. today, but also about other governments, and the way the world is moving. Firstly, Americans are unfortunately subject to a permanent political class. Yet this has always been the case in society, and there is no reason why the twenty-first century should see it otherwise. The real problem, rather, lies with the fact that today’s political class still subscribes to the notion that ‘all politics is local.’ This is simply not true...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Saudi Arabia’s myth of moderation

Consortium News
by Barbara Koeppel


Though the Bush administration blames Iran for “terrorism” in Iraq and elsewhere, the evidence of violent meddling is actually stronger against U.S. ally, Saudi Arabia. Still, the administration and the U.S. press corps routinely describe the oil-rich kingdom as “moderate” and a friend of “reform.” In reality, however, Saudi Arabia’s mix of religious extremism and political repression has made it a breeding ground for the likes of Osama bin Laden and scores of suicide bombers...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Brown, O’Connor join forces with anti-war video

Independent [UK]


One of the more improbable partnerships in the anti-war movement delivered its message last night when a video featuring Ian Brown, the former Stone Roses singer, and the Irish pop star Sinead O’Connor was screened. The video, Brown’s creation, is entitled Illegal Attacks and tells the story of a British soldier in Iraq who gets caught up in a night operation in which a mother and father are taken hostage. Directed by Colin O’Toole, it will be posted on the Stop the War Coalition website...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Coalition death toll in Iraq hits 4,000



The number of coalition military deaths in the war in Iraq has reached 4,000. The gloomy milestone was reached as a U.S. general said there has been a rise in insurgents booby-trapping houses. Most of the fatalities throughout the Iraq war — 3,702 — have been U.S. military service members. The nearly 300 others hail from countries, such as Italy, Poland and Ukraine, that have supported the U.S. effort, which began in March 2003...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Bush's Lethal Legacy: More Executions

A nation's brutal approach to punishment

The persistence of the death penalty is only one way in which the United States stands out from the rest of the Western world on crime and punishment.

From Information Clearing House

A Call to Save the Internet

From Information Clearing House

Pentagon Paid $999,798 to Ship Two 19-Cent Washers to Texas

A small South Carolina parts supplier collected about $20.5 million over six years from the Pentagon for fraudulent shipping costs, including $998,798 for sending two 19-cent washers to a Texas base, U.S. officials said.

From Information Clearing House

US anti-war group ordered to take down Iraq demo posters

A US anti-war group has been warned it will be fined 10,000 dollars if it does not remove posters in Washington announcing a march in the capital next month against US involvement in Iraq, a spokeswoman said on Wednesday.

From Information Clearing House

Guantanamo detainee details years of torture

A British resident, Omar Deghayes, detained at Guantánamo Bay as an alleged terrorist, reports that he has suffered years of torture, sexual abuse and death threats.

From Information Clearing House

Russia resumes Cold War bomber flights

An American general said that US fighter jets have had to scramble to intercept Russian bombers on an increasingly regular basis.

From Information Clearing House

US envoy says Iraq report will sound warning on Iran

Washington's envoy to Iraq warned Americans on Thursday that pulling U.S. troops out of the country could open the door to a "major Iranian advance" that would threaten U.S. interests in the region.

From Information Clearing House

Two Legs Good, Four Legs Equal

“The moral duty of man consists of imitating the moral goodness and benificence of God manifested in the creation towards all his creatures. Everything of persecution and revenge between man and man, and everything of cruelty to animals is a violation of moral duty.” –Thomas Paine from The Age of Reason

Angriff auf den Iran: ein neuer Versuch

NYPD report implicitly justifies police state

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Lessons of Katrina

Two years after Katrina, Bill Moyers Journal examines the lessons of the disaster and what they say about American culture and values.

Global Markets Keep Tumbling

The Associated Press writes that the "global stock markets tumbled again Thursday on persistent worries about US housing loan problems and potential damage to the global economy."

Notes Show Ashcroft Kept in Dark on Spying

Truthout's Matt Renner reports on newly revealed FBI notes detailing efforts by Bush administration officials to deliberately block Attorney General Ashcroft's review of plans for domestic spying.


Notes describe frail, upset AG Ashcroft

Coshocton Tribune


The White House demanded in 2004 that the Justice Department approve a secret national security program without allowing the ailing attorney general, ‘feeble, barely articulate, clearly stressed,’ to discuss the matter with top advisers, according to the FBI director’s personal notes. The partially censored notes from FBI chief Robert S. Mueller, dated March 12, 2004, describe a distraught and feeble Attorney General John Ashcroft in his hospital room just moments after being visited by then-White House counsel Alberto Gonzales and Andy Card, the president’s chief of staff at the time...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Rudolf Dreßler: «Hartz IV hat Deutschland verändert - und zwar negativ»

Interview mit Rudolf Dreßler (SPD): "Große Sprüche, große Sätze"


Chefs von M-DAX-Unternehmen verdienten im Schnitt zwei Millionen Euro


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