Montag, 30. Oktober 2006

Bush "Upbeat" on Iraq?

While he was discussing the situation in Iraq and explaining the reasons the United States launched a pre-emptive strike against the country, Bush told the journalists that "I believe when you get attacked and somebody declares war on you, you fight back. And that's what we're doing." Jason Leopold argues that for President Bush to say publicly that the United States attacked Iraq because of 9/11 is an insult to the more than 2,809 men and women who have died in combat in Iraq and tens of thousands of other soldiers who were maimed, believing they were fighting a war predicated on finding weapons of mass destruction.


A message from Debs





Informant: Marthalie T.

Melting of Greenland's ice sheet 'is the turning point'

By Michael McCarthy,
Environment Editor
Published: 30 October 2006

The world's target for stopping global warming should be based on the point at which the melting of the great Greenland ice sheet becomes irreversible, says the Government's chief scientific adviser, Sir David King.

The loss of Greenland's ice would be a global catastrophe, raising sea levels by more than 20ft, swamping vast regions of low-lying land from East Anglia to Bangladesh.

The international community must limit the atmospheric level of the principal greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide (C02), to below the point where the Greenland ice begins to melt in a runaway manner, Sir David said. This figure is not yet precisely known - but much scientific effort is being expended on finding it out.

Sir David is one of the world's most influential voices on climate change and his suggestion may provide a basis for eventual agreement on one of climate change's thorniest questions: exactly where must the rise in atmospheric C02 - which has gone from 315 parts per million in 1958 to
382ppm today - be halted?

The world community now agrees that the waste gas from motor vehicles and power stations is causing the atmosphere to warm rapidly. But it cannot agree on a precise figure which should be the absolute limit allowable to prevent global disaster.

Some commentators have suggested the C02 level must be halted at 400ppm - but that is now likely to be reached within 10 years and seems impossible to achieve in practice. Sir David has previously suggested 550ppm as "realistic" - but drew criticism for not being more ambitious.

His new suggestion, however, takes a different approach, pinpointing an undeniable disaster level and making that the target - whatever it turns out to be.

Greenland's "tipping point" is not yet known in terms of atmospheric C02 levels, although in terms of temperature it is assumed to be somewhere beyond a global rise of 3C above the level pertaining before the industrial revolution. (Global temperatures currently stand at about 0.7C above pre-industrial, and are steadily climbing). Scientists are seeking it with supercomputer mathematical models of the climate and of the ice mass.

The world's target for stopping global warming should be based on the point at which the melting of the great Greenland ice sheet becomes irreversible, says the Government's chief scientific adviser, Sir David King.

The loss of Greenland's ice would be a global catastrophe, raising sea levels by more than 20ft, swamping vast regions of low-lying land from East Anglia to Bangladesh.

The international community must limit the atmospheric level of the principal greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide (C02), to below the point where the Greenland ice begins to melt in a runaway manner, Sir David said. This figure is not yet precisely known - but much scientific effort is being expended on finding it out.

Sir David is one of the world's most influential voices on climate change and his suggestion may provide a basis for eventual agreement on one of climate change's thorniest questions: exactly where must the rise in atmospheric C02 - which has gone from 315 parts per million in 1958 to
382ppm today - be halted?

The world community now agrees that the waste gas from motor vehicles and power stations is causing the atmosphere to warm rapidly. But it cannot agree on a precise figure which should be the absolute limit allowable to prevent global disaster.

Some commentators have suggested the C02 level must be halted at 400ppm - but that is now likely to be reached within 10 years and seems impossible to achieve in practice. Sir David has previously suggested 550ppm as "realistic" - but drew criticism for not being more ambitious.

His new suggestion, however, takes a different approach, pinpointing an undeniable disaster level and making that the target - whatever it turns out to be.

Greenland's "tipping point" is not yet known in terms of atmospheric C02 levels, although in terms of temperature it is assumed to be somewhere beyond a global rise of 3C above the level pertaining before the industrial revolution. (Global temperatures currently stand at about 0.7C above pre-industrial, and are steadily climbing). Scientists are seeking it with supercomputer mathematical models of the climate and of the ice mass.

Informant: binstock

"Welcome to Hell": The War After the War

They were an Army of Three - fun-loving, young, courageous, afraid. And when the bomb went off outside Baghdad, killing New Hampshire's Jeremy Regnier, the survivors of the squad found their lives upended. What they suffer has a name - post-traumatic stress disorder - but a label can't describe it. This is a story of a death and its descendants.

Halliburton Motto: It's Cost Plus, Baby

Evelyn Pringle writes: "Since the minute Dick Cheney authorized the no-bid contracts for Halliburton, the granddaddy of war profiteering has been ripping off American tax payers left, right and center ... On September 18, 2006, Julie McBride, a former Halliburton employee with the company's Morale, Welfare & Recreation Department in Iraq, testified that the mantra at Halliburton camps goes, 'It's cost plus, baby.'"

Bush and Blair Searching for a Way Out of Iraq, and Finding None

The pressures on Mr. Bush and Mr. Blair are now immense. The sheer scale of the bloodshed and chaos their invasion unleashed - coupled with the dissembling that preceded it - has undermined their credibility and destroyed their popularity. The latest US polls show only one in five Americans believes Washington is winning in Iraq.

Pentagon Has No More Plan B

Le Nouvel Observateur's veteran Iraq correspondent Sara Daniel reports that the Pentagon has no new strategy option available after the failure of the latest tactic to secure Baghdad, while Gerard Dupuy says any delay in US withdrawal from Iraq merely postpones the inevitable.

McCaskill Will Bring Needed Change

In the Missouri US Senate race, Claire McCaskill is far more interested than her opponent in bringing fundamental change to Washington. Such change is essential - from the costly mistakes in Iraq and Afghanistan to runaway deficit spending, from the ethics scandals and even criminal behavior in Congress to the administration's scorn for key Constitutional protections.

Florida E-Voting Machines Already Flipping Votes

After a week of early voting, a handful of glitches with electronic voting machines have drawn the ire of voters, reassurances from elections supervisors - and a caution against the careless casting of ballots. Several South Florida voters say the choices they touched on the electronic screens were not the ones that appeared on the review screen - the final voting step.

The Morality of Campaign Ads

William Fisher writes: "Lying in politics gives a green light to lying, period. And the more we tacitly buy into this Faustian bargain, the more it helps to destroy the character of our country and the culture of our society."

The New York Times: The Fence Campaign

The New York Times editors write: "President Bush signed a bill to authorize a 700-mile border fence last week, thus enshrining into federal law a key part of the Republicans' midterm election strategy. The party of the Iraq war and family values desperately needs you to forget about dead soldiers and randy congressmen, and to think instead about the bad things immigrants will do to us if we don't wall them out."

Military "Lost" Hundreds of Thousands of Weapons

The American military has not properly tracked hundreds of thousands of weapons intended for Iraqi security forces, and has failed to provide spare parts, maintenance personnel, or even repair manuals for most of the weapons given to the Iraqis.

Can This Machine Be Trusted?

The US's new voting systems are only as good as the people who program and use them. Which is why next week could be interesting. In one week, more than 80 million Americans will go to the polls, and a record number of them - 90% - will either cast their vote on a computer or have it tabulated that way. When that many people collide with that many high-tech devices, there are going to be problems.

Operation Hollywood


Operation Hollywood

"You must glorify war in order to get the public to accept the fact that your going to send their sons and daughters to die."


Never let the absurdities of history get in the way of a box-office blockbuster. The inside story of the cozy relationship between big box office American war movies and the Pentagon.

Former World Bank Chief Economist Predicts Global Crash

Gen-Food: Genmanipulierter Reis nach Rückrufaktion im Hamburger Hafen gelagert


Nach einer bundesweiten Rückrufaktion soll illegaler genmanipulierter Reis der Firma Bayer nach Recherchen von Greenpeace im Hamburger Hafengebiet lagern. Der Gen-Reis LL601 solle nach Auskunft des Reishandelsunternehmens Euryza GmbH möglicherweise zur weiteren Verwendung als Nahrungsmittel exportiert werden. Euryza-Reisprodukte seien in den vergangenen Wochen bundesweit aus Supermärkten entfernt worden, nachdem Greenpeace und die staatlichen Überwachungsbehörden Verunreinigung mit der nicht zugelassenen Gen-Reis-Sorte festgestellt hatten. Die Auswirkungen von LL601-Reis auf die menschliche Gesundheit seien bisher nicht erforscht. Der Reis dürfe daher weder angebaut, noch als Nahrungsmittel verkauft werden. Greenpeace fordert, dass die kontaminierten Lagerbestände im Hamburger Hafen umgehend vernichtet werden.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Weiterer CDU-Politiker will nicht, dass die Union als unsozial gilt

Sorge um "Sprachgebrauch": Weiterer CDU-Politiker will nicht, dass die Union als unsozial gilt (30.10.06)

Nach dem nordrhein-westfälischen Ministerpräsidenten macht sich jetzt ein weiterer Spitzenpolitiker der CDU Sorgen um das Image der Partei in der Öffentlichkeit. Der rheinland-pfälzische CDU-Vorsitzende Christian Baldauf fordert eine Entlastung unverschuldet in Not geratener Langzeitarbeitsloser bei der Berechnung der "Hartz IV"-Bezüge. Lebensversicherungen, Immobilien und andere Altersrückstellungen dürften nicht mehr wie bisher zu Lasten des Betroffenen angerechnet werden, sagte Baldauf der "Neuen Osnabrücker Zeitung". Dies sei zu finanzieren, indem Mitnahmeeffekte und falsche Anreize stärker ausgeschlossen würden. Dem CDU-Politiker sagte, die Positionen von Volker Kauder (CDU) könnten dazu führen, dass die Union bei den Menschen als unsozial gelte.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Versuchstierzahlen 2005 offenbar höher als je zuvor

Anstieg im Bereich Gentechnik: Versuchstierzahlen 2005 offenbar höher als je zuvor (30.10.06)

Der Bundesverband Menschen für Tierrechte erwartet einen erneuten Anstieg der Versuchstierzahlen. Nach der Analyse von Erhebungen aus einzelnen Bundesländern geht der Verband davon aus, dass 2005 etwa 2,4 Millionen Affen, Hunde, Katzen, Ratten, Mäuse, Fische und andere Tiere in deutschen Versuchslabors getötet wurden. Die Politik müsse endlich handeln.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

USA: Kriegsbefürworter denken um


Mobilfunksender, Handys, DECT & Co.: "... bis es weh tut?"



Astrid Peter 27-10-06


AB jetzt RICHTIG mobil e.V. lädt ein zum Informationsabend mit Bernd Kinze Baubiologe (IBN)

Mobilfunksender, Handys, DECT & Co.
"... bis es weh tut?"

Dosis und Wirkung in der Diskussion

1. Fachvortrag von Herrn Bernd Kinze, Baubiologe (IBN) über Mobilfunk und Gesundheit

2. Der Verein informiert Mitglieder und Interessierte über aktuelle Senderstandorte (auch versteckte) in Stadt- und Landkreis und berichtet über 2 aktuelle Mobilfunk-Sender­studien:

a) der Ärzteinitiative Bamberg mit einer Auswahl von Fallberichten (u.a. aus Haibach und Hanau)

b) des BUND Rhein­land-Pfalz/Hessen und über erste Ergebnisse einer Langzeit-Handystudie von einer unab­hängigen Forschergruppe aus Schweden

am 6.11.2006 um 20:00 Uhr, Hotel Zum Goldenen Ochsen, Karlstr. 16,
63739 Aschaffenburg

Der Deutschland Clan: Das skrupellose Netzwerk aus Politikern, Wissenschaftlern und Justiz



Volker Hartenstein, MdL a.D. 29-10-06

ISES e.V. Initiative zum Schutz vor Elektrosmog Südbaden lädt ein:

Vortragsabend am 16.11.06 um 19.30 Uhr im Paulussaal, Dreisamstr.3, Freiburg

Der Deutschland Clan
Das skrupellose Netzwerk aus Politikern, Wissenschaftlern und Justiz
Jürgen Roth Einer der bekanntesten investigativen Journalisten in der BRD. Er veröffentlichte brisante TV-Dokumentationen und erfolgreiche Bücher ("Ermitteln verboten" über den BND).

Neue Ergebnisse aus der Mobilfunkforschung
Bekannte und umstrittene Spätfolgen hochfrequenter Funkwellen. Stimmen die Untersuchungsergebnisse nur für die Auftraggeber?
Prof. Frentzel-Beyme Umweltwissenschaftler und Epidemiologe, Bremen

Eintritt frei, Spenden erbeten

The Vigilant Voter: you're on an election-disaster watch list

Heads up Arizona, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Indiana, Maryland, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Washington. You're on an election-disaster watch list.

Make Your Voice Heard to Protect Elephants

There are over 600 captive elephants in the U.S., most of which are suffering due to inadequate space, unnatural conditions, lack of exercise and social deprivation. They are often forced to stand in the same place for hours upon hours, chained by the leg. Exhibited elephants are usually kept “in check” and trained with the use of a bullhook, or ankus, a device with a long handle and a sharp metal hook used for discipline.

The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) is seeking public comments on space and living conditions for captive elephants in the U.S. in order to consider the enforcement of the federal Animal Welfare Act (AWA) at zoos and circuses. Please help us improve the plight of these magnificent animals by filling out the petition form below with your comments in support of dramatically improving the standards for captive elephants.

Are you a terrorist if you act for animals?

Low-income American: whether you have access to voter registration depends on what state you live in

Registering Indifference

by Lisa Danetz,

If you're a low-income American, whether you have access to voter registration depends on what state you live in.


Low Income Americans Failed By States That Ignore Federal Voter Registration Law

'Almost too late' to stop a global catastrophe

By Andy McSmith

Published: 30 October 2006

The possibility of avoiding a global catastrophe is "already almost out of reach", Sir Nicholas Stern's long-awaited report on climate change will warn today. One terrifying prospect is that changes in weather patterns could drive down the output of the world's economies by an amount equivalent to up to £6 trillion a year by 2050, almost the entire output of the EU.

With world temperatures on course to rise by two to three degrees in 50 years, rainfall could be catastrophically reduced in some of the world's poorest countries, while others grapple with floods from melting glaciers. The result could be the largest migration of refugees in history.

These problems will be "difficult or impossible to reverse" unless the world acts quickly, Sir Nicholas will warn, in a 700-page report that is expected to transform world attitudes to climate change. It adds: "Our actions over the coming few decades could create risks of major disruption to economic and social activity, later in this century and in the next, on a scale similar to those associated with the great wars and the economic depression of the first half of the 20th century."

But the Chancellor, Gordon Brown, and Environment Secretary, David Miliband, will emphasise the positive message accompanying Sir Nicholas's stark warnings, because the report will also say that the world already has the means to avert catastrophe on this scale, although it will involve the huge expense of 1 per cent of global GDP (£0.3trn).

"The second half of his message is that the technology does exist, the financing, public and private, does exist, and the international mechanisms also exist to get to grips with this problem - so I don't think it's a catastrophe that he puts forward. It's a challenging message," Mr Miliband said.

Combating climate change could become one of the world's biggest growth industries, generating around £250bnof business globally by 2050. Sir Nicholas's report calls for a rapid increase in research and development of low carbon technologies, and in "carbon capture", which involves putting carbon emissions into underground storage rather than pumping them into the atmosphere.

Mr Brown will write to EU finance ministers today urging a major expansion of the carbon trading scheme which penalises businesses that contribute excessively to the amount of carbon in the atmosphere. One issue he will raise is whether the scheme should be extended to cover aviation, one of the fastest expanding sources of carbon.

But the prospect of consumers having to pay higher fuel duty and other "green" taxes threatened to engulf Mr Miliband in political controversy yesterday, after a letter he wrote to Mr Brown earlier this month was leaked to The Mail on Sunday.

Mr Miliband urged that when oil prices drop, the tax on petrol should rise so that the cost to the motorist remains the same. He also suggested a higher road tax on vehicles such as 4x4s with high fuel consumption, a switch to road pricing so that motorists pay tax per mile, and that the tax system be used to encourage people to switch to energy-saving household goods such as more efficient light bulbs and washing machines.

Mr Miliband insisted his ideas were not intended to give the Government new ways to raise extra tax. "We're using mechanisms available to government to help change behaviour. They're not fundamentally there to raise revenue," he told BBC Radio 4's The World This Weekend.

Mr Miliband's proposals provoked a storm of protest from businesses, but they also presented a dilemma for the Conservative leader, David Cameron, who has frequently called for "green" taxes without giving details of what they ought to be.

Yesterday he said his policies "may mean taxing air travel", but refused to be drawn further. Interviewed on BBC 1's The Politics Show, he said: "I think green taxes as a whole need to go up and I think we need to be very careful that the green taxes we put up aren't too regressive. I don't want to get more specific than that."

The Liberal Democrat leader, Sir Menzies Campbell, poured scorn on any suggestion that there is a painless solution to global warming. "Nothing but hard choices will do," he said.

The possibility of avoiding a global catastrophe is "already almost out of reach", Sir Nicholas Stern's long-awaited report on climate change will warn today. One terrifying prospect is that changes in weather patterns could drive down the output of the world's economies by an amount equivalent to up to £6 trillion a year by 2050, almost the entire output of the EU.

With world temperatures on course to rise by two to three degrees in 50 years, rainfall could be catastrophically reduced in some of the world's poorest countries, while others grapple with floods from melting glaciers. The result could be the largest migration of refugees in history.

These problems will be "difficult or impossible to reverse" unless the world acts quickly, Sir Nicholas will warn, in a 700-page report that is expected to transform world attitudes to climate change. It adds: "Our actions over the coming few decades could create risks of major disruption to economic and social activity, later in this century and in the next, on a scale similar to those associated with the great wars and the economic depression of the first half of the 20th century."

But the Chancellor, Gordon Brown, and Environment Secretary, David Miliband, will emphasise the positive message accompanying Sir Nicholas's stark warnings, because the report will also say that the world already has the means to avert catastrophe on this scale, although it will involve the huge expense of 1 per cent of global GDP (£0.3trn).

"The second half of his message is that the technology does exist, the financing, public and private, does exist, and the international mechanisms also exist to get to grips with this problem - so I don't think it's a catastrophe that he puts forward. It's a challenging message," Mr Miliband said.

Combating climate change could become one of the world's biggest growth industries, generating around £250bnof business globally by 2050. Sir Nicholas's report calls for a rapid increase in research and development of low carbon technologies, and in "carbon capture", which involves putting carbon emissions into underground storage rather than pumping them into the atmosphere.

Mr Brown will write to EU finance ministers today urging a major expansion of the carbon trading scheme which penalises businesses that contribute excessively to the amount of carbon in the atmosphere. One issue he will raise is whether the scheme should be extended to cover aviation, one of the fastest expanding sources of carbon.

But the prospect of consumers having to pay higher fuel duty and other "green" taxes threatened to engulf Mr Miliband in political controversy yesterday, after a letter he wrote to Mr Brown earlier this month was leaked to The Mail on Sunday.

Mr Miliband urged that when oil prices drop, the tax on petrol should rise so that the cost to the motorist remains the same. He also suggested a higher road tax on vehicles such as 4x4s with high fuel consumption, a switch to road pricing so that motorists pay tax per mile, and that the tax system be used to encourage people to switch to energy-saving household goods such as more efficient light bulbs and washing machines.

Mr Miliband insisted his ideas were not intended to give the Government new ways to raise extra tax. "We're using mechanisms available to government to help change behaviour. They're not fundamentally there to raise revenue," he told BBC Radio 4's The World This Weekend.

Mr Miliband's proposals provoked a storm of protest from businesses, but they also presented a dilemma for the Conservative leader, David Cameron, who has frequently called for "green" taxes without giving details of what they ought to be.

Yesterday he said his policies "may mean taxing air travel", but refused to be drawn further. Interviewed on BBC 1's The Politics Show, he said: "I think green taxes as a whole need to go up and I think we need to be very careful that the green taxes we put up aren't too regressive. I don't want to get more specific than that."

The Liberal Democrat leader, Sir Menzies Campbell, poured scorn on any suggestion that there is a painless solution to global warming. "Nothing but hard choices will do," he said.

Stern report url

Stern report: the key points,,1935211,00.html

Informant: binstock


Rising Tide: UK Stern Report Sells Climate Short, Paves Way to Global Warming Catastrophe

Informant: E X

Bush Appointee Said to Reject Advice on Endangered Species

Informant: binstock

The Republican war on America: Torture

Liberty For All
by George Phillies


Where did torture come from? Where did we come to this end? Why do we find Americans torturing their prisoners of war? Torture is not the traditional American way. My Father served in World War II as an officer in the Medical Corps. He returned to North America with a Pacific Theater Ribbon, one Bronze Star. He ended the war as camp physician at a Prisoner of War camp in Georgia. He was charged with safeguarding the prisoners, protecting their health and well-being in accord with the Laws of War and the dictates of civilization...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The real problem is that it is illegal for one country to invade another country

Toronto Star [Canada]
by Linda McQuaig


Much has changed in the way the mainstream media deal with the war in Iraq. Most commentators now acknowledge the war is a disaster and will hurt the Republicans badly in the upcoming U.S. midterm elections. But one thing hasn't changed -- the willingness to believe that the motives for war, however misguided, were basically honorable. So the criticism centres instead on the Bush administration's inept handling of the war. ... But incompetence is a side issue. The real problem is, and always has been, that it is illegal -- not to mention immoral -- for a country to invade another country, in other words, to wage a war of aggression. The fact that Iraq is the last unharvested oil bonanza on earth, in an era of increasingly fierce global competition for dwindling oil reserves, only makes U.S. motives all the more suspect...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


The real problem is that it is illegal for one country to invade another country

As the Nuremberg Tribunal concluded after World War II: "War is essentially an evil thing ... To initiate a war of aggression, therefore, is not only an international crime, it is the supreme international crime differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole."

From Information Clearing House

Damage control

Tom Paine
by Jennifer Van Bergen


After President George W. Bush signed the controversial Military Commissions Act last week, the Justice Department wasted no time in using its new power to deny due process to the detainees swept up in the 'war on terror.' Now that the bill which Sen. Patrick Leahy called 'un-American' has become law, countless hours and dollars will be spent by public interest law organizations trying to undo its damage. In addition to challenges of the provisions that strip habeas corpus rights, we can expect constitutional challenges to the military commission procedures and amendments to the War Crimes Act. The MCA is an unprecedented power grab by the executive branch. Among the Act's worst features, it authorizes the president to detain, without charges, anyone whom he deems an unlawful enemy combatant. This includes U.S. citizens...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Beyond ideology

by Justin Raimondo


These arrows in the War Party's quiver are all quite valuable in ensuring that the foreign policy 'consensus' remains static in spite of radical shifts in public opinion on the subject. Yet there is one factor that gives them an incalculable advantage, and that is the weakness of their opposition. The Peace Party -- for lack of a better designation -- is divided, without comparable resources, and lacks the dedicated constituency of its adversary. The basic division, into 'Left' and 'Right,' is particularly acute this time around. Back in the Vietnam era, we didn't have too many conservatives who opposed the war -- aside from a few libertarians here and there, the antiwar movement of the 1960s was pretty exclusively a left-wing phenomenon. This time, however, there is a significant -- and growing -- contingent of antiwar conservatives, exemplified by the editors of The American Conservative magazine, including Patrick J. Buchanan, who have been savagely critical of this war and have come to question the entire rationale for our foreign policy of global intervention...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

1000 support drive to block phone mast

A PETITION against plans to install a mobile phone transmitter inside an East Lothian church has gathered 1000 signatures.

O2's bid to install a base station mast in the Haddington West Church tower has already attracted protests by an action group set up specifically to fight the proposal, called No 2 O2. Click to learn more...

The mobile phone giant has lodged a planning application with East Lothian Council.

But people living in the area hope strength of feeling will force the company to scrap its plans, or that council planners will turn them down.

Church officials have yet to make a final decision on whether to allow the move in return for funding, and are currently liaising with members of the congregation and the local community.

If the church agrees to the mast's installation, and planning procedures are negotiated by O2, it would be between nine months and a year before the structure was erected.

A further year would elapse before the church received any financial benefit to help maintain the building.

If the move goes ahead, the money from O2 will be used to help treat areas of dry rot in the church.


Fisher German: advice to land owners of phone mast sites

Take a look at the Fisher German website, it provides some interesting articles/information with regards to advice to land owners of mobile phone mast sites. I've included a couple of the items in this e-mail.

Best wishes

Eileen O'Connor
Trustee - EM Radiation Research Trust

-----Original Message-----
From: webmaster(at)
Sent: 30 October 2006 11:31
To: eileen(at)
Subject: Fisher German: message from

Dear Eileen O\'Connor,

Eileen O\'Connor (eileen(at) has sent you a link to a page on the Fisher German website:


Fisher German is increasingly finding cases where owners wish to remove telecommunications sites off their property; normally because they have or are... The Disappearing Telecoms Sites

The Fisher German Team

Telecom Sites - lift & shift Print Email Bookmark

Fisher German is increasingly finding cases where owners wish to remove telecommunications sites off their property; normally because they have or are hoping to obtain planning permission for an alternative use on their property.

Currently many of our clients for this type of work are private individuals, companies, schools, police forces and hospitals.

There may be other reasons like 'health and safety' issues near schools or the site is potentially depreciating residential or commercial property.

If the lease was originally well drawn up, then there should be provision to serve the telecommunications company with notice to quit if the site is going to be redeveloped. However, in a lot of the earlier leases, when people were not properly advised, there was no such 'lift and shift' clause.

The Fisher German telecoms team increasingly finds that they are instructed to act for owners of commercial, residential and agricultural properties which are effected by telecom sites. We then enter into negotiations with the telecommunications company to remove them completely, or relocate them to another part of the owner's property.

The cost to the telecommunications company of building a replacement site can typically be between £100,000 - £150,000 or if they need to split the 'cell' and build two sites instead, then the total cost can be £200,000 - £300,000. It is, therefore, imperative to get proper professional legal and surveyor's advice to negotiate with the telecoms company to move the site and mitigate the cost.

For Further Information contact Mark Newton on 01858 4112125

Related Views Landowners advised to stand firm on telecoms contracts as Vodafone profits tumble

2006-08-01 | Mark Newton

FRICS Farmers and landowners with telecom mast sites have been warned that companies are reviewing their portfolios and are looking to decommission some rural sites that are proving to be... New Venture for Utility Department

2006-02-14 | Claire Priestner BSc(Hons) MRICS FAAV Claire Priestner BSc(Hons) MRICS FAAV is appointed new managing director of Fisher German Priestner Limited... Press for higher Telecom returns

2005-12-07 | Mark Newton FRICS FG advise, "landowners could expect higher returns from telecom lease renewals." The Disappearing Telecoms Sites

2005-11-17 | Mark Newton FRICS The uptake for third generation ‘3G’ telephones has not taken off in this country as fast as expected... Rent reviews for telecommunications sites

2005-10-27 | Mark Newton FRICS Check your next Telecom Rent Review Date.

Also: They included the following message: Fisher German website on mobile phone masts

The Disappearing Telecoms Sites Print Email Bookmark
17/11/2005 Mark Newton FRICS Partner Mark has a wide ranging experience in all aspects of professional work. He is also one of the country’s leading experts in telecoms sites and wind farms.

The uptake for third generation ‘3G’ telephones has not taken off in this country as fast as expected. This has resulted in some of the telecommunications companies looking at their existing masts to see if they are still financially viable.

Fisher German has found that there are quite a few cases across the country where telecoms companies are now abandoning less profitable rural sites. It is very important that owners of telecoms sites are aware that their local council could charge business rates if a mast is left standing after it has been handed back, but there may be opportunities for other telecoms companies to utilise these masts. Where leases have been properly drawn up, there should be a clause relating to the re-instatement of the site back to its original condition and there are opportunities for owners to receive a substantial one-off capital payment for dealing with this work themselves. Fisher German has also found cases where telecoms companies want to abandon sites but the lease does not allow them to break it, which can produce interesting negotiations as rent must continue to be paid.

Landowners are also losing out as the telecoms companies have now developed powerful, smaller telecoms masts and are locating up to 60% of these on the edge of the public highway in the verge under the Street Works Act. When masts are located on the verge they pay no rent, rather than on an adjoining farmer’s land where rent would be due.

Mark Newton, Partner at Fisher German says: “The main problem of sites in road verges is that there may be highways issues, problems with underground services and they may be near residential dwellings. Normally these masts are disguised as street furniture, ie wooden telegraph poles or lamp posts. Their height may be limited to that of the adjacent streetlights. Subsequently they do not necessarily provide as much coverage as a normal traditional 15 metre mast on a Greenfield site.”

The telecoms network is getting nearly fully mature, and a lot of the telecoms companies have put on hold building new sites until 3G fully takes off.

If you do get approached for any new sites or decommissioning your existing site, it is important to get proper professional advice and contact Fisher German’s telecoms team, telephone number 01858 411246.

Just one party: The War Party

The Power of Narrative
by Arthur Silber


People already seem to have forgotten that the alleged unsustainability of sanctions -- and the fact that sanctions usually do not have the intended effect, but often the precise opposite -- was one of the major reasons offered in support of the invasion of Iraq. That argument was a particular favorite among 'liberal hawks.' We also must never forget the terrible human costs of sanctions. See this, about the morally repellent Madeleine Albright, and this, about the grave immorality of sanctions more generally...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Alarm bells ring over phone mast

A COUNCILLOR has raised concerns about a move to build a mobile phone mast next to a popular sports facility.

Earlier this year, the council voted to rent its land to mobile phone companies for masts, provided they were on non-contentious sites.

Contentious sites were identified as those close to schools, nurseries, open space near playgrounds or residential property.

Rosebank and Waterside councillor Jack Young is concerned that a mobile phone company has contacted the council about siting a mast next to Merkland playing fields.

He said: "It would be hypocritical of me to criticise mobile phone masts, because I use a mobile phone.

"I know the council made this decision because suitable land is becoming very scarce. However, I am extremely unhappy that an approach has been made by a private company to site a mast near the running track at Merkland Outdoor Recreation Centre.

"This facility is widely used by many young people and has only just been upgraded to contain all-weather football pitches.

"Since finding out about this I have made arrangements to meet with senior sports facility officers at the council to express my concerns.

"A petition is also being organised by constituents and will be submitted to the council's chief executive."

A spokesperson for East Dunbartonshire Council said: "There is an established, council-approved procedure for dealing with enquiries from telecommunications operators who approach us with proposals to put their equipment on council land.

"This procedure is currently being followed in relation to the approach by 3G for the Merkland site. No decisions have yet been made.

"Should the proposal be submitted as a planning application, the council's planning policy on telecommunications development will be adhered to."

30 October 2006

All rights reserved © 2006 Johnston Press Digital Publishing.

Résumé en Français de 300 publications d'études - Les Appels des Medecins

- DATABASE SANTE (2ème partie) :
- Les études mondiales avec l'index des index.
- Résumé en Français de 300 publications d'études.
- Le dossier thématique du CHU de BREST (France).
- Les Appels des Medecins . . .

Help China Wake Up!:

A message from Dagmar

International Olympics in China ...Race for Tibet

Demand Integrity from the IOC and China!

The International Olympic Committee has long contended that awarding Beijing the 2008 Games will improve human rights in China, but as time passes, their assurances have not turned into actions. Tell the IOC that urging China to prioritize human rights is a necessary precondition for a Beijing 2008 Olympics free of controversy. Click below to sign the petition demanding integrity from the IOC and China.

Report Warns About Global Warming


Invisible Ballots: A Temptation for Electronic Vote Fraud

Governments are installing computerized voting systems with no paper record to ... all » verify accuracy. Elections will be controlled by companies that do not allow voters to inspect their software. If vote counting becomes privatized, there may be no way to get it back. Hightech vote fraud is already a reality. If you value your vote, you must get this information to your friends – and fast!

Informant: BeeFree


VOTE FRAUD: Candidates Must Audit the Count

by Devvy Kidd

Those brave souls like me who cast our votes for candidates outside the two party machines every election want our votes to count (our absolute right) and we need the candidates to challenge the results. Additionally, the only way to get a true and accurate count of how many Americans actually voted outside the two main parties is to audit these election results by precinct......

A Blueprint for Leaving Iraq Now

Lethal Cloud Cuckoo-Land: on US foreign policy


From his office in clouded cuckoo land
Bush: Iran supplying weapons in Iraq

President Bush said Wednesday he's convinced that the Iranian government is supplying deadly weapons to fighters in Iraq, even if he can't prove the orders came from the highest levels in Tehran.

From her office in clouded cuckoo land:

Rice laments US civilian deaths in Iraq

"He was one of the hundreds of dedicated men and women serving on provincial reconstruction teams, helping the citizens of Iraq to rebuild and revitalize their local governments after years of Saddam's tyrany," she said.

From Information Clearing House

Freddy Krueger and Government

To Whom Do We Owe Our Allegiance?


RED SKELTON'S STATEMENT ABOUT The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

Informant: John Perna


Flag day

Common Dreams

by Olga Bonfiglio


Today, however, the flag has taken on a new meaning. Outside of the country it has become a banner for violence, domination, torture, and intimidation. At home it has become a symbol of exclusion. We are truly losing ourselves as Americans and as we destroy our democracy we are also tearing our beloved flag into shreds. Will we ever see a day when we are united again around those beautiful stars and stripes?

From Information Clearing House

Saving Lives or Committing Evil?

Imperialism: Enemy of Freedom


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