Sonntag, 1. Oktober 2006

Nachbarn gegen Handymasten rechtlos: Höchstrichter entscheiden

Grünen-Nationalratsabgeordnete Gabi Moser hat Klage beim Verfassungsgerichtshof gegen das Telekommunikationsgesetz eingereicht. Anrainer von Handymasten seien rechtlos - das sei verfassungswidrig. "Während bei jedem Geräteschuppen eine Genehmigung erforderlich ist und die Nachbarn eine Stellungnahme abgeben dürfen, werden in ganz Österreich Tausende Handymasten hochgezogen ohne jedes Mitspracherecht der Bevölkerung", bringt Konsumentenschutzsprecherin Moser ihre Kritik auf den Punkt.

Weiter unter:

Aus: FGF-Infoline vom 28.09.2006

Der Forschungsgemeinschaft Funk e.V. (FGF), gehören alle deutschen Mobilfunkbetreiber an.


Handysender schuld an Hörstörungen?

Mobilfunkmast direkt vorm Kinderzimmer installiert

Wissenschaftsladen Bonn: „T-Mobile soll darlegen, warum das Unternehmen in einem Stadtteil 6 mal mehr Masten braucht als die Konkurrenz. Anwohner würden dadurch weit stärker belastet als nötig. Stadt begnügt sich mit Auflage, den Mast mit Schornsteinattrappe zu tarnen.“

Mit Funklöchern im Bonner Stadtteil Oberkassel begründet der Mobilfunkbetreiber T-Mobile die Aufstellung des zusätzlichen Sendemastes auf dem Haus Ecke Stüffgenstr./ Königswinterer Str. Dieser wurde Ende August installiert, ist aber noch nicht in Betrieb. Die Messungen des Wissenschaftsladen Bonn vor Ort sollen nun belegen, dass es in Oberkassel, insbesondere im Bereich rund um den neuen Sendemast, keine Funklöcher gibt. Im Gegenteil: Die T-Mobile-Handys haben sehr guten Empfang. Dr. Klaus Trost, Leiter der Mess- und Beratungsstelle Elektrosmog des Wissenschaftsladen Bonn: "Damit belastet T-Mobile den Stadtteil Oberkassel und insbesondere die Anwohner des neuen Mastes weit stärker als nötig." Besonders betroffen sind die Bewohner des gegenüberliegenden Hauses: Der Mast stehe lediglich zehn Meter vom Kinderzimmer entfernt...

Aus: FGF-Infoline vom 28.09.2006

Der Forschungsgemeinschaft Funk e.V. (FGF), gehören alle deutschen Mobilfunkbetreiber an.

The New Face of Class War

By Paul Craig Roberts

The United States is the first country in history to destroy the prospects and living standards of its labor force. It is amazing to watch freedom-loving libertarians and free-market economists serve as apologists for the dismantling of the ladders of upward mobility that made the America of old an opportunity society.

Why I'm Banned in the USA

By Tariq Ramadan

My experience reveals how U.S. authorities seek to suppress dissenting voices and -- by excluding people such as me from their country -- manipulate political debate in America. Unfortunately, the U.S. government's paranoia has evolved far beyond a fear of particular individuals and taken on a much more insidious form: the fear of ideas.

A Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy?

By Mike Whitney

Next week, President Bush will sign the “Military Commissions Act of 2006” into law. - The law will allow Bush to imprison anyone he chooses and abuse them as he sees fit. It places Bush above the law, our first American monarch.

Bush calls for 'world offensive'

By Maxim Kniazkov in Washington

STUNG by criticism, US President George W. Bush has called for fighting America's enemies "across the world" as he stepped up his counter-offensive following charges that his policies were breeding a new generation of Islamic terrorists.

Secret Reports Dispute White House Optimism

By Bob Woodward

Instead of a "long retreat," the report forecast a more violent 2007: "Insurgents and terrorists retain the resources and capabilities to sustain and even increase current level of violence through the next year."

Attack On Iran Inevitable: Nuke Use In White House Plan

Air Force Colonel Sam Gardiner (ret.) says U.S. forces will assassinate Iran's leadership.

Retired Air Force Colonel Sam Gardiner on the probability of air strikes on Iran and the likely consequences. Click here to view. Real video and windows media.

Next-up News n°106

Over 800 attacks every week in Iraq

Colonel says only pullout will end insurgency,,1884383,00.html

From Information Clearing House

Oil, Lily Pad Bases and Torture: on Manufacturing Terror

Why is the Bush administration so attached to torturing people that it would pressure a supine Congress into raping the US constitution by explicitly permitting some torture techniques and abolishing habeas corpus for certain categories of prisoners?

From Information Clearing House

America goes too far

Historian Paul Kennedy tells Ezzat Ibrahim that the great wheel of history is turning against the United States.

From Information Clearing House

Losing a War, Winning a Police State

The New York Times disclosure of an official National Intelligence Estimate, which states that the Iraq invasion has worsened the global terrorist threat, carries an unspoken subtext – that the Bush administration is either woefully ignorant of how to combat terrorism or finds the terrorist threat a useful tool for managing the American public.

From Information Clearing House

Americans should scrutinize government actions

says Zinn

“If you know history – that is, orthodox history – you'd know how many times presidents have lied to the public,” he told the audience that packed the Student Union Ballroom.

From Information Clearing House

Detainee Bill Shifts Power to President

Rather than reining in the formidable presidential powers Mr. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney have asserted since Sept. 11, 2001, the law gives some of those powers a solid statutory foundation. In effect it allows the president to identify enemies, imprison them indefinitely.

From Information Clearing House

US Congress gives green light to human rights violations in the 'war on terror'

By passing the Military Commissions Act, the US Congress has given its stamp of approval to human rights violations committed by the USA in the "war on terror", and has turned bad executive policy into bad domestic law.

From Information Clearing House

US violated world's privacy with secret SWIFT checks

The US Treasury's Terrorist Finance Tracking programme had violated the privacy of up to 7,800 international financial institutions in its secret trawl through financial records held by the Belgian firm SWIFT.

From Information Clearing House

Hastert Knew of Explicit Foley Emails Months Ago

Rep. Thomas Reynolds, head of the House Republican election effort, said Saturday he told Speaker Dennis Hastert months ago about concerns that a fellow GOP lawmaker had sent inappropriate messages to a teenage boy.

Two Months Before 9/11, an Urgent Warning to Rice

Two months before the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, then-CIA Director George J. Tenet met with his counterterrorism chief, J. Cofer Black, at CIA headquarters to review the latest on Osama bin Laden and his al-Qaeda terrorist organization. Black ... made a compelling case, so compelling to Tenet that he decided he and Black should go to the White House immediately.

Memo Fueled Deep Rift in Administration on Detainees

A previously undisclosed nine-page memorandum drafted in June 2005 by Defense and State Department officials urged the Bush administration to seek Congressional approval for its detention policies. The memo so angered Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld that his aides gathered up copies of the document and had at least some of them shredded.

Wo steht Deutschland heute?

Die ödp München lädt ein:

"Ein Jahr nach der Bundestagswahl - Wo steht Deutschland heute?" Referent: Prof. Dr. Dr.habil. Klaus Buchner

Do., 12. Oktober 2006, 19.30 Uhr in der Brienner Str. 46, U 1/7 und Tram 20/21 Stiglmaierplatz (3 min zu Fuß) U 2/8 Königsplatz (5 min zu Fuß)

Von der Großen Koalition erwarteten die Wähler vor allem einen Weg aus der hohen Arbeitslosigkeit. Hier konnten zwar kleine Erfolge erzielt werden. Sie sind aber zumindest teilweise auf den Anstieg der Inlandsnachfrage vor der geplanten Mehrwertsteuererhöhung zurückzuführen. Eine grundsätzliche Lösung ist nicht in Sicht. Deshalb geht die ödp von einem anderen Ansatz aus, der durch die erfolgreiche Wirtschaftspolitik anderer Länder bestätigt wird.

Auch in der Energiepolitik fehlen die entscheidenden Impulse. Da das Ende des billigen Öls absehbar ist, wäre eine Umstellung auf alternative Energien dringend nötig, um die Leistungsfähigkeit unserer Wirtschaft zu erhalten. Statt dessen blockiert die Bundesregierung diese Umstellung durch neue Steuern auf Biokraftstoffe. In der Gesundheitspolitik lehnt die ödp die Fonds-Lösung ab. Statt dessen vertritt sie eine Bürgerversicherung nach dem Schweizer Modell.

Bei der Gentechnik in Nahrungsmitteln subventioniert die Bundesregierung den Anbau und die Markteinführung, obwohl 70% der Bürger dies ablehnen. Ähnlich wird der Bürgerwille auch in der Familienpolitik missachtet: Obwohl heute jedes siebte Kind von der Sozialhilfe lebt, werden nur die Kinder reicher Eltern durch Steuererleichterungen gefördert. Statt dessen schlägt die ödp ein Erziehungsgehalt vor, das eine angemessene Absicherung von Familien mit Kindern und neue Arbeitsplätze bringt.

Referent: Prof. Dr. Dr.habil. Klaus Buchner (TU München) ist der Bundesvorsitzende der Ökologisch-Demokratischen Partei ödp. Er ist Träger der Goldenen Verdienstmedaille der Universität Wroclaw (Breslau) in Polen. Prof. Buchner ist verheiratet und hat vier erwachsene Kinder.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Markus Hollemann

Ökologisch-Demokratische Partei (ödp)
Stadtverband München
Fon 089/45 24 74 15 × Fax 089/55 06 99 86


Alle Vorträge finden jeweils am zweiten Donnerstag im Monat in den Räumen der Gregor-Louisoder-Umweltstiftung statt: Brienner Str. 46, zwischen U2/U8 Königsplatz und U1/U7 Stiglmaierplatz.

Do., 09. Nov. 2006, 19.30 Uhr "Das 1,5-Liter-Auto ist machbar - Entwickler berichten" Referent: Uli Sommer, Chefentwickler Loremo-Projekt


In der ödp arbeiten Menschen zusammen, die dem Streben von Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft nach "Immer mehr" das Prinzip Verantwortung entgegensetzen: "So leben, dass Zukunft bleibt!". Angestrebt wird eine Wende im Lebens- und Wirtschaftsstil - weg von der Überfluss- und Verschwendungswirtschaft, hin zu Nachhaltigkeit und "echter" Lebensqualität.

Please join me in thanking Alderman Moore for his courageous acts in banning foie gras!

A message from NANCY

Original Message

This is horrific. Please help stop this practice by signing these petitions. Thanks, Judy

The courageous alderman who pushed for this ban is now being openly ridiculed by his fellow councilmen and the Mayor. They are pushing to get him out of office to send a message that public officials who stand up against animal cruelty will destroy their careers.

Let's not them do that.

Thanks so much, Melanie

Dear friends,this is just so disgusting!

some of you may not have seen both these petitions

Thank Alderman Moore for his Courageous Acts in Banning Foie Gras! (Warning: Graphic Pic but Pls Sign Anyway)

Mayor Daley, Reconsider your Stance on the Foie Gras Ban!

Please sign and forward.


Privacy Under Attack: The Spychips Story

Informant: Andrea Ball

Diebold Added Secret Patch to Georgia E-Voting Systems in 2002

Top Diebold corporation officials ordered workers to install secret files in Georgia's electronic voting machines shortly before the 2002 elections, at least two whistleblowers are now asserting.

Ashcroft Is Denied Immunity in Case

A federal judge in Idaho has ruled that former attorney general John D. Ashcroft can be held personally responsible for the wrongful detention of a US citizen arrested as a "material witness" in a terrorism case.

Uncomfortably Numb to Torture

"A year ago this week, a military jury convicted Army Reserve Pfc. Lynndie R. England of maltreating detainees," says JoAnn Wypijewski. "So here is the bitter joke: England, the public emblem of torture, was convicted for nothing so awful as what the president and his flank have chosen to protect."

Bush Throws Down the Gauntlet

Robert Parry writes, "George W. Bush - breaking with an earlier Republican campaign strategy for localizing congressional races - is nationalizing election 2006 around his vision of fighting "World War III" against Islamic militants and in defense of his claim to broad presidential powers, such as the right to lock up people he deems 'enemy combatants.'"

Scandal-Rocked Congress Adjourns to Campaign for Re-Election

Leaving behind a pile of unfinished work, members of the scandal-rocked US Congress adjourned and went home on Saturday to ask voters to re-elect them in five weeks.

Detainee Bill Shifts Power to President

Rather than reining in the formidable presidential powers Mr. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney have asserted since September 11, 2001, the detainee bill gives some of those powers a solid statutory foundation. In effect it allows the president to identify enemies, imprison them indefinitely and interrogate them - albeit with a ban on the harshest treatment - beyond the reach of the full court reviews traditionally afforded criminal defendants and ordinary prisoners.


Senate passes detainee bill

Keith Olbermann Bush Smackdown

"Leftist" groups a terror threat

Full Text: US Intelligence Findings

Selective Intelligence

"Leftist" groups a terror threat

The White House's release of a dire National Intelligence Estimate on global terrorism has illustrated once again how easy it is to publicly misrepresent intelligence-community findings - especially when almost all of the key documents remained shrouded in secrecy.

The intelligence report cites "leftist" groups as a terror threat The now-declassified summary of the National Intelligence Estimate (PDF) on "Trends in Global Terrorism" focuses almost exclusively on Islamic extremists. But inserted at the very end is this one overlooked, though seemingly quite important, passage that identifies other terrorist threats:

"Anti-U.S. and anti-globalization sentiment is on the rise and fueling other radical ideologies. This could prompt some leftist, nationalist, or separatist groups to adopt terrorist methods to attack US interests. The radicalization process is occurring more quickly, more widely, and more anonymously in the Internet age, raising the likelihood of surprise attacks by unknown groups whose members and supporters may be difficult to pinpoint." It continues: "We judge that groups of all stripes will increasingly use the Internet to communicate, propagandize, recruit, train and obtain logistical and financial support."

Prior to 9/11, the worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil was in Oklahoma City, where Timothy McVeigh blew up a federal building in pursuit of his right-wing, anti-federal-government agenda. But there is nothing in the NIE findings about right-wing or anti-government groups. Instead, there is a rather stark warning about the danger of "leftist" groups using the Internet to engage in terrorist attacks against the United States. Is there any basis at all for that warning?

There have been scattered reports over the last several years that the Bush administration's anti-terrorism programs have targeted domestic political groups solely because such groups espouse views contrary to the administration's. That this claim about "leftist" terrorist groups made it into the NIE summary is particularly significant in light of the torture and detention bill that is likely soon to be enacted into law. That bill defines "enemy combatant" very broadly (and the definition may be even broader by the time it is enacted) and could easily encompass domestic groups perceived by the administration to be supporting a "terrorist agenda."

Similarly, the administration has claimed previously that it eavesdrops on the conversations of Americans only where there is reasonable grounds
(as judged by the administration) to believe that one of the parties is affiliated with a terrorist group. Does that include "leftist" groups that use the Internet to organize? This NIE finding gives rise to this critical question: Are "leftist" groups one of the principal targets on the anti-terrorism agenda of the Bush administration, and if so, aren't the implications rather disturbing?

-- Glenn Greenwald

Bush says they hate us for our freedoms. Bush solution: take away our freedoms Welcome to the fascist Bush police state. Do you feel safer yet?

"Everything we don't believe in"

As he prepared to vote against the Bush administration's detainee legislation Wednesday, Ohio Rep. Dennis Kucinich put it about as well as anybody could. "This bill," he said, "is everything we don't believe in."

That's the short version.

In a letter sent to members of Congress this week, 609 law professors offer the long one:

"Taken together, the bill's provisions rewrite American law to evade the fundamental principles of separation of powers, due process, habeas corpus, fair trials, and the rule of law, principles that, together, prohibit state-sanctioned violence. If there is any fixed point in the historical understandings of constitutional freedom that help to define us as a people, it is that no one may be picked up and locked up by the American state in secret or at an unknown location, or without opportunity to petition an independent court for inspection of the lawfulness of the lockup and of the treatment handed out by the state to the person locked up, under legal standards from time to time defined by Congress. This core principle should apply with full force to all detentions by the American state, regardless of the citizenship of detainees."

The professors cite three specific objections to the legislation: its denial of habeas corpus review for detainees who aren't U.S. citizens; its empowering of the president to "to decide which techniques violate the Geneva Conventions for purposes of criminal sanction under the War Crimes Act, so long as they do not fall within the category of 'grave breaches'"; and its abandonment of "our longstanding constitutional protections against punishing people on the basis of coerced testimony and against denying individuals the opportunity to defend themselves through access to exculpatory evidence known to the government."

-- Tim Grieve Sept. 28, 2006

Informant: Debi Clark

Erderwärmung erreicht Rekordhöhen



Auf der Erde ist es so warm wie seit 12.000 Jahren nicht mehr.

Trotz Klimaschutzabkommen: Weltweit steigende CO2-Emissionen


Die Kohlendioxidemissionen sind im vergangenen Jahr gegenüber dem Vorjahr weltweit um etwa 2,5 % gestiegen, gegenüber 1990 betrug der Anstieg sogar nahezu 27 %.

Klimawandel erreicht die Chefetagen


WWF: Klimawandel wird zunehmend als Investitionsrisiko erkannt.

Zwei Millionen Bürger gegen Braunkohle


Die großen deutschen Umweltverbände und regionale Bürgerinitiativen mit insgesamt zwei Millionen Mitgliedern haben sich jetzt zu einem Aktionsbündnis „Zukunft statt Braunkohle" zusammengeschlossen.

Verbraucher, Landwirte und Politiker verantwortlich für rapiden Artenschwund


Sechs goldene Verbrauchertipps von Euronatur.

Die Globalisierung macht sich die Welt untertan

Neuer "Atlas der Globalisierung" erschienen

Die Globalisierung macht sich die Welt untertan. Immense Kapital- und Datenströme, ungebremster Warenverkehr und massive Migrationsbewegungen haben den Planeten zum globalen Dorf verkleinert. Doch haben die neuen Märkte und Mobilitäten keine gerechtere Ordnung geschaffen, vielmehr drohen der Weltgemeinschaft ungeahnte Konflikte und dramatische Verwerfungen.

Atomkraft? Nein danke!

Dass RWE versucht, aus ökonomischen Gründen, das älteste deutsche Atomkraftwerk in Biblis länger laufen zu lassen als im Atomkonsens-Gesetz vorgesehen, ist nachvollziehbar. Die Aktionäre haben auf diesen Vorstoß gedrängt. Aber ist ein Atomkraftwerk nur eine Anlage zum Geldverdienen wie viele andere Anlagen auch?

Die Zukunft der Arbeit: Vollbeschäftigung ist möglich

Ein Gespenst geht um in der Bundesrepublik: das Gespenst der Massenarbeitslosigkeit. Beinahe fünf Millionen Menschen sind ohne Arbeit, so die offizielle Statistik.


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