Samstag, 17. Juni 2006

Ausnahmezustand in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern beim Bush-Besuch Mitte Juli

Teurer Kaffeeklatsch

Die Welt vor einer neuen Energiekrise? Solare Zukunft ohne Erdöl und Atomenergie

Referent: Dr. Herbert Kuhn, Ingenieur, Energieberater

Do., 13. Juli 2006, 19.30 Uhr, in der Brienner Str. 46, U 1/7 und Tram 20/21 Stiglmaierplatz (3 min zu Fuß), U 2/8 Königsplatz (5 min zu Fuß), Eintritt ist frei.

Klimaänderung, atomare Risiken, 75 % Importabhängigkeit der Energieversorgung bei abnehmenden Ressourcen und steigenden Preisen. Deutschland wird sich die gewohnte fossile und atomare Energieversorgung nicht mehr lange leisten können. Herbert Kuhn geht auf die zu erwartende Preisentwicklung auf den internationalen Energiemärkten ein und auf die tatsächlichen Kosten einer atomaren Energieversorgung. Alternativ werden die Potenziale und Kosten eines sparsamen und regenerativen Energieeinsatzes aufgezeigt. Schlussfolgerung des Energiewirtschaftlers: Wir müssen unsere Energieversorgung binnen 25 Jahren auf sparsamen Einsatz und regenerative Deckung umstellen, ansonsten ist der Sozial- und Wirtschaftsstandort Deutschland in derzeitiger Form nicht zu halten.

Referent: Dr. Herbert Kuhn, Studium der Elektrotechnik an der TU München, Fachrichtung Energietechnik. Danach 5 Jahre wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Forschungsstelle für Energiewirtschaft in München. Derzeit Betreiber eines Ingenieurbüros, das sich mit Energieeinsparung in der Industrie beschäftigt.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Markus Hollemann Regionalbeauftragter
Ökologisch-Demokratische Partei (ödp)
Stadtverband München
Fon 089/45 24 74 15 × Fax 089/244 365 397


Alle Vorträge finden jeweils am zweiten Donnerstag im Monat in den Räumen der Gregor-Louisoder-Umweltstiftung statt: Brienner Str. 46, zwischen U2/U8 Königsplatz und U1/U7 Stiglmaierplatz.

Do., 10. Aug. 2006, 19.30 Uhr "Limbische Wahrheiten – Gehirnforschung, Marketing und Ökologie" Referent: Günther Hartmann, Berater im Stadt- und Regionalmarketing

Do., 14. Sep. 2006, 19.30 Uhr "Pflegenotstand - Keine Perspektive im Alter?" Referentin: Christiane Lüst, Dipl.-Soz. Päd., Initiatorin des Münchner Pflegestammtischs

Do., 12. Okt. 2006, 19.30 Uhr "Ein Jahr nach der Bundestagswahl - Wo steht Deutschland heute?" Referent: Prof. Dr. Klaus Buchner, ödp-Bundesvorsitzender

Do., 09. Nov. 2006, 19.30 Uhr "Das 1,5-Liter-Auto ist machbar - Entwickler berichten" Referent: Uli Sommer, Chefentwickler Loremo-Projekt

2,500 Dead: How Many More?

Cindy Sheehan: "On Feb. 1, I was arrested at the State of the Union address for wearing a Veterans for Peace shirt that read: '2,245 Dead. How many more?' A little more than four months later, we are now tragically marking the deaths of 255 more of our brave and wonderful young American soldiers. So today, with 2,500 dead, I ask again: How many more?"

Watada case being ignored in the nation's newspapers

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

The Courage to Face the Consequences

060617 - R - Mobilfunk - Newsletter

060614 - R - Mobilfunk - Newsletter

060612 - R - Mobilfunk - Newsletter

Mobilfunk-Boom in Afrika durch Kinderarbeit

Dreckiger geht's wohl nicht mehr ! Kinder müssen herhalten um Handys zu verkaufen!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen übersandt:
Pesché Jeannot (Luxemburg)

T O P S T O R I E S + + +

Vodafone und Orange setzen auf kleine Hände bei Telefonkartenverkäufen

Samstag, 17.06.2006, 12:10,2j09,1,7a5g,cznc,7x4o,5psz

Rumsfeld vor laufenden Kameras der Lüge überführt

Group will keep an eye on phone masts

By Lynn Jackson

MOBILE phone mast campaigners in Dorset have joined forces with other activists across the south to keep track of any bids to put up new masts.

The new watchdog group, Wessex Registry of Active Masts (WRAM), aims to keep tabs on planning applications in Dorset, Hampshire and Surrey and monitor mast locations.

Members are urging anyone who wants to be kept up-to-date with mast developments to get in touch. continued...

Campaigners in Bournemouth who fought mobile phone masts in Moordown, Southbourne and Queen's Park, are among those keen to see the group get off the ground.

Many local residents were angry after phone masts slipped through the planning process due to legal blunders by Bournemouth council, or were put up without any warning.

WRAM founder member Karen Barratt, who led a campaign against a phone mast in Hampshire, said the watchdog could be a much stronger force than any individual campaigning against local masts.

She said: "This is all about communication.

"We do not want to be kept in the dark about where current masts are sited or where future masts may be required.

"We will not be telling anyone what they should do.

"If people want to raise objections to any specific site it is their choice, but they are entitled to be properly informed and consulted.

She added: "Too often people are simply unaware."

WRAM hopes to build up a picture of mast developments in the region and also monitor the behaviour of the telecom operators and the performance of local planning authorities.

"We hope to eventually have representatives from councils, schools and community groups," added Karen.

If you want to join the group's mailing list, contact WRAM on

1:05pm today

© Copyright 2001-2006 Newsquest Media Group

Pentagon Details US Abuse of Detainees

Murky procedures, lack of oversight and inadequate resources led to mistakes in the way U.S. troops treated Iraq and Afghanistan detainees. But two Pentagon reports, made public Friday, found no widespread mistreatment or illegal actions by the military. A human rights group called the reports a whitewash that ignored countless documented accounts of detainee abuse.

World's oceans reaching point of no return, says UN

By Sam Knight,,3-2229211,00.html

The UN has warned the world's governments that humankind's exploitation of the sea could be passing the point of no return.

A report by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) found that more than half of the world's fish stocks are being exploited to their full extent, with nearly a quarter suffering from over-fishing.

Meanwhile, pollution, litter and deep sea drilling are all reaching into the depths of a marine environment hitherto preserved from the hand of man.

In the Central Pacific, the study found, there is now up to 6lb of marine litter to every 1lb of plankton. Elsewhere, there are around 46,000 pieces of plastic litter for every square mile of the world's oceans.

Achim Steiner, UNEP’s new executive director, said that particular attention must be paid to the 60 per cent of the world's oceans that are beyond the reach of national jurisdictions and conservation efforts, where modern technology and a lack of regulation is combining to harm the environment.

"Humankind's ability to exploit the deep oceans and high seas has accelerated rapidly over recent years," he said.

"It is a pace of change that has outstripped our institutions and conservation efforts whose primary focus have been coastal waters where, until recently, most human activity like fishing and industrial exploration took place. We now most urgently need to look beyond the horizon and bring the lessons learnt in coastal water to the wider marine world."

According to the report, just 1 per cent of the world's 3.5 million fishing boats are thought to be large, industrial vessels, but the giant loads they trawl from the deep sea account for around 60 per cent of all the fish caught on the planet.

Industrial fishing has helped to drive down the world's stocks of tuna, cod, swordfish and marlin by as much as 90 per cent in the last century.

Adding to the strain on the oceans, the UN estimated that nearly $10 billion of fish are caught illegally each year, up to 30 per cent of which is taken from unregulated waters.

Illegal longline fishing also kills more than 300,000 seabirds every year, including 100,000 albatrosses. Nineteen out 21 albatross species are now threatened with extinction.

The report also described a range of activities, including energy development and scientific research such as "bioprospecting" - the collection of biological artefacts for new products - that encroach on waters up to 2,000m below the ocean surface.

"Throughout the oceans, shipping, military operations and seismic exploration have intensified with growing impacts on deep water and high sea ecosystems and biodiversity," said Kristina Gjerde, a UN High Seas Policy Advisor who wrote the report.

"The spectre of climate change and its impacts such as ocean warming and acidification underscore the need to reduce direct human impacts, because healthy ecosystems are better able to respond to changing oceanic conditions."

Reacting to the report, Tim Yeo, the Conservative MP who is chairing a study of the Government's plans for a Marine Bill, said that Britain should take the lead in devising a new regulatory framework for the world's open waters.

"For generations we have regarded the sea as a resource we can all deplete at will. Those chickens are now coming home to roost," he said.

Time running out to curb effects of deep sea pollution, warns UN

· Pace of change outstrips conservation efforts · Water temperature rises as alkalinity falls

David Adam,
environment correspondent
Saturday June 17, 2006
The Guardian,,1799872,00.html

Damage to the once pristine habitats of the deep oceans by pollution, litter and overfishing is running out of control, the United Nations warned yesterday. In a report that indicates that time is running out to save them, the UN said humankind's exploitation of the the deep seas and oceans was "rapidly passing the point of no return".

Last year some 85 million tonnes of wild fish were pulled from the global oceans, 100 million sharks and related species were butchered for their fins, some 250,000 turtles became tangled in fishing gear, and 300,000 seabirds, including 100,000 albatrosses, were killed by illegal longline fishing.

Article continues Into the water in their place went three billion individual pieces of litter - about eight million a day - joining the 46,000 pieces of discarded plastic that currently float on every square mile of ocean and kill another million seabirds each year. The water temperature rose and its alkalinity fell - both the result of climate change. Coral barriers off Australia and Belize are dying and newly discovered reefs in the Atlantic have already been destroyed by bottom trawling.

Achim Steiner, executive director of the UN's environment programme, said: "Humankind's ability to exploit the deep oceans and high seas has accelerated rapidly over recent years. It is a pace of change that has outstripped our institutions and conservation efforts."

Mining, for example, could soon spread to the sea floor for the first time. The Canadian company Nautilus Minerals plans to dig for deposits of gold and copper off Papua New Guinea.

More than 90% of the world's living organisms are found in the oceans, but a new UN report says that researchers are only now beginning to understand the nature of their ecosystems."Today, these environments are considered to have been the very cradle for life on Earth."

Yesterday's warning from the UN came as officials and experts met in New York to discuss ways the international community could better police activities in international waters.

Mr Steiner said: "Well over 60% of the marine world and its rich biodiversity is found beyond the limits of national jurisdiction and is vulnerable and at increasing risk. Governments must urgently develop guidelines, rules and actions needed to bridge this gulf."

The UN says countries need to manage oceans along ecological boundaries rather than political borders. It says more research is needed to investigate the 90% of the oceans that remain unexplored. It also calls for greater protection for vulnerable species such as cod, marlin and swordfish, which have lost 90% of their global stocks over the last century.

Kristina Gjerde, high seas policy adviser with the International Conservation Union's global marine programme, who wrote the new report, said: "Once limited largely to shipping and open ocean fishing, commercial activities at sea are expanding rapidly and plunging ever deeper." She said the effects of climate change made conservation efforts more important.

Informant: binstock

Proposed dams to be Chile's next environment battle

Informant: binstock

Polar bear plight worsens as toxins reach the Arctic

By Lewis Smith, Environment Reporter,,3-2226227,00.html

POLAR bears and other Arctic animals are being poisoned in their thousands by man-made chemicals, the wildlife charity WWF has said.

The chemicals are causing serious health problems for wildlife that dramatically reduces its chances of survival in the Arctic environment.

Whales, seals and polar bears are among those found with heightened levels of chemicals in their bodies, according to the WWF report. Effects include suppressed immune systems, weakened and deformed skeletons, cancers, vitamin deficiency and changes in behaviour.

Elizabeth Salter Green, the director of WWF-UK’s toxics programme, said: “What we are seeing here is a mass contamination of Arctic wildlife. We believe it is making these animals less capable of surviving the harsh Arctic conditions and the impacts of climate change. The survival of wild animal populations is threatened.

“Chemical contamination of our environment is spiralling out of control because of poor global chemicals regulation. The Arctic ecosystem is being ravaged by chemicals.”

Chemicals found in Arctic mammals and birds include DDT and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), which are widely banned but can remain locked in ice for decades. Among those in use today and found contaminating the wildlife are perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS), used in non-stick coatings for saucepans, which have been linked to neonatal mortality and respiratory problems. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers
(PBDEs), widely used as flame retardants, are also found in high levels.

The report, Killing Them Softly, analysed a series of scientific studies into a range of Arctic creatures to establish what effects contamination had. The WWF concluded that the problem is so severe that, taken in conjunction with other threats, such as the melting ice, extinction is only a matter of time for some species.

Polar bears are already predicted to die out in a century. Most of the contamination is carried from the industrialised world to the Arctic by air and sea currents.

Predator species, such as polar bears and sea lions, are severely affected because their bodies absorb contaminants within food, such as fish.Other animals suffering high levels of toxins include hares, lemmings, wolverines, caribou, walrus, wolves, foxes and reindeer.

PCB levels are so high in polar bears that they could affect their chances of reproducing, and organochlorines reduce their ability to produce the antibodies needed to fight off infections.

Beluga whales have been especially hard hit. Some carcasses are so contaminated “that their bodies are treated as toxic waste”. They have a cancer rate higher than any other wild animal population.

The WWF, launching its report today, is calling on industrialised nations, especially in the European Union, to impose strict controls on chemicals to prevent them getting into the ecosystem. The EU is planning legislation but the WWF fears that it will be watered down under pressure from industry.

Professor Julian Dowdeswell, director of the Scott Polar Research Institute at Cambridge University said: “One thinks of the Arctic as a pristine environment. It isn’t. There are all sorts of contaminants carried by the ocean currents and air masses which can disperse them at very high latitudes.

“These contaminants move up the food chain. The way these things appear to be taken into the Arctic food chain is definitely detrimental.”


Polar bears: impaired immune system, altered hormone production, weaker bones

Seals and sea lions: skeletal deformities, skin diseases, cancers, breeding problems, altered hormone production

Beluga whales: cancers, infections, reproductive problems

Birds: changed behaviour when sitting on eggs, reduced immunity

Informant: binstock

Available Environmental Interventions Could Save Millions of Lives

One quarter of the global disease burden in adults is related to environmental risk factors that could be modified with existing interventions, the World Health Organization (WHO) said in a new report Friday. The WHO is thus calling on environmental policymakers, industry, energy, transport and the health sector to work towards the objective of making "wise investments" in terms of the environment, in order to prevent health problems related to environmental factors, says Maria Neira, WHO director of public health and environment.

Thawing Permafrost Could Unleash Tons of Carbon

Ancient roots and bones locked in long-frozen soil in Siberia are starting to thaw, and have the potential to unleash billions of tons of carbon and accelerate global warming, scientists said Thursday. This vast carbon reservoir, contained in permafrost soil in northeastern Siberia, contains about 75 times more carbon than the amount released into the atmosphere each year by the burning of fossil fuels, the researchers said in a statement.

Global Warming Could Burn Insurers

The alarm sounded by scientists about global warming has deep implications for the insurance industry and consumers, participants said Thursday at a climate change summit in Seattle.

A Leap of Faith, Off a Cliff

On Monday, the Bush administration told a judge in Detroit that the president's warrantless domestic spying is legal and constitutional, but refused to say why. The judge should just take his word for it, the lawyer said, because merely talking about it would endanger America.

Judge again delays release of torture report

A judge in Cook County has again put off the release of a report into allegations that Chicago police tortured suspects.

From Information Clearing House

The Impact of Psychological Torture Techniques Against Detainees at Guantanamo Bay

The apparent suicide of three Guantanamo Bay detainees this past Saturday highlights the tragic results of arbitrary and indefinite detention. A human rights travesty.

From Information Clearing House

"I Was Tortured"

By Sister Dianna Ortiz, OSU

Sister Ortiz relates her personal experiences and tell us that U.S. personnel were present in interrogation and torture rooms,” in Guatemala in 1989 when she was kidnapped, taken to a secret prison and repeatedly raped and tortured by troops commanded by General Hector Gramajo (a CIA asset and graduate of the U.S. Army School of the Americas).


A recent trip by Michael Ledeen to Rome has raised red flags among those concerned about a potential war with Iran

Pentagon confirms Iranian directorate

A recent trip by Michael Ledeen to Rome has raised red flags among those concerned about a potential war with Iran. Some believe that Ledeen -- a long-time advocate of Iranian regime change -- was involved in the Niger forgeries scandal.

From Information Clearing House

Price of Human Life in Baghdad: US $2.40

Oxfam International report says lack of control over the international ammunition trade is partly responsible for the escalating violence in Iraq. Research published on June 15 shows that the price of taking away a human life in Baghdad is currently US$2.40.

From Information Clearing House

"Not Your Soldier": Stop the military invasion of our schools and our communities

4 Minute video:

The Not Your Soldier Project gives youth the tools we need to stop the military invasion of our schools and our communities.

Mission Rejected: U.S. Soldiers Who Say No To Iraq

We hear from three Iraq war resisters who have spoken out.

Audio and transcript

Iraq: The Continuous War


This documentary details the work that American troops are doing in Iraq. It details there views and opinions as to the why the war is being waged and how the war is being fought on the ground.

Prof. Ken Bode: Iraq War a "Corrupt, Futile Enterprise"

What the Republicans fear is that the midterm elections will become a genuine referendum on that war.

From Information Clearing House

The Century of the Self

Video - Adam Curtis' acclaimed series examines the rise of the all-consuming self against the backdrop of the Freud dynasty.

American corporations realised that self was not a threat but their greatest opportunity. It was in their interest to encourage people to feel they were unique individuals and then sell them ways to express that individuality. To do this they turned to techniques developed by Freudian psychoanalysts to read the inner desires of the new self.

Click here to watch

The Century of the Self

Documentary by Adam Curtis

This episode explains how politicians on the left, in both Britain and America, turned to the techniques developed by business to read and fulfil the inner desires of the self. - The aim of those who had originally created these techniques had not been to liberate the people but to develop a new way of controlling them.


The war for your mind

Condi and the isolationists

By Patrick Buchanan

To understand who is truly responsible for a situation where a U.S. secretary of state has to go before a convention of religious conservatives to try to hold their support for a president they put in office, Rice might ask herself some questions.

The Bogus Take Back America Conference

Trivializing Corruption

By David Sirota

Ninety thousand dollars in a Democratic Congressman's freezer. A Republican House Majority Leader indicted for money laundering, and a senior Republican thrown in jail for accepting bribes. Washington's biggest lobbyist thrown in jail for trying to buy off lawmakers. This is what the Washington Establishment and the media want America to believe is the worst form of corruption: a few dirty political hacks who had the nerve to violate our supposedly pristine democracy.

Why the Dollar Bubble is About to Burst

Informant: Bob Banner

Church court will rule on plans for phone mast

By Mark Killiner

CONTROVERSIAL plans for a phone mast in a church near a school were discussed in a special church court pre-hearing.

The proposals to install a T-Mobile base station in the spire of SS Peter and Paul Church on the Green, Chingford, 50m from St Mary's Catholic School, have met with huge opposition from parents, children and teachers.

They are concerned about possible health risks associated with phone masts. continued...

A Consistory Court, which rules on issues connected with the church, met at the church for a directions hearing on Tuesday to establish the procedure for the full hearing next month.

During proceedings, which were presided over by George Pulman QC of the Consistory of the Diocese of Chelmsford, QS4, the company behind the mast and the vicar and wardens of the church were told they would have to present evidence supporting the plan at the full hearing.

Steve Turner, of Willow Street, Chingford, will be opposing the plans after it was established that those opposed to the mast could not afford legal representation.

He said: "I think it is undemocratic that local people should have to pay to take part in a process which could affect theirs and their children's health."

Mr Pulman explained he needed evidence to be presented in a coherent way that would best serve the interests of both parties.

Both sides agreed there should be another consultation process so a drop-in session was organised to give residents the chance to consider evidence and air their views.

Mr Turner said: "The hearing went well. We requested another consultation because so many people had no idea of the plans after the first consultation and we've got it."

The consultation drop-in takes place at the church on Saturday, July 8, and the Consistory Hearing will be held there on Tuesday and Wednesday, July 18 and 19.

9:00am today

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Could Haditha be just the tip of the mass grave?

Could Haditha be just the tip of the mass grave? The corpses we have glimpsed, the grainy footage of the cadavers and the dead children; could these be just a few of many?

The children of Guantanamo Bay

The 'IoS' reveals today that more than 60 of the detainees of the US camp were under 18 at the time of their capture, some as young as 14

The notorious US detention camp in Guantanamo Bay has been hit by fresh allegations of human rights abuses, with claims that dozens of children were sent there - some as young as 14 years old.

Innocence Is No Excuse: on the government's family law system

Blatant Moral Hypocrisy: on global-democratic war atrocities

Informant: Lew Rockwell

The Ever Elusive 'Tipping Point' in Iraq

Civil Society’s Rules of Order

The No-Knock State: on the latest Supreme outrage

The Messianic Nation State: Textbooks as Ideological Weapons

Al-Zarqawi's Death Doesn't Slow War

Soldier's Duty: Say No to Illegal War

A Man, a Plan: Baghdad

The Peace Race

Global Warming/Local Hope

Pro-whaling Nations Plot Diplomatic Coup

Help Save Whales: Protect the largest creatures on earth!

Whaling Foes Dodge Harpoon with Japan Defeat

Japan Seizes Control of Whaling Group after Historic Vote

Japanese Whaling A Barbaric Spectacle

UN: Forgotten Urban Poor a Living Time Bomb

Democrats Accuse Bush Administration of Withholding Superfund Data


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