Freitag, 16. Juni 2006

Rachel's News #859

The Ohio Secretary of State has effectively shut down voter registration drives in the state

Sign our petition urging Ohio lawmakers to rescind new, burdensome rules severely restricting our ability to register new voters in traditionally disenfranchised communities.

Dear ...,

As you may know, Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell is at it again, abusing his power by disenfranchising already underrepresented communities in the coming elections. Election Protection 365 is not taking it sitting down.

Secretary of State Blackwell effectively shut down all voter registration efforts in Ohio when he enacted regulations a week and a half ago that severely restrict the operations of groups seeking to register traditionally disenfranchised voters. Under these new regulations, compensated voter registration workers must turn in the forms they collect directly to elections officials, and not to the group sponsoring the voter registration drive. This means that voter registration groups can’t keep good records – and that means they can’t do the necessary follow up to make sure the voters actually make it onto the voting rolls (and we all know we’ve seen problems with that in the past!).

As if that weren’t enough, these new rules also threaten criminal penalties for individuals registering voters if they do not exactly conform to complicated, burdensome procedures. The threat of criminal prosecution will have such a chilling effect that no one will want to risk engaging in voter registration efforts that expand democracy and empower their communities, and poor people, young people and African Americans will be shut out of our democracy.

On June 26, the Ohio Joint Committee on Agency Rule Review (JCARR) will have the opportunity to reject the Secretary of State’s new policy and they need to hear from you! Even if you don’t live in Ohio, your voice matters – this type of blatant voter suppression in any state sets a dangerous precedent that all Americans have an obligation to speak out against.

People For the American Way Foundation is launching an online petition against Blackwell’s unjust regulations. Sign it today and an e-mail will go directly to JCARR members registering your opposition to this blatant voter suppression.

We’ve already had one victory in this battle. Due to backlash from civil rights organizations, the media and everyday citizens, Blackwell announced Thursday that he would rescind one part of the rule that had required certain registrations to be hand-delivered, and not mailed. While this is a step in the right direction, too many unnecessary burdens remain.

Shutting people out of the democratic process is not the American Way. Weigh in against this right-wing attack on voting rights by signing our petition today!

After you sign the petition, please forward this e-mail to your friends and ask them to show their support for voting rights by signing as well.

Together in the struggle,

Sharon J. Lettman
Vice President for External Affairs and Director of Election Protection 365 People For the American Way Foundation

P.S. You can also support our work to protect voting rights, ensure the fair administration of elections, and register new voters by making a secure online contribution today.

P.P.S. June 26 is my birthday, and I’d really like to celebrate a victory on that day. Tell JCARR to give me the birthday present I deserve – stop the madness!

To contact us online, please use the web form at:


Informant: Martin Greenhut

China-US: The Era of Interdependence

Le Monde posits that the China-US "relationship inaugurates a new paradigm in international relations: a strategic split amidst shared globalization. Centrifugal geopolitics and a centripetal economy pull in opposite directions and finish by canceling one another out."

Bush Administration Hides Data on Toxic Superfund Sites From Public

Senate Democrats on Thursday accused the Bush administration of withholding key details about toxic waste sites that present risks of exposure to nearby residents.

The Tripolar Chessboard

"The American press and policy-making elite have portrayed the crisis with Iran as a two-sided struggle between Washington and Tehran," writes Michael T. Klare. "Another equally fierce - and undoubtedly more important - struggle is also taking place: a tripolar contest between the United States, Russia, and China for domination of the greater Persian Gulf/Caspian Sea region and its mammoth energy reserves."

Stay the Course? What Course?

Eugene Robinson laments, "George W. Bush forges ahead, trying vainly to kill a poisonous, retrograde ideology with bullets and bombs. His 'war' is self-perpetuating, and no one even knows what victory would look like. Long after he's gone, we'll still be looking for a way to end the mess he began."

Troops Refusing Iraq Duty for Reasons of Conscience Have Sanctuary

The First United Methodist Church of Tacoma has declared itself a sanctuary for servicemen and servicewomen who are unable to deploy to combat areas for reasons of conscience.

Republicans Missing the Target

"As the United States passed another milestone with word that 2,500 American troops had been killed in the Iraq war, Congress engaged in a sham debate Thursday about the direction of US policy in Iraq," stated the Register-Guard.

Mystery of the mast solved

By Kevin Barnes

It is known as the home of the Derby and for affording spectacular views of the London cityscape on a crystal-clear summer afternoon.

But last week Epsom Downs was more talked about for being the site of a 30m-high hydraulic platform casting a slender shadow on the Old Paddock. The cherry picker was the source of speculation last Wednesday as neighbours tried to decipher just what purpose it was serving.

A quick call to Epsom and Ewell Borough Council ended all doubt: the lift was intended to test the visual impact of a proposed 30m mobile phone mast.

When the old grandstand at Epsom racecourse is demolished in September, a hub of two dozen transmitters will be pulled down. Six affected mobile phone operators are seeking permission for a replacement grey lattice tower with 28 antennas, 20 microwave dishes and 26 cabinets. continued...

David Smith, chief executive of the borough council, said: "It's unusual to do something like this, but this is a fairly sensitive location.

"The dummy mast will allow us to evaluate the visual impact in the flesh, rather than just superimposing something on to a photo."

Not everyone seemed entirely convinced about using a "pole" to judge whether breathtaking vistas will be marred by a giant radiation-emitting device. Sarah Clayton, secretary of Epsom and Ewell Environ- ment Forum, said: "It doesn't seem the best way to go about it, but you can see where the top will be, then use a bit of imagination."

l What do you think? Write to us at Epsom Guardian, Newspaper House, 34-44 London Road, Morden SM4 5BX or email

© Copyright 2001-2006 Newsquest Media Group

Demos delay masts

By Matt Wilkinson

Jem Duckmanton, eight, leads the protest at the Chester Arms

People power has brought a halt to plans to build mobile phone masts on two pubs in Oxford.

Residents living near the Marlborough House in Grandpont and The Chester Arms in Chester Street, East Oxford, have been protesting against mast plans by mobile phone company T-Mobile.

Now the firm has put installation on hold after hundreds turned out at public meetings to oppose masts being planted on the pubs.

On Wednesday, more than 50 residents living near The Chester Arms took to the streets in a bid to get the plans rejected. continued...

Protester John Lo Breglio said: "Our protests have been the main cause as they don't want the bad publicity.

"This mast would have gone up two weeks ago if we hadn't found out about it by chance.

"This would have been a done deal and we'd be looking at a phone mast out the window now.

"But T-Mobile has only put the masts on hold and it's still the same situation until the plan is scrapped."

T-Mobile did a deal with pub owners Punch Taverns which allows them to install masts on some of its 90 pubs nationwide.

Although an estimated 80 pubs across the country will house the masts, T-Mobile has agreed to review the plans for two in Oxford.

Around 100 residents met T-Mobile executives last week to oppose the Chester Arms proposal and neighbours com- plained about similar plans at the Marlborough House last month.

Protesters armed with placards met outside the Chester Arms yesterday to keep the heat on the phone firm only hours after it decided to suspend plans.

Gordon Simmons, of T-Mobile, said: "T-Mobile has decided to place the proposals to site mobile phone base stations at the Marlborough House and Chester Arms public houses on hold while we consider other options."

The company would not comment on what other sites it was looking at or whether its plans had been scrapped or just postponed.

Nick Trueman, of Punch Taverns, said: "We've got no plans at the moment for masts on other Punch Taverns in the area."

Chester Arms landlord John Dunkley fears customers will boycott the pub if the 3G mast gets the go-ahead.

The firm has permitted development rights at the pubs and does not need planning permission.

The Marlborough House mast is also opposed by parents and governors of nearby St Ebbe's Primary School in Whitehouse Road. The rear entrance to the school grounds is opposite the pub.

9:12am today

© Copyright 2001-2006 Newsquest Media Group

CSU-Generalsekretär Markus Söder: "Nur eine vollständig ausgereifte Technologie darf letztlich auch zum Einsatz kommen"

Fünfjähriges Moratorium: Söder gegen "vorschnellen Einstieg" in die grüne Gentechnik (16.06.06)

CSU-Generalsekretär Markus Söder warnt vor einem vorschnellen "Einstieg in die kommerzielle Nutzung" der grünen Gentechnik. Noch sei die Ablehnung in der Bevölkerung zu groß: "Solange die Verbraucher nicht völlig sicher sein können, dass genetisch veränderte Nahrungsmittel unbedenklich sind, werden sie sich im Supermarkt gegen diese Produkte entscheiden", schreibt Söder in einem Beitrag für den Berliner "Tagesspiegel". Ein "bewusster und verantwortungsvoller Umgang mit unserer Umwelt" verpflichte zu einem zu einem Vorgehen mit Augenmaß: "Nur eine vollständig ausgereifte Technologie darf letztlich auch zum Einsatz kommen", meint der CSU-Generalsekretär.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Why We Are Suing the State of Nebraska - Omaha School Segregation

You may have heard recently of our decision to join a lawsuit filed against the State of Nebraska because of its plan to re-segregate public schools in and around the city of Omaha. For well over 50 years, the accepted law and practice of this nation has been to honor the principles of Brown v. Board of Education. Naturally, we are very concerned about any legislative action that would attempt to bury the progress we've made as a nation and return our children to separate and unequal systems of education.

History and research tell us that over 40% of African American public school students nationwide attend school where more than 75% of the students are poor. Additionally, schools with high concentrations of minority and low-income students are more likely to employ inexperienced and/or non-certified teachers. In Nebraska, 70% of African American public school students are educated in Omaha Public Schools. Keeping them in separate and unequal schools denies them the quality education they deserve.

The State of Nebraska recently passed Legislative Bill 1024 ("LB 1024"), a law we believe threatens quality public education for all students in three important ways. First, LB 1024 orders the division of the Omaha public school district into three racially identifiable school districts. Second, LB 1024 in effect could foreseeably decrease fairness and equity in public school funding. Third, the law erects barriers that, left unchallenged, could deny students the positive benefits of integration.

The NAACP and the NAACP Legal Defense Fund filed a lawsuit challenging the segregation plan based on its unconstitutionality and its attempt to retreat from the law and legacy established by the Brown v. Board of Education decision of 1954. The plaintiffs in the case are the Omaha Branch of the NAACP, the African American Achievement Council and the families of a racially diverse group of Omaha students.

Our lawsuit is specifically asking the courts to enjoin the State of Nebraska from creating three racially separate and distinct school districts and breaking up Omaha Public Schools. The State of Nebraska does not have the right or authority to intentionally further racial segregation in its public schools. Legislative Bill 1024 denies Omaha Public Schools students of color the equal protection of the law as guaranteed by the fourteenth amendment to the United States Constitution.

The NAACP will continue its firm stand in the pursuit of social justice and equal opportunity while opposing any and all forms of social inequity and racial discrimination. In Nebraska, we will continue to fight for the rights of all students to benefit from a fair and equitable quality education.

For more information on LB 1024, visit


Michael T.S. Wotorson
National Director of Education

Wie die ALGII-Gesetzgebung den "Wert des Menschen" in der Gesellschaft neu definiert

Was Arbeit ist, bestimmen wir

Sozial ist, was Arbeit schafft, Teil 1: Wie die ALGII-Gesetzgebung den "Wert des Menschen" in der Gesellschaft neu definiert.

In Afghanistan wird kein Krieg geführt

Das australische Verteidigungsministerium verweigert Gefangenen in Afghanistan wie die USA und Kanada die Rechte von Kriegsgefangenen und wirft damit erneut schwerwiegende Fragen über den "Krieg gegen den Terror" auf.

Fiction on the Social Security Trust Fund

The public fully appreciates what Social Security does and would never support efforts to privatize the program if they believed that Social Security was fundamentally sound," writes Dean Baker. "Therefore, proponents of privatization have undertaken a massive effort over the last quarter-century to convince the public that Social Security is going bankrupt."

Records Reveal Hastert's Hand in Land Deal

Republican House Speaker Dennis Hastert and two partners turned a profit of more than $3 million on property they accumulated and sold in just over three years near the route of a proposed controversial freeway on the western fringe of suburban Chicago, according to land records and financial disclosure reports released Wednesday.

Diane Wilson: The Troops Home Fast

"Diane Wilson, a fourth-generation shrimper from Texas and mother of five, has become legendary for her struggles to stop chemical companies from dumping devastating toxins into the Gulf Coast," writes Medea Benjamin. "Diane, a founding member of CODEPINK, announced at the Mother's Day peace vigil in Washington, DC, on May 14 that she was going on a hunger strike to bring the troops home from Iraq and invited others to join her. The Troops Home Fast, which will begin on July 4, has already attracted hundreds of supporters."

African-American Voters Scrubbed by Secret GOP Hit List

"The Republican National Committee has a special offer for African-American soldiers: Go to Baghdad, lose your vote," writes Greg Palast. "A confidential campaign directed by GOP party chiefs in October 2004 sought to challenge the ballots of tens of thousands of voters in the last presidential election, virtually all of them cast by residents of Black-majority precincts."

Targeting Journalists

by John Prados,

The FBI's effort to muzzle watchdogs is a chilling defiance of historical precedent.

Buying Democracy In Iran

by William Fisher,

Plans for U.S. soft-power diplomacy in Iran may not be enough to overcome years of neglect and perceived hypocrisy.

Documents May Link Cheney to Halliburton No-Bid Iraq Contract

Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, announced today that the Department of the Army, per order of US District Court Judge Ricardo M. Urbina, has released to Judicial Watch approximately 100 pages of documents which detail the multi-billion dollar, no-bid contract awarded in 2003 by the Army to Kellogg Brown and Root (KBR), a subsidiary of Halliburton Co. One document uncovered by Judicial Watch suggests the United States Army Corp of Engineers (USACE) may have publicly lied regarding the involvement of the Vice President's office in awarding the contract.

Whatever happened to religious freedom?

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

"Debating" the Iraq war

by Justin Raimondo


The Republican offensive in support of the Iraq war should have crashed shortly after launching: unfortunately, they had some essential allies who helped fuel their shaky effort -- the Democrats...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Marine probed over song on killing Iraqis

Scotsman [UK]


The U.S. Marine Corps is investigating whether a Marine did anything wrong by singing an obscenity laced song to a laughing and cheering crowd of fellow U.S. troops in Iraq making light of killing Iraqis. A four-minute video of the performance, posted on the Internet, showed Cpl. Joshua Belile, who returned home from Iraq in March, singing lyrics about encountering an Iraqi woman and her family. He sings, 'I grabbed her little sister and put her in front of me. As the bullets began to fly, the blood sprayed from between her eyes, and then I laughed maniacally.' In the background, laughing, clapping and cheers can be heard...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Homeland Security: US not ready for disasters



Most American cities and states remain unprepared for catastrophes, a government analysis concludes, calling the shortcomings in emergency planning a cause 'for significant national concern.' Nearly five years after the 9/11 attacks and 10 months after Hurricane Katrina, the Homeland Security Department concluded that nationwide response plans for major disasters are antiquated and often uncoordinated. Although emergency plans appear to be stronger in 18 states along the nation's 'Hurricane Belt,' the analysis cited preparedness gaps in 131 state and city emergency response plans...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Media access to Guantanamo blocked altogether

USA Today


More than 1,000 journalists have visited Guantanamo Bay since the U.S. military began locking up suspected al-Qaeda and Taliban militants there 4 years ago. But access has been severely restricted: Journalists could not talk to detainees, they had to be accompanied by a military escort and their photos were censored. Now, the Pentagon has shut down access entirely -- at least temporarily -- expelling reporters this week and triggering an outcry from human rights groups, attorneys and media organizations even as the prison comes under renewed criticism for the suicides of three detainees last weekend...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp



This week Congress is taking up campaign propaganda masquerading as a debate on Iraq. The House measure put forward without opportunity for amendment, H.Res. 861, defies any member of the House to vote against a resolution that twice proclaims that we should honor our troops, and declares that any schedule to draw down our forces there must by definition be "arbitrary".

Our fallen service members deserve better.

The entire strategy of terrorists in the Middle East has been to engage us into fighting them "over there", driven by irrational and baseless fears of weapons of mass destruction, which the Bush administration has exploited shamelessly for the benefit of their war profiteers. There were no terrorists in Iraq to got to war AGAINST, except ones the Bush and Cheney themselves elevated by their reckless occupation. And continuing the occupation will just breed two more insurgents for every one they manage to pick off in a photo-op bombing.

But there are candidates for Congress who see through the charade, like Stacey Tallitsch, running in the Louisiana 1st district. Here is what Stacey has to say about the occupation:

There is just no other way to put this; it is plainly self-evident and clear. The War in Iraq is a complete failure. George W. Bush’s dream has wrought nothing but death and destruction to both the United States and Iraq.

Iraq is making terrorism worse. It's a breeding ground. We're sowing seeds to a bitter fruit we never wanted and certainly don't need. We need to leave as soon as possible without creating a regional war. We are not helping the Iraqis by staying. They are building their imperfect institutions and they must live with the result.

We need to get out of Iraq as soon as possible. And then we need to take quick action to hold those responsible for the greatest error ever perpetrated on America.

And here is Stacey's action page on ending the occupation:


There is absolutely nothing that would deflate the insurgency in Iraq faster than a definite committment to give the Iraqis back control of their own country, and they know it. It is only our foolish White House and the insurgents themselves who strive to draw us in deeper and attack even more Muslim countries.


Those living in Los Angeles know that since the L.A. primary challengers ran their call to action radio spots on impeachment, another group has now picked up the ball to run their own call to action spots on Air America Radio. Just as we promised, your donations have had impact beyond the elections themselves by raising the visibility of this issue. And Stacey Tallistch wants to do the same thing with the end the occupation issue.

So for those who are blessed to be able to do so, please consider making a donation so Stacey can start running his own call to action radio spots, to open up an issue activism front in Louisiana as well.


And if you can't do that, there is something JUST as important that you can do to help, and that is to get involved in the virtual phone bank project. If you could just dedicate a little time to make 10 phone calls a week, to reach out to potential supporters of brave candidates like Stacey Tallitsch, and if we do this every week between now and November we can reach an amazing number of people with the issue activism message.

While we are setting everything up for Stacey, please assign yourself a Blades of Grass password, and it will be good at any of the virtual phone bank installations we will be doing, and we'll let you know where you are most needed.



One of our participants also asked us to publicize a special spiritual consciousness raising event. Here is their message:

We are conducting an e-mail and social network campaign to spread the word to as many people as possible. We are asking those who are interested to organize sunrise meditations in their area, preferably where they can see the sun rising. We have also contacted groups that are already doing events on Equinoxes and Solstices to include a sunrsie meditation in their gathering if they are not doing so already.

At very least, we are asking people to wake up for the sunrise and tune in for 10 minutes before and after the sunrise focusing their mind on a world in peace through unconditional love as well as invite 10 other people to join us in the meditation.

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this message to everyone else you know.

Powered by The People's Email Network Copyright 2006, Patent pending, All rights reserved


Newsletter der Giordano Bruno Stiftung (15.6.05)

PETITION bitte unterstützen

Im Iran ist Anfang des Jahres die 18-jährige Nazanin zum Tode verurteilt worden. Der Grund: Sie hatte sich als Minderjährige gegen drei Männer, die sie vergewaltigen wollten, zur Wehr gesetzt und einen der Angreifer in Notwehr getötet. Sie wurde von einem iranischen Gericht zum Tod durch Erhängen verurteilt. Gegen das Urteil wurde Revision eingelegt, der nächste Verhandlungstermin ist voraussichtlich noch im Juni. Es ist zu befürchten, dass das Urteil erneut vom Gericht bestätigt und kurz darauf vollstreckt wird.

Mina Ahadi (Köln), Vorsitzende des Internationalen Komitees gegen die Todesstrafe (und Kooperationspartnerin der GBS), sowie Nazanin Afshin-Jam, Sängerin, Model (Miss Canada 2003) und Menschenrechtsaktivistin, übergaben Anfang Juni der Menschenrechtskommision der UN (New York) eine Petition mit 180.000 Unterstützern zur Rettung von Nazanin Fatehi. Die Petition kann und soll weiterhin unterschrieben werden unter:

Bitte leiten Sie den Hinweis auf die Petition an Bekannte weiter!

Veranstaltungshinweis: Anlässlich des WM-Spiels der iranischen Fußballnationalmannschaft veranstaltet TERRE DES FEMMES zusammen mit dem Internationalen Komitee gegen die Todesstrafe und der Kampagne "Vergesst niemals Hatun" AM FREITAG, DEM 16. JUNI, VON
13.00 - 15.00 UHR IN FRANKFURT auf dem Opernplatz eine KUNDGEBUNG gegen die Todesstrafe von Nazanin im Iran.

Weitere Informationen unter:

In diesem Zusammenhang weisen wir auf eine neue Rubrik unserer Projektseite hin: "Weltkultur Humanismus und Aufklärung versus Islamischer Totalitarismus". Zur Zeit findet sich dort u.a. ein Hinweis auf die Internationale Kampagne "THIRD CAMP", die sich kritisch zum Iran-USA-Konflikt äußert.


Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Das Newsletter-Team der Giordano Bruno Stiftung

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

ACLU v. NSA: You Can Help Us Make History

Iraq Women's Report Calls Violence Enemy No. 1

Violence against civilians and widespread infrastructure damage are making it difficult for Iraqi women to agree about the US occupation or concentrate on pushing for a role in the reconstruction process.

Bush Fails Women in Afghanistan

"If the president and his advisers ever stop to wonder why so many people hate them, they need look no further: They talk about exporting democracy and freedom but what does any of it mean to women in Helmand province [Afghanistan]?" says Joan Smith.

Crisis Seen in Nation's ER Care

Emergency medical care in the United States is on the verge of collapse, with the nation's declining number of emergency rooms dangerously overcrowded and often unable to provide the expertise needed to treat seriously ill people in a safe and efficient manner.

Night Flights Twice as Bad for Environment


A nationwide ban on night flights would significantly reduce the aviation industry's impact on the climate, a new study shows. Scientists have found that the warming effect of aircraft is much greater when they fly in the dark, because of the effects of the condensation trails (contrails) they leave.

Journalists Forced Off Guantanamo

Editors at the Los Angeles Times and two other newspapers protested the Pentagon decision to expel their reporters Wednesday from Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, where the journalists were reporting on the weekend suicides of three prisoners.

Democrats Call Iraq War a "Grotesque Mistake" in House Debate

The House erupted in impassioned election-year debate over the Iraq war on Thursday. Republicans defended the conflict as key to winning the global struggle against terrorism, while Democrats called the war a failed policy, lamenting the lives lost, billions of dollars spent and the bruised US image since the war started.

Senate Approves Another $65.8 Billion for War

The US Senate on Thursday easily passed a $94.5 billion compromise emergency bill to fund the Iraq and Afghanistan wars and rebuild after last summer's hurricanes. When Bush signs the legislation into law, $65.8 billion will be rushed to the Pentagon so it can continue combat in the two countries through September.

Mobile phone mast opposed

Jun 15, 2006

A 50ft "monstrous" mobile phone mast near a Netherton school is being opposed.

O2 has applied to site the equipment on Cinder Bank, sparking fierce opposition.

If approved it would be next to Corbett Garage and near Hillcrest School and Community College.

Ward councillor Martin Bradney said he feared for the health of pupils at the Simms Lane school and the mast would spoil views from Saltwells Nature Reserve, which backs onto the proposed site for the telecommunications equipment.

He said: "I am no scientist and although the hazards of radiation emitted from masts have not been proved neither have they been disproved." He added that he would support any campaign by residents to block the application.

O2 said it needed a mast to increase network coverage in the area. Spokesman Jim Stevenson said: "I can say categorically that there are no health risks."

Omega this is not true. See under:

And that he did not think it would be unsightly.

© Express & Star Ltd, 1997-2006

Documents suggest Pentagon lied about Cheney's role in awarding no-bid contract to Halliburton

Newly-released government documents indicate the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) may have publicly lied about Vice President Dick Cheney's role in awarding a $7 billion no-bid Iraqi oil reconstruction contract to Halliburton in the weeks preceding the March 2003 invasion, the conservative activist group Judicial Watch disclosed today.

From Information Clearing House

Government Increasingly Turning to Data Mining

The Pentagon pays a private company to compile data on teenagers it can recruit to the military.

Officials sued over phone records acces

The federal government sued the New Jersey attorney general and other state officials Wednesday to stop them from seeking information about telephone companies' cooperation with the National Security Agency.

From Information Clearing House

Harvard study blasts treatment of child refugees

Unaccompanied children fleeing to the United States to escape persecution often meet a harsh, hostile reception, slipping through the cracks of a system designed for adults that compounds their trauma, a Harvard University study said on Tuesday.

From Information Clearing House

Why a Global Economic Deluge Looms

People who know the most about the world financial system are increasingly worried, and for very good reasons. Dire warnings are coming from the most "respectable" sources. Reality has gotten out of hand. The demons of greed are loose.

From Information Clearing House

Report fuels spy plane theories

The UK knows more than it is saying about top secret American aircraft projects, recently declassified documents reveal. The release of the MoD documents have once again fuelled debate about spy planes. Liz MacKean reports for the BBC.

From Information Clearing House

US denies Britain consular access to Hicks

The United States has denied the British Government consular access to David Hicks at Guantanamo Bay.

US military suspends Guantanamo visits by lawyers, journalists

Family of Guantanamo inmate doubts suicide
Family wants autopsy of Gitmo detainee

Family members of a Saudi inmate found dead at Guantanamo Bay prison in Cuba said Thursday they want his body back for an autopsy because they do not believe U.S. claims that he committed suicide.

From Information Clearing House

CIA 'held rendition prisoners in Europe'

European countries colluded with the CIA, to stage secret flights for terror suspects, according to a human rights watchdog. The report also says evidence suggests prisoners were held in Poland or Romania - claims both countries deny. Stephen Grey reports for the BBC.

From Information Clearing House

Iran's place at summit raises fears of anti-West alliance

Iran's hard-line president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, arrived in China last night for a summit of Asian states and Russia that Washington fears is forming a new anti-western alliance.

Resurgent Russia aims for the summit

Two telephone calls from President George W Bush to President Vladimir Putin within the five days from May 30 to June 5, and a visit by Henry Kissinger, the ace US statesman of realpolitik, to the Russian leader's residence at Novo Ogaryovo in the Moscow suburbs last Wednesday.

From Information Clearing House

Non-aligned states to back Iran

Non-aligned states will back Iran's right to nuclear fuel production at a UN meeting this week, unmoved by US calls to join efforts to get Tehran to stop enriching uranium, diplomats said.

From Information Clearing House

Iran, Syria sign defense agreement

From Information Clearing House

Terror Ops Underway in Iran

Despite the Bush Administration’s adamant and continual denunciation of terrorism, the Department of Defense—under Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld’s orders—is using a terrorist organization to orchestrate attacks and collect intelligence inside Iran, according to numerous former and current military, intelligence, administration, and United Nations officials.

From Information Clearing House

Iran would 'use nuclear defense' if threatened

Iran's defense minister on Thursday vowed that his country would "use nuclear defense as a potential" if "threatened by any power."

From Information Clearing House

War pimp alert: Condi Rice tells Southern Baptist Convention America's job to spread freedom

In an address that was received like a campaign stump speech, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice spoke to the Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting, exhorting her listeners to support the United States in spreading freedom around the globe.

From Information Clearing House

War pimp alert: Senate Backs President's Iran Policies

The Senate on Thursday endorsed President Bush's "diplomatic" approach to the problem of Iran's 'nuclear" program.

From Information Clearing House

War by Media

What should journalists do? I mean, journalists who give a d...? They need to act now. Governments fear good journalists. The reason the Pentagon spends millions of dollars on PR, or “perception management” companies that try to bend the news is because it fears truth tellers, just as Stalinist governments feared them.

A fresh blow for Lieberman

After years of undermining Democratic unity and voting with the GOP on everything from the Iraq War to right wing judges to Alberto "torture memo" Gonzales (to the infamous kiss pictured here), the blogs took it upon themselves to show Lieberman that there's more to being a Democrat than the "D."

Republicans stage sham Iraq war debate in House of Representatives

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

The military record of political and media leaders

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Playing Chess With Iran

Zarqawi and Lesser-Evil Politics

Market Anarchism

Drug War, What Is It Good For?

The Canadian Terrorism Circus

Public Educators Can’t Be Trusted With Your Children

New Jersey DEP Weakening Toxic Standards Despite Scandals

A Big Problem for Hillary Clinton: "Premature Triangulation"

"Look Them in the Eye": Honest Abe and the Residents of Ramadi


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The Republican Party... les/the-republican-party-i s-still-doing-donald-trump s-bidding/?eType=EmailBlas tContent&eId=804d4873-50dd -4c1b-82a5-f465ac3742ce
rudkla - 26. Apr, 05:36
January 6 Committee Says... les/jan-6-committee-says-t rump-engaged-in-criminal-c onspiracy-to-undo-election /?eType=EmailBlastContent& eId=552e5725-9297-4a7c-a21 4-53c8c51615a3
rudkla - 4. Mär, 05:38
Georgia Republicans Are...
https://www.commondreams.o rg/views/2022/02/14/georgi a-republicans-are-delibera tely-attacking-voting-righ ts
rudkla - 15. Feb, 05:03
Now Every Day Is January...
https://www.commondreams.o rg/views/2022/02/07/now-ev ery-day-january-6-trump-ta rgets-vote-counters
rudkla - 8. Feb, 05:41


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