Sonntag, 4. Juni 2006

An Affront to the Constitution

Informant: Bugs


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

US Account of Haditha Killings Belies Facts

The Marine Corps still has not corrected its misleading Nov. 20 statement asserting that the Iraqi civilians were killed in a bomb blast, writes Thomas E. Ricks in today's Washington Post.

Just how far will corporate lobbyists go to tilt governmental decisions in their favor?

Junketing Judges: A Case of Bad Science

Last fall, after two judges attended a six-day seminar at Yellowstone National Park sponsored by a lobbying group, the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit ruled that the Clean Air Act does not require regulating carbon dioxide emissions that are heating up the planet at an unprecedented rate. Eric Schaeffer wonders, "Just how far will corporate lobbyists go to tilt governmental decisions in their favor?"

Proposal to Implant Tracking Chips in Immigrants

Arbeitsuchende unter Generalverdacht


Datum: Fri, 26 May 2006 10:05:18 +0200

Gemeinsame Erklärung des Bundesbeauftragten und der Landesbeauftragten für den Datenschutz der Länder Baden-Württemberg, Bayern, Berlin, Brandenburg, Bremen, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Niedersachsen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Saarland, Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt, Schleswig-Holstein und Thüringen

Arbeitsuchende unter Generalverdacht

Die Bundesregierung hat den "Entwurf eines Gesetzes zur Fortentwicklung der Grundsicherung für Arbeitsuchende" beschlossen, der von den Koalitionsfraktionen in den Deutschen Bundestag eingebracht worden ist (Bundestags-Drucksache 16/1410) und bereits am 1. August 2006 in Kraft treten soll. Ein wesentliches Ziel des Entwurfs ist es, die stark gestiegenen Kosten der Hartz-IV-Reform durch eine verstärkte Kontrolle aller Arbeitsuchenden nennenswert zu begrenzen. Der Bundesbeauftragte für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit (BfDI) hat mit Schreiben vom 18. Mai 2006 gegenüber dem Ausschuss für Arbeit und Soziales des Deutschen Bundestages Stellung genommen und auf die datenschutzrechtlichen Probleme hingewiesen. Die Datenschutzbeauftragten unterstützen nachdrücklich die in der Stellungnahme des BfDI enthaltenen Forderungen.

Entgegen den im Sozialrecht geltenden Grundsätzen ist geplant, bei der Frage nach dem Vorliegen einer eheähnlichen Gemeinschaft eine Beweislastumkehr zulasten der Arbeitsuchenden einzuführen. Danach müssten Betroffene selbst nachweisen, dass sie nicht in eheähnlichen Gemeinschaften mit Mitbewohnerinnen oder Mitbewohnern leben. Wie dies in der Praxis geschehen soll, ist unklar. Betroffene könnten sich genötigt sehen, zum einen ihre Hilfsbedürftigkeit Mitbewohnerinnen oder Mitbewohnern und damit Dritten zu offenbaren, zum anderen deren sensible Daten preiszugeben. Dafür gibt es keine Rechtsgrundlage. Eine solche exzessive Datenerhebung wäre datenschutzrechtlich nicht hinnehmbar.

Bedenken bestehen auch gegen die geplante Erweiterung der automatisierten Datenabgleiche. Wegen des hiermit verbundenen massiven Eingriffs in das Recht auf informationelle Selbstbestimmung sind derartige Abgleiche grundsätzlich nur unter sehr engen Voraussetzungen dann zulässig, wenn sie im vorrangigen öffentlichen Interesse tatsächlich notwendig und verhältnismäßig sind. Der Gesetzentwurf enthält aber keine Begründung, weshalb ein regelmäßiger Datenabgleich hinter dem Rücken der Betroffenen erforderlich sein soll. Dass einige von ihnen Leistungen erschleichen wollen, rechtfertigt diese Maßnahme nicht. Belege dafür, dass die vorhandenen Befugnisse zur notwendigen Bekämpfung von Leistungsmissbrauch tatsächlich unzureichend sind, fehlen völlig. Es ist mit dem Menschenbild des Grundgesetzes nicht zu vereinbaren, auf diese Weise alle Arbeitsuchenden, die Grundsicherung beanspruchen, unter Generalverdacht zu stellen.

Gleiches gilt für die Schaffung der diversen Auskunftsmöglichkeiten bei anderen Behörden, beispielsweise beim Kraftfahrtbundesamt. Rein präventive Routineauskunftsersuchen sind als unverhältnismäßig abzulehnen. Es muss deshalb klargestellt werden, dass diese Abfragen nur anlassbezogen, d.h. erst wenn aufgrund der Angaben der Betroffenen tatsächliche Anhaltspunkte für deren Unrichtigkeit oder Unvollständigkeit bestehen, und zielgerichtet im konkreten Einzelfall zulässig sind.

Darüber hinaus regelt der Gesetzentwurf Telefonbefragungen durch private Call Center zur Feststellung von Leistungsmissbrauch. Unabhängig von den rechtlichen Bedenken, diese hoheitliche Aufgabe nichtöffentlichen Stellen zu übertragen, muss die Freiwilligkeit der Teilnahme ausdrücklich klargestellt werden.

Die vorgesehene Verpflichtung der Leistungsträger zur Einrichtung eines Außendienstes für Hausbesuche vermittelt den nicht zutreffenden Eindruck, als würde hierdurch eine Mitwirkungspflicht der Betroffenen begründet. Dass diese Hausbesuche unzweifelhaft wegen des grundgesetzlich geschützten Rechts auf die Unverletzlichkeit der Wohnung (Art. 13 GG) nur mit vorheriger Zustimmung der Betroffenen möglich sind und die Außendienstmitarbeiter kein Recht zum Betreten haben, ist ausdrücklich zu betonen.

Schließlich beseitigt der Gesetzentwurf nicht die mehrfach von den Datenschutzbeauftragten kritisierten Unklarheiten der Zuständigkeitsverteilung zwischen der Bundesagentur für Arbeit und den Arbeitsgemeinschaften (ARGEn). Im Gegenteil: Die Probleme werden durch den in sich widersprüchlichen Entwurf verfestigt. Einerseits soll die Bundesagentur für Arbeit in Angelegenheiten der ARGEn künftig die datenschutzrechtlich verantwortliche Stelle sein. Andererseits bestimmt der Gesetzentwurf, dass die Länder für die organisatorischen Angelegenheiten und damit auch für den Datenschutz verantwortlich sein sollen. Eine effektive Datenschutzkontrolle wird dadurch unmöglich.

Die Datenschutzbeauftragten fordern den Deutschen Bundestag und den Bundesrat daher auf, den Gesetzentwurf grundlegend mit Blick auf das Recht auf informationelle Selbstbestimmung zu überarbeiten. Dieses Recht muss auch bei denjenigen gewährleistet bleiben, die auf staatliche Grundsicherung angewiesen sind.

Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie beim
Unabhängigen Landeszentrum für Datenschutz
Holstenstraße 98 / 24103 Kiel
Telefon: 0431 988-1200 / Telefax: 0431 988-1223

Francis Boyle on Impeachment

Francis A. Boyle Law Building
504 E. Pennsylvania Avenue Champaign IL 61820 USA
217-333-7954 (voice)
217-244-1478 (fax)
(personal comments only)

From: Jeff Blankfort (excerpt)
Sent: Sat 6/3/2006 6:18 PM
Subject: Hear Francis Boyle on Impeachment, Anthrax scare, Neocons AIPAC and Helena Cobban on Darfur: A misrepresented Tragedy

On this past Wednesday, on my Takes on the World program, I interviewed Professor Francis Boyle regarding his as yet unsuccessful efforts to get impeachment proceedings started in Congress against Resident Bush and on his recent book Biowarfare ad Terrorism, (Clarity Press, Atlanta, GA). Covered in the wide-ranging discussion were the reasons no Democrat has stepped forth, "The Democratic Party is a front for AIPAC," the neocons ideological connection to Nazi professor Karl Schmitt, the cover-up of the anthrax attack on Congress and its link to the events of 9-11, and the need for the movement to develop independent political candidates who are not in thrall to the political system. You can here that 40 minute interview by clicking on and then going down to the right hand corner and hit Pls.


Cheney Starts New Cold War Over Oil

Mark Ames writes "One of the oddest reactions to Vice President Cheney's now-infamous speech in Lithuania, the one which many Russians believe officially heralded the start of a new Cold War, came from the mainstream American media. What was so strange? They actually did their job."

US Winces as Haditha Echoes My Lai

What happened just after dawn on November 19 last year in Haditha, an insurgent stronghold in western Iraq, is really no longer in dispute.

Iraqis Accuse Marines of Killing Unarmed Civilian

Before people talked about how Hashim Ibrahim Awad was killed, his friends shared tales about how the Americans wanted him to be an informant.

Senator Edward Kennedy: Vote Against Iraq War My Best

Senator Edward Kennedy on Friday declared his vote against the Iraq war the best he has cast since being elected in 1962.

Empty Boots and Baby Shoes

General Chiarelli, second in command in Iraq, stated his belief that it's important for troops to "take time to reflect on the values that separate us from our enemies." Stacy Bannerman wonders when will our soldiers have time for this reflection if in the past few years they have spent more time deployed than stateside.

Red Lobster: Help Stop the Canadian Seal Hunt!

A message from Eleanor

We, the undersigned, will boycott the Red Lobster restaurant chain until it stops buying and serving Canadian seafood.

Red Lobster is the largest purchaser of Canadian seafood in the world. If they boycott Canadian seafood to help stop the Canadian seal hunt, then that will have a huge impact to help stop the hunt. Red Lobster, please join the boycott of Canadian seafood, and save the baby seals!



Global warming 'the greatest atrocity'

From: AAP
By Xavier La Canna
June 04, 2006,10117,19359468-1243,00.html

AUSTRALIAN actor Jack Thompson has said destruction of the environment is a worse atrocity than the September 11 terror attacks and the bombings of Nagasaki and Hiroshima combined.

Thompson, who will today address a Melbourne rally on the eve of World Environment Day, said measurably more people were affected by global warming than by the three catastrophic events.

"That is not to diminish what happened on 9/11. That is probably the most awful and spectacular incident in my life since Nagasaki and Hiroshima," he said.

"But Hiroshima, Nagasaki and 9/11 all together, when you look at the meltdown of the Greenland ice-cap and the flow-on of that alone, the numbers of people affected, it is measurably more."

The death toll from Nagasaki and Hiroshima was probably more than 100,000, possibly exceeding 200,000 within five years of the World War II bombings. An estimated 3,000 people died as a result of the attacks on September 11,

Thompson, who starred in films including Breaker Morant, The Chant of Jimmie Blacksmith, The Sum of Us and My Brother Jack, said he was passionate about encouraging sustainable development.

Thousands of people are set to join today's rally to push to protect Victoria's old growth forests.

An organiser for the demonstration, Gavan McFadzean, said at least 5,000 people were expected to take part in the march from the State Library to Federation Square.

Mr McFadzean said with enough pressure he thought the Victorian government would move to protect old growth forests before the November state election.

"State governments in Queensland, New South Wales and Western Australia have protected their old growth forests, and moved their logging industries into plantations. Victoria's forests are just as precious," he said.

He said an area equivalent to 27 football grounds was logged each day in Victoria and moving to protect the forests would help the environment.

"Protecting old growth forests is good for climate change," Mr McFadzean said.

A state government spokesman said much had been done to create national parks in Victoria.

The Bracks government has announced a plan to phase out logging of old growth forests in the Otway ranges by 2008.

Thompson most recently co-starred with Sean Penn in The Assassination of Richard Nixon.

Japanese Australians and the RSL today gave qualified support to Thompson's comments.

Committee member of the Australia-Japan society, Hiroko Fischer, said while Thompson may be exaggerating, it was possible that over the next 100 years global warming will have a bigger impact than the bombings of Nagasaki and Hiroshima.

"It is hard to compare the two. The bombings were quite devastating ... the environment is slowly getting affected," Ms Fischer said.

RSL national president Major-General Bill Crews said global warming may eventually prove more catastrophic than the bombings, and the terror attacks.

"Global warming is a global situation, as far as it has been proved, and is far more extensive than more isolated incidents such as the bombings in Japan or the attacks on September 11," Maj-Gen Crews said.

He said in terms of the total impact to humanity, global warming may ultimately have more impact.

An estimated 15,000 people joined today's rally to protect Victoria's old growth forests.

Informant: binstock

Phone mast given council approval

Sunday, 04 June 2006

Mobile phone company O2 is being allowed to put up a mast on top of a South Lakes church.

They have been given permission by South Lakeland District Council’s planning committee to put the communications mast on top of St Thomas’s church in Milnthorpe.

Some residents have raised concerns about radiation causing high levels of pollution in the area.

But planners said the company had assured them they would comply with international guidelines.

Omega read "Base Stations, operating within strict national and international Guidelines, do not present a Health Risk?" under:

U.S. Wants Companies to Keep Web Usage Records

The Justice Department is asking Internet companies to keep records on the Web-surfing activities of their customers to aid law enforcement, and may propose legislation to force them to do so.

George Washington Had It Right

Have you ever thought how peaceful and prosperous we would be if our national leaders had followed the advice of George Washington in his "Farewell Address"?

How government and big media businesses cooperate to produce an effective propaganda machine in order to manipulate the opinions of the United States populous

Noam Chomsky

Video: Manufacturing Consent

Windows Media

No War With Iran

If we allow the Bush administration to drag this country into a war with Iran, we should all burn our voter-registration cards and go ahead and admit that we are no longer worthy of being citizens of a self-governing republic.

Video Of Press Conference: Permanent Representative of Iran, H.E. M. Javad Zarif

Video Of Press Conference: Permanent Representative of Iran, H.E. Mr. M. Javad Zarif.

Real Video

War pimp alert: Rumsfeld brands Iran as leading terrorist nation

Rumsfeld, attending an annual security conference, also took aim Saturday at Russia and China for allowing Iran's involvement in a group that he said has stated opposition to terrorism and extremists.

From Information Clearing House

Requiem for the Faith-based Greenback

By Mike Whitney

The great dollar sell-off has begun in earnest, although to a large extent, it is being concealed from the public.

The shocking truth about the American occupation of Iraq

By Robert Fisk

Could Haditha be just the tip of the mass grave? The corpses we have glimpsed, the grainy footage of the cadavers and the dead children; could these be just a few of many? Does the handiwork of America's army of the slums go further?

Iraq Lawyer Blasts U.S. Reaction To Deaths

Khaled Salem Rsayef said U.S. officers accused him and other relatives of lying when they recounted the shootings in their first meeting with the military after the Nov. 19 deaths in the western town of Haditha. He did not say when they met.

Normalizing the Unthinkable: on the failure of the world’s press

John Pilger, Robert Fisk, Charlie Glass, and Seymour Hersh on the failure of the world’s press

By Sophie McNeill

To Pilger the most significant way journalists are used by government is in what he calls a “softening up process” before planned military action. “We soften them up by dehumanizing them. Currently journalists are softening up Iran, Syria, and Venezuela,” Pilger said

Return to Ishaqi: The Pentagon's Shaky Self-Exoneration

Iraq Rejects U.S. Probe Clearing Troops Of Ishaqi Massacre

The U.S. military had issued a statement saying allegations that U.S. troops "executed a family and hid the alleged crime and then hid the alleged crimes by directing an air strike, are absolutely false".

From Information Clearing House

On the 'bitter irony' of Haditha

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Headmaster takes action

There's an article in the Mail on Sunday today (page 43) which says:

..Teachers are always saying pupils would do better in their schoolwork if they spent less time playing computer games and watching tv. Now, one headmaster has proved it - by going tot he homes of errant pupils and confiscating their electronic equipment. And results have shot up at New Woodlands School in Bromley, Kent, since Duncan Harper introduced the "seizure" policy. "If a child is coming in tired, lethargic and grumpy we often find that it's because they've been watching tv or playing games until God knows what hour", Mr. Harper said last night. "So we go round and take the quipment until we've seen a definity improvement in the child".

Mr. Harper, who has been head of the school for 12 years, gets the parents' permission before making his surprise doorstep visit. He admitted some pupils were a "little unhappy" to see their possessions disappearing out of the door..................... ..............................................

The shock tactics have already had a beneficial effect - a report by Government inspectors in March rated the school as outstanding. Other schools around the country are now studying the scheme. New Woodlands is a special school for children with emotional or behavioural problems. It has 65 pupils aged betwen five and 11, but a £4.5 million expansion will see it take in 48 further pupils aged 11 to 14 by September next year.

........... "I've been working here for 12 years and we've seen a definite growth in younger kids not coping in school. In our opinion there's a link between that and children being allowed a long time on Xboxes and the internet, with young children playing very inappropriate adult games. There's a problem with concentration and often they present as having Asperger's (a type of autism) when that actually isn't the problem. We're quite old-fashioned in our approach"

Sean Neil, a school behavioural expert at Warwick University, said the scheme was a rare example of a school's sovereignty" reaching into a pupil's home to tackle problems at their root cause.

............."Ministers are always stressing the rights of pupils and parents as "consumers", but this is an example of the school saying it has rights, too."

AND......."do you think the head is taking things too far? Join the debate at.....

Well, this is interesting, as I bet he won't have Wifi, or masts near this school! Wish more schools would take the effects of EMFs, masts, dirty electricity, electrosmog....etc..... more seriously and consider the welfare of their pupils.



New mast fight

A campaign to stop a mobile phone mast being built at a college sports ground is finally over but residents now have a new fight on their hands.

Government inspector Richard Ogierok rejected T-Mobile's appeal for consent to put a 30ft flagpole-style mast at Brasenose College's ground off Abingdon Road, in Oxford. Residents celebrated their victory but are now battling to stop a mast being built at the Marlborough House pub on the corner of Marlborough Road and Western Road, close to St Ebbe's Primary School.

T-Mobile has permitted development rights and does not need planning permission for the pub mast. continued...

The Chester Arms in Chester Street, East Oxford, is also set to have a T-Mobile mast.

Frances Townend, who lives in Chilswell Road, South Oxford, said: "I am absolutely delighted the mast at Brasenose has been stopped. But now residents have a new fight on their hands appealing against the one in Western Road, which is right opposite St Ebbe's School."

Planning inspector Mr Ogier rejected T-Mobile's appeal to put a mast at Brasenose because he said it would be inappropriately sited within the Green Belt.

He said: "It has not been demonstrated that very special circumstances exist sufficient to clearly outweigh the harm that would be done to the purposes and character of the Green Belt."

T-Mobile first applied to put up the mast in Brasenose College sports ground in 2004.

The move was rejected, but the decision was annulled following administrative blunders.

Consent was only given because T-Mobile was not told of Oxford City Council's decision within the Government deadline of 56 working days.

The telecommunications firm later agreed to reapply for permission after talks with council chiefs.

A second application was rejected by councillors in November last year, followed by an appeal and the Government inspector's rejection. Labour group leader Bob Price, councillor for Hinksey Park, said it was great news but added: "The mast in Marlborough Road is a big issue for us still.

"It didn't require planning permission and it crept through without anybody knowing about it. There are lots of concerns in health terms and the visual impact on the pub."

A T-Mobile spokesman said the masts proposed for the two pubs were only in the planning stages and the firm was keen to work with residents.

He said: "We are disappointed with the outcome (at Brasenose) as we worked hard to come up with the right design for the area to be as environmentally acceptable as possible.

But he warned: "As for the future we are looking at our options. The problem is we have to provide a service for this area."

© Copyright 2001-2006 Newsquest Media Group


I love this one! The LPA misses the 56-day deadline for a decision on prior
approval and thus approval is deermed - the LPA (now guilty of
maladministration) asks T-Mobile to be the good guys and reapply - the
operator does so and the application is refused - T-Mobile then go to
appeal, which is dismissed.


From Mast Sanity/Mast Network

Deutschland wird zubetoniert


Täglich gehen über 100 Hektar freie Landschaft verloren - Umweltverbände übergaben Positionspapier.

Der Jangtse wird sterben


Die Umweltverschmutzung im bevölkerungsreichsten Land der Welt ist so groß, dass Chinas größter Fluss, der Jangtse, im Sterben liegt, befürchtet Chinas offizielle Nachrichtenagentur Xinhua.

Rekordwerte für Pestizide in Obst und Gemüse

Neue EU-Daten


Die Pestizidbelastung pflanzlicher Lebensmittel, die in der Europäischen Union verzehrt werden, ist im Jahr 2004 auf einen Rekordwert angestiegen.

"Du kontrollierst den Klimawandel“


Unter dem Motto „Du kontrollierst den Klimawandel“ soll jedem Bürger Europas bewusst gemacht werden, wie sein Verhalten und geänderte Gewohnheiten im Alltag zum Klimaschutz und damit zu einer erheblichen Verringerung der Treibhausgasemissionen beitragen können.

Al Gore: Klimaschutz ist eine "moralische Aufgabe"


Jetzt ist Klimaschutz sogar bei den Internationalen Filmfestspielen in Cannes ein Topthema - mit Hilfe des früheren US-Vizepräsidenten und Beinahe- Präsidenten Al Gore.

Noch stärkere Erderwärmung?


Forscher kommen in neuen Studien zu alarmierenden Ergebnissen: Der Anstieg der globalen Temperaturen müsse um 15 bis
78 Prozent nach oben korrigiert werden.

Moderne Geschäftsreise: Kosten sparen und Klima schützen


Geschäftsreisen per Flugzeug rücken in doppelter Hinsicht in den Blickpunkt. Die betriebswirtschaftlichen Kosten steigen durch den hohen Ölpreis - und gleichzeitig steigen die Folgekosten für das Klima.


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