Japan is poised -- yet again -- to increase whaling operations and wants to overturn the international whaling ban altogether.
Take Action Now!
Write to the White House urging opposition to Japan's permanent membership on the UN Security Council until Japan complies with international laws for the protection of whales.
Pro-whaling Nations Plot Diplomatic Coup
ACTION: Help save whales
As you know the worlds whale populations are in danger. The future of these beautiful creatures was dealt a huge blow today with when pro- whaling nations, led by Japan, succeeded in winning their first vote at the International Whaling Commission (IWC) in 20 years.
The non-binding decision stated that the 20-year moratorium on commercial whaling was "no longer necessary". It also blamed whales for depleting fish stocks and said non-governmental organisations were a threat.
The short-sighted action occurred because four small pacific island nations (Tuvalu, Solomon Islands, Nauru and Kiribati) changed their votes and voting alongside the pro-whaling nations such as Japan and Norway. It has been suggested that Japan, in particular, has put a lot of aid money into the pacific in the hope of gaining the votes of these smaller countries.
You can view more information on this at:,2106,3705494a10,00.html
I would like to encourage you to write to the governments of these countries (Tuvalu, Solomon Islands, Nauru and Kiribati) to express your concern at their sudden support for commercial whaling. I am very hopeful a demonstration of public opinion will sway the governments of these countries the next time the issue is voted on.
I have listed some relevant e-mail addresses that you can contact below. If you do send an email, can you please BCC the message to (so that I can count an approximate number of e-mails sent). Also please be polite in you message, these a very small and poor nations, and rude or offensive messages to them will be remembered by them and will not help the whales!
Republic of Nauru
Permanent Mission to the United Nations
800 Second Avenue, Suite 400A
New York, NY 10017
Helen Bogdan
Public Affairs Consultant for Nauru
Consulate General of Nauru to Australia
Level 51, Nauru House
80 Collins Street
Melbourne, Vic 3000
Mr. Vollmer Appi (Acting)
Phone: +61-3-9653-5709
Fax: +61-3-9654-4738
Tuvalu at United Nations
Permanent Mission of Tuvalu
800 Second Avenue, Suite 400 B
New York, NY 10017
Telephone: (+1 212) 490-0534
Facsimile: (+1 212) 808-4975
Parliament (Palamene) of Tuvalu
Private Mail Bag
Telephone: (+688) 20250
Facsimile: (+688) 20253
SOLOMON ISLANDS (This country is very poor and has been through
significant civil strife, please be very careful and polite with messages):
Department of Fisheries and Marine Resources
Permanent Secretary: Tione Bugotu
Department of Forest, Environment and Conservation
Permanent Secretary: Steve Likaveke
Department of Foreign Affairs
Permanent Secretary: Jerry Manele
Prime Minister's and Cabinet
Permanent Secretary: Fred Ganete
Director of Foreign Investment: Derick Ahaira
Department of Infrastructure and Development
Permanent Secretary: John Ta'aru
Department of Culture and Tourism
Permanent Secretary: Francis Lomo
Soloman Islands Visitors Board:
Ministry of Provincial Government and Constituency Development
Permanent Secretary: John. M.Tuhaika
For a list of Japanese embassies or consultates visit:
Ministry of the Environment
Address: No. 5 Godochosha, 1-2-2 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku,
Tokyo 100-8975
Phone: +81-3-3581-3351
Prime Minister of Japan
Office of the Cabinet Public Relations, Cabinet Secretariat
Address: 1-6-1 Nagata-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8968
Stop The Slaughter
action at the International Whaling Commission meetings I’m writing you from St. Kitts, site of the 58th meeting of the International Whaling Commission. Our ship, the Arctic Sunrise, after being refused entry for more than a week, entered the waters of St. Kitts today to stage a peaceful protest. We landed on the beach and began placing more than 866 whale tails in the sand to symbolize the number of whales slaughtered by the Japanese government this year. Ten of our activists have already been arrested.
The International Whaling Commission meetings have just ended, and they dramatically displayed how narrow a margin exists between the pro-whaling and anti-whaling nations. A mere 2 votes (remember that number!) prevented Japan from eliminating conservation efforts for dolphins, porpoises, and small whales; and implementing a secret ballot. The Japanese delegation also narrowly lost their bids to abolish the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary, exempt themselves from the commercial whaling ban, and kick Greenpeace out of the IWC meetings.
And you should know that your efforts played a major role in these victories. Due to pressure from concerned people around the world, including thousands of emails and faxes from you, Guatemala and Honduras decided NOT to attend the IWC meetings. Those two votes made all the difference. THANK YOU!
But after losing several votes, Japan pulled out all the stops, and actually won a non-binding resolution pronouncing that whales are guilty of over-fishing – by 1 vote! That’s right, the Japanese succeeded in convincing more than 30 nations that whales eat too much fish! And that wasn’t the only fishy thing that happened during the meetings. One of Japan’s pro-whaling allies arrived late to the meetings with their membership fees in cash, in a brown paper bag.
We've taken a stand against Japanese Whaling, now it's your turn to send a strong message!
The stage is clearly set for next year’s meeting in Alaska, and it will take everything we have to turn the tide. Now more than ever, the fight to protect whales is at a critical phase. That’s why we’ve announced that we’ll be returning to the Southern Ocean this winter to confront the Japanese whalers again.
Please, support our efforts, follow this story, and share the news with your friends and family.
Buffy Baumann
Ocean Campaigner
Japanese Whaling A Barbaric Spectacle