Donnerstag, 1. Juni 2006

Mast protesters vow to battle on

Jun 1 2006

By The Huddersfield Daily Examiner

A BATTLE against plans for a mobile phone mast is set to go on, despite planning approval having been given.

Hutchison 3G wants to install a mobile phone mast and base on Halifax Old Road, Grimscar.

The mast site is near the last houses before Grimscar Woods.

Residents took to the streets to protest, but their pleas fell on deaf ears.

Now Kirklees councillor Mehboob Khan, one of the Greenhead ward councillors, has vowed to fight on.

"It would look unsightly," he said.

"I'm opposed to it on various grounds. There are health considerations, but it's also that this is an area of natural woodland and the mast will look like a very unsightly, alien feature."

Because applications have to be dealt with in a certain time the mast plan did not go for consideration by the planning committee, which comprises elected councillors.

Therefore, planning officers had to deal with the case. They had no grounds to refuse the application, so they approved it.

But Clr Khan hopes to get one of the company's chiefs to come and see the site. He is also asking the council's highways department to look at the issue.

Clr Khan said: "I have emailed the head of Hutchison 3G development team, asking for a site visit, in order to try to persuade him that we ought not to be allowing this and that they should look for another location."

He said the mast would encroach on to the pavement, forcing pedestrians to cross over.

He added: There's no verge on the other side, so it puts pedestrians in the line of the traffic."

Recently campaigners gathered on Halifax Old Road to protest.

They are worried about the detrimental effects the mast could have on the environment.

Protesters say it is a greenfield site and that the mast would be fully visible from across the valley.

They are also worried about the long-term health implications for children in the area.

Resident Nikki Gregg said: "Birkby is already well served for mobile phone masts. This is just another commercial exercise."

The protesters are also collecting signatures for a petition.

Hutchison 3G did not respond to the Examiner's request for a comment.

owned by or licensed to Trinity Mirror Plc 2006

Pakistani Villagers Pay the Price of Nuclear Ambitions

In Baghalchur, the local people have gone to the Supreme Court with a complaint that nuclear waste dumped in the area has contaminated the environment and affected the health of both humans and animals.

EPA Hopes to Increase Industry Profits With Human Pesticide Testing

"In the rush to meet the August 2006 FQPA statutory deadline," scientists wrote of the EPA, "many steps in the risk-assessment and risk-management process are being abbreviated or eliminated in violation of the principles of scientific integrity and objectivity by which we as public servants are bound."

No Self-Control in Bush's Budget-Making

Federal spending has already been growing at record, unconscientious levels. Bush has presided over huge tax cuts, record federal spending increases, and is committed to extending the tax cuts beyond their current expiration dates in about five years, and federal benefit programs are combining with the Iraq war to push spending upward.

Prosecutors Examine Details of Safavian Dealings

Three ethics watchdogs have testified that Bush administration executive David Safavian omitted key details of his dealings with Republican influence-peddler Jack Abramoff. Now, prosecutors want a Senate investigator to describe efforts to learn from Safavian about a golfing trip arranged by the disgraced lobbyist.

Karl Rove's Wiretap Scam

Afghanistan, Unraveling

Poorly thought-out American policies are at least partly to blame for Afghanistan's rising carnage.

The abundant studies repeatedly showing serious adverse health effects

I've just got two letters pub'd in a local monthly newsletter "Hollingdean News" - Hollingdean is an area of 3500 houses in Brighton of which the newsletter gets put through nearly all the letterboxes. One of the letters was sent via a friend. They were both however very heavily edited.

Below are the letters as published (edited) and the intro.


For years, anti mast campaigners have been accused of “scaremongering”, in spite of repeated applications by Telecom companies after masts are refused (which usually end with their victory), the abundant studies repeatedly showing serious adverse health effects and scientists across the globe appealing for urgent and radical changes in the law. With £billions at stake in revenue to the UK Government and Telecoms companies, it would appear wise for local residents to focus attention on the masts targeted for the bottom of Davey Drive and recently at Fiveways, plans to instal 8 -16 times as many 3G masts (way more powerful than existing ones) in the next few years and multi frequency transmitters in every lamppost.

Safety guidelines - "ICNIRP" (International Commission on Non Ionising Radiation Protection) were formulated in 1998 to ensure the safety of phone masts, but they only cover the thermal (heating) effects of phone mast emissions.

The Thermal effects are negligible - however, NON-Thermal effects are now known to affect the make-up of our bodies and how they work, posing real risks to our health and to our lives. Hence ICNIRP Guidelines are not protecting people at all.

The Regional Government in Salzburg, Austria have set the acceptable THERMAL limit for emissions in homes, under advice from Independent scientists, to just under 0.1 V/m – also referred to as “the suggested 0.1 V/m precautionary maximum”, or P.Max.

"GRAM" (Goldsworth Residents Against Masts) state in their comprehensive leaflet on microwave devices that "20 to 40 times P.Max may ‘have serious health consequences for those exposed’" - these levels are absorbed by people using any current microwave devices such as: cell and DECT phones, digital baby monitors, some burglar alarms, WiMax, wireless computers, interactive whiteboards in schools, bluetooth devices (eg headsets) and masts up to about 500 metres away, new generation games consoles and wireless entertainment systems, wireless music systems, digital streamers, headphones and Wi-fi radios. The ICNIRP Guidelines also ignore long-term low-level exposure to microwaves. There are now thousands of formal and informal studies worldwide by independent scientists which conclude that there are many and serious adverse health effects from such exposure.

Gary Kemp

BHFOE Mast Campaigner
Dover Road

Recently The Argus newspaper published two letters denying that there is any harm caused by mobile phones and phone masts, and continues to advertise microwave wireless devices whilst omitting omit to mention any of the freely available research into the adverse health effects of this technology. For example, in the March 29th edition, a JA Frapwell - on behalf of Vodafone - claimed there to be "no link between mobile communications and any adverse health effect.."

However, "GRAM" ( has published an extensive document on wireless technology based on copious independent international research, which says otherwise. The main health effects discovered are; DNA damage potentially leading to cancers such as breast and testicular cancer, the worsening or causing of epilepsy, reduction in Melatonin levels - and increase (their error) in nitric oxide (NO) levels - resulting in: reduced cancer fighting cells in our bodies, sleeping disorders, increased cholesterol levels leading to greater risk of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease, increased blood pressure giving greater risk of blood clots and strokes. Also increased are chances of serious disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease, Lou Gehrig’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson’s, Tinnitus and Hearing problems, Headaches, and reduced drug effectiveness.

They say "Dect and Wi-Fi are the devices that we have personally checked and found comparable, if not worse, emissions, to Mobile Telephone Masts" and "A DECT monitor placed in a baby's bedroom will expose the child to more pulsing microwave radiation than living near to a mobile phone mast"

With the Government making billions from the Communications industry, does anyone really believe that either will report any harmful effects from their technology? Neither can afford for these devices to be thought of as anything except safe.

And is it surprising that The Argus dances to the telecom tune when the press, including them, are largely owned by the telecoms industry? GRAM's advice is unequivocal; ""Don't buy any of the wireless devices listed at the beginning of this leaflet. If you already have any, get rid of them".

Masa Kepic

Join the Struggle to Stop Torture


Die Milchmädchenrechnung

Es gibt keinen direkten Zusammenhang zwischen der durch die demographische Entwicklung abnehmenden Zahl der Arbeitenden und der vielfach prophezeiten Katastrophe bei der Finanzierung der Sozialversicherungen.


1. Trees store carbon and clean the atmo sphere. In 50 years, one tree generates $30,000 in oxygen, recycles $35,000 of water, and removes $60,000 of air pollution.

2. Tree shade reduces air conditioning costs in residential and commercial buildings by 15-50 percent. Do you need a tree planted to the South or West of your house?

3. Properly placed and cared for trees and shrubs significantly increase residential and commercial property values. Would you like a new tree for your property?

4. Trees provide habitat for a large vari ety of wildlife. Do you like bird songs?

5. Trees connect us with nature and rein force spiritual and cultural values.

6. Trees prevent or reduce water pollu tion in NJ’s streams, rivers, darns, and estuaries.

7. Trees prevent or reduce soil erosion.

8. Trees help recharge ground water and sustain stream flow.

9. Properly placed screens of trees and shrubs decrease traffic noise along NJ’s busy streets and highways. Do you have a site that needs a tree along Rt. 46?

10. Trees screen unsightly views and provide privacy for NJ homeowners.

11. Trees make life more pleasant by softening harsh outlines of buildings.

12. Trees add beauty and grace to any community setting. They make life more enjoyable, peaceful, and relaxing. Do you enjoy walking through Ridgefield Park?

13. Research shows that trees help reduce stress in the workplace and speed hospital patients’ recovery. Do you hear the sighs of relief on NYC buses as they reach RP?

14. Trees provide a multitude of recreation opportunities.

15. Trees, planted as memorials, leave a valuable gift for future generations.

Frequently Asked Questions

Homeowners often ask for assistance with trees that are on their own private property. We manage only the public trees, but we can provide a list of New Jersey Certified Tree Experts with whom we have contact.

The attached document suggests guidelines for selecting an Arborist.

The Shade Tree Commission's sidewalk program is still available for homeowners who wish to repair or replace their sidewalks. Through this program, a homeowner can be reimbursed for some expense incurred due to damage by street trees. Applications are available at the municipal building or by calling 201-641-4950, extension 640.

Mulch can protect a tree by conserving moisture and preventing grass and weeds from growing too close to the trunk. But too much mulch smothers the tree just the same as it smothers the weeds. Mulch belongs around the tree but not against it.

Informant: Scott Munson

No Breed Specific Legislation in Illinois

A message from Eleanor

No Breed Specific Legislation in Illinois We, the undersigned, would like to see Breed Specific Legislation not become part of Illinois Law. Instead we urge the Illinois Senate to pass HR1026 and HJR101. HR1026 encourages individual municipalities not to enact breed specific legislation, but to target irresponsible dog owners with tougher laws that are enforced and to encourage programs that educate residents. HJR101 establishes a task force comprised of 17 members, including representatives from the veterinary community, animal control, a not-for-profit humane society, the American Kennel Club and an animal behaviorist. The purpose of this task force being to evaluate and make recommendations on how to best protect the public from attacks. It is our fervent wish that these bills are passed and enforced. Thank you for taking this into consideration.

Proposal to Implant Tracking Chips in Immigrants

NSA: 10 Gigabit Überwachung im Detail

Town centre phone mast opposition

An action group has been formed to fight plans to erect a mobile phone mast in the centre of a Powys town.

Builth Wells Against Telephone Masts Association is threatening a protest march and has started a petition.

Hutchinson 3G is looking at locating a 12.5m (41ft) mast in Bank Square, but there are concerns among local people about a possible impact on health.

But the firm said there were "no proven adverse effects" from the low-powered equipment it used.

Omega this is not true. See under:

In recent years a number of protests against masts have been held throughout the UK as phone firms look to extend their networks.

We're reviewing all the options in the area
Mike Dobson, Hutchinson 3G

Ralph Ollermann, chairman of the protest group, said: "We will start a petition when the company finally applies to the council and we will have tables in the streets collecting names. We already have over 60 just from this area."

Mike Dobson of Hutchinson 3G said a decision about the mast's location had not been made.

"We are currently in the process of looking in the area and Bank Square is just one option, and we're reviewing all the options in the area," he said.

"We need to provide coverage for the nearby Royal Welsh Show and the town of Builth Wells itself."

Mr Dobson said if Bank Square was chosen, the firm would have to submit a planning application.

Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2006/06/01 12:26:22 GMT


Gagging Public Employees

In trying to create a bright line between protected and unprotected speech, Supreme Court conservatives leave us less free and probably less safe.

The Man From Haditha

By Robert Dreyfuss,

For Iraq's U.S. ambassador and other Iraqis, the idea of American troops shooting unarmed civillians is all too believable.

College Republicans Call for Beach Parties to Mock Global Warming

Coingate Fund-Raiser Admits Funneling Money to Bush Campaign

A top Republican fund-raiser who is the leading figure in an Ohio political scandal pleaded guilty on Wednesday to illegally funneling money to President George W. Bush's 2004 re-election campaign. In an appearance in federal court, rare coin dealer Tom Noe admitted to three counts of violating campaign finance laws.

Licensee in mobile phone mast row

1 June, 2006

By Emily Wright

A licensee is having to appease angry residents as Punch Taverns allows mobile phone masts to be put up on the premises

An Oxford licensee is stuck in the firing line between local residents and his pub company because a mobile phone mast is to be erected on his premises.

John Dunkley, tenant of Punch Taverns pub the Chester Arms in Oxford, said he has been receiving abusive telephone calls and a petition has been raised by local residents campaigning against the plan.

But according to the terms of his lease Punch is allowed to erect communications equipment on the area near the pub as it has an agreement with a mobile phone company to put up masts on pub premises in the area.

Mr Dunkley told The Publican: “I don’t mind the petition - everyone is entitled to their opinion - but we’ve had some anonymous phone calls from people telling us what they think and that’s been quite upsetting.

“The problem is that the phone company is doing nothing wrong. The government has given it permission and so it is working within its rights. But it’s the licensee who the residents have links to and that’s where they’re going to go with their problems.”

Mr Dunkley believes that the mobile phone company had handled the situation badly and that there should have been more consultation with residents before plans were made.

He added that Punch Taverns could have been more selective about where the masts were placed as his pub is positioned next to a school.

He also warned licensees to double-check anything they were unsure of in their leases.

“I saw something in mine about communications equipment but I never for a second imagined it would include a mobile phone mast being put up,” Mr Dunkley said. “Now I’ve signed it I don’t have a choice in the matter.”

A spokesman from Punch Taverns said: “All contracts are agreed in partnership with our retailers on a secure agreement on a case by case basis.

“On the few occasions where there is local opposition we do attend consultation meetings with all parties to address any concerns.”v

The Publican Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved.

Campaign to halt mast bid

Anxious parents are urging residents to join them in their second-round battle against a controversial mobile phone mast application.

Hutchison 3G applied to put up a 12.5m mast on Stubley Lane, Dronfield – just metres away from a nursery school – but the proposal was turned down by planning chiefs at NE Derbyshire District Council.

However, the phone giant has now appealed against the decision, sparking a fresh wave of anger from parents who are worried about the unknown dangers to health.

Penny Collinson (42) of Oxclose Drive, Dronfield Woodhouse, has two children – one of whom attends Gosforth Pre-school – just 200 metres away from the proposed site and one of six schools in the immediate vicinity.

She said: "We're dismayed because they have appealed against the decision.

"It hasn't been proven either way it's bad or good, but why take the risk?.

"We don't think there is a place for something like this anywhere in Dronfield Woodhouse.

"People don't want it and they should listen."

A spokesman for Hutchison 3G said: "The original proposal for this location was placed before the planning committee and was recommended to be approved by the local planning officer, but was refused by the planning committee.

"The proposed slimline antenna and associated equipment will blend with the exisiting street furniture and the design will simply become an addition to existing elements in the local street-scene."

Penny claims 700 complaints were collected last time the scheme went before planners and wants anyone who hasn't made their voices heard to do so now.

Council planners rejected the scheme in October last year, because it is in an open, prominent location and would be detrimental to the character of the locality.

A Government planning inspector will now decide whether the proposal should go ahead or not.

Anyone who wants to make representations should write to:
The Planning Inspectorate, FAO Lucy Wootton, Room 318, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Temple Quay, Bristol, BS1 6PN, by June 19.

l Spelling it out: Lily Collinson and Ben Cornwell from Gosforth Pre-School. SCH59899

01 June 2006

All rights reserved © 2006 Johnston Press Digital Publishing.

Councillors blast the mast

Jun 1 2006

By Judith Clay And Thelma Haworth

SUNNINGHILL and South Ascot Parish Council has promised it will not allow a hotly-debated phone mast to be put up in a children's play area.

The council owns the land on the Blythewood Green site, where mobile phone company Orange wants to build the 10m-high mast.

Parish clerk Alan Everett said the council had received 100 objection letters,which is the most it has ever had.

Cllr Thalia Chivers said: "We covenanted to keep this as open space when it was given to us."

Peter Standley,representative for the Society for the Protection and Ascot and Environs (SPAE), said: "The view has already been expressed that it's intrusive and out of character, particularly as it's public open space."

Ward councillor for Ascot and Cheapside David Hilton said: "The parish council owns the land and they can refuse the mast.

"Now the council has accepted the motion even if planning permission is granted the parish council can say no and we will say no."

Protest group Blythewood Against the Mast (BAM) has collected more than 400 signatures on its petition against the mast which residents fear will spoil the scenic area as well as pose a health risk.

Gisella Ranscombe, who lives opposite the proposed site, said: "I think it's intolerable even to suggest it."

Richard Flight of Vernon Drive added: "There is already quite a lot of clutter coming on to the green and it would be hard to screen it.

"People have said that they will not let their children play there, in an age where we should be encour-aging children's activities."

However, Rebecca D'Arcy, spokes-woman for Orange, said that it has been looking for a suitable location for five years to help meet coverage demand in the area.

owned by or licensed to Trinity Mirror Plc 2006

Former CIA Analyst Says Iran Strike Set For June Or July

The crumbling GOP base

Boston Globe
by Jeff Jacoby


Like a lot of conservatives, I won't be voting Republican in the congressional elections this fall. Admittedly, I won't have a choice -- in Massachusetts, Republican candidates for Congress generally spare voters the trouble of defeating them by not bothering to run in the first place. But millions of conservatives will have a choice. And the closer Election Day draws, the clearer it becomes that plenty of them will choose not to vote Republican. Unless something changes dramatically -- and soon -- the GOP is poised to lose its most reliable voters, and with them any hope of keeping its congressional majority. How disgruntled is the party's base? In recent polls, fewer than 70 percent of registered Republicans said they approve of the way President Bush is handling his job, a sharp drop from the 90 percent support on which he once could count. Among self-identified conservatives, Bush's standing is even lower...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Trouble at Treasury: Paulson wrong choice for Secretary

Competitive Enterprise Institute
by staff


The White House made an unfortunate mistake in nominating Henry M. Paulson, Jr. to be the next Secretary of the Treasury, according to the Competitive Enterprise Institute. The Goldman Sachs chairman's other role as chairman of the board of the Nature Conservancy, which is under investigation for financial misdealings that benefited some of its officers and donors, should automatically disqualify him for the top Treasury job. 'No conservative administration should consider appointing anyone who works for the Nature Conservancy to any position and certainly not to one carrying the high responsibilities of Treasury Secretary'...,05349.cfm

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Cheney starts new Cold War over oil

by Mark Ames


One of the oddest reactions to Vice President Cheney's now-infamous speech in Lithuania, the one which many Russians believe officially heralded the start of a new Cold War, came from the mainstream American media. What was so strange? They actually did their job. Instead of simply parroting the Administration's latest pieties, they actually allowed themselves to smell a rat. And what a putrid, bloated, rotting-in-a-flooded-Manila-gutter rat odor it was! You'd have to have been literally brain dead not to have smelled it...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Raiding reality

National Review
by Radley Balko


It's been amusing to watch Congress fret over the FBI's decision to raid the office of their colleague, Rep. William Jefferson. Current Speaker Dennis Hastert called it 'the wrong path,' and has demanded a return of the documents seized. An unnamed member told the Washington Post that the tactics was 'unduly aggressive.' Rep. John Conyers called the raid 'an act of tremendous violence.' On Tuesday, Rep. James Sensenbrenner held hearings titled, 'Reckless Justice: Did the Saturday Night Raid of Congress Trample the Constitution?' At those hearings, Sensenbrenner announced his intention to introduce legislation protecting Congress from future, similar police searches. Funny. Congress -- especially GOP leaders like Hastert and Sensenbrenner -- don't seem nearly as concerned when much more violent, confrontational raids happen to their own constituents...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Gagged librarians break silence on Patriot Act

Raw Story


Connecticut librarians spoke about their fight to stop the FBI from gaining access to patrons' library records at a news conference yesterday organized by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), and in a subsequent interview with RAW STORY. The Librarians, members of Library Connection, a not-for profit cooperative organization for resource sharing across 26 Connecticut library branches sharing a centralized computer, were served with a National Security Letter (NSL) in August of last year as part of the FBI's attempt to attain access to patron's records. The NSL is a little known statute in the Patriot Act that permits law enforcement to obtain records of people not suspected of any wrongdoing and without a court order. As part of the NSL, those served with the document are gagged and prohibited from disclosing that they have even been served...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Iran calls US talks offer "propaganda"

Greensboro News-Record


The United States said Wednesday it would join in face-to-face talks with Iran over its disputed nuclear program once Tehran puts its atomic activities on hold, a shift in tactics meant to offer the Iranians a last chance to avoid punishing sanctions. Iran dismissed the offer as 'a propaganda move.' At the White House, President Bush said that the U.S. would take a leading role in solving the conflict and that it was important to do so diplomatically...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Hartz IV bis zum Verhungern - BezieherInnen von Hartz IV leben in Armut

Große Koalition optimiert Hartz IV bis zum Verhungern. SPD und Union
wollen am Donnerstag auch eine 100% Kürzung des ALG-II durchbringen

Presseerklärung des Erwerbslosen Forum Deutschland vom 31.5.06

SAK: BezieherInnen von Hartz IV leben in Armut. Kürzungsdiskussion
ohne Grundlage - Forderung nach Mindestlohn und Grundsicherung

Presseerklärung der Saarländischen Armutskonferenz vom 31.5.06

Aus: LabourNet 1. Juni 2006


Informant: NHNE

Trouble de Jouissance et Dépréciation du Patrimoine

Jugement Cour d'Appel : Antennes relais (jurisprudence) -Trouble de Jouissance et Dépréciation du Patrimoine

Motherhood Discrimination

"Despite all the media chatter about the so-called Opt-Out Revolution - and all the hand-wringing about whether working moms are good for kids - women, and mothers, are in the workplace to stay. Yet public policy and workplace structures have yet to catch up," write Joan Blades and Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner.

Canada Pays Environmentally for US Oil Thirst

Huge mines here turning tarry sand into cash for Canada and oil for the United States are taking an unexpectedly high environmental toll, sucking water from rivers and natural gas from wells and producing large amounts of gases linked to global warming.

Budget Problems Overshadow America's Energy Woes

The push to solve the nation's energy woes are bumping up against the federal government's budget problems. To be sure, the Bush administration is anxious to fund long-term programs by cutting lesser-known programs whose payoffs are far more near-term.

Canadian Arctic, the New Geo-Strategic Issue

The Canadian Arctic covers 3.4 million square kilometers, and with extreme climactic conditions, it used to barely interest anyone. But times change. Affected by global warming, the ice melt's acceleration is exciting more and more greed. Canada is now preparing to defend its sovereignty in a region that could see litigation over maritime control, for the exploitation of natural resources such as oil and gas, and security matters, with the opening of a regular new point of entry into North America.

Electronic Voting Machine Security Flaws Exposed

A report released earlier this month details what experts say are the most serious electronic voting machine flaws ever documented.

From Information Clearing House

Reckless Justice: did the Night Raid of Congress Trample the Constitution?

Impeach Alberto Gonzales? Why, yes!

"We have the power to impeach the attorney general," Issa told Tuesday's Judiciary Committee hearing titled: "Reckless Justice: Did the Saturday Night Raid of Congress Trample the Constitution?"

From Information Clearing House

Proliferation Wars in the Intelligence Community

Since 2001, the National Security Agency (NSA) has had a presidentially authorized, law-breaking, warrantless surveillance program to listen in on the international phone calls of possibly tens of thousands of U.S. citizens.

From Information Clearing House

U.S. Accepts Draft on Iran That Omits Use of Force

The Bush administration, seeking to enlist Russian support for a United Nations Security Council resolution on Iran, has agreed to language ruling out the immediate threat of military force.

Cindy Sheehan condemns Australian prime minister as an “illegal combatant”

US antiwar activist Cindy Sheehan denounced the Australian government for its participation in the Iraq war and called for the release of David Hicks from Guantánamo Bay and the closure of the notorious US military prison camp at a demonstration in Melbourne last Friday.

From Information Clearing House

EU says US must close Guantanamo prison

Austrian Foreign Minister Ursula Plassnik urged the United States on Wednesday to close a prison for terror suspects at Guantanamo Bay as soon as possible, saying the detention of suspects there creates a legal vacuum.

From Information Clearing House

Troops told Geneva rules don't apply to Taliban

Canadian troops in Afghanistan have been told the Geneva Conventions and Canadian regulations regarding the rights of prisoners of war don't apply to Taliban and al-Qaeda fighters captured on the battlefield.

From Information Clearing House

IRAQ'S ambassador to the US accuses US of murder

IRAQ'S new ambassador to the US said yesterday US forces cold-bloodedly shot and killed his cousin last year in Haditha.

Mission Accomplished


Shocking, honest, brave and an amazing eye-opener. Watch this movie if you really want to know what's happening in Iraq. Shows both sides of the story about the insurgency war that you won't see on TV. Critical of US policy, but sympathetic to the American soldiers on the ground. Historical movie.

Click here to watch.

Killings by US marines 'unjustified'

Iraqi Prime Minister: Marines rampaged through several houses near where the marine was killed, shooting the occupants, in some instances in front of their traumatised children. Some of the children also were killed.

War widows find that everything is 'just gone'

The wives who lived at Fort Lewis had six months to pack up and leave after their husbands' deaths, the first signal that they lost more than a spouse.

From Information Clearing House

Rogue Apple Defense

Anyone who thinks this was a single instance of the intentional killing of civilians, I have beachfront property to sell you in Odessa, Texas.

No Bravery: A nation blind to their disgrace

John Kerry's 1971 Speech Against the Vietnam War Before the Senate

Video - John Kerry describes war crimes committed in Viet Nam

Before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, the young Vietnam veteran says: "Someone has to die so that President Nixon won't be, and these are his words, "the first President to lose a war... how do you ask a man to be the last man to die in Vietnam? How do you ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake?"

Click here to watch. Real Video.

Click here to listen Real Audio

Dear America - Letters Home from Vietnam

Video - Windows Media

All the confusion, pain, despair, and even hope of the men and women who served in Vietnam is captured in Dear America: Letters Home from Vietnam. The footage, some newsreel, some shot by the servicemen and servicewomen, reveals a tension between the soldiers' actual experiences and the presentation their loved ones received from television.

Mission Accomplished


Shocking, honest, brave and an amazing eye-opener. Watch this movie if you really want to know what's happening in Iraq. Shows both sides of the story about the insurgency war that you won't see on TV. Critical of US policy, but sympathetic to the American soldiers on the ground. Historical movie.

Click here to watch.

Iraqi Girl tells of US Attack in Haditha


Ten-year-old Iman Walid witnessed the killing of seven members of her family in an attack by American marines last November. The interview with Iman was filmed exclusively for ITV News by Ali Hamdani, our Iraqi video diarist..

Click Here To View

Pregnant woman shot dead by US soldiers in Iraq


US soldiers have shot and killed a pregnant Iraqi woman and her cousin while they were driving to a maternity hospital north of Baghdad.

Verbot der Grundschleppnetz-Fischerei

Die Regierung der Azoren setzte im vergangenen Jahr ein Verbot der Grundschleppnetz-Fischerei in ihren Gewässern durch.

Anders sieht es aus in den meisten Meeresregionen außerhalb von 200 Seemeilen - auf der so genannten Hohen See. Sie ist Gemeingut, und Regelungen zu ihrem Schutz existieren nicht. Eine Flotte von nur rund 300 Trawlern fischt hier mit gigantischer Zerstörungskraft. Sie durchpflügen täglich mit ihren riesigen, mit Eisenrollen beschwerten Netzen rund 1.500 Quadratkilometer Tiefsee, das entspricht einer Fläche von über 210.000 Fußballfeldern. Und nicht nur Fische gehen ihnen ins Netz, die Schleppnetze zertrümmern uralte Korallen, zerreißen Schwämme und töten jedes andere Meerestier. Wenn diese Beutezüge ungebremst weitergehen, wird die Artenvielfalt der Tiefsee in 15 bis 20 Jahren unrettbar verloren sein. Ein Verbot der Grundschleppnetz-Fischerei auf Hoher See ist die einzige Chance, die Tiefsee zu schützen.

Wir können diesem Treiben jetzt Einhalt gebieten! Vom 12. bis 16. Juni finden in New York die informellen Beratungen der Vereinten Nationen bezüglich des Schutzes der Meere statt. Dort muss die Europäische Union mit einer Stimme sprechen: für ein Sofortverbot der Grundschleppnetz-Fischerei auf der Hohen See! Um dies zu erreichen, bitten wir Sie: Fordern Sie Außenminister Steinmeier auf, sich für ein Sofortverbot der Grundschleppnetz-Fischerei einzusetzen.

Bitte setzen Sie sich mit uns für den Schutz der Tiefsee ein. Vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung!

Company defends RFID implant product


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

New Orleans Dangerously Unprepared for Hurricane Season

From Hubris to Humility

Where Have All the Protesters Gone?

'Granny D' in the West Virgina Woods

Paulson: The Blind Man's Bluffer?

Widening the Racial Wealth Gap

Exxon Mobil Meeting Draws Protesters

Afghans Call for Trial of U.S. Troops

Religious Right Got Bush Elected Now They Are Fighting Each Other

Wing and a Prayer

Gore: Bush is 'Renegade Rightwing Extremist'

US Accused of Diluting Global Aids Targets

Legislating Hate

by Paul Waldman,

When push comes to shove, Republicans expose their core values.

The real separation of powers problem isn't the FBI raid, it's Congress' neglect of other issues

Constitution Kerfuffle

By Aziz Huq,

'I oppose the war because it's illegal': 22 arrested in Olympia

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Anti-War Protests Continue at Port of Olympia

Anti-war protesters gathered Wednesday at the Port of Olympia to demonstrate against a 950-foot military cargo ship bound for Iraq. Crowds were small early in the day, but were expected to grow amid rumors that the ship was leaving Wednesday evening. Twenty-two people were arrested Tuesday and police pepper-sprayed a handful of protesters who pulled down a port fence.

Cargo Ship Leaves for Iraq Amid Anti-War Cries

Port Anti-War Protest Intensifies

After nearly a week of protests intended to delay a large Navy cargo ship from sailing to the war in Iraq, the vessel sailed out of Olympia on time Wednesday. But the protests, which were raucous at times, could portend a summer of escalating tensions in the port.

Wisconsin Bans Forced Human RFID Chipping

Internal US conflicts still unresolved

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

A New Bio Warfare Arms Race Begins in Maryland

Life Without a Government

The Continuing State of State Justice in North Carolina

The Lifestyle Fascists

Oil sands project in Alberta turning into environmental disaster

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news


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