Freitag, 19. Mai 2006



90 Prozent großer Fische "verschwunden"

Internationale Abkommen gegen Überfischung sollen versagen (19.05.06)

Eine Studie der Artenschutzorganisation WWF und des Artenhandels-Netzwerks TRAFFIC kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass die internationalen Fischereiabkommen, mit der die Überfischung auf hoher See gestoppt werden soll, "bislang weitgehend versagt haben". In der Untersuchung wurde die Praxis der insgesamt 16 regionalen Fischereiabkommen untersucht. Diese Abkommen regeln die Fischerei auf den Weltmeeren außerhalb der nationalen 200 Seemeilen-Zonen. "Die Hochsee bedeckt nahezu die Hälfte der Erdoberfläche. Trotz aller Abkommen handelt es sich jedoch nach wie vor um ein weitgehend rechtsfreies Gebiet. Im Wilden Westen der Meere bedienen sich kriminelle und von den Regierungen beauftrage oder geduldete Plünderer nahezu nach Belieben", meint Heike Vesper vom WWF. 90 Prozent aller großen Fische wie Tunfisch, Marlin, Schwertfisch, Haie, Kabeljau oder Heilbutt seien bereits "verschwunden".

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

US Court Refuses to Hear CIA Torture Lawsuit

A US court has dismissed a lawsuit brought by a German citizen who says he was kidnapped and beaten by the CIA.

The Insidious Bias of the Press

John Psaropoulos of Athens News interviews Norman Solomon, who "finds disturbing trends in the US media landscape over the past four decades that conspire to deprive Americans of harder-hitting journalism when it comes to wars overseas."

Criminal Justice Petition

A message from Eleanor:

Dear Friends

Even if you have signed and I know many of you have - please take some time to forward this petition. If you haven't, please read it through! It is a petition that deserves support!




Criminal Justice The USA has a higher percentage of its citizens behind bars than any other nation. Our crime rate is higher than that of any other advanced nation. The majority of persons released from prison in the US - estimates run as high as 70% - are convicted of new crimes within five years.

We make "convicted felons" an untouchable class, locking them out of normal society and worthwhile employment, making continued crime all the more attractive. Instead of facilitating prisoner re-entry, we strain to make it difficult, and impossible for some.

The Criminal Justice System needs to make the following changes:

1. Our public safety planning is too shortsighted. It would be better to spend more on intensive probation and scientifically based rehabilitation programs now, and less on more and bigger prisons tomorrow. Too many people including decision-makers believe "rehabilitation doesn't work" although research proves otherwise!

2. Our sentencing policies are inconsistent, often too lenient for violent crimes and too harsh for non-violent crimes.

3. Pay police officers a decent wage, and compensate them for continued education. Improve their benefit packages, and make police work a worthwhile career. At the same time, make them models of lawful, civilized behavior.

4. Prisons need to increase their rehabilitative and re-entry programs.

5. The Federal Prison System needs to bring back the Parole Board for federal prisoners.

6. Parole needs to be configured for program completions and accomplishments. The Parole Board needs to meet with the offender within one year of her/his commitment, at which time a program contract is agreed on, based on pre-sentence recommendations and institutional screening recommendations.

For example:

1. GED
2. Vocational Trade
3. 500 Hours of Counseling or a. 500 Hour Drug Program
4. Save $2,500 Inmate Wages
5. Pre-Release Program
6. Clean Conduct

7. When the offender completes the program contract, they are taken back before the Parole Board. And released on parole with whatever guidelines imposed by the sentencing court, Parole Board and supervising Parole Officer.

8. Get those rehabilitated former offenders involved in teaching others. Bring them into colleges, gang counselors, jails, law enforcement advisors, prisons, schools and youth groups to speak and tell their own success stories. Use them in a kind of “big brother” program; people can call on for advice, encouragement, help.

AT&T Insider tells of years of spying for the CIA in Court

Informant: ranger116

David Gregory Asks Bush If He Should Quit

Informant: ranger116

Die Grenztruppen kommen

Am Übergang zu Mexiko sollen nach Plänen der US-Regierung 6000 Soldaten stationiert werden. Washington reagiert damit auch auf die Konsequenzen des Freihandels.

Bid for 41ft mast near schools

Mobile phone giant O2 has applied to put up a 41ft phone mast near two primary schools in Shrewsbury, just weeks after a bid for a similar mast was thrown out.

The company has submitted a planning application to Shrewsbury and Atcham Borough Council to erect a mast next to the junction of Copthorne Park and Copthorne Road.

It is described as a slimline street works style monopole telecommunications mast with three antenna and ancillary equipment cabin. It would be built close to Woodfield County Infant School and St George’s Junior School.

O2 claims it would help meet increasing demands on its network. But the proposal looks set to attract criticism, coming weeks after O2’s bid to build a riverside mast in Shrewsbury was thrown out by councillors.

Copthorne Park residents Tom and Elizabeth Ferris have already sent a letter of objection to the borough council, calling the proposal “lunacy” and grossly irresponsible given its proximity to the schools.

However Jim Stevenson, community relations manager for O2 said: “The masts are completely safe. As far as we are concerned people need have no fear at all.”

Omega this is not true. See under:

The full version of this article appears in the Shrewsbury edition of tonight’s Shropshire Star.

© 2003-06 Shropshire Newspapers Ltd

Blaming the victim

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Lieberman Draws Liberal Wrath in Connecticut

>From across the nation a determined alliance of anti-war activists is working overtime online and on doorsteps to defeat Senator Joseph Lieberman, whose political moderation helped him earn the Democratic nomination for vice president six years ago. Their goal is not only to punish Mr. Lieberman for staunchly supporting the war in Iraq but also to protest what the activists consider the Democratic Party's willingness to accommodate President Bush.

The Power of the Press: Congress Takes Back Tax Breaks for Big Oil

In an attempt to revoke billions of dollars worth of government incentives to oil and gas producers, the House on Thursday approved a measure that would pressure companies to renegotiate more than 1,000 leases for drilling in the Gulf of Mexico. Dean Baker attributes Congressional action to outrage caused by media coverage of the oil windfall. "The press can do good," he writes.

What Is the Real Purpose of Bush's NSA Surveillance?

"The Baltimore Sun reported [Wednesday] that Bush rejected President Clinton's effective, legal surveillance program that did not invade privacy to adopt the current NSA spying program, which is ineffective, illegal and invasive of citizens' privacy rights," writes the Patriot Daily. "So, the question jumping off the page may be: Why would Bush use a program that does not actually assist the finding of terrorists, yet also has the disadvantage of invading Americans' privacy rights?"

Cindy Sheehan: Make Me an Instrument of Peace

"Being an instrument of peace is immensely more important than working for peace," writes Cindy Sheehan. "Non-violence should always be the means we use to solve problems, from our nuclear family life all the way up to the office of the most powerful person in the world. Peace is not an absence of conflict, but resolving conflict non-violently."

DeLay On The Big Screen

by Mark Birnbaum and Jim Schermbeck,

Coming soon to a theater near you -- a story of evil masterminds, plans for global domination, money, power and crime.

The Moral Minimum

by Holly Sklar and Rev. Paul Sherry,

It's not just good economic sense. It's also our moral obligation.

Hayden: The Good Soldier

by John Prados,

General Hayden's idea of rebuilding public trust in the CIA is to make it more secretive.

Wireless boost for British cities

Health risks of Wi-Fi and WLAN on our health

Next-up News 19 May 2006

Psychiatric Labels Plague Women's Mental Health

During mental-health awareness month, Paula J. Caplan argues that women are over-diagnosed with psychiatric syndromes and symptoms. "Many problems," she writes, "are not inside women's heads. They are in external conditions crying out for remedy."

Critics Note Weaknesses of Food Stamps as Hunger Spreads

The problem of food insecurity in America is gradually worsening, yet the government's main "solution" is sluggish, inadequate and sometimes inaccessible, and some critics note such programs do nothing to address the root causes of hunger.

Pombo's Bill Threatens Fisheries

A battle is looming in the nation's Capitol over how best to manage the nation's ocean fisheries. Portraying himself as an ocean champion, Richard Pombo, R-Calif., chair of the House Resources Committee, has introduced a bill, HR 5018, that will severely weaken current fisheries law and exacerbate a decaying management system.

Suddenly, Mr. Centrist

The American Prospect
by Harold Meyerson


Think of Monday's speech as the manifesto of the Bush presidency that wasn't. George W. Bush took to the airwaves Monday night to occupy terrain he had previously shunned: the center. The President claimed what he termed 'a rational middle ground' between two supercharged social movements, between the nativist and business wings of his own party, between House Republicans from safe right-wing districts and Senate Republicans understandably nervous about the growing number of Latino voters in their states. The result, rhetorically, was a speech in which assertion was followed by counter-assertion, or at least by a counter-perspective. 'Illegal immigration,' Bush began, 'strains state and local budgets and brings crime to our communities ... yet we must remember that the vast majority of illegal immigrants are decent people who work hard ... and lead responsible lives'...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

How Bush destroyed the CIA

by Sidney Blumenthal


The moment that the destruction of the Central Intelligence Agency began can be pinpointed to a time, a place and even a memo. On Aug. 6, 2001, CIA director George Tenet presented to President Bush his presidential daily briefing, a startling document titled 'Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.' Bush did nothing, asked for no further briefings on the issue, and returned to cutting brush at his Crawford, Texas, compound. In Bush's denial of responsibility after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, the search for scapegoats inevitably focused on the lapse in intelligence and therefore on the CIA, though it was the FBI whose egregious incompetence permitted the plotters to escape apprehension. Bush's intent to invade Iraq set up the battle royal that followed...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

God's Own Party

Michael Hayden vigorously defended the Bush administration's warrantless eavesdropping program

Cincinnati Enquirer


CIA director nominee Michael Hayden acknowledged concerns about civil liberties even as he vigorously defended the Bush administration's warrantless eavesdropping program as a legal spy tool needed to ensnare terrorists. Peppered with tough questions at a daylong confirmation hearing Thursday, the four-star Air Force general portrayed himself as an independent thinker, capable of taking over the CIA as it struggles with issues ranging from nuclear threats to its place among 15 other spy agencies...

New tack on Hayden confirmation

Boston Globe


The Bush administration moved yesterday to separate General Michael Hayden's nomination to be the next CIA director from discussion of the secret domestic spying programs that he designed as head of the National Security Agency, in a seeming reversal of the White House's political strategy for today's confirmation hearing. In a prepared statement submitted yesterday to the Senate intelligence committee for release today, Hayden makes no mention of the NSA's domestic surveillance programs, according to a former official who has seen the five-page unclassified document. Instead, Hayden focuses only on rebuilding the embattled Central Intelligence Agency. And for the first time yesterday, the administration briefed every Senate and House intelligence committee member about the NSA's warrantless wiretapping efforts. The White House previously insisted that the program was too sensitive to disclose its details to the full committees, leading several senators to vow that they would use Hayden's confirmation hearing to press for more information...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Schamloser Griff in die Tasche der Bürgerinnen und Bürger

#Die Linkspartei.PDS: Pressemitteilungen

19. Mai 2006

Heute hat der Bundestag in namentlicher Abstimmung mit den Stimmen der Regierungskoalition und gegen die Stimmen der Fraktion Die Linke. die größte Steuererhöhung in der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik beschlossen. Dazu erklärt Dietmar Bartsch, Bundesgeschäftsführer der Linkspartei.PDS und Mitglied des Haushaltsausschusses:

Selten spüren die Bürgerinnen und Bürger die Beschlüsse des Bundestages so direkt wie bei dem heute beschlossenen Haushaltsbegleitgesetz. Der heutige Beschluss belastet die Steuerzahlen ab 1. Januar 2007 massiv. Die Erhöhung der Mehrwertsteuer auf 19 Prozent führt zu deutlichen finanziellen Einbußen und zu sinkender Kaufkraft. Sozialschwache, Gering- und Normalverdiener und Rentner werden künftig erheblich weniger Geld in der Tasche haben. Zu verdanken haben sie dies den Abgeordneten von Union und SPD, die selbst aufgrund ihrer eigenen Einkommens- und Vermögenssituation von den Änderungen nur eher geringfügig betroffen sind. Die strukturelle Probleme werden damit nicht gelöst. Der Anteil der Menschen, die in diesem Land von der gesellschaftlichen Teilhabe abgekoppelt werden, wird weiter wachsen. Die von SPD und Union vielbeschworene Konjunktur bleibt durch die sinkende Binnenkaufkraft auf der Strecke. Hinzu kommt die öffentlich kaum beachtete Erhöhung der Pauschalabgabe für geringfügig Beschäftigte von 25 auf 30 Prozent. Das ist pure Abkassiererei. Das heute in erster Lesung auf der Tagesordnung stehende Steueränderungsgesetz folgt der Logik der Großen Koalition und setzt die Politik der sozialen Grausamkeiten und Ungerechtigkeiten fort. Mit diesem sollen die Absenkungen der Pendlerpauschale und des Sparerfreibetrages sowie der Verlust von zwei Jahren Kindergeldanspruch für 25- bis 27jährige, die sich noch in der Ausbildung befinden, festgeschrieben werden. Die Linkspatei.PDS lehnt diese einseitigen Belastungen von sozial Schwachen ab. Notwendig für dieses Land ist: Vermögende und steuerlich Leistungsfähige deutlich stärker zu belasten, Steuervergehen entschieden zu bekämpfen und die sozialen Sicherungssysteme zu modernisieren und ihre Leistungsfähigkeit zu stärken.

U.S. Fisheries and Seafood are at Risk

Our ocean resources are dwindling. Fish populations and popular seafood are only a fraction of what they were just 50 years ago. The US House will soon vote on oceans legislation that would cause important fish species to decline even further.

Send an email to oppose this harmful oceans bill:

Hartmannbund Nordrhein gegen elektronische Gesundheitskarte

Hope for the best, expect the worst

The fall in the dollar over the last few days and the knock-on consequences for the stock markets around the world make everybody feel queasy because those in the know are aware that we can't go on like this.

From Information Clearing House

House ethics panel to probe several lawmakers

The House Committee on Standards of Official Conduct said it would investigate Ohio Republican Rep. Bob Ney and Louisiana Democratic Rep. William Jefferson, who are enmeshed in separate bribery scandals.

From Information Clearing House

An American idea shatters

The reawakening of a virulent nationalism is tearing apart Bush's conservative coalition.,,1777429,00.html

From Information Clearing House

Patriot Act e-mail spying approved - Bush shuns Patriot Act requirement

The Justice Department asks a judge to approve Patriot Act e-mail monitoring without any evidence of criminal behavior.

Bush shuns Patriot Act requirement

When President Bush signed the reauthorization of the USA Patriot Act this month, he included an addendum saying that he did not feel obliged to obey requirements that he inform Congress about how the FBI was using the act's expanded police powers.

From Information Clearing House

Update on the Rove Indictment Story

For the past few days, we have endured non-stop attacks on our credibility, and we have fought hard to defend our reputation. In addition, we have worked around the clock to provide additional information to our readership. People want to know more about this, and our job is to keep them informed. We take that responsibility seriously.

From Information Clearing House

The Scariest Predators in the Corporate Jungle

The world's oil, gas and mining industries account for nearly two-thirds of all violations of human rights, environmental laws and international labor standards, according to a soon-to-be-released United Nations study.

From Information Clearing House

Why is Bush cosying up to the Egyptian president while government thugs are beating up demonstrators in Cairo?

A welcome at the White House

From Information Clearing House

A pretext for blocking technological advancement

The West is currently using the pretext of security concerns in an attempt to control the nuclear activities of the countries of the global South.

From Information Clearing House

Films on Guantánamo and Iraq face war of cuts

Two new films which expose unpleasant truths about Guantanamo and the battle for Iraq are coming under pressure from censors in the United States.

Pentagon launches Guantanamo PR campaign

Officials from the Joint Chiefs of Staff Detainee Affairs Section have worked up a new briefing and made presentations in recent months to some 3,000 people, including media representatives and members of Congress, stressing the strategic value of detainees at the prison camp.

From Information Clearing House

The Pentagon's ghost investigation

Nearly two years ago, a top general urged a probe into illegal "ghost detainees" held at Abu Ghraib prison. But according to the Pentagon, it never happened -- and never will.

Europe Shames U.S. Congress?

CIA war crimes in Europe are now under official investigation there, but not here.,hentoff,73206,6.html

From Information Clearing House

Food Not Bombs

Food Not Bombs protests against war by feeding the homeless and the hungry, and while the FBI may have managed to silence some anti-war campaigners, the co-founder of Food Not Bombs just won't shut up, even when he's accused of being part of a "domestic terror group". Dateline's Elizabeth Tadic caught up with him, almost predictably in poverty-stricken Nigeria.

Rumsfeld Seeks Extra Funds for War Bills

With war bills to pay, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld is calling on Congress to pass President Bush's request for an extra $65 billion to cover costs in Iraq and Afghanistan this year.,,-5827250,00.html

From Information Clearing House

'Why did my son die in vain?'

In Iraq, a soldier is killed; in Baltimore, his father is angry.

Bush Is Certifiable

Electrical union to ban work near phone masts

The Age newspaper,
Melbourne Australia
By Adam Morton
May 19, 2006

ELECTRICAL workers will refuse to work on or near operational mobile phone towers in Victoria until safety standards are introduced, fearing exposure to electromagnetic radiation causes cancer.

The Electrical Trades Union ban came as preliminary testing at RMIT University’s business school found no evidence that rooftop phone towers caused brain tumours in seven staff since 1999.

While medical experts said there was no proven link between phone towers and cancer, fears rose after it was revealed that tumours were found in staff working on the top floor.

Electrical union state secretary Dean Mighell said there was overseas evidence linking tumours to long-term electromagnetic radiation exposure, whether from high-voltage power lines or phone towers.

“Saying it is inconclusive is not good enough,” he said. “It needs to be conclusive that it’s safe, and when there is so much evidence saying it’s not, we think it is time the telecommunications industry adopts the same standards as the power industry and protects workers and residents.”

Mr Mighell urged communications companies to adopt regulations forcing electrical workers to wear protective equipment, carry radiation meters and work on towers for limited periods.

City authorities have sought council control over medium-sized phone towers through planning permits. There are 169 mobile phone network masts in the Melbourne CBD.

RMIT vice-chancellor Margaret Gardner said the university would pay for past and present staff who worked in the building to see an occupational phys-ician.

She said the number of illnesses linked to the building remained at seven, despite more than 150 calls to its medical help line and claims the academics’ union knew of a possible death.

“There have been no further cases identified at present but there are undoubtedly people who have come forward and investigations will be under way,” she said.

Business staff were told a decision on whether they would be asked to return to work on the top floor of the 17-storey building would not be made until final test results were available earlynext week.

At least one senior, long-term employee yesterday told a staff meeting he would not work on the top floor again, regardless of the test results.

The university offered to move staff from the top two floors eight days ago after five tumours were discovered in a month, following earlier cases in 1999 and 2001.

Testing includes radiation, air and water quality and surface contamination.

The Australian Mobile Telecommunications Association said that while public safety was paramount to the mobile telecommunications industry, there was no credible scientific evidence of health effects from living or working near a mobile phone tower.

Chief executive Chris Althaus said the ETU’s move was unjustified and unwarranted.

He said the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency had recently confirmed the safety of mobile phone towers, having researched 60 mobile base stations across Australia last year. The agency found that on average, the exposure level was many thousands of times less than the national safety limit in places where the levels were expected to be at their highest.

Mr Althaus said agency studies had noted AM radio contributed about 91 per cent of radio frequency emissions while mobile phone towers contributed only 1.4 per cent.



Wednesbury Action for the Removal of Telephone masts.

Check this out.


Informant: Eileen O'Connor

Information Highway Robbers

As a start, sign a petition that demands Congress to pass enforceable net neutrality provisions. Visit and make your voice heard.

Teresa Binstock

Information Highway Robbers
By Joel Bleifuss
In These Times,
May 16, 2006

Suspicious Origins of "Bird Flu"

Why the Government Spies on You: Power, not Terrorism

Informant: Lew Rockwell

On the institution of government

Do Countries Learn Lessons?

On the morality of war

On Recent Wars


VeriChip Injects RFID Into Immigration Debate

345 Euro plus Miete, mehr braucht der Mensch nicht zum Leben, meint die Bundesregierung, doch gilt das auch, wenn ständig alles teurer wird?

Keine Hartz-Explosion. Bundesarbeitsministerium hat ausgerechnet: Hartz IV ist kaum teurer, als Arbeitslosen- und Sozialhilfe wären

„Der Staat gibt für die Empfänger von Arbeitslosengeld II gar nicht so viel mehr aus, als sie an Arbeitslosen- und Sozialhilfe gekostet hätten. Dies hat auf Bitten der Linksfraktion im Bundestag das Arbeitsministerium unter Franz Müntefering (SPD) ausgerechnet. Die gern beschworene "Kostenexplosion" durch die 2005 in Kraft getretene Arbeitsmarktreform "Hartz IV" findet demnach nicht statt…“ Artikel in der taz vom 17.5.2006

"Kostenexplosionsbericht" Arbeitslosengeld BIAJ-Stellungnahme vom 16.5.06 (pdf)

Neubemessung der Regelsätze nach SGB XII

Nach Auswertung der Einkommens- und Verbrauchsstrichprobe (EVS) 2003 wird erstmals eine einheitliche gesamtdeutsche Regelsatzbemessung in der Sozialhilfe in Höhe von 345 Euro vorgenommen. Siehe dazu:

BMAS - Ergebnisse der Einkommens- und Verbrauchsstichprobe (EVS) 2003 Konsequenzen für Weiterentwicklung der Regelsatzbemessung in der Sozialhilfe (SGB XII) (pdf)

BMAS - Auswertung der Einkommens- und Verbrauchsstichprobe (EVS) 2003 Grundlage zur Neubemessung der Regelsätze nach SGB XII (pdf)

Hartz IV. Am Bedarf vorbei gerechnet

345 Euro plus Miete - mehr braucht der Mensch nicht zum Leben, meint die Bundesregierung. Doch gilt das auch, wenn ständig alles teurer wird? Armutsforscher sind anderer Meinung. Artikel von Nicola Holzapfel in Süddeutsche Zeitung vom 18.05.2006,tt1m1/jobkarriere/erfolggeld/schwerpunkt/495/37458/index.html/jobkarriere/berufstudium/artikel/126/76050/article.html

Aus dem Text: „…Für die Betroffenen ist das Ergebnis ernüchternd: Trotz deutlicher Preissteigerungen in den vergangenen Jahren wird der Regelsatz bei 345 Euro bleiben.

Denn einen Inflationsausgleich im klassischen Sinne gibt es nicht. Vielmehr wird als Bezugsgröße die ärmste Bevölkerungsschicht herangezogen – und die musste in den vergangenen Jahren den Gürtel enger schnallen….“

Aus: LabourNet, 19. Mai 2006

Zensur und Verfolgung im Atomstaat

Französischer Atomkraftgegner von Geheimdienst verhaftet.

American Civil Liberties Union Calls on Senators to Vigorously Question General Hayden: Controversial CIA Nominee Raises Serious Civil Liberties Concerns

How the Bush Administration Deconstructed Iraq

Hawks for Withdrawal

Al Gore Overcomes the Fear Factor, Hillary Succumbs

Reawakening of a Virulent Nationalism Tearing Apart Bush's Conservative Coalition

Everybody Look What's Going Down

Western Projects are Bleeding Afghanistan Dry, Says Minister

NSA Killed System That Sifted Phone Data Legally

Bush Turns to Big Military Contractors for Border Control

Senate Votes to Erect a 350-mile Fence along the Mexican Border

Pentagon Report Said to Find Killing of Iraqi Civilians Deliberate

What about the homeless in our county?


Bombing Iran would not only be wrong, it would be foolish

[On May 18, 2006, at its regular meeting, United for Peace of Pierce County adopted the following 1000-word statement on Iran, arguing that "[t]here are no valid moral or legal justifications for bombing Iran on the pretext that it is developing the capacity to build nuclear weapons, and aggression against Iran would run counter to American interests and strengthen the regime in Iran that the Bush administration says it opposes."[1] -- Responding to the slowly but steadily intensifying drumbeat for war being orchestrated by the Bush administration, United for Peace of Pierce County has declared May and June Iran Education Months. -- Its book discussion group, "Digging Deeper," is currently studying seven recent books about Iranian history, culture, and politics, and a number of educational events will be held by UFPPC in the month of June, beginning with a fundraiser at the Antique Sandwich Company in Tacoma (5102 N. Pearl St., Tacoma; tickets $10 in advance, $12 at the door, may be reserved by calling 253-752-4069) on June 3 at 7:30 p.m. -- The event will feature a concert by singer/songwriter duo Steve and Kristi Nebel and remarks by Mark Jensen on "Demystifying the West's Confrontation with Iran." --Mark]

United for Peace of Pierce County

From ufpj-news

ödp sieht keinen Sinn im Milliardengrab Transrapid

Mit der Bitte um Veröffentlichung senden wir Ihnen folgenden Veranstaltungshinweis der ödp München:

ödp sieht keinen Sinn im Milliardengrab Transrapid Einwendungen noch bis 9. Juni möglich

München, 15.05.2006. Die ödp München spricht sich klar gegen den geplanten Bau des Transrapid aus. Martin Kraus, Vorsitzender der ödp München, fordert alle Bürgerinnen und Bürger auf, noch bis 9. Juni Einwendungen zu erheben. „Es geht nicht darum, neue Technologien zu verteufeln, sondern deren Nutzen und Risikien abzuwägen. Beim Transrapid ist das Ergebnis eindeutig: er ist sinnlos für München!“ Dabei betont Kraus vor allem die Finanzierungsprobleme: „Angesichts einer nicht mehr beherrschbaren Staatsverschuldung ist es geradezu dreist, Milliarden unserer Steuergelder in so ein nutzloses und unrentables Projekt zu stecken. Noch dazu ist die Finanzierung bisher völlig offen. Hubers industrie- und finanzpolitische Rechnungen sind leider nur Wunschträume.“

Kraus beklagt ferner, dass der Wille der Betroffenen missachtet werde: München habe sich gegen das Projekt entschieden. Mit der Express-S-Bahn gebe es zudem eine wesentlich günstigere und umweltfreundlichere Alternative für München. Der Transrapid würde Millionen Euro abziehen, die für den dringenden Ausbau des S-Bahn-Gesamtnetzes mit 700.000 Fahrgästen täglich nötig seien – bei nur maximal 17.000 Transrapidfahrgästen täglich. „Die Entlastung der Straßen und eine Förderung des Nahverkehrs sind viel effektiver möglich – ohne teuren Transrapid, der wohl ein Denkmal für bestimmte Herren werden soll“, so der ödp-Politiker.

Die Gefährdung ökologisch wichtiger Gebiete wie die Isarauen sei ebenso ein Problem wie die unangenehmen Knallgeräusche, die der Transrapid den Anwohnern Tag und Nacht bescheren werde. Der die Stadt zerschneidende Transrapid würde die Wohnqualität in der Umgebung deutlich senken – mit unseren Steuergeldern. Auch aus Sicht der Industrie selbst sei das Projekt sinnlos: in Asien gebe es längt eine Referenzstrecke und neue Projekte, sagte Kraus.

Selbst technologisch sei die alte Transrapidtechnologie ungeeignet: Sie sei nicht für Kurzstrecken wie in München, sondern für weite Entfernungen gedacht. „Bei Fahrtwiderstand und Energieverbrauch hat sogar der ICE3 die Nase vorn – und ist weitaus billiger“, informiert der ödp-Politiker weiter.

Weitere Informationen unter:

Veranstaltungshinweis: „Wie formuliere ich rechtswirksame Einwendungen gegen den Transrapid“ am 18. Mai um 19 Uhr im Gasthof Croatia Grill, Feldmochingerstr. 386

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Markus Hollemann
Ökologisch-Demokratische Partei (ödp)
Stadtverband München
Fon 089/45 24 74 15 × Fax 089/244 365 397


Alle Vorträge finden jeweils am zweiten Donnerstag im Monat in den Räumen der Gregor-Louisoder-Umweltstiftung statt: Brienner Str. 46, zwischen U2/U8 Königsplatz und U1/U7 Stiglmaierplatz.

Do., 08. Juni 2006, 19.30 Uhr 'EU-Feinstaubrichtlinie - zahnloser Papiertiger?' Referent: Dr. Stefan Taschner, Mobilitätsexperte, Green City

Do., 13. Juli 2006, 19.30 Uhr 'Die Welt vor einer neuen Energiekrise? - Solare Zukunft ohne Erdöl und Atomenergie?' Referent: Dr. Herbert Kuhn, Ingenieur, Energieberater

Do., 10. Aug. 2006, 19.30 Uhr 'Limbische Wahrheiten – Gehirnforschung, Marketing und Ökologie' Referent: Günther Hartmann, Berater im Stadt- und Regionalmarketing

Do., 14. Sep. 2006, 19.30 Uhr 'Pflegenotstand - Keine Perspektive im Alter?' Referentin: Christiane Lüst, Dipl.-Soz. Päd., Initiatorin des Münchner Pflegestammtischs

Do., 12. Okt. 2006, 19.30 Uhr 'Ein Jahr nach der Bundestagswahl - Wo steht Deutschland heute?' Referent: Prof. Dr. Klaus Buchner, ödp-Bundesvorsitzender

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Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Sind Kassenpatienten keine Notfälle?,1185,OID5539270_NAV_REF1,00.html

Protesters Arrested at Halliburton Meeting

New York Lawyer May 17, 2006

By Shaun Schafer
The Associated Press

DUNCAN, Okla. -- Sixteen people protesting Halliburton Co.'s environmental record and its role as a military contractor were arrested on trespassing charges Wednesday when they surged toward a building where company shareholders were meeting.

Another man was arrested on a charge of destroying public property for tearing up a plastic fence holding back protesters.

A masked man beat on a large empty jug and protesters chanted, "The whole world is watching," and "Shame on you," while police made the arrests. A designated area had been set up for the protest, and police had told protesters not to leave that area.

Those arrested were frisked, handcuffed and taken to the Stephens County Jail.

The Houston-based company said it decided to meet in the southern Oklahoma city where it was founded to highlight company operations that remain here.

Critics accused it of seeking a friendly and remote location in an attempt to duck protests. The company is the leading employer in Duncan, which is about 80 miles south of Oklahoma City.

One of those arrested was wearing a Dick Cheney mask. The vice president formerly headed Halliburton, which has drawn criticism for its big government contracts, some awarded without competitive bidding. Its KBR unit provides support services for troops stationed in the Middle East.

Protesters carried signs such as "Bush Lied," and "Record Corrupt Blood Soaked Profits." Oklahoma Veterans for Peace lined up 37 pairs of combat boots to represent Oklahoma soldiers killed in Iraq.

Jan Gaddis of Duncan held up an "I Support Halliburton" sign.

"It is not some monolitihich organization that is devoid of humanity," she said. "They are a very responsible corporate citizen and their employees are involved in the local community and churches."

Halliburton spokeswoman Cathy Mann has said potential protests played no role in deciding where to hold this year's meeting. She said the company has done a good job of supporting American troops overseas.

"Halliburton supports the rights of demonstrators, even when they have the facts wrong," she said.

Meanwhile, shareholders of the world's largest provider of products and services to the petroleum and energy industries looked back on a year of record earnings. Halliburton, founded in 1919, earned $2.4 billion in 2005.

Associated Press writer Sean Murphy in Duncan contributed to this report

Informant: Milo

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Informant: Milo


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