Freitag, 12. Mai 2006

Computer-Experte weist schwerwiegende Sicherheitsmängel bei Diebold-Wahlmaschinen nach


Informant: NHNE

Town centre phone mast plan put on hold

May 12 2006

Alison Anderson

FEARS for the health of children living close to mobile phone masts are not valid reasons for refusing planning permission – providing the mast complies with government guidelines.

This was the harsh message given to the development control committee of Perth and Kinross Council and to objectors of a proposed mast on the roof of the Drummond Arms Hotel in the centre of Crieff.

Applicant Hutchison 3G UK Ltd are seeking planning consent to replace the existing flagpole with a thicker flagpole which incorporates three telecommunications antennae on the roof of the B-listed building in James Square.

Colin Campbell, representing the applicants, told the committee that the visual impact of the new pole would be minimal, while on health issues, the proposals were compliant with existing guidelines.

He also explained that the mast was needed to fill a gap in mobile phone coverage in the Crieff area.

When quizzed about why his company could not mast share with other mobile phone networks, Mr Campbell said Hutchison 3G were not able to enter into agreement on mast sharing.

Crieff councillor Helen Macdonald initially motioned for the application to be rejected, claiming the hotel roof “could not be in a worse location to have a mast.”

But after being given legal advice from council officers, she changed her motion to one of deferral for the applicant to present evidence that all efforts had been made to find an alternative site and establish operational need.

The application had attracted a raft of objections, including local woman Caroline Boxer, who told the committee that her four-year-old daughter’s bedroom was just 30-50 metres from the proposed mast.

She told the committee of her and other nearby residents’ concerns about the unproven risks to health from masts, and pointed out that in the USA mast sites have to be 500m from vulnerable people.

Omega the risks to health from masts are not unproven. See under:

“The council has a duty to look after residents and it would be failing in this duty if the mast was approved,” Ms Boxer told the committee.

© owned by or licensed to Trinity Mirror Plc 2006

Toxic 100 Corporate Air Polluters Named

Researchers at the Political Economy Research Institute (PERI) at the University of Massachusetts today released the Toxic 100, an updated list of the top corporate air polluters. The Toxic 100's top five companies are E.I. Du Pont de Nemours & Co., US Steel, ConocoPhillips, GE, and Eastman Kodak.


The Toxic 100: The Top Corporate Air Polluters in the U.S.

Top Corporate Air Polluters Named


Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2008 13:40:15 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: DuPont, Nissan, ADM, Bayer: Top Corporate Air Polluters Named TOP CORPORATE AIR POLLUTERS NAMED

AMHERST, MA - April 10, 2008 -- Researchers at the Political Economy Research Institute (PERI) at the University of Massachusetts today released the Toxic 100, an updated list of the top corporate air polluters in the United States.

The Toxic 100 informs consumers and shareholders which large corporations release the most toxic pollutants into our air, said James K. Boyce, director of PERI's environment program. We measure not just how many pounds of pollutants are released, but which are the most toxic and how many people are at risk. People have a right to know about toxic hazards to which they are exposed. Legislators need to understand the effects of pollution on their constituents.

The Toxic 100 index is based on air releases of hundreds of chemicals from industrial facilities across the United States. The rankings take into account not only the quantity of releases, but also the relative toxicity of chemicals, nearby populations, and transport factors such as prevailing winds and height of smokestacks.

The Toxic 100 index identifies the top U.S. air polluters among corporations that appear in the Fortune 500, Fortune Global 500, Forbes Global 2000, and Standard & Poor's 500 lists of the world's largest corporations. The Toxic 100's top five companies are E.I. du Pont de Nemours, Nissan Motor, Archer Daniels Midland (ADM), Eastman Kodak, and General Electric.

The new edition of the Toxic 100 for the first time includes foreign corporations with facilities in the United States. This addition reveals a number of important sources of industrial toxic pollution, said Corporate Toxics Information Project co-director Michael Ash. Three of the top ten corporations in the Toxic 100Nisssan, Bayer Group, and Acelor Mittalare foreign-based firms.

Users of the web-based list can view the details behind each companys Toxic Score, including the names and locations of individual facilities owned by the corporation, the specific chemicals emitted by those facilities, their toxicities, and their contributions to the company's overall score.

A new feature of the website is a look-up tool that allows users to access detailed information on all 7,000 companies with facilities in the EPA database as well as the Toxic 100 list of top polluters.

The data on chemical releases come from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Toxics Release Inventory (TRI). The TRI is widely cited in press accounts that identify the top polluters in various localities. But reports based on TRI data alone have three limitations:

a.. Raw TRI data are reported in total pounds of chemicals, without taking into account differences in toxicity. Pound-for-pound, some chemicals are up to ten million times more hazardous than others. b.. RI data do not calculate the numbers of people affected by toxic releases--for example, the difference between facilities upwind from densely-populated urban areas and those located far from population centers. c.. TRI data are reported on a facility-by-facility basis, without combining plants owned by one corporation to get a picture of overall corporate performance. The Toxic 100 index tackles all three problems by using the most recent Risk-Screening Environmental Indicators (RSEI) data developed by the EPA. In addition to the TRI data, the RSEI data include toxicity weights and the number of people at risk. PERI researchers added up facility-by-facility RSEI data released by the EPA to construct corporate rankings.

In making this information available, we are building on the achievements of the right-to-know movement, Boyce explains. Our goal is to engender public participation in environmental decision-making, and to help residents translate the right to know into the right to clean air.

For more information visit PERI's Corporate Toxic Information Project on the web. Toxic 10 Index Links on company names lead to detailed company reports.

Rank Corporation Toxic score
(pounds released x toxicity x population exposure) Millions of pounds of toxic air releases Millions of pounds of toxic incineration transfers

1 E.I. du Pont de Nemours

2 Nissan Motor

3 Archer Daniels Midland (ADM)

4 Bayer Group

5 Dow Chemical

6 Eastman Kodak

7 General Electric

8 Arcelor Mittal

9 US Steel

10 ExxonMobil

distributed by: Coalition against BAYER Dangers (Germany)
Fax: (+49) 211-333 940
Tel: (+49) 211-333 911

Advisory Board Prof. Juergen Junginger, designer, Krefeld, Prof. Dr. Juergen Rochlitz, chemist, former member of the Bundestag, Burgwald Wolfram Esche, attorney, Cologne Dr. Sigrid M|ller, pharmacologist, Bremen Eva Bulling-Schroeter, member of the Bundestag, Berlin Prof. Dr. Anton Schneider, biologist, Neubeuern Dorothee Svlle, theologian, Hamburg (died 2003) Dr. Janis Schmelzer, historian, Berlin Dr. Erika Abczynski, pediatrician, Dormagen

Informant: Dorothee Krien

Did Gonzales Mislead Congress about NSA Program?

Reacting to today's news that the NSA is "amassing information about the calls of ordinary Americans," Reps. Bennie G. Thompson (D-Miss.) and Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.) have put out a statement questioning the legality of the program. Their statement contains this: "When the Attorney General was forced to testify before the House Judiciary Committee a few weeks ago, he misled the Committee about the existence of the program."

This Time, It Really Is Orwellian

"Given George W. Bush’s history of outright lying, especially on national security matters, it may seem silly to dissect his words about the new disclosure that his administration has collected phone records of some 200 million Americans," writes Robert Parry. "In his brief remarks, however, Bush didn’t define what he meant by 'ordinary Americans' nor whether the data-mining might cover, say, thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people, just not 'millions.'"

Congress Again Considers Acting on Bush Domestic Spying

As the Senate prepares to hold hearings on George W. Bush's nominee to lead the Central Intelligence Agency, Gen. Michael V. Hayden, the issue of domestic spying - as authorized by Bush himself - is again drawing strong words from Congress members who say they oppose it.

Middle East Experts Against Military Option in Iran

Sari Gelzer reports, "200 American Middle East experts have warned President Bush against threatening US military action against Iran. Experts have not been consulted as the US has developed policy toward Iran. Professor Ahmad Sadri explains, 'This is the same mistake the US government made before going to Iraq. We're saying don't do that again.'"

Diebold Voting Machine Security Flaw "Worst Ever"

The most serious security breach that's ever been discovered in a voting system has been discovered in the Diebold voting machines. The security hole allows someone with a common computer component and knowledge of Diebold systems to load almost any software without a password or proof of authenticity and potentially without leaving telltale signs of the change.

Rice, Rumsfeld Block Red Cross Access to Secret Detainees

The United States has again refused the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) access to terrorism suspects held in secret detention centers, the humanitarian agency said on Friday.

Pentagon's Finance Management "An Embarrassment"

The Defense Department's accounting practices are in such disarray that defense officials can't track how much equipment the military owns, where it all is, or exactly how they spend defense dollars every year, according to a report Thursday.

Iran Nuclear Conflict Is About US Dominance

As the George W. Bush administration pushes for a showdown over Iran's nuclear program in the UN Security Council, it has presented the issue as a matter of global security - an Iranian nuclear threat in defiance of the international community. But the history of the conflict and the private strategic thinking of both sides reveal that the dispute is really about the administration's drive for greater dominance in the Middle East and Iran's demand for recognition as a regional power.

Denigration is familiar to environmentalists who advocate for 'Mother' Earth

A Layer Cake for Mother's Day

Kelpie Wilson writes, "The basic demands of the Motherhood Manifesto have been articulated for years by the feminist movement, but they have fallen on deaf ears, as women's priorities are continually relegated to the status of a 'special interest.' Such denigration is also familiar to environmentalists who advocate for 'Mother' Earth. Women and the Earth seem to occupy a similar position in modern society's hierarchy of importance as expressed in that most authoritative of institutions: The Economy."

Weißbuch zur Bundeswehr: Handbuch zur Militarisierung der Außenpolitik

"Weißbuch zur Bundeswehr": Linksfraktion kritisiert "Handbuch zur Militarisierung der Außenpolitik" (12.05.06)

Nach dem Bekanntwerden einiger Eckdaten des neuen "Weißbuchs der Bundeswehr" kritisierte die Linksfraktion, es handele sich dabei "offenbar um ein Handbuch zur Militarisierung der deutschen Außenpolitik". Für die Truppe solle als neuer Auftrag "die Sicherung unserer Rohstoff- und Energieversorgung festgezurrt werden". Verteidigungsminister Franz-Josef Jung wolle sich hierbei auch vom Grundgesetz "nicht aufhalten" lassen, sagte der verteidigungspolitische Sprecher der Fraktion, Paul Schäfer. "Die Umdefinition der Landesverteidigung in Verteidigung deutscher Interessen, mit der die letzten Barrieren für Auslandseinsätze weggeräumt" werden sollten, sei nicht akzeptabel.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

"Eindeutig rechtswidrig": Geheimdienst BND bespitzelte offenbar Journalisten in großem Stil


Der Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) hat offenbar in weit größerem Ausmaß als bisher bekannt Journalisten bespitzelt und sie in rechtswidriger Weise bei der Arbeit und bis ins Privatleben hinein beschattet. Das geht aus dem Bericht des ehemaligen Vorsitzenden Richters am Bundesgerichtshof, Gerhard Schäfer, hervor, den dieser am Mittwochabend im geheim tagenden Parlamentarischen Kontrollgremium (PKG) des Bundestages vorlegte, wie die "Süddeutsche Zeitung" schreibt. Dem Bericht zufolge belegen die Untersuchungen Schäfers, dass der BND nicht nur einzelne Journalisten beschattet hat. Der Dienst habe Journalisten auch gezielt auf Kollegen angesetzt, um zu erfahren, an welchen Themen diese gerade arbeiteten.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


Informant: NHNE

Vaccine makers helped write shield law to avoid lawsuits

Heads’ concerns over phone masts

The Bush administration's flagrant disregard for international rules on torture threatens our national security

No Rules, Just Might

by Aziz Huq,

US Army Recruits Abused on US Soil

The Army has shaken up a program to heal recruits injured in basic training after soldiers and their parents said troops hurt at Fort Sill were punished with physical abuse and medical neglect. "The supreme irony," said one mother, "is that I was more worried about my son at Fort Sill than the one in Iraq."

Big Brother Was Listening In A Long Time Ago

GAA club urged to remove mobile mast

Friday, May 12, 2006

BALLYGUNNER GAA Club has been urged to take down a mobile phone mast sited beside St Mary’s National School.

Senator Brendan Kenneally of Fianna Fail, said the mast was erected without any public consultation or planning permission and its radiation emissions could threaten the health of nearby schoolchildren.

“It is very disappointing that Ballygunner GAA Club allowed this mast to be erected without any consultation with local residents or the local school,” said the Senator. “There is plenty of cause for concern about radiation emissions from mobile phone masts and until these fears are allayed by hard scientific evidence, we should not site them close to schools or health centres.”

Senator Kenneally, who is a member of the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Communications, pointed to a recent wide-ranging report the committee undertook on mobile phone safety. “The Joint Committee investigated health fears prompted by mobile phone use. It found that there is a cloak of secrecy surrounding radiation levels emitted by the country’s 4,500 masts. The report suggested that planning guidelines be amended to stop the erection of masts near schools and playgrounds. It also recommended that the results of all emission testing on masts be published.

“The report, entitled ‘Report On Non-ionisation From Mobile Phone Handsets And Masts’, put forwards some very useful guidelines on the safe use of mobile phone technology. It is crucial that we err on the side of caution when dealing with mobile phone masts.

“I would urge Ballygunner GAA Club to immediately take down the mobile phone mast until we establish for sure that its emissions pose no threat to human health, particularly that of children,” added the Senator.

Meanwhile, as we went to press last night (Tuesday), a public meeting was taking place in the Scout Hall in Ballygunner amid continuing concerns about the mast.

© Waterford News & Star, 2006.

Addicted to oil: not hardly

Liberty For All
by Ed Lewis


This is to notify the man in the white house that I am not addicted to oil. I would be happy to use any of the alternatives, such as hemp production of fuels, that work better than gasoline from petroleum. Such fuel is cheaper to produce and burns cleaner with no adverse effects on the environment. Or, how about hydrogen produced from water. One small amount of water will power engines forever, assuming no leaks, as the waste product of burning hydrogen is water...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

McCain declares war on the Constitution (again)

Center For Individual Freedom
by staff


The Constitution contains the text of the oath of office only for the President. But for members of Congress, it specifies that they 'shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation to support this constitution.' According to the U.S. Senate website, the first oath, written and sworn to by members of the First Congress, was a simple one: 'I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States.' During the Civil War, the oath was expanded and complicated with language necessitated by the events of the day. Apparently, it's far too complicated for Senator John McCain, once again on his quest to limit political speech...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

A bankrupt party: instead of offering new ideas, the GOP is counting on scare tactics to get voters to the polls

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Will civilians control the military?

The Nation
by John Nichols


President Bush's nomination of Air Force General Michael V. Hayden to direct the Central Intelligence Agency has opened a debate over whether the most fundamental principles of the American Republic remain will remain in place. The founders who proposed to 'chain the dogs of war' established civilian control over the military as an essential underpinning of the American experiment. Along with their determination to put in place a system of checks and balances, which they constructed to prevent presidents from leading the country into war without properly consulting Congress, Jefferson, Madison and their compatriots believed that giving civilians the means to manage the military was necessary if the nation they imagined was to be free. Agonizingly aware of the abuses that had been imposed upon the former colonies by a British military accountable only to a distant and dictatorial king, the founders worried about the degeneration of the American experiment into a state of affairs similar to that of the Empire against which they had rebelled...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The Strange Death of Moral Britain

Intellectual Conservative
by Nathan Alexander


It is the rare sociology book that warrants the epitaphs 'exciting' and 'brilliant.' Such is Christie Davies' The Strange Death of Moral Britain, a book that deserves to be read by readers on the political right and left. The book's argument is that between 1950 and 1960 a new form of political reasoning replaced the old ideology or 'logic' of 'moral Britain,' which underlay legal and social sensibility. The new outlook the author identifies as 'causalism,' and it has insidiously become the ethos of modern British society. The consequences of 'causalism' as a political ideology are that the tradition of individualism, the legal principle that a just society rewards just behavior, and even national sovereignty, all concepts based upon the idea of moral hierarchy, have been radically undermined...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Let Bush rule his fans

by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.


It is not enough for a merchant to find out who wants a yacht; the merchant must find out who is willing to give up some other form of consumption and make the necessary sacrifice to actually shell out for a yacht. That is something different entirely. So let's say that we put our politics on the market model. Everyone who is still nuts for Bush would be entitled to be so. They should not be belittled or dismissed or called crazy. They should be permitted to be ruled by him completely and without question. But there must be a few conditions: his rule must not be allowed to impinge on the person or property of anyone who does not want to be ruled by him. Also, the Bushians must demonstrate a willingness to do more than talk the talk; they must also be willing to pay the bills...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

One final GOP ripoff before November

by Stephen Pizzo


[S]oon after the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan began, Halliburton and other administration-connected contractors were caught stealing hundreds of millions. ('Stealing:' such an ugly word. They prefer 'billing disputes' and 'cost overruns.') The flap over those early capers resulted in the appointment of Stuart Bowen as special inspector for Iraq reconstruction. Bowen was given a $24 million annual budget and a staff of 55 junkyard dog auditors. Apparently, the White House failed to conduct its usual background checks of Mr. Bowen. Because, if they had, he would have never been hired. Unlike the standard issue administration yes-men, Bowen turned out to be the real deal. He and his small auditors thought they were actually supposed to catch cheats. And, sure enough, they began catching contractors forcing them to put the cookies back in the jar. Which explains this week's White House hat trick. The administration had GOP senators on the appropriation committee to make a tiny change in wording to the new $109 billion authorization. It was a tiny change and, I am sure, they hoped it would go unnoticed...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Gas tax a bonanza for state

San Francisco Chronicle


Oil companies aren't the only ones raking in the money because of rising prices at the fuel pump. The coffers of state and local governments are seeing big gains as a result of increased revenue generated by the sales tax that consumers pay on gasoline. Sales tax receipts from the gas pumps in the fourth quarter of last year grew by nearly $100 million from the same period the year before , according to the latest figures available. And that was when California's average price for a gallon of gas at the pump, which includes state and local sales tax along with fixed state and federal excise taxes, was at $2.56. Since 2002, sales tax revenues on gas have been growing annually by $300 million to $400 million to reach $2.86 billion in 2005, according to the California Board of Equalization. And with fuel prices at the pump already well above $3, the gas tax boom will likely continue for state and local governments...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Bush defends spying after NSA database report



Following a report that the U.S. agency in charge of a domestic spying program is building a database of every phone call made in the country, President Bush on Thursday told the nation from the White House that all anti-terrorism efforts are within the law. Facing new concerns in Congress, President Bush referred to the report but did not confirm or deny it and instead sought to assure Americans that their privacy is being 'fiercely protected.' 'We are not mining or trolling through the personal lives of innocent Americans,' Bush said before leaving for a commencement address at Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College in Biloxi. 'Our efforts are focused on links to al-Qaida and their known affiliates'...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Phone call monitoring sparks outrage

Houston Chronicle


Lawmakers demanded answers from the Bush administration Thursday about a spy agency secretly collecting records of millions of ordinary Americans' phone calls to build a database of all calls within the country. Facing mounting congressional criticism, President Bush sought to assure Americans that their civil liberties were 'fiercely protected.' ... The disclosure, reported in USA Today, could complicate Bush's bid to win confirmation of former National Security Agency Director Michael Hayden as CIA director. It also reignited concerns about privacy rights and touched off questions about the legal underpinnings for the government's actions and the diligence of the Republican-controlled Congress' oversight of a GOP administration...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp



The world's most oppressive regimes are moving forcefully to censor the internet. In communist China today they are actually policing political thought online right now. And even in our own country, telecom giants are pushing for legislation to force democracy into the slow lane or worse. They are spending millions of dollars to try to get Congress to enable corruption of the internet. Already AOL has started trashing emails containing a reference to a web site they did not like.

But some heroic members of Congress like Ed Markey (D-MA), have been fighting for amendments to the deceptively named "Communications Opportunity, Promotion, and Enhancement Act of 2006" (COPE) to guarantee net neutrality. And just this last week he sponsored a freestanding "Network Neutrality Act of 2006" [H.R. 5273] to address this issue headon. Please tell your members of Congress to support the Markey amendments and to co-sponsor H.R. 5273.


This alert is brought to you by the activism of Stacey Tallitsch, candidate for U.S House from the 1st Congressional District of Louisiana. Fighting for the rights of all Americans is why Stacey is running for Congress, and he's not waiting until the election to start fighting for Louisiana and the rest of America.

When we talk about taking back Congress, that is what we will have to do, TAKE IT. Nobody is going give us anything we won't give to ourselves. And when we donate to a candidate like Stacey Tallitsch who is showing just the kind of leadership we need, we can make an example of him, and show other candidates that if they show real backbone they will get the support of the people too.



We NEED candidates like Stacey Tallitsch to champion the issues that are important to us. Stacey needs your help to get his message out, to get YOUR message out, by putting on radio spots calling yet more people to action Please make a contribution today to send Stacey to Congress and fight for you on the issues you care about.

How many times have you felt helpless and wished you could influence the votes of representatives in other districts to prevail on a critical vote in Congress, but thought you could not do so effectively because you were not one of their own constituents? How much more would you support Stacey if you do live in his district?

Here we have a courageous candidate who will fight for all the issues you care about, if only he is given the chance to make the run. Please donate whatever you can to help Stacey get on the radio to recruit and mobilize even more people to speak out so we can have a real impact on these policy decisions now and for the future. What would you give to have a whole legislature of people like Stacey Tallitsch? Won't you give him your support now to make that a reality?

We have been valiantly speaking out with action alerts based on one fundamental premise --- either our representatives in Congress would listen to and heed the voices of their people --- or else we would work to replace them in the next election.

The time for the replacement action is NOW.



If each of us will just contribute what we can, to the most worthy candidates we can find, it will make a real difference in the kind of Congress we will all have to deal with in 2007. Most importantly, strong showings NOW by candidates who DO have a backbone, and WILL stand up and fight, can send a powerful message to the rest that they better start shaping up or we will ship them out too. Make your donation today and it will have cascading positive effects in many other races for months to come.

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this message to everyone else you know.

Powered by The People's Email Network Copyright 2006, Patent pending, All rights reserved

Save the Internet: Click here

Investigative report about the Israeli Cancer Society

An excellent breakthrough - the first strong, significant investigative report is published in Globes economic newspaper, about the conflicts of interests in the Israeli Cancer Society and how they downplay the role and weight of environmental carcinogens in cancer, also avoidance from funding research on the subject. It is very long but all of the article (5000 words) is one strong exposure and criticism about the people who work for the society and at the same time they own/ belong to the most polluting industries. And the stress is given by the society to avoid the sun, eat "balanced" diet but people are not protected from cancer because environmental causes are ignored and people continue to be exposed. There are examples and proofs of how different members of the society (and also as a group) - avoid touching the industries that feed them with money. The cellular business has its own section - shortly it details names of people who are invested in the cellular companies (stocks) and manage the society, an executive of a cellular company was the manager of the "knock on the door" operation in which people go from house to house to collect money for the society. It also says for the first time (I asked the reporter to find out about it) that "the contribution of the society to the study [INTERPHONE] is considered in the part of sum which is not funded by the cellular companies, although part of the society's money comes from the same companies".

And it also relates to professor Yossi Riback, head of occupational and environmental unit at the public health school of Tel Aviv university, who sits in the committee of environmental carcinogens of the Israeli Cancer Society while he is also a paid expert of the cellular companies.

The husband of the executive of the Israeli Cancer Society is the manager of the biggest industrial disposal site in the country and is running the council of several industries in south Israel - part of his role is, of course, to claim that the industries don't pollute the country.

It is good to translate it but I don't have the energy/ time right now, if people want it to be tralated I will do that but not now.


Iris Atzmon.

'We are not phone mast guinea pigs'

11 May 2006

ANGRY residents have vowed to battle a mast being built near their homes.

Mobile phone giant Orange has submitted plans to Bexley council to install a 10 metre mast at the junction of Penhill Road and Harcourt Avenue, Sidcup.

Ian Brooks, of Penhill Road, claims residents have fears over potential health risks and believes the mast will be an eyesore.

He said: "We will fight this application to the very end. The residents in our area feel very strongly against such a mast, we have already fought off two previous applications from another firm.

"The Government has now conceded that radiation levels may not be safe and now we are expected to be guinea pigs under a mobile phone mast until the facts are proven."

Resident Wade Freeman said: "We will obviously do everything in our power to prevent this mast from being erected, not merely from a health perspective, though this will be our main point of concern, but also from an environmental view."

Orange spokesman Jacqueline Sibanda said: "Base stations are extremely low powered and in order to provide good coverage, they have to be located close to the demand.

"Communities have been happy to have radio and television transmitters all around them for the past 80 years.

"Base stations are essentially low powered radio transmitters and therefore there is no reason for them to be considered more dangerous than broadcast transmitters."

Omega this is not true. See under:

A Bexley council spokeswoman confirmed an application had been submitted.

She added that the consultation period is due to end on May 24 and it will go to a committee meeting on June 15.

Copyright © 2006 Archant Regional. All rights reserved.

Rachel's News #854

Can you help us show the media, the Republicans, and the country that the GOP Auction House affects American lives and that we won't stand for it any more?

Document the Costs of Corruption: See the photos and submit your own:

Demo in Berlin 03.06.: Infos zum Sonderzug

Alle notwendigen Infos dazu hier:

und hier:

Your Calls: Tracked by the NSA

From: Tom Hughes, Democracy for America
Date: Thu, 11 May 2006 19:45:52 GMT
To: Bob Banner

This morning, USA Today published a major cover story reporting that the "National Security Agency has been secretly collecting the phone call records of tens of millions of Americans." If you use AT&T, Verizon or BellSouth, your personal and business phone records may have been turned over to the NSA.

This isn't eavesdropping on suspected terrorists. This is a massive search and seizure of your personal information. Every phone call you make -- across town or across the country -- is being tracked by the NSA. And guess what? President Bush defends this with his usual double-speak. At a hastily arranged White House event this morning, Bush stated, "We are not mining or trolling through the personal lives of millions of Americans." However, that is exactly what the Bush administration is doing. As USA Today reports, "The [NSA] today is considered expert in the practice of 'data mining.'"

Congress needs to investigate this government intrusion...immediately. Call on the House and Senate today to issue subpoenas and expose the extent of this intrusion:

Senator Arlen Specter has already indicated that he's willing to call on the heads of the companies involved to appear before the Justice Committee. But that's not enough. Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez and former AG John Ashcroft need to be brought before Congress. And, unlike in past charades, they need to testify under oath.

We'll deliver the petition to the Republican and Democratic leadership of the House and the Senate.

Tens of millions of innocent Americans are affected by this warrantless surveillance. Both you and I could be included. I urge you to join Democracy for America in the call for a full investigation into this latest Bush administration intrusion on our privacy.

Thank you,

Tom Hughes
Executive Director

USA Today Article:

Ask Laura Bush to tell her husband NOT to invade Iran

May 12, 2006

Dear Citizens' Initiative ,

On Mother's Day weekend, May 13-14, we will bring 3,000 roses to grieving mothers of wounded soldiers who have little to celebrate this Mother’s Day. This central part of our 24-hour vigil honors the mothers and other women who have paid the greatest price for this administration’s senseless war on Iraq. Our partners at Working for Change, the activist arm of Working Assets Funding Service, has helped us raise the money for this action, helping us send a strong message to the occupants of the White House and the country: Mothers Say NO to war.

We have received thousands of letters from you to Laura asking her to tell Bush end the war in Iraq. Now we've been invited by Working for Change to join their Mother's Day action and send her another letter: this time not to invade Iran. Please join Working for Change and send a letter to the First Lady to urge her not to let her husband start another catastrophic, costly war in Iran.

President Bush was unwilling to listen to intelligence specialists, who told him that Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction. He was unwilling to listen to military specialists, who told him that he would need a much larger force to occupy Iraq and prevent civil war. If he won't listen to his advisers, let's see if he will listen to his wife.

This Mother's Day, President Bush and his wife Laura will take joy in their daughters. But for thousands of mothers across America, past years' joy will now be replaced by unspeakable grief. They will usher in this Mother's Day not as a celebration of motherhood, but as one more painful reminder of an irreparable loss.

Now, the President is rattling his saber at Iran. Despite the fact that top experts say that Iran is at least ten years away from a working nuclear weapon, recent news reports have indicated that the Bush Administration is already planning offensive military operations -- and even, ironically, the use of nuclear bombs -- against Iran.

Please, this Mother’s Day, celebrate by asking Laura Bush to tell the President to get out of Iraq, and not to Invade Iran.

See you in the streets on Mother's Day,

Allison, Dana, Farida, Gael, Jodie, Medea, Nancy, Rae and Tiffany

Framework for a police state: U.S. government phone spying targets all Americans

Informant: Friends

Take the nuclear option off the table now

Informant: Kev Hall

Nebeneinkünfte: Übersicht der freiwillig veröffentlichten Nebeneinkünfte von Bundestagsabgeordneten

Bundestagspräsident Norbert Lammert hat die Klage von sechs Abgeordneten beim Bundesverfassungsgericht gegen die Veröffentlichungspflicht der Nebeneinkünfte zum Anlass genommen, um mindestens bis zum Sommer die Neuregelung auszusetzen. Welche Abgeordnete wie viel von wem erhalten, bleibt weiter im Dunkeln. Campact schafft jetzt schon ein Stück mehr Transparenz und veröffentlicht in einer Übersicht die Abgeordneten, die freiwillig ihre Nebeneinkünfte offen legen.

Zur Campact-Übersicht:

Aus: Campact-Newsletter 9/06

Iran: E-Mail-Aktion an Außenminister Steinmeier und die Botschafter der UN-Sicherheitsratsmitglieder in Deutschland

Campact-Newsletter 9/06

Freitag, 12. Mai 2006

Es schreibt: Christoph Bautz

Wir haben lange gezögert, den Konflikt um das iranische Atomprogramm als Kampagnenthema aufzugreifen. Vieles erscheint unübersichtlich und komplex. Aber der Streit eskaliert von Woche zu Woche. Auch uns bereitet die Gefahr eines atomar bewaffneten Iran Sorgen. Doch ein militärisches Eingreifen kann die Atombombe nicht verhindern und würde unermessliches Leid nach sich ziehen. Eine diplomatische Lösung des Konfliktes ist alternativlos.

Lesen Sie warum:

Iran: E-Mail-Aktion an Außenminister Steinmeier und die Botschafter der UN-Sicherheitsratsmitglieder in Deutschland

Derzeit ringen Deutschland und die 5 ständigen Mitglieder des UN-Sicherheitsrates um einen Resolutionsentwurf, der die Verurteilung Irans nach Kapitel VII der UN-Charta als "Gefährdung des Weltfriedens" vorsieht. Wie beim Irak-Krieg könnte dies den USA als Legitimation für einen militärischen Alleingang dienen.

Fordern Sie die verhandelnden Staaten auf, die militärische Option explizit auszuschließen und den Konflikt auf dem Verhandlungsweg zu lösen.

Machen Sie mit:

The Care Crisis

Ruth Rosen discusses what she terms "the Care Crisis": "It's as though Americans are trapped in a time warp, certain that women will still do all this caring, even though they can't, because more than half are outside their homes working in the paid workplace. And so, we have the mounting Care Crisis."

Democrats Oppose GOP Health Coverage Bill

Senate Democrats threatened Tuesday to filibuster Republican-backed legislation they said would scale back health insurance for millions.

Barely Regulated, E-Waste Piles Up in US, Abroad

With massive amounts of toxin-laden consumer electronics hitting the trash heap every day, few are taking responsibility for their ecological and health impacts.

Sowing Trouble: India's "Second Green Revolution"

Suman Sahai argues that India's new agricultural biotechnology deal with the United States will take power away from farmers and endanger a rich genetic heritage.

The World's Riches and the Poor: Dark Side of the Gold Rush

A David-and-Goliath-style battle between Honduran villagers and an international conglomerate shows how the hunt for precious metal can threaten some of the world's most vulnerable people and their environment.

Congress Demands Phone Records Answers

Congressional Republicans and Democrats demanded answers from the Bush administration Thursday about a government spy agency secretly collecting records of ordinary Americans' phone calls to build a database of every call made within the country.

Open letter to EU on GE smallpox

The Institute of Science in Society
Science Society Sustainability

This article can be found on the I-SIS website at

Dear all

For your information, Third World Network and the Sunshine Project have a campaign on-going to ensure that this year's World Health Assembly (WHA) (22-27 May 2006, Geneva) adopts a strong resolution on the destruction of smallpox virus stocks, including prohibiting the genetic engineering of smallpox.

We have recently sent the letter below to all the EU Health Ministers .We hope that Europe can take a lead in ensuring a good outcome at the WHA. Please feel free to use/forward on the letter.

More information is available from
with best wishes

Lim Li Ching

Third World Network

10 May 2006

Dear EU Ministers of Health and EC Health Commissioner,

We write to urge the European Union and its Member States to support a resolution at the upcoming 59th World Health Assembly (WHA) (22-27 May 2006) that fixes a new date for the destruction of all remaining stocks of smallpox (variola) virus, that prohibits genetic engineering of smallpox and distribution of viral DNA for non-diagnostic purposes and which withdraws WHA authorization for the retention of virus stocks for the already accomplished purposes of sequencing and development of diagnostics and vaccines.

Since natural transmission of smallpox was ended in 1977, World Health Organization (WHO) Member States have sought eradication of the virus by the destruction of remaining virus stocks. Early efforts to reduce the number of institutions holding such stocks met with success, and today variola virus is held at only two WHO Collaborating Centres, in Russia and the United States.

Despite WHA resolutions that these stocks be destroyed, neither the US nor Russia has done so. In 2002 the WHA began to slide backwards in its determination to see smallpox eradicated, most notably in Resolution 55.15, wherein it approved an overbroad smallpox research agenda and simultaneously ceased to insist on a deadline for destruction of the stocks.

The foreseeable result of the WHA's retreat were the recommendations tabled by the Advisory Committee on Variola Virus Research in 2005. The Committee recommended approval of genetic engineering of smallpox, insertion of smallpox genes in other orthopoxviruses, and unlimited distribution of smallpox DNA segments. These recommendations collectively could result in the creation of viruses even more dangerous than smallpox and are potentially tantamount to permitting distribution of smallpox virus itself - an unravelling of decades of to eradicate this most dangerous virus.

While the Advisory Committee, at the urging of the WHO Director-General, has since withdrawn its recommendation to permit insertion of smallpox genes into other orthopoxviruses, many more steps must be taken for the WHA to return to the path of virus destruction. We therefore urge you to take the following steps at the 2006 WHA:

Prohibition of Genetic Engineering of Smallpox and Distribution of Smallpox DNA for Non-Diagnostic Purposes: In 2005, many objections were raised to these recommendations and, in response, the WHO Secretariat took special note of these objections. Yet the Advisory Committee has not reconsidered these recommendations and their status is dangerously ill-defined. The 59th WHA should remedy this situation by specifically directing the Director-General, in a resolution, to reject a) any smallpox genetic engineering experiment and b) any distribution of smallpox DNA for non-diagnostic purposes. Consequently, the Advisory Committee should be requested to withdraw these two proposals.

End WHA Authorization for the Retention of Smallpox Virus for DNA Sequencing, Diagnostics and Vaccines: Broad agreement exists that sufficient sequences of smallpox strains have been obtained, rapid and accurate diagnostics have been developed, and that effective vaccines exist that do not require the smallpox virus. Therefore, the WHA should bring to an end research involving live smallpox virus on these items by explicitly withdrawing its temporary authorization for the retention of smallpox virus stocks for these three purposes in its resolution.

Establishment of a New Destruction Date for Smallpox Virus: The remaining smallpox virus stocks will never be destroyed without a new date being fixed. For four years, the two smallpox virus research programmes have operated without a destruction date and, in that time, they have sought to further expand permitted smallpox virus research, rather than stepping toward consensus on a destruction date. A new date of destruction for all remaining smallpox virus stocks should be set, preferably by 30 June 2008; but no later than 30 June 2010.

Reform of the Advisory Committee on Variola Virus Research: The Advisory Committee has failed in its task of implementing WHA's mandate to control variola virus research and to determine what research, if any, is essential. Only at its seventh meeting did it move to take basic steps required to oversee a research programme (such as a format and presentation and review of proposals) and, alarmingly, it had to request that the repositories submit descriptions of ongoing research. The Advisory Committee and its advisors are not geographically and scientifically balanced, it lacks transparency, and it is principally funded by a single Member State.

In its resolution in 2006, the WHA should open the Advisory Committee's meetings to non-governmental observers, improve representation from developing countries, and better balance the committee by increasing the representation of public health fields. It should also be expressly required to report all new recommendations and the implementation of prior recommendations to the WHA. This should include all approved research proposals, safety documentation, and research results. These important reforms may be undertaken as directions to the Director-General.

In particular, the European Union and its Member States could play a key role, by helping to diversify the Advisory Committee's sources of funding. This could include voluntary contributions from European WHO Member States for the operations of the Committee, for example, to fund travel costs for developing country Committee members, advisors, and observers. Alongside other reforms, this could help rectify the imbalances evident in attendance at the Committee's meetings to date.

Smallpox will never be truly eradicated if WHO Member States do not confront the final hurdle of ensuring that the remaining stocks of smallpox virus are destroyed. This year there are particular opportunities, as the WHA will consider a draft resolution that contains (sometimes in brackets) many of the steps that we have asked you to support in this letter.

We urge the European Union and its Member States to step forward and to work with developing countries to put the smallpox virus stocks back on a fast track to destruction.


Martin Khor

Edward Hammond

Third World Network
The Sunshine Project

Jeb would make ‘great’ US president, says Bush

“I would like to see Jeb run at some point in time, but I have no idea if that’s his intention or not,” said the president.

From Information Clearing House

Hard-core conservatives fleeing Bush’s side

Concerns over spending, immigration policy running high, experts say.

From Information Clearing House

Security agency doubled procurement spending in four years

The National Security Agency has doubled procurement spending since 2000 and will do so again by the end of this decade, according to Harry Gatanas, the organization's senior acquisition executive.

From Information Clearing House

EFF Files Evidence in Motion to Stop AT&T’s Dragnet Surveillance

"The evidence that we are filing supports our claim that AT&T is diverting Internet traffic into the hands of the NSA wholesale, in violation of federal wiretapping laws and the Fourth Amendment," said EFF Staff Attorney Kevin Bankston.

From Information Clearing House

NSA Whistleblower Alleges Illegal Spying

Russell Tice, a longtime insider at the National Security Agency, is now a whistleblower the agency would like to keep quiet.

From Information Clearing House

Phone Companies Accused of Letting Government Spy on Consumers

The Beltway was abuzz Thursday with fallout from a “USA Today” report that the National Security Agency (NSA) has been collecting phone data on millions of Americans since Sept. 11, 2001.

From Information Clearing House

Seventy two in Congress join battle against wiretaps

Seventy two members of Congress filed papers late Wednesday seeking to end President George W. Bush's warrantless NSA eavesdropping program.

From Information Clearing House

NSA Call-Tracking Program Sparks Alarm

A USA Today report that says the National Security Agency has been secretly using records provided by the three largest American telephone companies to build a massive database of foreign and domestic phone calls. The program was launched shortly after the Sept. 11, 2001.

Depleted Uranium weapons and the Golf War Syndrom

Video: Beyond Treason

Depleted Uranium weapons and the Golf War Syndrom! What the Department of Defense doesn't want you to know.

1918 Montana patriots like Bush cheerleaders

Seventy-five men and three women were arrested in Montana and charged with sedition, with 41 of them sent to prison for terms of up to 20 years, for speaking out against the war.

UN Human Rights Council Begins with Violations

The US, known for its poor record on human rights, voiced its opposition to the appointment of representatives of Cuba, China, and Saudi Arabia to the council.

From Information Clearing House

US rejects calls for Guantánamo closure

The US state department today rejected Lord Goldsmith's calls for the Guantánamo Bay detention camp to be closed down.,,1772633,00.html

From Information Clearing House

The hypocrisy of the U.S. government’s case for war against Iran

The nuclear hypocrites

ERIC RUDER examines the hypocrisy of the U.S. government’s case for war against Iran.

From Information Clearing House

The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Is Dead

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who are the greatest proliferators of them all!

Scott Ritter: US considers attacking Iran through Azerbaijan

Ritter said that it is enough to look through military maps, if one wants to realize how important it is for the United States to dislocate its military forces in Azerbaijan.

From Information Clearing House

US military, intelligence officials raise concern about possible Iran strike

According to military and intelligence sources, an air strike on Iran could be doable in June of this year, with military assets in key positions ready to go and a possible plan already on the table.

U.S. Army policy denies reserve officer resignations

The U.S. Army Reserve, taxed by recruiting shortfalls and war-zone duty, has adopted a policy barring officers from leaving the service if their field is undermanned or they have not been deplo yed to Iraq, to Afghanistanor for homeland defense missions.

From Information Clearing House

Former diplomat says many in government view Iraq war as crazy

A former diplomat from Arkansas, who said she resigned from the U.S. Foreign Service in part as a protest against the war in Iraq, says many people in the government believe the war is crazy, but are afraid to speak out.

From Information Clearing House

Iraq ‘civil war’ places U.S. in reactive role

Iraq is embroiled in a “low-level civil war” that is forcing the United States to react to events on the ground rather than shape them, according to a former U.S. military adviser who spent two years there studying the insurgency.

From Information Clearing House

Saving Iraq: Mission impossible

Nouri al-Maliki, a Shiite hard-liner distrusted by his foes, will almost certainly be unable to stop Iraq's slide to chaos.

Zinni on Iraq: ‘We’re not withdrawing’

Don’t count on the U.S. ever withdrawing completely from Iraq, a retired Marine general said Tuesday. Anthony Zinni, the four-star who commanded U.S. Central Command before retiring in 2000, said when the U.S. commits forces to a country now, it means a long-term commitment. Iraq is no different.

From Information Clearing House

NSA has massive database of Americans' phone calls

By Leslie Cauley

The National Security Agency has been secretly collecting the phone call records of tens of millions of Americans, using data provided by AT&T, Verizon and BellSouth, people with direct knowledge of the arrangement told USA TODAY.

The Corporate Takeover of Iraq's Economy

By Kevin Zeese

The story of the invasion of Iraq and theft of the Iraqi economy is part of a larger story of multi-national corporations and corporate globalization affecting much of the world. Under the guise of "free trade" economic policies that make multinational corporations more powerful than governments. Laws favoring corporations are put in place:

The Corporation

One of the best and most important documentary films to be made in many years.

This is an extraordinary film about the creation of the American corporation, its legal organizational model, its global economic dominance and its psychopathic tendencies, and its incredible ambition to influence every aspect of culture in its unrelenting pursuit of profit.

Stop Gov. Vilsack from Legalizing "Dog Farming"

The Iowa House and Senate have already approved a Bill 2797 with a "hidden provision" allowing dogs to be classified as "farm products". Gov. Vilsack is about to sign this bill into law. If dogs become classified as "livestock", they would be in the same category as pigs, chickens and cows --- and not protected by cruelty and abuse laws. This could allow for eating dog meat, using dog fur on clothing and other ornaments. This dangerous change in the law is designed to give dog breeders a tax break! Sign our petition to stop this assault on animal rights.

You can view this bill at:

Particularly note page 43, lines 25-35 and page 44, lines 21-28 which would classify dogs as "farm products" and their breeding as "agricultural production".

Informant: Blue Ridge Mama

Next-up News 12 May 2006

Save a newly discovered nursery for blue whales along the Patagonia coast of southern Chile

We need your help to save a newly discovered nursery for blue whales along the Patagonia coast of southern Chile.

This irreplaceable refuge for the world's largest creatures is imperiled by massive hydroelectric dams, industrial pollution and ship traffic.

Please go to and ask Chile's new president, Michelle Bachelet, to designate a national protected area in the Corcovado Gulf that will help ensure a future for its remarkable population of blue whales and the diverse ecosystem they depend on.

These waters, located off Chiloe Island among Patagonia's breathtaking fjords, also nourish one of the world's smallest dolphins, dozens of other marine mammals and a wide array of native ocean life.

If we don't act now, though, industrialization along Chile's coastline and rivers could pollute this area and attract massive tankers that would disturb the whales' peaceful sanctuary.

A broad coalition of Chilean scientists, community leaders and environmental groups has developed a proposal to make the Corcovado Gulf one of Chile's first marine protected areas.

Please go to right away and show your support for this important proposal.

Thank you for taking action to save the blue whales of Patagonia.


Frances Beinecke
President Natural Resources Defense Council

Parents furious over school phone mast

PARENTS of children at Lyminster Infant School have threatened to remove their children from the school permanently if a controversial 50ft tall mobile phone mast is put up nearby.

The O2 "monopole" mast, with three shrouded antennae, had already been turned down by Arun councillors and by the Planning Inspectorate on appeal, but the mobile phone company took their case to the High Court where the decision was overturned.

The High Court ruled that the law had not been correctly applied by the Planning Inspectorate in its objection to the plans and that the inspectorate must now reconsider the plan and apply the law correctly.

It is unclear at this stage what point of law was mis-interpreted.

If the mast gets the go-ahead, it will be sited north-west of the A259 roundabout, opposite the school, which is on the corner of Wick Street and Worthing Road in Littlehampton.

When the Planning Inspectorate first considered the case in March last year, its inspector David Harmston said that although the mast would be more than 100m away from the school, it was still "near" Government planning guidelines.

He also said that the fact that O2 had not consulted the school over the plans was significant and that the presence of the mast close to the school would be likely to generate "genuine and significant fears and apprehension, however unjustified".

Mr Harmston also said he was not satisfied that an alternative, suitable location for the mast could not be found elsewhere in the area.

On Tuesday, the school's headteacher Jane Taylor was not willing to comment on the issue but did say that it was the parents' right to remove their children from the school if they wished to do so.

Parents of four children at the school have contacted the Gazette to say that if the mast goes up, their children would be moved to different schools in the area.

Some had already put their child's name down on application lists for other schools in the area.

Mark Grout, who has one child at the school and one due to start in September, said: "I've got a mobile phone, everybody I know has got one and there's no problem with reception round here.

"No research has been done on the safety of these masts particularly with young children. I don't know if it's safe.

Thankfully my eldest child will leave anyway this year but my youngest, who's due to start in September will go somewhere else.

"It seems that if you are a big company like O2 with lots of money you can keep on appealing and buy your way through the planning process."

Another parent who also wished to remain anonymous, said: "I'm disgusted that officials seem to feel that they can treat our children like guinea pigs regarding the health issues surrounding these masts.

"I will be removing my daughter from the school should the mast go up."

Many more parents said they objected to the mast being erected so close to the school and had concerns over the possible health implications for their children.

Lesley Coulson of Holly Drive, Wick, Littlehampton, whose five-year-old daughter goes to the school,said: "My concerns are for the health of the children. We don't know what sort of radiation these masts give out and as far as I know there's no proof to say they are safe.

"The children at the school are only young and still developing. They start there when they are four and their skulls are not as hard as an adult's."

At the time of going to print, O2 and the Planning Inspectorate were unavailable for comment.

27 April 2006

All rights reserved © 2006 Johnston Press Digital Publishing.

Don't Spy On Me: Tell the Phone Company to Hang Up on the NSA

American Civil Liberties Union

Yesterday the nation learned that American telephone companies are helping the government amass what one source called “the largest database ever assembled,” compiling call information on millions of consumers and businesses served by Verizon, AT&T and BellSouth. Take action now!

Scrambling to defend his program, President Bush told reporters “we’re not mining or trolling through the personal lives of millions of innocent Americans,” but that’s simply not true.

This illegal spying is not only directed toward terror suspects or international calls, as the Bush administration has frequently claimed. With the help of these phone companies, the government is tracking the calls and communications of millions of ordinary Americans. And that's just plain wrong.

The government shouldn't track when you call your mother, order pizza, or hold a conference call -- and your phone service provider shouldn’t help them without a warrant or Congress' approval.

Send these companies a message today. Sign our petition at and tell them you expect your phone records to be held in the strictest privacy.

We'll be delivering these petitions directly to AT&T, Verizon and BellSouth.

You’ll be hearing more about this consumer campaign in the days and weeks to come. The ACLU and its members will do whatever it takes to rally consumer voices against these abuses of power. There will be much more for us all to do.

Sincerely, Anthony D. Romero Anthony D. Romero Executive Director ACLU

P.S. After signing our petition, be sure to tell your friends.

© ACLU, 125 Broad Street, 18th Floor New York, NY 10004

Worst security flaw ever: 3 states invoke Diebold emergency procedures

Permission to reprint or excerpt granted, with link to

- The Oakland Tribune scooped other newspapers yesterday on the story. - Pennsylvania's Michael Shamos sequestered all Diebold touch-screens. - California is invoking emergency procedures. - The state of Iowa is trying to figure out a way to scrub Diebold clean.

Harri Hursti has just come out with Hursti Report II, a Black Box Voting project.

Here it is:

A second study with 12 more defects will be released Monday May 15.


Back doors were found in three separate levels. They can be used one at a time or combined for a deep attack that can permanently compromise the Diebold touch-screens.

Almost nothing will work to ensure that machines that have already been delivered have not been contaminated -- the very forensic procedures that MIGHT identify tampering also wipe clean any evidence.

The procedures being used in Pennsylvania, California, and Iowa will not necessarily work if the system has already been contaminated. Worse, the very procedure needed to cleanse the system can just as easily re-contaminate it.

Next week, Black Box Voting will release recommended solutions in conjunction with a recommendation to pull all Diebold touch-screen machines off the shelf.

For more information, visit the following links:

and to see what the Diebold lawyers are trying to do to Bruce Funk, click here:
(Scroll past the Georgia cluelessness to a transcript of the retaliatory meeting held to try to force Funk out of office.)

Diebold lawyers are also retaliating against Stephen Heller, trying to put him in jail for leaking documents that have been compared in importance to the actions of famed Pentagon Papers leaker Daniel Ellsburg. Click here for the latest on Heller:

and click here to donate to his defense fund:

(Diebold lawyer's vindictiveness has cost Heller his job and very nearly his home. His courage in fighting for YOUR right to vote needs your support.

Black Box Voting is a nonprofit nonpartisan 501c(3) organization dedicated to fighting for your right to accurate and fair elections. We are supported entirely by citizen donations.

(We realize we just hit you up twice -- But really. Stephen Heller is one of our personal heroes, and we put him first for a reason. Please read the story about Diebold's attempt to put him in prison for leaking documents showing they were planning a criminal defense budget for carrying out actions they had already been told were illegal.)

Black Box Voting, Inc.
330 SW 43rd St
Suite K PMB 547
Renton WA 98055

Informant: DitziSis

The Dollar Is a Floozy

Hands Off Iran

Apocalypse Now?

Informant: Lew Rockwell

Pen and Sword: A Letter From Iran

Public Opinion, Sovereignty, and Preemptive War

Conscientious Objectors from Around the World Gather in Washington DC and New York to Oppose Global War

The War of Internet Democracy

Democrats: where's the Beef?

Hey Democrats, Truth Matters!

America, You Lost! The Railroading of Zacarias Moussaoui

The Original Aim of the UN: Peaceful Conflict Resolution

Putin Lashes Out at 'Wolf-Like' America

Pressure Grows on Guantanamo

NSA Stymies Justice Dept. Spying Probe

Handy Strahlungstest: ödp misst Mobilfunkstrahlung bei Handys

Ab heute unter

ödp-München stellt Mobilfunk-Einheitenumrechner zum kostenlosen Download zur Verfügung

Um weiter über die Risiken des Mobilfunks aufzuklären, stellt die ödp einen Mobilfunk-Einheitenumrechner unter zur Verfügung. Markus Hollemann, Regionalbeauftragter der Münchner ödp, erklärt dazu: "Wer sich mit dem Reizthema Mobilfunk beschäftigt, kennt die Problematik: Die einen beziffern die Strahlungsgrenzwerte in Volt pro Meter, die anderen in Watt pro Quadratmeter. Hinzu kommen verschiedene Größenordnungen wie Milli, Mikro oder gar Nano. Viele scheitern an der richtigen Umrechnung derartiger Werte. Damit ist jetzt Schluss: Mit dem neuen Einheitenumrechner der ödp ist die Umrechnung im Nu erledigt."

Der Einheitenrechner steht im Zusammenhang mit zwei öffentlichen Bürgerinformationsständen, bei denen die ödp über die Gefahren und Risiken von Mobilfunkstrahlung aufklärt. Auftakt ist am 20.05.2006 in München am Infostand auf dem Walter-Sedlmayr-Platz bei der U/S-Bahnstation Feldmoching. Interessenten können dort zwischen 9.00 Uhr und 13.00 Uhr mitgebrachte Handys einem Strahlungstest unterziehen. Der zweite Termin ist am Samstag, den 27.05.2006, München-Schwabing, Leopoldstr. 75, vor Postamt 44, nähe Ecke Herzogstraße.

Hollemann: "Der Bürgerprotest gegen nahe Mobilfunksender ist ungebrochen. Die ödp ist die einzige Partei, die sich für die Bürger bei diesem Thema einsetzt. Kommen Sie vorbei und unterziehen Sie ihr Handy einem Strahlentest. "

Bildmaterial: Markus Hollemann:

Orte und Zeiten für öffentliche Bürgerinformationsstände zum Thema „Gefahren und Risiken von Mobilfunkstrahlung“:

Datum: 20.5.
Ort: Josef-Frankl-Str. / U/S-Bahnaufgang/Walter-Sedlmayr-Platz
Beginn: 9 Uhr
Ende: 13 Uhr

Datum: 27.5.
Ort: Leopoldstr. (West) vor Postamt gegenüber Karstadt, Münchner Freiheit
Beginn: 10 Uhr
Ende: 14 Uhr

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Martin Kraus

Ökologisch-Demokratische Partei (ödp)
Stadtverband München
Fon 089/45 24 74 15 × Fax 089/244 365 397


ödp misst Mobilfunkstrahlung bei Handys auf Infostand am 27. Mai

"Kommen Sie am 27. Mai zur Münchner Freiheit und unterziehen Sie ihr Handy einem Strahlentest", fordert Markus Hollemann, der Münchner ödp-Regionalbeauftragte, alle Münchnerinnen und Münchner auf.

Viele Bürger informierten sich bereits auf einem Infostand am 20. Mai in Feldmoching über die Gefahren und Risiken von Mobilfunkstrahlung. Einige hatten extra ihr Handy mitgebracht, um live durch den Ausschlag des Messgeräts mitzuerleben, wieviel Strahlung bei der Nutzung des Mobiltelefons entsteht. Gerade das Thema "Mobilfunksender in meiner Nachbarschaft" war der Dauerbrenner bei den Gesprächen am ödp-Bürgerinfostand. "Es zeigt sich, dass Rot-Grün in der Stadt und die CSU von Landesebene aus die Bürger weiterhin mit ihren Ängsten alleine lassen. Die ödp ist die einzige Partei, die sich zum Wohl der Bevölkerung einsetzt und konsequent Aufklärungsarbeit leistet", so Hollemann.


Nächster Handy-Strahlungstest-Termin:

Datum: 27.5. Ort: Leopoldstr. 75, nähe Postamt/HVB gegenüber Karstadt, Münchner Freiheit
Beginn: 10 Uhr
Ende: 14 Uhr

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Martin Kraus Stadtvorsitzender

Ökologisch-Demokratische Partei (ödp) Stadtverband München Fon 089/45 24 74 15 × Fax 089/244 365 397 E-Mail


Alle Vorträge finden jeweils am zweiten Donnerstag im Monat in den Räumen der Gregor-Louisoder-Umweltstiftung statt: Brienner Str. 46, zwischen U2/U8 Königsplatz und U1/U7 Stiglmaierplatz.

Do., 08. Juni 2006, 19.30 Uhr 'EU-Feinstaubrichtlinie - zahnloser Papiertiger?' Referent: Dr. Stefan Taschner, Mobilitätsexperte, Green City

Do., 13. Juli 2006, 19.30 Uhr 'Die Welt vor einer neuen Energiekrise? - Solare Zukunft ohne Erdöl und Atomenergie?' Referent: Dr. Herbert Kuhn, Ingenieur, Energieberater

Do., 10. Aug. 2006, 19.30 Uhr 'Limbische Wahrheiten – Gehirnforschung, Marketing und Ökologie' Referent: Günther Hartmann, Berater im Stadt- und Regionalmarketing

Do., 14. Sep. 2006, 19.30 Uhr 'Pflegenotstand - Keine Perspektive im Alter?' Referentin: Christiane Lüst, Dipl.-Soz. Päd., Initiatorin des Münchner Pflegestammtischs

Do., 12. Okt. 2006, 19.30 Uhr 'Ein Jahr nach der Bundestagswahl - Wo steht Deutschland heute?' Referent: Prof. Dr. Klaus Buchner, ödp-Bundesvorsitzender

Do., 09. Nov. 2006, 19.30 Uhr 'Das 1,5-Liter-Auto ist machbar - Entwickler berichten' Referent: Uli Sommer, Chefentwickler Loremo-Projekt

NSA Has Massive Database of Americans' Phone Calls


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rudkla - 22. Jun, 05:09
The Republican Party... les/the-republican-party-i s-still-doing-donald-trump s-bidding/?eType=EmailBlas tContent&eId=804d4873-50dd -4c1b-82a5-f465ac3742ce
rudkla - 26. Apr, 05:36
January 6 Committee Says... les/jan-6-committee-says-t rump-engaged-in-criminal-c onspiracy-to-undo-election /?eType=EmailBlastContent& eId=552e5725-9297-4a7c-a21 4-53c8c51615a3
rudkla - 4. Mär, 05:38
Georgia Republicans Are...
https://www.commondreams.o rg/views/2022/02/14/georgi a-republicans-are-delibera tely-attacking-voting-righ ts
rudkla - 15. Feb, 05:03
Now Every Day Is January...
https://www.commondreams.o rg/views/2022/02/07/now-ev ery-day-january-6-trump-ta rgets-vote-counters
rudkla - 8. Feb, 05:41


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