Dienstag, 2. Mai 2006

FBI Sought Data on Thousands in '05

The FBI sought personal information on thousands of Americans last year from banks, Internet service providers and other companies without seeking approval from a court, according to new data released by the Justice Department.


Court Orders Release of Logs Showing Abramoff's Visits to the White House

The Secret Service has agreed to turn over White House visitor logs that will show how often convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff met with Bush administration officials - and with whom he met.


Three Democrats Slam President Over Defying Statutes

Three leading Democratic senators blasted President Bush yesterday for having claimed he has the authority to defy more than 750 statutes enacted since he took office, saying that the president's legal theories are wrong and that he must obey the law.


Greenhouse Gases Continue to Rise

The greenhouse gases widely blamed for raising the planet's temperature are still building up in the atmosphere. Overall, NOAA said, its annual greenhouse gas index "shows a continuing, steady rise in the amount of heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere."


The New York Times: Keeping a Democratic Internet

Cable and telephone companies that provide Internet service are talking about creating a two-tiered Internet, in which web sites that pay them large fees would get priority over everything else. Opponents of these plans are supporting Net-neutrality legislation, which would require all web sites to be treated equally.


Gimme That Old-Time Geopolitics

"However much President George W. Bush's 'Freedom Agenda' asserted itself into US foreign policy in the wake of the Iraq invasion three years ago, traditional geopolitics - and the realpolitik that goes with it - is making a remarkably strong comeback," writes Jim Lobe.


36 US House Reps Want Bush Impeachment Probe

36 US House representatives have signed on as sponsors or co-sponsors of H. Res 635, which would create a Select Committee to look into the grounds for recommending President Bush's impeachment.



Lt. Gen. William E. Odom: Cut and Run? You Bet

Lt. Gen. William E. Odom urges, "Only with a rapid withdrawal from Iraq will Washington regain diplomatic and military mobility. Tied down like Gulliver in the sands of Mesopotamia, we simply cannot attract the diplomatic and military cooperation necessary to win the real battle against terror. Getting out of Iraq is the precondition for any improvement."


Electronic Voting Switch Threatens Mass Confusion

Many states and smaller jurisdictions are making last-minute efforts to switch to electronic voting, and early signs of trouble are appearing. Flaws in the reliability and security of electronic voting machines are unlikely to be addressed by vendors in time for the 2006 election.


Urge your state legislators to reduce global warming pollution in California

Scientists agree that global warming threatens California's future. California is the twelfth largest emitter of global warming pollution in the world, and if left unchecked, global warming could worsen California's air quality; reduce the Sierra snowpack that is a source of our drinking water; and jeopardize the state's economy, including our agriculture, tourism, skiing and forestry industries.

Other states and countries often adopt California's environmental policies, so limiting the state's pollution could have a real impact on curbing global warming, well, globally. If we act soon to limit pollution, California could also spur investments in the emerging clean energy market, making "clean tech" the new "high tech" and fueling the state's economic prosperity for years to come.

California lawmakers have proposed a bill that would help implement the voluntary pollution reduction targets set forth by Governor Schwarzenegger in June 2005. The Global Warming Solutions Act would set enforceable limits to cut the state's global warming pollution 25 percent by 2020. The act faces several crucial votes during the next couple of months, so Californians must demonstrate broad support for the bill as it moves through the state legislature.

== What to do == If you live in California, send a message urging your state senator and assemblymember to support and vote Yes for the Global Warming Solutions Act (AB 32).

== Contact information == You can send your state legislators a message directly from NRDC's Earth Action Center at http://www.nrdcaction.org/action/index.asp?step=2&item=53490 .

Help stop illegal off-road vehicles from harming California's environment

On May 17th, the members of the Assembly Appropriations Committee will vote on three bills that would severely weaken California's ability to protect our national forests, state parks and other precious public lands from illegal off- road vehicle damage. These votes will be critical to the future of California's public lands and waterways.

Even though off-road vehicle abuse threatens wildlife, disrupts rural communities and damages California's fragile public lands and waterways, ORV business groups are trying to weaken the rules that govern off-road vehicle use and activities throughout the state. Several ill-conceived legislative proposals have been introduced that, collectively, would diminish public input, transparency and legislative oversight for California's off-road vehicle management program; open state parks to increased off-road vehicle damage; and divert funds from needed environmental restoration.

== What to do == If you live in California, send a message urging the members of the Assembly Appropriations Committee to vote No on AB 2337, AB 2784, and AB 2298, and to protect California's wild places from off-road vehicle abuse.

== Contact information == You can send the committee members a message directly from NRDC's Earth Action Center at http://www.nrdcaction.org/action/index.asp?step=2&item=53488 . Or use the contact information and sample letter below to send your own message.

California Assembly Appropriations Committee State Capitol P.O. Box 942849 Sacramento, CA 94249 Fax: 916-319-2181

== Sample letter ==

Subject: Reject AB 2337, AB 2784, and AB 2298

Dear Assembly Appropriations Committee members,

I urge you to protect California's public lands, wildlife and clean water supplies by supporting the sustainable management of off-road vehicles throughout the state. Please vote No on the following bills that would weaken California's ability to manage off-road vehicle use:

1. AB 2337, which would reduce legislative oversight, public input and transparency for California's off-highway vehicle management program;

2. AB 2298, which would lead to increased off-road vehicle damage in California's state parks; and

3. AB 2784, which would unwisely divert environmental "restoration" funds to off-road vehicle trail maintenance.

Please protect California's environment and wildlife from off-road vehicle damage by rejecting these three harmful bills.


[Your name and address]

Speak out to protect Eagle Lake's wilderness and wildlife

The Eagle Lake region in northeastern California and northwestern Nevada comprises more than one million acres of public lands in California's Lassen, Sierra and Plumas counties and in Washoe County in Nevada. The rugged landscape of this remote area includes grasslands, sagebrush flats, deep canyons, steep mountains, innumerable caves and spires of volcanic rock. Herds of pronghorn antelope, Rocky Mountain elk and mule deer graze there, while golden eagles soar above.

Over the years the open space of this region has been slowly criss-crossed by roads that facilitate mining, livestock grazing, utility development and recreation. It's up to the Bureau of Land Management to protect the region's tens of thousands of acres of remaining wilderness-quality lands from the rugged Skedaddle Mountains to the petroglyph-etched rocks of Tunnison Mountain. The BLM has released a draft land use plan that will serve as the agency's blueprint for managing the region over the next decade or more. The BLM is accepting comments on its proposed plan through July 28th.

== What to do == Send a message, before the July 28th comment deadline, urging the BLM to adopt the strongest possible protections for Eagle Lake.

== Contact information == You can send an official comment directly from NRDC's Earth Action Center at http://www.nrdcaction.org/action/index.asp?step=2&item=53487 . Or use the contact information and sample letter below to send your own message.

Eagle Lake RMP Comments Att'n: Planning Coordinator Bureau of Land Management Eagle Lake Field Office, 2950 Riverside Drive Susanville, California 96130 Fax: 530-257-4831 Email: necarmp@ca.blm.gov

== Sample letter ==

Subject: Choose and strengthen Alternative 2 to protect Eagle Lake

Dear Eagle Lake Planning Coordinator,

The Eagle Lake Field Office is the steward for one of this country's most unique and remarkable landscapes. As one of the owners of the public lands in this region, I appreciate your proposals in the draft resource management plan to close roads in several wilderness study areas, manage Smoke Creek as a wild and scenic river, designate seven areas of critical environmental concern, confine vehicles to designated routes and manage much of the region for non- motorized or primitive recreation. I also support your proposal to allow fire to play an important role in maintaining the high desert's ecological health.

I urge the BLM to choose Alternative 2 as the preferred alternative in the final version of the management plan, with the following key changes: First, please manage all wilderness study areas as primitive zones. And second, please manage the core portions of the Observation Peak, Shaffer Mountain, Shinn Mountain, Skedaddle Flats, Skedaddle West and Snowstorm Mountain roadless areas as primitive zones. These areas have extraordinarily high wilderness qualities and deserve to be protected to the fullest extent.

Please develop a final plan for this remarkable region that will adequately protect its irreplaceable resources for the future.


[Your name and address]

Das Gesetz bin ich

Bei der Unterzeichnung von über 750 Gesetzen hat US-Präsident Bush den Vorbehalt angemeldet, sich aus angeblich verfassungsmäßigen Gründen nicht daran halten zu müssen.


The Internet is Dead, Long Live the Internet


The Child Care Squeeze

by Nancy Duff Campbell, TomPaine.com

Bush slashed funding for working families' child care, and now the battle for tax credits is on.


Tell Pepsi executives that our water is not for sale

Last month, right before Coke’s annual shareholders' meeting, we delivered thousands of messages from activists just like you to Coke’s executives. By challenging corporate control of our water, you made Coke executives really feel the heat at this year’s annual meeting! Now it’s time to make Pepsi feel that same pressure.

Tomorrow, we are heading to Pepsi’s annual meeting in Plano, Texas, where Pepsi will showcase Aquafina—the #1 bottled water brand on the market. Pepsi’s top executives will be there—and so will we! With your help, we’ll send a strong message to Pepsi’s C.E.O. Stephen Reinemund that “our water is not for sale!” Join with thousands of people from across the U.S. by taking action now!

With campaign pressure mounting, Pepsi has made it more difficult for citizens to express their concerns about the corporation’s irresponsible and dangerous actions. To take action you must copy and paste the letter below into Pepsi’s web form found at http://www.pepsico.com/PEP_Investors/CorporateGovernance/contact/contactForm/

Corporations, like Pepsi, cannot turn water into a profit-driven commodity and determine who gets it and who doesn’t. Take action today! Tell Pepsi’s C.E.O. Stephen Reinemund that you are joining people around the world challenging corporate control of our water.


Patti Lynn
Campaigns Director

Letter to CEO:

Please copy and paste the letter below into Pepsi’s web form found at: http://www.pepsico.com/PEP_Investors/CorporateGovernance/contact/contactForm/

Dear C.E.O. Stephen Reinemund:

This spring, thousands of people joined the Think Outside the Bottle campaign and took action to challenge the corporate control of water.

Despite claims that your company respects people’s “right to have access to water,” Pepsi is the leader in an industry that is turning a right into a commodity, like oil. Through misleading advertising of brands like Aquafina and interference in public policies, the bottled water industry is undermining people’s confidence in public tap water.

As you and the Board of Directors meet this week, I want you to know that I am joining people around the world in a common refrain: “our water is not for sale.”

And we want to know: When will your company stop prioritizing profit over people and the environment?

I await your prompt reply.


Your Name Address

Pepsi's annual meeting is tomorrow, so be sure to encourage your friends to take action! Click the link below to pass this along.

Immigrants Demonstrate Peaceful Power

Hundreds of thousands of immigrants and their supporters skipped work, school and shopping on Monday and marched in dozens of cities from coast to coast.


Review Session Thematic Areas and Items To Remember


The US may have to live with a nuclear Iran

Independent Institute
by Ivan Eland


Both liberal and conservative U.S. advocates of non-proliferation policies pay too little attention to the effect U.S. interventionist foreign policy has on the acceleration of nuclear proliferation around the world. Countries interested in developing nuclear technology saw the respect that a nuclear North Korea got from the United States as well as the absence of respect that a non-nuclear Iraq received. Many conservatives neglect this intervention-proliferation causal relationship because they believe U.S. military interventions overseas are necessary for the promotion of the national interest. On the other hand, some liberals minimize this relationship because they advocate military interventions for 'humanitarian' purposes. Both camps, however, should realize the long-term effects of U.S. military interventions on the proliferation of nuclear weapons around the world...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Next-up News 2 May 2006


Dezentrale bundesweite Proteste während der WM

„Während die Welt zu Gast bei den deutschen Freunden ist und sich scheinbar alles und jeder auf den Fußball und das lukrative Geschäft damit freut, sind alle Anzeichen, die eine friedliche, freundliche und gut gelaunte Atmosphäre stören könnten, bei den Herrschenden und sämtlichen Geschäftemachern unerwünscht. Schließlich könnte die ganze Welt mitkriegen, dass im Gastgeberland eben nicht nur Friede, Freude, Eierkuchen und Fußballlaune „ohne Grenzen“ herrschen…“ Diskussionspapier von BAG-SHI e.V. und Tacheles e.V. und Labournet Germany (pdf) http://www.labournet.de/diskussion/arbeit/aktionen/wmdezentral.pdf

Absageagentur in Leipzig am 03.05.2006

„am 03.05.2006 könnt ihr wieder kostenlos Absagen schreiben. Wir haben einen Stand im Geisteswissenschaftlichen Zentrum der Universität Leipzig, Beethovenstr. 15, von 15 - 18 Uhr. Wir stellen einige Absagen vorheriger Aktionen aus, ihr könnt Stellenanzeigen lesen und natürlich Absagen schreiben. Die Aktion findet im Rahmen eines Tages zur "Generation Praktikum", organisiert vom kulturpolitischen Salon Leipzig, statt. Dazu gibt es eine Podiumsdiskussion. Siehe: http://www.kulturpolitischer-salon.de/kooperation/002-praktikum.htm

Aus: LabourNet, 1.Mai 2006


Dezentrale bundesweite Proteste während der WM


Rote Karte gegen Sozialraub! Erwerbslose - Raus aus dem Abseits! Im Windschatten des „Deutschland“-Jubels: Größte Steuerabzocke in Tateinheit mit dem massivsten Sozialraub der Nachkriegsgeschichte. "WM-Flugblatt" des Bochumer Sozialforums, verteilt am 27.06. und 29.06. (pdf) http://www.kolabor.de/sozialforum/pdf/2006/27junibosofo.pdf


Deutschland ist in der WM weiter - aber die Soziale Bewegung seit dem 3. Juni auch !

Zum heutigen Spiel in Dortmund gegen Italien ist eine erneute WM-Aktion der Sozialen Bewegung geplant, sie soll in Dortmund um 18:00 Uhr starten, Treffpunkt ist U-Bahn Haltestelle Reinoldikirche. Das ist zu Fuss gut 5 min. vom Bahnhof entfernt.

Aus: LabourNet, 4. Juli 2006

Die Solidarität der Unterbezahlten


Bush in ‘ceaseless push for power’


Carl Schmitt and the Bush Dictatorship

Informant: Kev Hall

Vincent Tchenguiz has joined forces with defence technology firm QuinetiQ to develop a mobile phone mast that can be used by several network operators

The Future

A piece hidden away in the Financial Supplement to yesterday's Mail on Sunday:

"Property tycoon Vincent Tchenguiz has joined forces with defence technology firm QuinetiQ to develop a mobile phone mast that can be used by several network operators. Until now, phone companies have each used their own masts, but with £15 million of backing from Tchenguiz, QuinetiQ has developed an aerial that can handle multiple operators. Quintel, the joint-venture company set up be Tchenguiz and QuinetiQ, has developed the masts over the past five years and the first two have just been installed. One in Cheshire was originally a Vodafone site, which the 3 network can now run off, while one in Staffordshire now accommodates Vodafone ans 3. Quintel chief executive Gary Dawson said the networks had little choice. 'To deliver 3G effectively across the UK, mobile operators each need to build in the region of 10,000 more 3G base stations', he said. 'However, because of a commitment made to the Government to halt the proliferation of phone masts, networks must think more laterally - which means sharing.' Quintel is looking at 40,000 potential sites where its technology could replace existing masts."

Watch this space!

David Baron


TETRA Airwave, owned in Spain, decrypted and listened to in the USA...

And mobile networks on antenna technology owned by Iranians, developed from defence technology, by a company embroiled in the Bush / Cheney / Carlyle network, hosted in church steeples, and used by the police and emergency services for what Airwave won't do?

And they might be buying a pub near you (Mitchells & Butlers) soon!

What interesting globalisation we have.



Qinetiq is the MoD Science privatisation spin-off criticised for making loads of dosh for the Carlyle Group end of last year. They made a deal via business unit QS4, with the Church of England, to supply multi-user antennae in church towers and steeples.

But just because an old GSM mast can be shared doesn't put it in the right place for 3G, so it doesn't solve many of the problems, just reduces planning hassle for some.

Signal characteristics remain the same as before per operator, this is just a way of handling multiple protocols simultaneously. Presumably the total power of QS4 antenna setup is the sum of what would have been produced separately.


Öffentliche Petition an den deutschen Bundestag zur sofortigen Aussetzung des Aufstallungsgebotes für Geflügel

Die Online-Petition gegen eine mögliche Zwangsimpfung in Verbindung mit der angekündigten Influenza-Pandemie hat inzwischen mehr als
6.500 Unterstützer! Die Mitzeichnungsfrist läuft noch bis Mittwoch, den 24. Mai 2006.

Ob wirklich eine Zwangsimpfung geplant ist, ist nicht sicher. Sicher ist jedoch jetzt schon das Aufstallungsgebot für Geflügelzüchter. Da es diesbezüglich meines Wissens nach bisher keine Petition gibt und mit Blick auf die Demonstration am 14. Mai in Bad Waldsee, habe ich mich entschieden, selbst eine Online-Petition zu starten. Sie wurde von mir am 30. April per Email eingereicht.

Bis sie auf der Petitionswebseite verfügbar ist, kann es einige Tage dauern. Wenn Sie die Petition gut finden und bereits jetzt Unterstützerunterschriften sammeln wollen, können Sie den Text zusammen mit einer Unterschriftenliste herunterladen und sofort beginnen. Sobald die Petition zusätzlich online ist, werde ich dies über diesen Newsletter bekannt geben.


Hans U. P. Tolzin

--> Petitionstext mit Unterschriftenliste: http://www.impfkritik.de/vogelgrippe/petition

--> Demo gegen Aufstallung von Geflügel am 14. Mai in Bad Waldsee: http://www.me-na-ti.de/024bff977b1104f09/024bff977f10a9604.html

--> Bereits laufende Petition gegen Zwangsimpfung: http://itc.napier.ac.uk/e-Petition/bundestag/view_petition.asp?PetitionID=106

Öffentliche Petition an den deutschen Bundestag zur sofortigen Aussetzung des Aufstallungsgebotes für Geflügel

eingereicht von Hans U. P. Tolzin, Augsburg, per Email am 30. April

Der Deutsche Bundestag möge beschließen, das Aufstallungsgebot von Geflügel mit sofortiger Wirkung so lange auszusetzen, bis nachfolgende Voraussetzungen erfüllt sind:

1. Die Sicherstellung der Eichung indirekter Virennachweisverfahren

Wie jedes andere Messgerät auch bedürfen Virentests einer Eichung anhand eines "Urmaßes". Wie verschiedene Anfragen von Bürgern beim Friedrich-Löffler-Institut ergaben, ist eine Eichung der für gewöhnlich verwendeten indirekten Virennachweisverfahren anhand des isolierten (hochaufgereinigten) spezifischen Virus nicht gesichert. Es kann somit nicht ausgeschlossen werden, dass die positiven Testergebnisse bei Mensch und Tier möglicherweise reine Laborartefakte
(Kunstprodukte) darstellen und die Tests falschpositive Ergebnisse bringen, indem sie auch auf sonstige Virentypen, Zellbestandteile oder sonstige Mikropartikel reagieren.

2. Die eindeutige Klärung des Infektionsweges

Überträger und Infektionsweg sind immer noch unbekannt. Dass Wildvögel oder Freilandgeflügel Überträger der als Vogelgrippe bezeichneten Krankheit sind, ist bisher reine Vermutung und umstritten.

3. Die gleichberechtigte Einbeziehung von Toxikologen in die Ursachenforschung

Eine gehäufte Erkrankungsrate innerhalb eines Bestandes kann auch nichtinfektiöse Ursachen haben. Diese werden aber gar nicht mehr untersucht, sobald ein positives (und fragwürdiges) Virentestergebnis vorliegt! Die Symptome der Vogelgrippe können jedoch laut FLI auch durch Vergiftungen verursacht werden. Dazu gehören z.B. Umweltgifte, Pestizide, Medikamente und verdorbene Nahrung.

4. Die Einbeziehung von Halte- und Lebensbedingungen in die Ursachenforschung

Bisher werden von den Behörden die Bedingungen der Massentierhaltung im Zusammenhang mit der Vogelgrippe nicht berücksichtigt. Die Vogelgrippe-Problematik betrifft jedoch laut FLI in erster Linie genau diese Betriebe. Die Vermutung liegt nahe, dass die in der Regel nicht artgerechten Haltebedingungen (z.B. Überzüchtung, Mangel an Tageslicht und Auslauf, denaturierte Nahrung, Enge, ständige medikamentöse Behandlung) die eigentlichen Ursachen für eine sehr instabile Gesundheit der Tiere darstellen und zumindest Mitursache für die beobachteten Infektionskrankheiten sind.

5. Klärung des Durchseuchungsgrades

Es ist nicht bekannt, wie hoch der Durchseuchungsgrad mit dem angeblichen Vogelgrippevirus bzw. seinen als hochpathogen angesehenen Subtypen bei Mensch und Tier wirklich ist. Aus diesem Wert würde sich jedoch u.a. ableiten, wie gefährlich das Virus tatsächlich ist und in welchem Ausmaß andere Faktoren für Erkrankungsausbrüche verantwortlich sein müssen

6. Überprüfung naturheilkundlicher Methoden durch unabhängige Studien

Bisher werden einzig antivirale Medikamente und Impfungen als Möglichkeit der Behandlung bzw. Vorsorge bei Tier und Mensch angesehen und somit eine bestimmte, sehr finanzkräftige und einflussreiche Industrie bevorzugt. Alternativmedizinische bzw. naturheilkundliche Methoden wurden unverständlicherweise nicht in die Überlegungen und Entscheidungsfindung der Verantwortlichen einbezogen.

7. Eindeutige Beweisführung für tödliche Mutationen des Influenzavirus

Die weltweite Pandemieangst beruht auf der Mutationshypothese. Diese ist bisher nicht eindeutig bewiesen und basiert außerdem auf der konsequenten Ausblendung aller sonstiger Faktoren, die bei schweren Komplikationen währen einer Influenzainfektion eine Rolle spielen können.

8. Die Einsetzung einer unabhängigen Experten-Kommission Diese Kommission soll aus ausgewiesenen Experten verschiedener Fachrichtungen bestehen, die frei von Interessenskonflikten sind und dies öffentlich dokumentieren können. Sie soll die Bundesregierung neutral und sachlich beraten und die Einhaltung der oben genannten Bedingungen für die Erlassung eines Aufstallungsgebotes überwachen.

--> Petitionstext mit Unterschriftenliste: http://www.impfkritik.de/vogelgrippe/petition

Aus: impf-report Newsletter Nr. 16/2006

School ban cellphones: Parents go wild

http://education.zdnet.com/?p=151 (plus comments at the end)

Whose paranoia should win?

from Andy:

April 28, 2006 School ban cellphones. Parents go wild.

New York City schools set off a firestorm this week by doing random searches for weapons and confiscating cellphones, the New York Times reports. School administrators are out to lunch, city parents say, if they think they're sending their kids to NYC public schools without cellphones.

"I have her call me when she gets out of school, and she's supposed to get on the bus right away," Lindsay Walt, an artist, said of her daughter, Eve Thomson, 11, a sixth grader at Salk. "Then I have her call me when she gets off the bus, and I have her call me when she gets in the house. The chancellor will have civil disobedience on his hands. No one in New York is going to let their child go to school without a cellphone."

Dr. Moira Kennedy, a psychiatrist with daughters at the New York City Lab School for Collaborative Studies and at Stuyvesant High School, said the policy indicated "a disregard for the concerns of parents," adding, "I think it shows a big lack of awareness of the essential nature of having a way to communicate with your child during the day."

The civil disobedience started when NY police set up a random scanning operation at a Brooklyn school and confiscated 129 cellphone, 10 CD players, 2 iPods, a boxcutter and a knife. Schools Chancellor Joel Klein defended the policy. "We all understand the concerns that parents are talking about, but I think they have to see it from our point of view," he said. "There is always an enforcement issue, but the enforcement issue doesn't mean the policy is wrong. And obviously through the work we're doing now, I think that will improve enforcement."

Among the clueless: teacher Lisa Miller, who said, "If it's really an emergency, they can call the school."

That doesn't sit well with parents like Jane Reiff. "We sit here and we tell our parents, 'Care about your kids, do this, do that,' and then you say, 'You've just lost that safety net that you rely on,' " said Reiff, a Queens parent whose daughter Nikki, 12, uses her cellphone to call for a ride if the friends she usually walks home with are out sick. "It's just not safe out there."

Given how important cellphones are to people's lives, what exactly is the objection to having them in school? That they're one more think requiring classroom discipline? After all phones can be banned from the classroom and kept in lockers. Penalties for cheating can be made stiff enough to prevent all but the most apathetic. Maybe administrators just want school to be like it always was.

Read the latest Talkback post ummmm....public school spoiled? While I am sure they are spoiled, as most kids today are, including mine, what does their being in a... (Read the rest)


Children and mobile phones

The danger of chronic exposure to electromagnetic fields

Brains and mobile phones


Le Monde: official killing is incompatible with human rights

Rejection of Death

Le Monde suggests that while Zacarias Moussaoui may in some ways be a perfect scapegoat, official killing is incompatible with human rights.


Families Hunt for Iraq's "Lost"

More than 34,000 Iraqis, according to MOHR figures, are held at one of the dozens of prisons across the country run by either the US military or the Iraqi Ministries of Interior, Defense, and Justice. Even for prisoners who can be located, families often face confusing circumstances and long waits before legal proceedings take place.


Iran Intelligence War

"In a replay of the Iraqi weapons of mass destruction charade," Robert Parry explains, "neoconservative supporters of George W. Bush are pushing the US intelligence community to take a more alarmist view about Iran’s nuclear program - only this time, the nation's top spy, John Negroponte, is resisting the pressure, unlike former CIA chief George Tenet."


May Day began as a strike for basic workplace rights we're now in the process of losing

Why May Day?

Geov Parrish reminds us that May Day is an American holiday celebrated for the last century everywhere in the world except America. The origins of May Day are worth remembering because May Day began as a strike - by mostly immigrants - for basic workplace rights we're now in the process of losing.


Forests in Southeast Asia Fall to Prosperity's Ax

For as long as anyone can remember, Anyie Apoui and his people have lived among the majestic trees and churning rivers in an untouched corner of Borneo, catching fish and wild game. But all that is about to change. The Indonesian government has signed a deal with China that will level much of the remaining tropical forests.


Asia Races to Find Crops to Replace Imported Oil

All across Asia, governments are searching for crops that can help them offset a dependence on imported oil that can only skyrocket as their economies soar. But environmental dangers loom, such as plans by Indonesia to convert millions of acres of rain forest on the island of Borneo into palm oil plantations.


How China Is Winning the Oil Race

China is racing to lock up energy resources for its fast-growing economy, acquiring energy from countries with horrific human-rights records such as Sudan, Chad and the Republic of Congo. China's willingness to deal with rogue states gives it an edge over the US in competition for oil and gas.


Rearranging the Deck Chairs?

William Fisher says that FEMA faces the same set of problems that afflicts the Department of Homeland Security: rampant cronyism, a confusing congressional oversight process and a lack of resources. Both agencies will continue to fail until they undertake fundamental reforms.


Vermonters Deliver Bush Impeachment Resolutions to Congress


Informant: ranger116


Mast will stay due to blunder

May 2, 2006

Horrified Stafford residents have been told that nothing can be done about a mobile phone mast that was erected just yards from their homes following a council gaffe.

People in Burton Manor were shocked when the mast was sited on the Wolverhampton Road, near Gravel Lane, despite the fact that council had rejected the application.

It was discovered that a council blunder meant the legal documents did not reach mobile phone company Orange within the specified deadline, meaning the company was within its rights to erect the mast.

Despite negotiations between the council and the mobile company, Orange have refused to budge and Stafford Borough Council has now admitted that the talks have reached deadlock, two months after the mast was erected and almost 18 months after the original decision to refuse the application.

Paul Freeman, spokesman for Stafford Borough Council, said: "We would like to apologise to residents for what has happened. We deal with thousands of these applications and this is one that has, unfortunately, slipped through the net. Occasionally mistakes are made and we would like to assure people that it won't happen again."

Councillor Geoff Rowlands today criticised officers for what he described as unforgivable inefficiencies. He said: "I am angry that an important decision by a committee of Stafford Borough Council has been undermined by the inefficiency of council officers. This has resulted in residents of Moss Pit having to suffer the consequences."

Applications for mobile phone masts have to be dealt with within a time period of 56 days and when the planning decision was made in September 2004 there were still five days in which to issue the relevant documents. However, officers failed to send off the paperwork informing Orange of the decision.

Sue Hammett, spokeswoman for Orange said: "We don't feel that we want to move from the site."

© Express & Star Ltd, 1997-2006


How to spot a terrorist

I really had no idea how to spot a terrorist until I studied the manuals published by the Phoenix FBI, the state employees of Virginia, and the Texas Department of Public Safety. Now that I have absorbed these manuals, I not only know how to spot a terrorist, but I have discovered that I probably am a terrorist.


From Information Clearing House

"Day Without Immigrants" highlighted with rallies across state

From Brockton to the Berkshires, illegal immigrants and their supporters rallied for immigration reform Monday as part of a nationwide day of demonstrations, boycotts and walkouts.


From Information Clearing House

Dollar starts the big slide against major currencies

THE dollar has embarked on a big decline that will see it fall against all leading currencies, according to analysts. The plunge is being prompted by America?s $800 billion (?438 billion) current-account deficit, they say.


From Information Clearing House


Video: Money, Banking and the Federal Reserve

Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson understood "The Monster". But to most Americans today, Federal Reserve is just a name on the dollar bill. They have no idea of what the central bank does to the economy, or to their own economic lives; of how and why it was founded and operates; or of the sound money and banking that could end the statism, inflation, and business cycles that the Fed generates.


Cheney exempts his own office from reporting on classified material

As the Bush administration has dramatically accelerated the classification of information as "top secret" or "confidential," one office is refusing to report on its annual activity in classifying documents: the office of Vice President Dick Cheney.


From Information Clearing House

Depleted Uranium: Far Worse Than 9/11


Managing China’s arrival as the world’s second superpower will demand consummate diplomatic skills

Chill over China

Managing China’s arrival as the world’s second superpower will demand consummate diplomatic skills. The United States must devise ways of living with China’s economic competition, surging demand for resources, and inevitable growing geopolitical influence in Asia and the western Pacific while avoiding confrontation.


From Information Clearing House

US Imperialism Will Die This Century

Hugo Chavez Predicts

This century will see the end of the US empire, said Hugo Chavez on Saturday during a rally in Havana, where he highlighted the progress of Latin American integration efforts.


From Information Clearing House

Rice: U.S. may press Iran not only via UN on nuclear issue

U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice warned on Sunday the United States might take steps outside the UN Security Council to pressure Iran to stop its nuclear program.


From Information Clearing House

US deceiving world on Iran nuclear program

The US is trying to deceive the world on Iran's nuclear program by making it appear that the program has objectives beyond civilian ones, said Iranian Ambassador to the United Nations Mohammad-Javad Zarif today.


From Information Clearing House

War pimp alert: We may have to bomb Iran

There doesn’t seem to be much doubt that their intention is to produce nuclear weapons; a handful every year, perhaps.


From Information Clearing House

Iraq: on the Verge of Collapse

The British and the Americans are guarding Iraq's Persian Gulf oil platforms -- the troubled country's only real sources of revenue -- like crown jewels. But Iraqi oil is flowing sluggishly at best, while hoped-for investments haven't materialized and the Iraqi oil industry is on the verge of collapse -- both technical and political.


Iraq is on the verge of collapse - report

Iraq's government has lost control of vast areas to powerful local factions and the country is on the verge of collapse and fragmentation, a leading British think-tank said on Thursday.


Settling Iraq before it Blows Up

Personally, I am against breaking up Iraq. I don't think it is more unworkable than Nigeria or Lebanon. And, the consequences are unforeseeable and potentially very, very dangerous.


From Information Clearing House

Destroying to Save: the Not so Hidden Agenda in Administration Policies

By Daniel Jordan and Neil Wollman

The Neo-Con’s vision of a “New American Century” has dragged us into an Anti-American Century in which our children will pay dearly for our mistakes. Destroying our country and others is not a form of salvation, but of mass suicide.


Take Back the Oil Companies

By Mike Whitney

2,400 American servicemen and 100,000 Iraqis have now sacrificed their lives on the altar of corporate profiteering. Bush has spread his energy war from Central Asia to the Middle East; increasing the incidents of terrorism by 4 fold. At the same time, the American middle class has been crushed by government malfeasance and diminishing civil liberties even though well-heeled oil moguls are raking in the largest profits in history.


Official Culture in America: a Natural State of Psychopathy?


Informant: Friends

Fighting the Hostile Takeover


A Long Way To Go in Eliminating Chemical Weapons


The Media's Missing Links


Let Nature Run its Course


Billions Wasted in Iraq, Says US Audit


Bush Leverage With Russia, Iran, China Falls as Oil Prices Rise


101 Reasons Why America Falls


The Immigration Solution


Immigrant Boycott Set to Test Employers in US

Bush-Styled Pax Americana


Keep The Government Out Of My Head



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