Indicting the Supreme Court

By Prof John Kozy

If the Court has the final say, then democracy in America is a sham. It simply does not exist and the Constitution has been subverted.

Fighting the Subversion of Our People's Sovereignty

By Jim Hightower

With their ruling, five unelected guys in black robes have subverted our people's sovereignty with a semantical perversion that twists special-interest things into "people" and money into "speech."

Corporations Aren't Persons

By Matthew Rothschild

Make no mistake about it: The court's ruling in Citizens United, if left to stand, will destroy whatever hope we may ever have had of democracy in this country. It will entrench corporate power as never before. And the promise of America will be dashed.

The Death Penalty for Murderous 'Corporate Persons'

By Len Hart

If corporations are 'people', as SCOTUS has said they are, then, by law, a corporation committing murder should be executed! A corporation like Dow or Union Carbide perpetrating mass murder should be tried and when found guilty put to death! Because corporations are now 'people', the same criminal penalties must apply to them as well as to the rest of us.


A Supreme injustice

In These Times
by Theo Anderson


January’s Supreme Court ruling in Citizens United v. FEC stirred passionate and opposing responses. In a 5-4 decision, the Court ruled that laws designed to curb corporate influence in politics violate the First Amendment’s guarantee of free speech. The ruling hinged on the idea that corporations are ‘persons’ entitled to the same constitutional protections as individuals. Left-leaning groups assailed the decision for tearing down a barrier that has protected American political life from overwhelming corporate influence...

Eight words that could save our country

by David Morris


‘Corporations are not people. Money is not speech.’ These are fundamental truths that our nation needs to remember — and add to the Constitution...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Walmart: The Inhuman Essence of a Corporate 'Person'

Wake-Up Wal-Mart: Walmart Sam's Club Lowering Worker and Community Standards


Corporations Are Not The People

This may well be the most important week ever in progressive policy advocacy.

As a first step to mitigating the terrible damage done by the edict of a rogue Supreme Court bare majority to give giant selfish interest corporations free rein in our elections, we must force full disclosure of what they are up to, by having Congress pass the Disclose Act.

So please submit the action page which will send real time faxes to all your members of Congress on this, just by clicking a mouse one time for the form below, where you will find more info on this bill.

Pass The Disclose Act action page:

In the meantime, we have been gearing up for this initiative by printing to have ready now tens of thousands of the "Corporations Are Not The People" bumper stickers. We need to give this issue maximum visibility, and we need your help to get these bumper stickers distributed and out there.

So please after you submit the action page above, consider picking one of the bulk packs of 25, for just a modest donation from the return page after you submit the form. Or you can go directly to the bulk order page here.

Bulk Corporations Are Not The People bumper stickers:

We have already given away tens of thousands of these ourselves, mailed singly, most entirely for free not even charging for postage, and we want to keep doing it. So if you can make a donation and pick up a bulk pack, that's what makes it possible for us to send free individual bumper stickers to anyone who cannot make a donation right now.

And absolutely, if you have not requested one for yourself, please go to the single sticker order page at the next link below, where we will continue to give them away to anyone who wants one.

Free Single Bumper Stickers:

As the monumental damage being done by the underwater oil eruption in the Gulf is starting to come home to those who have managed to stay in denial this long, with help of the police under the control of BP keeping the news media away from the real story, and trying to hide the scale of the "leak" by driving the massive quantities of crude oil under water with toxic dispersants, we all know what the real problem is.

The real problem is that for the longest time no law has passed out of Congress without the express permission and intervention of the special interest corporations it presumptively was supposed to regulate. That is why there was an ridiculously low liability cap inserted into the bill that was supposed to prevent another Exxon Valdez oil spill. That is why BP felt they could take such experimental risks in the first place, because they had put in place a law that said they could get away with it for a token cost if things went drastically wrong as they now have.

That is why the environmental review process was limited to 30 days, to make sure it would never amount to anything more than a once over lightly if at all. President Obama now says that any laws that need to be changed to make sure this does not happen again will be changes.

Well, they ALL have to be changed. Every single law on the books has got to be totally revamped to stop giving self-serving corporations a pass when it comes to public safety and the public interest. It's time to stop letting criminal corporations like BP essentially regulate themselves like they could actually be trusted, with industry cronies installed in all administrative positions. And that goes for Wall Street, the medical care industry, and on and on right on down the line.

But the first step is to put the brakes on the outlaw Supreme Court's corporate coup, by passing the Disclose Act to shine the light of day on what is really going on with faceless corporations dominating our election process. So please submit the action page above. And get some bumpers stickers to pass out to all your friends, your political groups and let's get them out there where people can see them.

And here is the Facebook link for the Pass The Disclose Act action page further above.


[Facebook] Action Page:

And this is the Twitter reply for this same action

@cxs #p1045

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this alert as widely as possible.



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Februar 2010


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