Losing the Internet as We Know It
By Megan Tady
Millions of Americans don't know that a battle over the future of the Internet is being played out right now in Washington. How it ends will have deep repercussions for decades to come.
Time Magazine Pushes Draconian Internet Licensing Plan
Establishment mouthpiece calls for web ID system that would outstrip Communist Chinese style net censorship
Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Time Magazine has enthusiastically jumped on the bandwagon to back Microsoft executive Craig Mundie’s call for Internet licensing, as authorities push for a system even more stifling than in Communist China, where only people with government permission would be allowed to express free speech.
Millions of Americans don't know that a battle over the future of the Internet is being played out right now in Washington. How it ends will have deep repercussions for decades to come.
Time Magazine Pushes Draconian Internet Licensing Plan
Establishment mouthpiece calls for web ID system that would outstrip Communist Chinese style net censorship
Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Time Magazine has enthusiastically jumped on the bandwagon to back Microsoft executive Craig Mundie’s call for Internet licensing, as authorities push for a system even more stifling than in Communist China, where only people with government permission would be allowed to express free speech.
rudkla - 13. Jan, 09:01