Telecom Towers in Rural Nova Scotia

This is an update on the issue of the rejection of a tower site proposed for Victoria Harbour, Kings Co, Nova Scotia, Canada. This is part of a government funded project to provide high speed internet to all rural Nova Scotians. The Federal government will pay for half of the cost. this project extends across rural Canada.

After consulting with the local residents, the municipal councillors voted 8-1 to reject granting a development license to Eastlink Cable Co (owned by John Bragg) one councillor refused to vote because he felt that he had been misled and that not all the information was presented, hence the 8-1 vote.

The proposed tower site is next to an organic garlic farm and home of 37 years. The organic garlic farm is the only remaining local food producer of seed garlic. Radiation is a recognized contaminate of local food produce by Agriculture Canada.

The tower has been stalled by the governments own bureaucracy with Eastlink requesting that Federal Government, Industry Canada ignore the municipal vote (the Land Use Authority)to reject the site and to permit the tower site without the required Developement License required( as set out in Industry Canada's regulations).

By appealing to our local Federal Member of Parliament, our local provincial government Agricultural Representitive,and the Municipal representitives, we have managed to put the project on hold since June pending a decision at the End of July. This has been extended to the end of August.

Industry Canada will notify Eastlink and the Municipality of the decision soon. The Municipality has sent letters to Industry Canada and their federal Member of Parliament stating the unamious vote to reject the site and thereby refuse to issue the required Development License.

Another proposed tower site in Margaretsville has also been rejected by the municipality. Margaretsville is a community near Victoria Harbour.

We expect that a decision may be made in early Sept.

submitted by jcarroll


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