Desperate Americans in PA vote for America's destruction
by Devvy Kidd
With the exception of approximately 128,188 Americans who voted for Congressman Ron Paul in the PA primary, the other 2.7 million voters cast their endorsement for liars, political crooks and more big government. Two things that were not mentioned by any of the cable news networks who blatantly censor the truth, is the alleged 91,211 votes cast for Pastor Huckabee who dropped out of the race, March 4, 2008 - a full seven WEEKS before this primary........
With the exception of approximately 128,188 Americans who voted for Congressman Ron Paul in the PA primary, the other 2.7 million voters cast their endorsement for liars, political crooks and more big government. Two things that were not mentioned by any of the cable news networks who blatantly censor the truth, is the alleged 91,211 votes cast for Pastor Huckabee who dropped out of the race, March 4, 2008 - a full seven WEEKS before this primary........
rudkla - 24. Apr, 09:53