Petraeus Hid Maliki Resistance to US Troops in Basra
Petraeus referred to a plan for an operation to be carried out in Basra that he and his staff had developed with the head of the Basra Operational Command, Gen. Mohan al-Furayji. But Petraeus carefully dodged a question from Sen. Hillary Clinton about what resources he was planning to deploy to Basra and over what length of time.
From Information Clearing House
Petraeus Hid Maliki Resistance to US Troops in Basra
Writing for Inter Press Service, Gareth Porter says that "In testimony before Congressional committees last week, Gen. David Petraeus portrayed Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's late March offensive in Basra as a poorly planned effort that departed from what US officials had expected."
A confirming moment
by William S. Lind
The failure of Mr. al-Maliki’s ‘big push’ into Basra put Iraq’s statelessness on display. Ordered to do something it did not want to do, the Iraqi ‘army’ fell apart, as militias usually fall apart when given unwelcome directives. Iraqi ’soldiers’ and ‘police’ went over or went home, in considerable numbers. Those who did fight had little fight in them; the affair reportedly ended with the Mahdi Army controlling more of Basra than it did at the beginning. Mr. al-Maliki, desperate for a cease-fire, had to agree in advance to any conditions Muqtada al-Sadr cared to impose. American policy proved even more reckless than that of Mr. al-Maliki. To win in Iraq, we must see a state re-emerge. That means we should stay out of the way of anyone with the potential to recreate a state. Muqtada al-Sadr is at or near the head of the list. The al-Maliki ‘government’ isn’t even on it...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
From Information Clearing House
Petraeus Hid Maliki Resistance to US Troops in Basra
Writing for Inter Press Service, Gareth Porter says that "In testimony before Congressional committees last week, Gen. David Petraeus portrayed Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's late March offensive in Basra as a poorly planned effort that departed from what US officials had expected."
A confirming moment
by William S. Lind
The failure of Mr. al-Maliki’s ‘big push’ into Basra put Iraq’s statelessness on display. Ordered to do something it did not want to do, the Iraqi ‘army’ fell apart, as militias usually fall apart when given unwelcome directives. Iraqi ’soldiers’ and ‘police’ went over or went home, in considerable numbers. Those who did fight had little fight in them; the affair reportedly ended with the Mahdi Army controlling more of Basra than it did at the beginning. Mr. al-Maliki, desperate for a cease-fire, had to agree in advance to any conditions Muqtada al-Sadr cared to impose. American policy proved even more reckless than that of Mr. al-Maliki. To win in Iraq, we must see a state re-emerge. That means we should stay out of the way of anyone with the potential to recreate a state. Muqtada al-Sadr is at or near the head of the list. The al-Maliki ‘government’ isn’t even on it...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
rudkla - 18. Apr, 07:56