Now we have the technology that can make a cloned child - Klonen von Menschen durch die Hintertür?
Independent [UK]
by Steve Connor
A new form of cloning has been developed that is easier to carry out than the technique used to create Dolly the sheep, raising fears that it may one day be used on human embryos to produce “designer” babies. Scientists who used the procedure to create baby mice from the skin cells of adult animals have found it to be far more efficient than the Dolly technique, with fewer side effects, which makes it more acceptable for human use’...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
Klonen von Menschen durch die Hintertür?
Die als Alternative zur Verwendung von embryonalen menschlichen Stammzellen angepriesene Methode des Umprogrammierens von Körperzellen ließe sich auch in der Reproduktionsmedizin anwenden.
by Steve Connor
A new form of cloning has been developed that is easier to carry out than the technique used to create Dolly the sheep, raising fears that it may one day be used on human embryos to produce “designer” babies. Scientists who used the procedure to create baby mice from the skin cells of adult animals have found it to be far more efficient than the Dolly technique, with fewer side effects, which makes it more acceptable for human use’...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
Klonen von Menschen durch die Hintertür?
Die als Alternative zur Verwendung von embryonalen menschlichen Stammzellen angepriesene Methode des Umprogrammierens von Körperzellen ließe sich auch in der Reproduktionsmedizin anwenden.
rudkla - 14. Apr, 10:27