A Plan to Attack Iran Swiftly and From Above
By Paul Koring
A bombing campaign has been in the works for months - a blistering air war that would last anywhere from one day to two weeks.
Iran warns of domino effect of nuclear attack
Iran warned today that an attack on its nuclear facilities would trigger a "domino" effect across the Middle East as deeply divided world powers met to review Teheran's co-operation with United Nations resolutions.
From Information Clearing House
A bombing campaign has been in the works for months - a blistering air war that would last anywhere from one day to two weeks.
Iran warns of domino effect of nuclear attack
Iran warned today that an attack on its nuclear facilities would trigger a "domino" effect across the Middle East as deeply divided world powers met to review Teheran's co-operation with United Nations resolutions.
From Information Clearing House
rudkla - 23. Nov, 23:43