Families fear for children over mast bid


30 August 2006 14:35

Angry families have vowed to fight plans to put up a mobile phone mast near their homes and a popular park.

Mobile phone operator 3 is consulting schools and ward councillors on proposals for a 15-metre mono-pole at the corner of Parmenter Road and South Park Avenue, in Norwich.

The site is only metres away from Eaton Park and is close to four schools and a community centre.

The phone company is expected to submit a full application to Norwich City Council after the pre-application consultation is over on September 12.

But nearby families, who found out about the proposals after ward councillor Judith Lubbock posted letters through their doors, have vowed to oppose any application.

Betty Nichols of Sotherton Road has drawn up the petition with her husband George and they have already collected more than 80 signatures.

She said: "We will fight this all the way until they find a better place for this.

"Everyone I have talked to is really angry. They think it is unfair to put it so close to their homes - one woman even knocked on our door and asked to sign the petition.

"There is a park close by and we have all the children at the school down the road and there's not enough information as to the health risks.

"We will collect all the signatures and take them to the council so its officers can see how we all feel."

Mother-of-four Tracey Thorndyke, lives on Parmenter Road, very close to where the mast would be situated.

She said: "We are all against it. There is such a debate going on about the health and safety of them and it is not really needed - 3 should put it elsewhere.

"I am worried for the safety of my children and it could cause a decrease in the value of our property."

William Comery, corporate affairs manager for South East Ericsson, the company installing the mast on behalf of 3, said: "We have contacted four schools and the three ward councillors during the pre-application consultation.

"That will be completed on September 12 and will then go through the council's public consultation process.

"There is a lack of coverage in this particular area and we looked at eight possible sights. This was the most appropriate.

"There has been a lot of research into health and mobile phones. Most recent was a World Health Organisation Report which came out in May. It concluded that there were no adverse short or long term health risks."

Omega this is not true. See under:

Are you worried about a mobile phone mast application in your area? Contact Dominic Chessum on 01603 772428
or e-mail dominic.chessum@archant.co.uk


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