West Kirby residents defeat telecommunications giant, 02

Tonight West Kirby residents, along with Wirral West Parliamentary candidate, Esther McVey, and Conservative Councillor Jeff Green, celebrated success in Wallasey Town Hall. Over 40 residents attended Wirral's Planning Committee to hear the committee refuse planning permission for a 15 metre high telecommunications mast and ancillary equipment in Orrysdale Road, West Kirby.

Speaking on behalf of local residents at the Planning committee, Cllr. Jeff Green, Conservative Councillor for West Kirby and Thurstaston outlined the concerns of the residents and asked that the Planning Committee refuse the application.

Cllr Green said: "The location identified by 02 is clearly totally unsuitable. The mast would be five metres higher than any of the existing street lights this along with the 1.5 metre high cabinets would create clutter and clearly be detrimental to the visual amenity of the area.

West Kirby resident and mast campaigner, Kate Evans said, "I am delighted by this decision, too often planning permission is given for the erection of poorly-located masts, I have real concerns about the health implications caused by the use of these masts, it's a pity that the Government will not allow the Council to refuse applications on health grounds. Unfortunately because of the current system there is a presumption in favour of development which overrides local, environmental and safety concerns. Clearly on this occasion common sense has prevailed." "I would like to thank all those residents who came together and organised the opposition to this application. It is thanks to their pro-active and robust work in organising the petition of opposition that the officers have recommended refusal. I would also like to thank all the people who attended the planning committee this evening, those who signed the petition and sent in letters opposing the application as well as those who gave their support in many other ways", added Esther McVey 02 have the right of appeal against the planning committee's decision.

Esther and the West Kirby and Thurstaston Councillors have pledged to keep residents informed of any appeal or future planning applications by 02 or any other telecommunications companies.


Well done to West Kirby residents.

W-A-R-T Wednesbury Action for the Removal of Telephone masts. http://www.w-a-r-t.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk


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