A plague on both their houses
by Justin Raimondo
The partisan war dance over Iraq began with the GOP's 'stay the course' resolution, and now the Senate has debated -- and rejected -- two Democratic alternatives: one saying we ought to 'redeploy' the troops to the nearest convenient location by next summer, and another committing to a 'phased withdrawal' that says nothing about how or when we're going to start letting the Iraqis steer without training wheels. The likely winner: another Republican resolution that basically boils down to shoot first and ask questions later. Yet the American people overwhelmingly oppose this rotten war and want out at the earliest opportunity. Isn't 'democracy' wonderful? We yearn to export it at gunpoint globally -- while shooting it dead on the home front. The idea that ordinary Americans have any control over their country's foreign policy is, sadly, contradicted by history and refuted outright by our present predicament in Iraq...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
by Justin Raimondo
The partisan war dance over Iraq began with the GOP's 'stay the course' resolution, and now the Senate has debated -- and rejected -- two Democratic alternatives: one saying we ought to 'redeploy' the troops to the nearest convenient location by next summer, and another committing to a 'phased withdrawal' that says nothing about how or when we're going to start letting the Iraqis steer without training wheels. The likely winner: another Republican resolution that basically boils down to shoot first and ask questions later. Yet the American people overwhelmingly oppose this rotten war and want out at the earliest opportunity. Isn't 'democracy' wonderful? We yearn to export it at gunpoint globally -- while shooting it dead on the home front. The idea that ordinary Americans have any control over their country's foreign policy is, sadly, contradicted by history and refuted outright by our present predicament in Iraq...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
rudkla - 26. Jun, 15:23