The US League of Women Voters adopted a resolution that all voting systems should include voter-verifiable paper ballots
On 6/26/06, Kathy Dopp wrote:
Best Regards Everyone. Keep fighting for our democracy, our freedom, and our civilization!
Great News Everyone!
The US League of Women Voters at their Minneapolis June Summer Convention adopted a resolution that all voting systems should include voter-verifiable paper ballots which would be the official ballots and used in independent audits of election results
Utah's League of Women Voters Executive Director, Sandy Peck, wrote this account (See item #4 on page #10):
----------- BEGIN LWVUS RESOLUTION -----------
The LWV adopted a resolution on voter-verifiable paper ballots directing that the LWVUS position on Citizens' Right to Vote be interpreted to affirm that LWVUS supports only voting systems
• that have a voter-verifiable paper ballot or other paper record that is the official record of the voter's intent, that the voter can verify while in the process of voting;
• that is used for audits and recounts;
• that can be used by an independent hand count to verify vote totals;
• that can be used in routine, published audits in randomly selected precincts in every election
-------- END LWVUS RESOLUTION ---------
Best Regards Everyone. Keep fighting for our democracy, our freedom, and our civilization!
Great News Everyone!
The US League of Women Voters at their Minneapolis June Summer Convention adopted a resolution that all voting systems should include voter-verifiable paper ballots which would be the official ballots and used in independent audits of election results
Utah's League of Women Voters Executive Director, Sandy Peck, wrote this account (See item #4 on page #10):
----------- BEGIN LWVUS RESOLUTION -----------
The LWV adopted a resolution on voter-verifiable paper ballots directing that the LWVUS position on Citizens' Right to Vote be interpreted to affirm that LWVUS supports only voting systems
• that have a voter-verifiable paper ballot or other paper record that is the official record of the voter's intent, that the voter can verify while in the process of voting;
• that is used for audits and recounts;
• that can be used by an independent hand count to verify vote totals;
• that can be used in routine, published audits in randomly selected precincts in every election
-------- END LWVUS RESOLUTION ---------
rudkla - 26. Jun, 10:59