The One World Order: It's Their Party - Deliberate Decline Into Decadence
by Deanna Spingola
The Order’s methodology is a strict adherence to Hegelian Dialectics. Apply those dialectics to the two political parties. Essentially, political parties are artificial groupings designed to create division. A contrived choice between two bad options, without recognizing alternative better options, creates the perception of freedom. Supposedly opposing ideologies generates deliberate.....
The One World Order: Deliberate Decline Into Decadence
by Deanna Spingola
The Rockefeller Foundation believed that the media constituted a uniquely powerful force in modern society for imposing the will of the elite on the masses. Secret psychological war projects to control public opinion were supported by America’s tax-exempt foundations. For example, campaigns were developed to induce Americans to support U.S. entry into.....
The Order’s methodology is a strict adherence to Hegelian Dialectics. Apply those dialectics to the two political parties. Essentially, political parties are artificial groupings designed to create division. A contrived choice between two bad options, without recognizing alternative better options, creates the perception of freedom. Supposedly opposing ideologies generates deliberate.....
The One World Order: Deliberate Decline Into Decadence
by Deanna Spingola
The Rockefeller Foundation believed that the media constituted a uniquely powerful force in modern society for imposing the will of the elite on the masses. Secret psychological war projects to control public opinion were supported by America’s tax-exempt foundations. For example, campaigns were developed to induce Americans to support U.S. entry into.....
rudkla - 25. Jun, 09:17