Our plan for VICTORY in November

We recognize that this November may the last chance to save our country from the willful lies and dictatorial abuses of the Bush administration. We recognize that above all else the majority of the country want an END to the misuse of our military in the disastrous occupation of Iraq. And we recognize that if our candidates STAND UP for real accountability, the American people WILL turn out and vote for regime change in our own country.

THEREFORE, we need each and EVERY one of our participants to do the following:

1) If you have not already done so (and 6,000 of you already have), sign the Peace Pledge, that you will ONLY support candidates who commit to ending the occupation of Iraq, and to oppose any like wars of aggression. ALL our peace candidate action pages from now on will include signing on to the Peace Pledge as an additional option, for example, Stacey Tallitsch.

ACTION PAGE: http://www.usalone.com/stacey/pnum320.php

2) Each of our peace candidates will be running direct "call to action" radio spots in their own districts, calling for an immediate end to the occupation of Iraq. If you have the ability to make a contribution to support these efforts, you can be assured that you are making an INVESTMENT in building a consensus on this issue, and letting the American people know that there ARE viable alternative candidates standing up for us now. You can hear the first of these inspiring new radio spots at this page.

CALL TO ACTION DONATIONS: http://www.usalone.com/stacey/donations.php

3) Even if you are not in a position to make a donation, we need to make 10 million phone calls to our fellow constituents between now and November. If you have not already done so, please sign up for the Blades of Grass initiative, and you can then participate to virtual phone bank in support of any of the peace candidates in any district

BLADES OF GRASS SIGNUPS: http://www.usalone.com/bladesofgrass.htm

If each of us were to make just 10 calls a week, we can make all those calls with just 100,000 dedicated virtual phone bank participants. Then we'll alert you to let you know where your help is most needed.

Whatever you want to call it, a war, an occupation, it has to START stopping now. The American people know it, they understand it, and they will support candidates with the COURAGE to say so. Six months ago John Murtha proposed redeploying by the end of the year. It should ALREADY be happening. And if we just get out there and say so NOW, the American people will trust in our leadership come November.

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this message to everyone else you know.

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