For eight years OCA has campaigned steadfastly against genetically engineered foods and crops, educating the media and the public about how gene-spliced foods pose serious hazards to public health and the environment. Over the past year we've been trying to stop the biotech industry and the Farm Bureau from ramming through "Monsanto Preemption" laws in several dozen states that take away the rights of local and county governments to ban genetically engineered crops. Our joint efforts with our allies have at least temporarily stopped these Monsanto laws in a number of states, including California, North Carolina, and Nebraska. Unfortunately these anti-consumer laws have passed in 15 other states. Tired of waging defensive battles, we've decided to focus on lobbying and passing a mandatory labeling law for GE foods in Congress, similar to the law in effect in the European Union, which has basically driven GE foods and foods off the market. A recent USDA poll found that 83% of Americans support mandatory labels for GE food. Although the labeling bill, HR 5269, The Genetically Engineered Food Right to Know Act, introduced by Rep. Dennis Kucinich (Democrat-Ohio) on May 2, 2006, will not pass Congress this session, OCA is determined to get over 100 co-sponsors for the bill over the next year.
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rudkla - 22. Jun, 12:10