U.S. continues to have a serious problem with its image following its unilateral international policies

A small update about an important survey showing the U.S. continues to have a serious problem with its image following its unilateral international policies. Also time to update you on two activities where the Boycott Bush network was invited during the World Peace Forum starting this week in Canada.

1. Survey

In a recent world survey carried out in 15 countries this spring and released on June 13, 2006, the Pew Research Center has found out that good will towards the United States declined in many countries over the past year, except in China, Britain, Nigeria, and Pakistan. Majorities in Japan, Nigeria, Britain and India have positive views of the U.S.

Pew Research Center
http://pewglobal.org/reports/display.php?ReportID=252 (newsrelease)
http://pewresearch.org/reports/?ReportID=27 (summary)
http://pewglobal.org/reports/pdf/252.pdf (complete survey 62 pages)

Article in International Herald Tribune June 13th 2006 http://www.iht.com/articles/2006/06/13/news/pew1.php

Interesting input for our work and for the World Peace Forum.

2. World Peace Forum

Two Boycott Bush workshops where we will participate during the World Peace Forum in Vancouver and Victoria (Canada) next week.

WORLD PEACE FORUM: BOYCOTTING FOR PEACE & JUSTICE WORKSHOP. Tuesday June 27. 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm at UBC location PURPOSE of WORKSHOP: To provide information about boycotts, their background, how to increase the effectiveness in future and past successes. This is intended to be an activist workshop, so involved participants can talk about strategies & networking & exchanging data. For the first 40 minutes we will have introductions & the 2 resource people will each speak about 10-15 minutes on their own campaigns. Then we will have discussion & questions so the resource people will be able to elaborate on aspects that are unknown & important to attendees. We hope by the end that everyone will have a solid basis of understanding about boycotts, their value and future action plans.

BOYCOTTING FOR PEACE & JUSTICE WORKSHOP. VICTORIA. June 28. 7:30pm to 9:30pm at UVIC Graduate Student Building meeting room. We will be the only resource network at this event - so organizers will briefly provide background on Boycott COKE & summarize any action suggestions that came out of Vancouver workshop. The rest of the meeting we will do a presentation for 20 minutes and then again we will try to build up strategies and action plans. We will also get resource material to distribute as in Vancouver.

With many thanks to Theresa Wolfwood from the Barnard-Boecker Centre Foundation to have arranged for both workshops. This will also offer us the opportunity to table our action and campaign proposal during several seminars, workshops and meetings bringing together thousands of peace campaigners. www.worldpeaceforum.ca

Keep us updated about your work concerning the boycott in you part of the world.

With kind regards,

Pol D'Huyvetter

Voor Moeder Aarde vzw, lid van Friends of the Earth International K. Maria Hendrikaplein 5
9000 Gent - Belgium
Tel +32-9-242 87 04 Skype "poltanner" GSM +32 495 28 02 59
Fax +32-9-242 87 51
mailto: pol@motherearth.org


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