The cost of brainwash or antennas for lunch
The israeli cellular companies are going to spend 10 million shekels to calm down the israeli public's fear from the celluar technology. The 3 cellular companies did a press conference today which was reported in the national TV news this evening, "Is it something that turned into psychosis", said the executive of Cellcom company. And the reporter added that the cellular companies are going to invest 10 million shekels to treat the public psychosis. "I will not do anything that endangers someone" said Cellcom's executive, and added that he is so sure that the antennas cannot do harm, "that I said once, joking, that I am ready to stand in the city square and eat an antenna every day for lunch". "The public is very afraid, and this is exactly what we want to treat" said the executive of Partner company. The cellular companies are going to offer the public radiation measurements that they will fund, and the cost for the citizen will be 200 shekels, "earnest fee" as the cellular companies call it. Partner executive said "We are convinced that the results will be good, because we check it anyway".
Another thing, from Don Maisch: Andrew Marino on Michael Repacholi:
“At the bottom of the barrel is the EMF scientist who functions as a brainwasher to deceive the public, innocent young and old alike, into giving themselves cancer and other diseases. There is no purer example of such a man than Michael Repacholi. He is at the end of a historical line of change that must be recognized before science can once again resume its task of finding the best truth possible”
Informant: Iris Atzmon
Omega see also
Testimony of Michael Repacholi
Another thing, from Don Maisch: Andrew Marino on Michael Repacholi:
“At the bottom of the barrel is the EMF scientist who functions as a brainwasher to deceive the public, innocent young and old alike, into giving themselves cancer and other diseases. There is no purer example of such a man than Michael Repacholi. He is at the end of a historical line of change that must be recognized before science can once again resume its task of finding the best truth possible”
Informant: Iris Atzmon
Omega see also
Testimony of Michael Repacholi
rudkla - 18. Jun, 22:21