Battle Lines Drawn Over Mercury in Shots

States push for bans in children's vaccines. But leading medical groups are pushing back. As lawmakers in about 20 states press for bans on mercury in children's vaccines, they are meeting stiff resistance from influential health and medical organizations, including groups that get substantial funding from drug makers and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Seven states have adopted the anti-mercury bills - California being one of the first. California's law, passed in 2004 and to take effect July 1, will prohibit shots with more than a trace of thimerosal for pregnant women and children younger than 3. In recent weeks, similar bills have been defeated in at least five states. (...)

Read further under:,0,7550821,full.story?coll=la-headlines-nation Los Angeles Times, April 10, 2006

Comment from Barbara Loe Fisher,

Mercury is a neurotoxin. In countries around the world, mercury is being eliminated as a toxic pollutant from the water and air because it can damage the brain. Every government, every politician, e- very medical and scientific organization, every doctor inside of government as well as those operating the World Health Organization should call for a ban on injecting mercury into the bodies of ba- bies via vaccines. It is a "no-brainer" so to speak. It should be against the law to inject poisons in any form into our children for any reason.

Source: NVIC-Newsletter from 11. April 2006

Debate Flares Over Vaccines, Autism Link

Debate over a possible tie between mercury-containing vaccines and autism flared up this week as activist groups launched a campaign accusing federal health agencies and prominent researchers of manipulating scientific findings on the link. Some parents of autistic children have long blamed vaccines containing the preservative thimerosal for an alarming rise in the disor- der. Thimerosal contains a type of mercury. A series of reports by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) ending in 2004 concluded no evidence could be found linking the vaccines to neurological diseases, including autism. (...)

Read further under:,2933,191167,00.html
FoxNews, Monday, April 10, 2006

"As we're looking for answers related to the causes and effective treatments for autism, we have to also be careful not to base our health recommendations on unproven hypotheses or fear. We have to base our decisions on the best available science that we have in front of us, and today the best available science indicates to us that vaccines save lives, and that's a very, very important message for all of us to remember. " - CDC Press Release 4/6/06

Comment from Barbara Loe Fisher, :

Whether or not vaccines save lives has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not vaccines cause autism. The CDC not only refuses to conduct basic science research into the biological mechanisms of vaccine injury and death, including vaccine-induced autism, but manipulates the data it does have suggesting there is a causal connection between vaccination and developmental delays that now af- fect 1 in 6 American children. As a result, some vaccine injured autistic children are being healed by biological mechanism research independent of government health agencies, medical organizations and drug companies that addresses the children's vaccine-induced brain and immune system dysfunction. The collective denial by government, medical organizations and industry of the reality of vaccine-induced brain damage will not make it go away.

Source: NVIC-Newsletter from 13. April 2006

CDC Statement regarding autism-related advertisement in USA Today

We know that autism is a heart-wrenching situation for many families and many children and it presents special challenges that we would certainly want to prevent and do anything we could to avoid. When it comes to the nation's immunization recommendations, the CDC and Public Health Service are always guided by one overriding goal and interest-all our recommendations are designed to protect the health and well being of all children. We are very disappointed in an advertisement that appears in to- day's edition of USA Today. The advertisement completely mischaracterizes the efforts of CDC, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Institute of Medicine, and others to protect the health and well being of the nation's children. (...)

Read further on: CDC, 6. April 2006

Mercury ban bill wins OK

"A bill that would eliminate mercury from all vaccines distributed in New Jersey by 2009 was approved by the Assembly Health and Senior Services Committee Thursday. The measure passed 8-1 with one abstention. The committee's chairman, Assemblyman Herb Conaway Jr., D-Bordentown City, a doctor, cast the lone "no" vote. Some committee members said they were voting "yes" with reservations. Two months ago, a group of parents and advocates descended on the committee to try to persuade them to eliminate the use of Thimerosal, a preservative in flu vaccines that is 50 percent ethyl mercury by weight. They claimed a connection between that mercury and autism or other childhood neurological disorders. But Conaway, saying no national health experts had found a scientific link, held the bill at that time. No additional testimony was heard Thursday. (...)

Read further here:
Cherry Hill Courier Post, NJ

Comment from Barbara Loe Fisher,

Banning mercury in vaccines is a no-brainer. Congratulations to the New Jersey citizen activists who educated their state legislators on this health committee about the need to keep toxic mercury out of the brains of babies. Vaccine laws are state laws. If the federal government cant' or won't get the drug companies to take mercury out of vaccines, the only recourse for parents is to ask their elected state officials to do the right thing or vote them out of office and put someone in who will. Participatory democracy works if each citizen stands up and acts on the local level like these New Jersey parents who helped their legislators understand why a vote to keep toxic mercury out of vaccines is the only right one.

NVIC-Newsletter from 15. May 2006

Source: impf-report Newsletter Nr. 23/2006


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