Predator Poisoning and Killing Planned In Wilderness Areas
Oppose new predator control rules
The U.S. Forest Service just announced plans to relax rules that govern "predator control" in federal Wilderness areas and Research Natural Areas of our National Forests. The move would greatly expand the ways that wolves, coyotes, cougars, bears, foxes and other predators can be killed in these areas, and it signals a very disturbing shift in the way our public land is managed.
The proposed rule would permit aerial gunning and motorized vehicles in Wilderness areas to trap and kill predators and meet nebulous "wildlife management" objectives, which would be created by industry-driven "collaborative groups." The rule would also allow notoriously dangerous "M-44" cyanide guns to be used in Wilderness areas, even though these devises have accidentally killed thousands of family pets and non-targeted wildlife. Please take a minute to write the Forest Service and demand that it reverse this disastrous plan – and instead put its energy and resources towards ensuring these animals continue to grace the wild.
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The U.S. Forest Service just announced plans to relax rules that govern "predator control" in federal Wilderness areas and Research Natural Areas of our National Forests. The move would greatly expand the ways that wolves, coyotes, cougars, bears, foxes and other predators can be killed in these areas, and it signals a very disturbing shift in the way our public land is managed.
The proposed rule would permit aerial gunning and motorized vehicles in Wilderness areas to trap and kill predators and meet nebulous "wildlife management" objectives, which would be created by industry-driven "collaborative groups." The rule would also allow notoriously dangerous "M-44" cyanide guns to be used in Wilderness areas, even though these devises have accidentally killed thousands of family pets and non-targeted wildlife. Please take a minute to write the Forest Service and demand that it reverse this disastrous plan – and instead put its energy and resources towards ensuring these animals continue to grace the wild.
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rudkla - 15. Jun, 12:13