Urgent Flag Day Alert: Free Speech at Risk

I write today to urge you to take action on a matter near and dear to my heart -- free speech. The ACLU urgently needs the help of everyone across America who values our Constitution and the fundamental freedoms it protects.

Here is the situation -- the Senate is poised to vote on a constitutional amendment that would allow Congress to prohibit desecration of the flag. This amendment would restrict certain freedoms in the Bill of Rights for the first time in our history, setting a dangerous precedent that puts all of our liberties at risk.

With your help, the Senate has blocked the flag amendment in past years. This year, the vote is closer than ever. Election-year political posturing has taken over in the Senate and we are now within just one vote of losing this fight.

It is critical that you take action right now at http://action.aclu.org/flag. Urge your senators to protect free expression and vote "no" on the flag amendment.

Free expression and the right to dissent are core principles that the American flag represents. Our liberties can only remain vibrant and strong when we stand by these principles. If exceptions are made every time someone in power disagrees with a particular act or statement, our liberties will surely be compromised.

From my travels around the country, I know that many military veterans strongly oppose this amendment because they know the cost of freedom and believe that measures like this would unnecessarily restrict the very liberties they fought to defend. They also understand that the flag amendment is a distraction from the real concerns of veterans, like adequate health care and VA funding.

Congress should not be sacrificing our First Amendment freedoms in order to mobilize some politicians’ political base.

I urge you to contact your senators right now and tell them to vote "no" on this proposed amendment. If passed, it would betray the very principles the flag represents. http://action.aclu.org/site/R?i=2-V6vWg5unL62epzNcy6bg..

If you would like to read more before taking action, go here. http://action.aclu.org/site/R?i=zxH1QuMJqYHOTS_HCaqsBQ..


Nadine Strossen President, ACLU

P.S. We'll need all the supporters we can muster in this battle. Once you've taken action, get your friends involved by sending them an eCard about the Flag Amendment.


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