There is a Dark Cloud Over America
by Dorothy Seese
Worse yet, no one owns their home as their property, free and clear. The mortgage may be paid off, but property taxes, assessments for roads and other government fees and taxes turn into a form of rental to remain in one's own home or lose it to the taxing authority! And then there's the new twist to eminent domain that says your property can be taken (for the taker's idea of a fair value) for some good reason, "good" being defined by the takers.....
Worse yet, no one owns their home as their property, free and clear. The mortgage may be paid off, but property taxes, assessments for roads and other government fees and taxes turn into a form of rental to remain in one's own home or lose it to the taxing authority! And then there's the new twist to eminent domain that says your property can be taken (for the taker's idea of a fair value) for some good reason, "good" being defined by the takers.....
rudkla - 14. Jun, 09:55