Electronic Harassment: A Real Threat

Jun 11, 2006 11:28

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Michele Moore writes and speaks on the subjects of Happiness and Spiritual Success. She produces the Happiness Blog HappinessBlog.com and is author of an upcoming book titled the Happiness Habit: Skills & Strategies of Habitually Happy People. Michele's background includes a MBA Finance and 20+ happy years in management & technology consulting. She brings a fresh analytical view to the subjects of Happiness and Spiritual Success. Michele Moore lives in Atlanta and travels widely.

Michele Moore

August 4, 2005

Suppose there was a technology that would allow you to secretly and silently stupefy and befuddle your adversaries, competitors and rivals without a trace. If the stakes were high enough in terms of money and power, would you use it? Can you be sure such weapons are not being used against you? The answer is, probably not.

It is an established fact that non ionizing microwave radiation, especially Extra Low Frequency ELF microwaves can induce sudden and dramatic changes in human psychological states, alter sleep patterns, cause headaches, memory loss and physiological changes.These ELF microwaves are invisible and virtually undetectable. Their effects are not widely known and the equipment to prove they are being used is not generally available.

Specific Electronic Threats:

Microwaves pulsed at specific frequencies over stimulate the brain production of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter associated with the storage of memory, inducing memory loss and a sense of timelessness and/or missing time.

Other ELF microwave frequencies induce an aversive reaction characteristic of avoidance learning. Think of the impact of this if used during political debates.

A weak (1 mW) 4 Hz magnetic sine wave can modify human brain waves in 6 to 10 seconds. The psychological effects of a 4 Hz sine magnetic wave are negative -- causing dizziness, nausea, headache, and can lead to vomiting.

The telephone and electric wiring in our homes and businesses can serve as gigantic transmitters and receivers. Technology to transmit specific ELF frequencies into our homes and businesses is readily available. It is not unlike the devices that allow you to install a telephone extension by sending radio frequencies through your electric lines.

Microwave transmissions can be focused quite narrowly over long distances. They can penetrate walls, glass and physical barriers just as cell phone transmissions do. Microwave transmissions aimed at a bed head board could literally cook a victim brain during sleep without their ever being fully aware of what is happening to them.

Ultra Sonics: It is also possible to hear and understand spoken words transmitted by pulsed-microwave analogs of a speaker's sound vibrations. The words could be inaudible to the people around listener and would seem to be the listener own thoughts. Imagine the implications for disseminating disinformation during corporate presentations.

Electronic harassment technology has come a long way since the Soviets bombarded the US Embassy with microwaves in the 1970's. A similar system was apparently used against the British women protesting the presence of American cruise missiles at Greenham Common Air Base also during the seventies. These devices employed electromagnetic radiation (EMR) of gigahertz frequency, pulsed at extremely low frequencies (ELF) to torture people physically and mentally, covertly from a distance.

Congressional inquiry into electronic harassment technologies, especially after the MKULTRA affair in the 1980's quickly drove the development and deployment of these electronic harassment devices into the hands of independent contractors where they remain today. These contractors move seamlessly and secretly between the government and private sectors.

Sadly, there is remarkably little information readily available about the status and use of electronic harassment devices in the world today. What is accessible is old and is often associated with extra terrestrial alien internet sites. Three fairly credible links are:


The threat of electronic harassment technologies to American businesses and freedom is real. Anyone involved in a contentious and competitive business situation needs to be aware these technologies exist so they can protect themselves and their interests.

Michele Moore

The author, Michele Moore, is not affiliated with any physical protection or internet security firm. She has experienced the symptoms of ELF harassment during an intellectual property dispute. Her computer was remotely disabled ten minutes after sending an email containing the three links mentioned in this article to a friend.

Michele writes and speaks on the subjects of happiness and well-being from her home in Atlanta. See http://www.HappinessHabit.com, http://www.HappinessBlog.com and http://www.MicheleMoore.com for more information about her work.

Scary stuff

Gerry Duffett

Pager # 416-612-5689




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