How to Impeach a President

Beginning today, you can go to to learn about a "National Teach-In" on impeachment organized by the Center for Constitutional Rights and Melville House, launching nationwide on July 19 in cities and towns across the country. (This is a new site so if it crashes try back later.)

Please join the effort:­ visit and organize a Teach-In in your home or community center. An "action kit" ­-- including a DVD documentary short, HOW TO IMPEACH A PRESIDENT, the handbook ARTICLES OF IMPEACHMENT AGAINST GEORGE W. BUSH, and other resources ­-- is available at the website. Join the CCR, the nation's leading institute of constitutional scholarship and activism, in making the impeachment of George W. Bush a reality.

Pass an Impeachment Resolution at Your State Democratic Party Convention

Despite the efforts of those who would sweep the issue under the rug, 10 state Democratic party organizations have already gone on record in support of impeachment resolutions: Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, North Carolina, Wisconsin, Nevada, New Mexico, California, Colorado and Hawaii. This weekend, we expect similar resolutions to be brought in Minnesota and even Texas! And there are more to come in the weeks ahead, which means that shortly more than a quarter of all state Democratic party organizations will have gone on record in favor of impeachment. That's not to mention the three states that have introduced resolutions in their legislatures calling on Congress to act. Several states have conventions coming up. Get involved:

No Permanent Bases: Passed Both Houses, Removed in Conference Committee
By David Swanson

Remember when our efforts persuaded both the House and the Senate to unanimously approve amendments to the "emergency supplemental" bill stipulating that none of the money could be used to build permanent bases in Iraq? This week, a conference committee, behind closed doors, removed that language. READ MORE:

Senator Thad Cochran (202-224-5054) and Congressman Jerry Lewis (202-225-5861) were in charge of the conference committee. Feel free to give them a call and tell them what you think.

Action on Iraq in House and Senate Next Week

Our efforts in support of a discharge petition that would force an open debate on Iraq in the House have pressured the Republican leadership into announcing a debate next week, but a short debate limited to the topic of a bill that no one has seen, with no amendments allowed. We need a lengthy debate allowing Congress Members from both sides of the aisle to introduce amendments and have them voted on. Let House Majority Leader John Boehner (202-225-6205) know.

In recent weeks, four Senators -- Barbara Boxer (D-CA), Russ Feingold (D-WI), Tom Harkin (D-IA), and John Kerry (D-MA) -- have introduced bills that would bring our troops home from Iraq by the end of 2006. Both Feingold and Kerry are expected to propose their bills as amendments to a Defense Authorization bill next week. Your Senator should vote for those two amendments and should co-sponsor these four bills.

If four is too many, we recommend pressing for support of Senator Harkin's bill (S. CON. RES. 93). It includes these three points:

(1) the United States should not maintain a permanent military presence or military bases in Iraq;

(2) the United States should not attempt to control the flow of Iraqi oil; and

(3) United States Armed Forces should be redeployed from Iraq as soon as practicable after the completion of Iraq's constitution-making process or December 31, 2006, whichever occurs first.

Harkin's bill has companion legislation in the House (H. CON. RES. 348 sponsored by Congressman Mike Thompson). Your Congress Member should co-sponsor that bill, but also H.R. 4232, Congressman Jim McGovern's bill to cut off money for the war and end it immediately.

Tell your Congress Member and Senators to end the war:

Tragically, 2,500th US Death Approaches

The U.S. death toll in Iraq continues to climb, and now stands at 2,476. In a matter of days or weeks, we will reach yet another tragic milestone in this war: the death of the 2500th U.S. serviceperson. This sad event comes as the Iraqi Health Ministry reports that civilian deaths in Baghdad soared in May; the U.S. war on Iraq has destroyed so many lives, for so little reason.

Last October, when the 2000th U.S. serviceperson was killed in Iraq, more than 1000 candlelight vigils and other commemorative events were held in communities all around the country. We urge you to begin planning now for what your group will do when this newest sad benchmark is reached.

One national initiative you may wish to join is a coordinated ringing of church bells, organized by Faithful America and Democracy Rising. They hope to have at least 2500 houses of worship participating in this effort. For more information, visit

Sign the Declaration of Peace

The Declaration of Peace is a pledge:

1) To declare peace by taking action now to bring all US troops home from Iraq now and to establish a comprehensive, concrete and rapid plan for an end to the US war in Iraq; and

2) To declare peace by engaging in nonviolent action in cities and towns across the United States and in Washington, DC September 21-28 if these goals — immediate withdrawal of US troops and a comprehensive plan to end the US war — are not accomplished by International Peace Day, September 21, 2006. Nationally coordinated nonviolent activities will continue on a regular basis as needed until the United States withdraws from Iraq."

You can learn more, sign the declaration, and get more involved by visiting

Enter the "Impeach Bush" Media Contest

Here's a contest, to gather and rate anti-Bush and pro-impeachment materials: Best impeachment website or blog Best impeachment or anti-Bush image Best impeachment or anti-Bush audio Best impeachment or anti-Bush video or animation Best impeachment or anti-Bush essay or article Best impeachment or anti-Bush pamphlet or flier Best impeachment slogan or catchphrase Best argument for impeachment Anyone can enter, and anyone can win. The contest will close on July 21st, 2006, and winners will be announced shortly afterwards.



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