Marcy Winograd is Pro-Impeachment and Pro-Peace

Make Calls for Marcy Winograd from Your Home

Marcy Winograd is a pro-impeachment, pro-peace Democrat who is poised to pull off a huge upset in her primary challenge to Rep. Jane Harman, a pro-war, pro-illegal-spying, corporate hawk in California's 36th District. Once elected, Marcy will be a leading national voice for our progressive movement! She'll speak for all of us, not just for her constituents in CA's CD 36:

YOU can help make it happen! Your volunteer phone calls, from anywhere in the country, can help turn out the pro-impeachment, pro-peace vote for Marcy between now and Tuesday June 6th! The PDA phone-calling system makes it easy. To volunteer, Email:

Audio interview of Marcy Winograd:

Article on Marcy Winograd by David Swanson:

Other California pro-impeachment candidates in next Tuesday's primary:

* CA12: Kevin Hearle
* CA28: Charles Coleman, Jr. (Impeach Team)
* CA29: Bob McCloskey (Impeach Team)
* CA42: Mark Hull-Richter (write-in)
* CA52: Karen Marie Otter

What You Can Do for Peace Next Wednesday

Demand an Open Debate on Iraq: National Call-In Day June 7 Call your Representative 202-224-3121 An open debate on Iraq is overdue!

Americans want their sons and daughters home. Children want their mothers and fathers home. The Iraqis want their nation back. Most of the troops think they should leave in the next six months. These are the compelling majority opinions that must be addressed. Facing this is a moral and non-partisan challenge.

But, after more than three years, $300 billion, and the death of over one hundred thousand Iraqis and nearly 2,500 American soldiers, Congress still refuses to debate real alternatives to the President's stay-the-course policy. It is a policy that over 80% of Iraqis, more than 70% of U.S. soldiers stationed in Iraq and a majority of Americans say is a failure.

As a people who seek peace and justice, we have a unique opportunity to demand that Congress stop passing the buck. So far, 122 members of the House of Representatives have signed a 'discharge petition' calling for immediate debate and consideration of ALL alternatives to the policy of open-ended occupation of Iraq. All we need is 96 more members to sign the petition for debate to begin. We need your help!

Call your U.S. Representative on June 7th. Ask your Representative to sign H.Res. 543 OR thank them if they have already signed and ask them to ask a colleague to sign H.Res. 543.

Here are lists of those who have and have not signed:

The pressure we are applying is already having an impact. There have been news reports that some Republican members of Congress, hoping to dodge a real discussion about Iraq, will offer a tightly-controlled debate framed by supporters of the war. This alternative is clearly an election-year effort to sell the war to the public rather than address the failed policy and the need to bring the troops home. This alternative won't allow members who oppose the war to offer plans to bring the occupation to an end.

Tell your Congress Member that you demand to see a debate with an "open rule," meaning that any amendments can be introduced, debated, and voted on. The surest route to that debate is for them to sign the discharge petition and ask their colleagues to do the same.

Call 202-224-3121 and give the operator your Representative's name, or go to power search on Congress for the local district office:


Join Us at Democracy Fest, July 14-16 in San Diego

Join progressives from all over the country for the third annual Democracy Fest from July 14 to 16 at San Diego State University, a long weekend of organizing and partying. Speakers include Congresswoman Maxine Waters, Ed Schwartz, Ann Wright, Margorie Cohn, David Sirota, Robert Greenwald, Ralph Miller, Kevin Spidel, David Swanson, and many more. Learn more and sign up here:

Have You Seen Howard Berman?

Remember when we worked our tails off to pass a bill in the House International Relations Committee to launch an investigation into the White House Iraq Group's efforts to sell the public a fraudulent war?

We had 109 cosponsors. Two Republicans on the Committee voted with us. We lost by one vote. Democrat Howard Berman was AWOL, appearing in a parade in California. Listen to this brilliant ad by Charles Coleman, who is running against Berman in the primary.

Impeach Bush Yard Signs - No Yard's Complete Without One

Col. Ann Wright Speaks Out on Impeachment

Listen to Ann Wright's PSA

Watch Liberty News TV Report on Impeachment

Chain Gang Shirts and Stickers Now Available



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