Fifteen Reasons
Calling All Rebels
By Chris Hedges
There are no constraints left to halt America's slide into a totalitarian capitalism. Electoral politics are a sham. The media have been debased and defanged by corporate owners. The working class has been impoverished and is now being plunged into profound despair.
To H... In A Handbasket
By David Michael Green
American government is in the process of imploding, and it won't be long until the pathetically minuscule social safety net that we have will be shredded as well.
The homeless pay the price
Homeless and mental health services in the US are being cut back as cities, counties and states run out of cash.
There Ain't Gonna Be No Revolution
By Joe Bageant
As I see it, there is no "will of the people" mandate. H..., the people want more cable channels, fried chicken buckets and someone to tell them there really is a free lunch.
From Information Clearing House
Will a second American Revolution be French?
by Wendy McElroy
America has become a society of elites. Specifically, those in the political class who enjoy an endless economic bounty that comes from the sweat and blood of taxpayers. At the pinnacle are politicians with rich salaries, plush expense accounts (not counting bribes), platinum pensions and health insurance, etc. Then there are the millions of civil servants who are paid considerably more than their private-sector counterparts, who have greater job security due to unions, and who enjoy a pension plan that others can only dream about. The devouring appetite of these elites is fed by the ever-increasing taxes, fees and other money-grabs from the private, productive sector of society. As the level of theft increases, more productive people are being driven in poverty, homelessness and a despair that could easily turn into rage. Last night I was reading about the conditions in 18th century, pre-Revolutionary France. (Specifically, I was reading about the Physiocrats who were precursors to libertarianism.) The parallels to the U.S. did not escape my notice...
The unanswered question
In These Times
by Susan J. Douglas
Helen Thomas’ pointed, and deceptively courageous question, ‘Why do they want to do us harm?’ obviously begs the bigger question: ‘Why do we not know why they want to do us harm?’ Of course, as the many contributions in this issue demonstrate, there certainly are people who know full well, or certainly suspect, why the United States is in the crosshairs of various aggrieved groups. But the mainstream media — beleaguered by budget cuts that have especially slashed international news, much too complicit with news management by political elites, hamstrung by news routines that favor fleeting attention to isolated events over broader historical or political context, and incessantly pressured by forces on the right — have played a central role in keeping people in the dark...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp