Mittwoch, 28. März 2007

Stars keep up pressure on phone mast company

28 March 2007

ACTORS Neil Morissey, Joe McGann and Cliff Parisi are pictured (left to right) with Lynne Featherstone MP

THE fight isn't over yet - that is the message from TV stars, residents and Lynne Featherstone MP to a mobile phone company wanting to erect a mast outside their homes.

Residents of five roads in Stroud Green - including actors Neil Morissey, Joe McGann and Cliff Parisi - have united and won the backing of the Hornsey and Wood Green MP against Hutchison 3G's plans to install a 13.5 metre-tall mobile phone mast on a covered reservoir in Mount View Road.

Although Hutchison 3G recently won its appeal to overturn Haringey Council's rejection of the mast and base station, residents remain against it.

At a demonstration by the proposed site on Sunday, residents from Mount View Road, Womersley Road, Ferme Park Road, Ossian Road and Mount Pleasant Villas were joined by Ms Featherstone to show their solidarity.

Robin Derham, co-ordinator of the Mount View and Womersley Roads Neighbourhood Group, said: "These masts are being foisted on communities against their wishes, and the 'precautionary approach' to their location - advocated in the Stewart Report - is simply not being observed.

"The whole process appears to be weighted against us, and the only chance of overturning the decision is by judicial review, which can be a cripplingly expensive gamble.

"Ordinary people should not have to suffer the burden of costs to defend the air around them."

A 250-signature petition has been gathered against the mast, which would sit in a conservation area if built, just 20 metres from the nearest homes and 200 metres from St Peter In Chains RC Primary School.

Ms Featherstone added: "Until we are 100 per cent certain of the effects on people's health, I fully support a precautionary approach. Masts should not be built within feet of people's bedrooms as will be the case here. The mast will also spoil one of Haringey's best views over the city.

"The fact that residents are being forced to launch an expensive court action shows yet again how unfair our planning system is for the people who will be most affected by new developments. It is a real case of David versus Goliath and developers cannot be allowed to get away with this."

As the mast has already been given Government approval through the planning inspector, it could be erected at any time.

Copyright © 2007 Archant Regional Limited. All rights reserved.

Datenschutzbeauftragter Dix beklagt zunehmende Überwachung

Der Berliner Datenschutzbeauftragte Alexander Dix beklagt eine zunehmende Überwachungstendenz in Deutschland. Dix warnte vor einer "Überwachungs- und Präventionsgesellschaft", die Wirklichkeit werden könnte, falls nicht energisch gegengesteuert werde. Zugleich rügte er am Mittwoch bei der Vorstellung seines Jahresberichts 2006 zahlreiche Verstöße gegen Datenschutzbestimmungen auf Landes-, Bundes- und EU-Ebene.

Next-up News n°218

The Cunningham Scandal: A White House Link?

David Corn writes: "In that note to Joshua Bolten, President Bush's chief of staff, Waxman requested information about a $140,000 contract the White House awarded in July 2002 to MZM, Inc. This was Mitchell Wade's company. What's intriguing about the contract Wade received from the White House is that its amount equals the exact price Wade paid in August 2002 to buy the Duke-Stir, the yacht Republican Representative Randy 'Duke' Cunningham lived (and partied) on in Washington. This raises the intriguing possibility that Wade that summer needed money to buy Cunningham the yacht and - presto - a White House contract materialized."

Opposition to the War Growing Among Troops

Last week, a convoy of approximately 20 veterans riding in converted school buses left Fayetteville, North Carolina. They were sponsored by Veterans for Peace, armed with literature and headed for New Orleans, where they are spending this week rebuilding houses in the Ninth Ward. On the way, the group stopped at military bases throughout the South. Their goal? To pass out copies of the Appeal for Redress, GI rights information and copies of the videos "Ground Truth" and "Sir! No Sir!"

Abramoff Emails Raise New Questions in Attorney Firings

Matt Renner reports that a Congressional probe into the dismissals of eight US attorneys last year has raised new questions about the role that disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff played in the 2003 demotion of Frederick Black, the former US attorney in Guam. At issue is whether a report compiled by the Department of Justice’s inspector general took into account the fact that White House officials had been using email accounts maintained by the Republican National Committee before concluding that Black was not demoted for political reasons.

Ein Bericht der Royal Academy of Engineering warnt vor der Überwachungsgesellschaft

Datenerfassung ohne Identifizierung

Ein Bericht der Royal Academy of Engineering warnt vor der Überwachungsgesellschaft und fordert die Entwicklung von Datenschutztechniken, die in Produkte und Dienste integriert werden müssen.

Take Appropriate RFID Precautions


RFID and the End of Privacy

Funding Failure Is Not An Option

President Bush again misframes the Iraq war debate. It's about the bases, not "funds for our troops."

Whose Election Fraud?

by Barbara Burt and Jonah Goldman,

U.S. attorney scandal? Just one battle in the Republican campaign to disenfranchise traditionally Democratic voters.

A License To Commit Fraud

by Isaiah J. Poole,

In an Enron ruling, conservative judges close a door to defrauded investors.

Netzwerk der Macht - Bertelsmann: Der medial-politische Komplex aus Gütersloh


Schattenkabinett aus Gütersloh

„Die Bertelsmann-Stiftung wurde 1977 von Reinhard Mohn gegründet. Heute ist sie der mit Abstand einflussreichste Politikberater im Land. Und da sie offiziell als „gemeinnützig“ agiert auch gleich ganz oder teilweise von Steuerzahlungen befreit. Das ist kein unbedeutendes, sondern wichtiges Detail, denn während es bspw. in den USA untersagt ist, dass eine steuerbegünstigte Stiftung mehr als 20 Prozent der Anteile eines Unternehmens hält, hält die Bertelsmann-Stiftung bereits 76 Prozent der Anteile der Bertelsmann AG, einem der bedeutendsten Medien- und Dienstleistungsriesen weltweit – und spart somit – ganz im Sinne ihres Stifters – einen Großteil der Steuern für die jährlich etwa 18 Milliarden Euro Bertelsmann'schen Konzernumsatz ein. Das uneingeschränkte Stimmrecht in Sachen des Konzerns liegt dabei nicht etwa bei der Stiftung, sondern bei den Mitgliedern der Familie Mohn, die ebenso in der Stiftung selbst themensetzend und tonangebend sind…“ Artikel von Jens Wernicke vom Mai 2007

Aus: LabourNet, 31. Mai 2007


Schattenkabinett aus Gütersloh

Das Rezept der allgegenwärtigen gemeinnützigen Stiftung ist stets das Gleiche: Die Gesellschaft soll wie ein Unternehmen geführt werden.


Wie der Bertelsmann-Konzern sein «Netzwerk der Macht» errichtet

Cloonlyon residents protest against proposed mast

by Brenda Carney

Residents from Cloonlyon held a demonstration outside the offices of Galway County Council on Monday in protest against a proposal to build an 02 phone mast in the area.

Residents from Ballygar say the visual impact of the 36-metre phone mast will be incredible.

Cloonlyon resident Majella Grogan said the mast would be 210 metres from her back door. British guidelines stipulated that a phone mast should be at least 500 metres away from a dwelling, she claimed.

"It's too near our house and it's too big," said Ms Grogan. "No conclusive research by an independent body has gone into looking at the effects of having a phone mast so close by. Any studies done before have been funded by telecommunications companies," she claimed.

However, a spokesperson for 02 said that 02 endeavoured to minimise the environmental impact and visibility of its mobile infrastructures. 02 also complied with all Irish and EU health and safety legislation and all relevant industry health and safety standards. Health and safety issues were of prime importance to 02 Ireland, which was conscious of its responsibility to customers and the general public, they said.

02 Ireland said its nationwide network of base stations "adhere to the strictest of standards set by the International Commission for Non-ionising Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) and supported by the World Health Organisation.

"The communications regulator, ComReg, also audits 02 base stations to ensure full compliance with international standards and guidelines. Independent analysis from ComReg has shown that 02 sites operate thousands of times below safety standards set by the ICNIRP."

Omega read "Base Stations, operating within strict national and international Guidelines, do not present a Health Risk?" under: and
"Competing interests, conflicts of interest: Who's funding WHO?"under:

Galway County Councillor Tom Reilly gave his full backing to the protestors, saying he fully supported the plight to have the mast relocated. He called on Galway County Council not to grant permission on the basis of the submissions made by the Cloonlyon group.

"02 should think seriously about health not money. There is a serious visual impact on this community," said the councillor.

A petition with over 850 signatures was handed into the council and a decision is expected to be made in relation to either granting or refusing permission to 02 in the coming weeks.

WLAN-Internet über hunderte von Kilometern

Fury over plan for second mobile phone mast in York street

By Richard Harris

Amanda Hodgson and Terry Smith stand by the existing mobile phone in Melrosegate

HEALTH fears have been raised over plans for a second telephone mast in a York street.

Mobile phone company 3 has applied to erect the 12.5m high mast in Melrosegate, Heworth, near St Aelred's RC Church.

The first mast, which belongs to T Mobile, was installed in November 2005 and one resident has said that another mast in the street would be "beyond a joke".

Amanda Hodgson, who lives on the corner of Fifth Avenue and Melrosegate, objected about the first mast but to no avail.

She said: "Even though we said we didn't want it they still put it up. Now they have said they want a second one on the corner by the church. It's directly opposite our house and we're concerned about it. Firstly it's right outside where all the kids are and it's even closer to the children in the houses."

Mrs Hodgson admitted there was no evidence that phone masts are dangerous to people's health, but said that situation may well have changed in ten years, by which time the damage would have been done.

Omega: phone masts are dangerous to people's health. See under:

In addition to the health fears she says the mast would be "aesthetically disgusting" and, although she has no plans to sell her home, would affect house prices in the street.

Mrs Hodgson is being supported by local hairdresser Terry Smith, who is a council candidate for the Conservatives at the next election.

He said: "I would like to see evidence that they are safe and I feel that local residents are right to express their concerns about this mast."

A spokesman for 3 said: "In reply to concerns voiced by residents, the proposal is for a slimline pole type antenna base station with a small transmission dish that will blend with the existing street furniture. Health concerns can be addressed by a recent World Health Organisation fact sheetconcluding that there is no convincing scientific evidence that the weak RF signals from base stationscause adverse health effects."

Omega this is not true. See under:

© Copyright 2001-2007 Newsquest Media Group

Torturers 'must pay victims' - UN

States that commit acts of torture should be forced to pay for victims' rehabilitation, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture Manfred Nowak has said.

From Information Clearing House

Saudi king slams “illegitimate Iraq occupation”

Saudi King Abdullah, whose country is a close US ally, on Wednesday slammed the “illegitimate foreign occupation” of Iraq in an opening speech to the annual Arab summit in Riyadh.

From Information Clearing House

Brits in the Gulf-Jingoists beware

Despite Tony Blair’s adamant denial that the 15 British sailors and marines captured by the Iranians were intruding in Iranian waters, Commodore Nick Lambert, who headed the naval task force, was by no means as categorical.

From Information Clearing House

General McCaffrey paints grim picture of Iraq: US Military in "Strategic Peril"

Retired general paints grim picture of Iraq

An influential retired Army general has released a dire assessment of the situation in Iraq, based on a recent round of meetings there with Gen. David Petraeus and 16 other senior U.S. commanders.,0,3363150.story?coll=ny-nationalnews-print

From Information Clearing House


General McCaffrey Says US Military in "Strategic Peril"

An influential retired Army general released a dire assessment of the situation in Iraq, based on a recent round of meetings there with Gen. David H. Petraeus, and 16 other senior US commanders. "The population is in despair," retired Gen. Barry McCaffrey wrote in an eight-page document compiled in his capacity as a professor at West Point. "Life in many of the urban areas is now desperate." McCaffrey says that the US military is in "strategic peril."


US Armed Forces are in a position of strategic peril

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

To Russia with Realism

The White House senselessly risks a new Cold War.

By Anatol Lieven

As if the U.S. did not have enough on its plate, the latest strongly anti-American statements of President Vladimir Putin and other Russian officials suggest the possibility of a new Cold War with Russia.

A Monstrous War Crime

By Richard Horton

With more than 650,000 civilians dead in Iraq, our government must take responsibility for its lies.

Action Alert: Fax US House Admin Cmte Leaders by early Thursday A.M.

The House Administration (full committee) is planning to markup Rep. Holt's Voter Confidence and Increased Accessibility Act of 2007 (HR.
811) on Thursday, March 29 th at 10am. Any letters in support (no!) of or opposition (yes!) to this bill should be addressed to House Administration and faxed to them today or tomorrow so they can be inserted in the Record. The fax numbers for the committee are listed below. The letters can be the same letters you have been sending to your Congressional delegation, simply readdressed to Chairwoman Millender-McDonald and Ranking Member Ehlers.

Members of the Committee on House Administration

Democrats – Fax Number 202-225-7664 Republicans – Fax Number – 202-225-9957

Rep. Juanita Millender-McDonald, CA-37, Chairwoman
Rep. Robert A. Brady, D PA-1st
Rep. Zoe Lofgren, D CA-16th
Rep. Mike Capuano, D MA-8
Rep. Charles Gonzalez, D TX-20
Rep. Susan Davis, D CA-53
Rep. Vernon Ehlers, R MI-3,
Ranking Member
Rep. Dan Lungren, R CA-3
Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R CA-22

Please fax both the Democratic and Republican House Admin. Cmte a short statement or here is the letter I drafted, which you may borrow and revise if you would like.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Dear House Administration Committee Members:

I write this letter in opposition to the passage of HR811 or HR1381. Problems with HR811 and HR1381 which would need amending include:

1. Unreasonable Time Frames for Software Disclosure & Text Verification Technology Implementation: If voting system software were fully publicly disclosed (with no exemption for commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software), voting equipment would be more secure, reliable, have longer life cycles, and be less costly. However, HR811 and HR1381 allocate:

* Insufficient time to develop standards and testing procedures, to develop new voting systems, and to purchase and implement new voting systems for text verification for voters with disabilities.

* Insufficient time to develop standards and testing procedures, develop new verification and testing infrastructure, purchase and implement new voting systems with publicly disclosed software

2. Insufficient Budgets:

* Budget for nationwide audits with 99% minimum success rates would be approximately $8 Million per federal election (for HR811/HR1381 audits with their 10% success rates cost would be $14 Million/election)

* Budget to immediately replace all in-auditable Paperless DRE machines with 44,000 optical scanners and 67,000 ballot marking devices (BMDs) for voters with disabilities and alternate language requirements would be $555 Million (HR811/HR1381 costs to replace all DREs without durable paper that protects ballot privacy with 74,000 optical scanners and 124,000 BMDs would be $990 Million)

* HR811/HR1381 budgets nothing for the ongoing infrastructure and technical manpower that would be required to verify that the publicly disclosed software is the same as that actually used during elections.

3. Audits are Ineffective, Administratively Burdensome, and Costly

* When tested against actual 2002 and 2004 election results, the HR811/HR1381 election audits have minimum success rates of 10% but cost up to 94% more and are more administratively burdensome than a
99% success rate audit.

4. Strengthens the role of the US Election Assistance Commission
(EAC): HR811 and HR1381 consolidate and strengthen power in the executive branch of government in an agency that is currently run by former board members of The Election Center. The Election Center was co-founded by Doug Lewis, a used computer vendor and Doug Wilkey, the current EAC Director, in order to bring election officials together with suppliers of election products. The current executive director Wilkey and the current chair of the EAC, Davidson, were board members of The Election Center, and became NASED officers when The Election Center incubated NASED; and now they control the EAC. Wilkey, Lewis, and Davidson were largely responsible for the control, selection and oversight of the voting machine test labs and the certification of voting machines; and have resisted measures to subject election results to independent scrutiny. According to GAO reports, the EAC has not accomplished any of the functions it was assigned by Congress. It would be dangerous to our form of government to cede so much power over elections to the federal executive branch.

5. HR811 does not provide for meaningful Citizen Oversight over elections via access to election records, and HR1381 does not budget for the equipment that is needed by election officials to make election records publicly available. (up to $30 Million to provide special scanners to each jurisdiction that could easily scan all election records to make electronic and paper copies)

6. HR811 permits network connections to election management systems, allowing remote manipulation of election results. Network connections are unnecessary for either upgrading systems or for uploading election results. These tasks can be accomplished using removable write-once physical media.

7. HR811 has a loophole that allows states which declare "recounts" to avoid having their election results subjected to any independent audits, despite the facts that

* most state recount procedures are not independent; and

* many state "recount" procedures involve merely rerunning electronic tallies and involve no manual audits; and

* many state "recount" procedures involve manual audits that are insufficient; and

* some states "recounts" involve manual audits but do not compare the manual counts with the electronic tallies used on the central tabulator, which are kept secret from the public and even from candidates.

Instead of passing HR811 or HR1381, we recommend splitting current election reform legislation into several separate bills which each address fewer topics and which have more reasonable time frames, enforceable requirements, provisions for citizen oversight, respects states' rights and allows states more flexibility, provides sufficient funding to cover its requirements, and is more cost-efficient and effective than current election reform proposals, as outlined in this "One-Page Concept Proposal for Federal Election Reform Legislation" available online here:

Dozens of persons contributed to writing the "One-Page Concept Proposal for Federal Election Reform Legislation" over many months of discussion, after dedicating themselves for years to bringing verifiable integrity to U.S. elections. Recent revisions were based on input from state and county election officials including Bruce Funk, former (23 year) chief election official of Emery County, Utah; and revisions were made by Nancy Tobi, Co-founder and Chair of Democracy for New Hampshire; by Bev Harris, Director of Black Box Voting; and by Phil Fry, Citizens Alliance for Secure Elections (CASE), Ohio.

Any help that you can be in getting this election reform legislation sponsored in time for independent verification of election integrity to be in effect by November 2008 would be greatly appreciated.


Kathy Dopp

Immigration Policy Should Protect Human Rights

"A rational immigration policy should end trade and investment policies abroad that produce poverty and displace people. In the US, immigration policy should emphasize rights and equality, and protect all families and communities - of immigrants and native-born alike. Using immigration raids instead as a pressure tactic to get Congress to approve guest worker programs is not a legitimate use of enforcement. It undermines the family and community values for which this country stands," writes David Bacon.

US Launches Show of Force in Persian Gulf

American warplanes screamed off two aircraft carriers Tuesday as the Navy staged its largest show of force in the Persian Gulf since the 2003 invasion of Iraq, launching a mammoth exercise meant as a message to the Iranians.

FBI Agent Told to Keep Quiet Over Attorney Firings

An FBI agent was warned to keep quiet about the dismissal of a US attorney after he told a newspaper her firing would hurt the agency's ongoing investigations, and speculated politics were involved.

Dems: Bush Must Accept Iraq Timetable

Congressional Democrats are showing no signs of backing down on their rebuke of the Iraq war, insisting that President Bush will have to accept some sort of legislative timetable in exchange for the billions of dollars needed to fund the war.

Close to Million Displaced and Desperate in Southern Iraq

Nearly a million displaced people in Iraq's increasingly volatile southern provinces are in urgent need of food, medicines and municipal services, local officials and NGOs say. Aid workers have called on international humanitarian organizations and the central government to provide more assistance to the growing numbers of displaced in the south of the country.

The “war on drugs” is really a war on minorities

by Arianna Huffington


There is a subject being forgotten in the 2008 Democratic race for the White House. While all the major candidates are vying for the black and Latino vote, they are completely ignoring one of the most pressing issues affecting those constituencies: the failed ‘war on drugs’ — a war that has morphed into a war on people of color...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Sleepwalking to the end of the world

The Power of Narrative
by Arthur Silber


The open secret about the Iraq occupation is that the Democrats could end it in a matter of months if they chose to, as Feingold, Kucinich and one or two others have made absolutely clear. Instead, and please let us state the critical fact accurately, the Democrats have chosen to fund the continuation of the Iraq occupation for the indefinite future...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

How Bush helped the GOP commit suicide

by Gary Kamiya


Democrats should give two cheers for George W. Bush. He and his political mastermind, Karl Rove, dreamed of achieving a permanent Republican majority. Instead, his disastrous presidency has dealt a devastating blow to the GOP, one from which it may not recover for many years. That’s the inescapable import of a major study of American voters’ values and attitudes by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press, released March 22. The study finds that voters have turned dramatically away from the GOP since Bush took office. Iraq, of course, is the single biggest reason for this...

On ending war

by Monica Benderman

The Veterans For Peace were well received in Hinesville. Soldiers and their families continue to speak of the event and the information they received about the Appeal for Redress. The community of Hinesville understands the need, but they also understand the need for so much more. My husband went to prison as a result of his public protest of this war and the lack of support the soldiers were receiving. He spent over a year in prison yet continued to speak of the need for a legal remedy for soldiers to have the right to speak about their concerns regarding this war. The Appeal for Redress does just that. We hope many will support it so that soldiers do not have to face what my husband faced simply for telling the truth.”

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Protest China's Barbaric Killing Of Pet Dogs

From Adriana R.

URGENT!!!! - ACT QUICKLY!!!!!!! Make haste. In just a few days China will be conducting a mass murder of all pet dogs. Please sign both petitions. Let your voice be heard. These animals can not speak for themselves. We must be their voices. Please sign and forward far and wide. We have just a short time to try to help save the lives of these innocent pet dogs.

* China's Champaign to Kill All Pet Dogs

* Protest China's Barbaric Killing Of Pet Dogs

The Dirty Secret about Clean Cars

Informant: binstock

Families win pub phone mast battle

28 March 2007 09:23

Families, pensioners and bikers who fought a campaign to stop a mobile phone mast from being installed near their homes are celebrating after the plans were rejected by Norwich City Council.

T-Mobile had submitted plans to build the mast in Aylsham Road next to popular bikers' pub the King Edward VII pub.

But the mast would also have been near homes, sheltered housing at Edmund Bacon Court and the Royal British Legion's branch headquarters, and just across the road from the Aylsham Road Motor Company which is being turned into flats by the end of the year. More than 600 people signed a petition against the mast.

A spokesman for T-Mobile had said the mast was needed to provide a quality service and would comply with stringent guidelines.

But Norwich City Council's planners, acting under delegated authority, decided to reject the mast - to the delight of the campaigners.

Vicki Smith, 34, landlord of the King Edward VII pub, who had said the mast would be out of keeping with the area and would endanger the safety of motorists and bikers trying to leave pub's car park, was delighted with the outcome.

She said: "I am really pleased. We have had tremendous support and I would like to thank everyone for getting involved in the campaign."

Steve Morphew, Norwich City Council leader, said: "It was a really good campaign, where all parts of the community came together."

Through our Put Masts On Hold campaign The Evening News has campaigned against the installation of mobile phone masts near homes and schools until it is proved they are safe.

Are you fighting a mobile phone mast application where you live? Telephone Evening News reporter Dan Grimmer on 01603 772375 or email dan.grimmer

Copyright © 2007 Archant Regional. All rights reserved.

George W. Bush Must Be Impeached

Demand that Articles of Impeachment be introduced!

(excerpt) March 17, 2007 has come and gone. Despite two days of cold torrential rain followed by snow and cutting arctic winds, tens of thousands of people passionately committed to right the grievous wrongs of the Bush Administration, marched on the Pentagon to demand the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq and the impeachment of President Bush and other U.S. officials chiefly responsible for U.S. crimes of the past six years. Five days later, the House of Representatives by the narrow margin of 218 to 212 voted to compel withdrawal of U.S. combat forces from Iraq by September 2008.

The bill itself is terribly inadequate and has no chance of becoming law over George Bush's veto. But before the mid-term elections in 2006 and for several months thereafter, the House did not have the will to seek, or pass even so weak a bill. Hundreds of demonstrations, large and small, all over the country calling for impeachment, nearly 900,000 Votes To Impeach at, and the sheer undeniable pity of Congress's failure to assert its constitutional powers have taken us this far.

The passion of the marchers on the Pentagon representing hundreds of united organizations and tens of thousands of individuals was palpable and contributed significantly to the turning point we have reached. Action now can hold the Congressional votes calling for withdrawal and add many more in support of a much earlier and complete withdraw, and for impeachment.

We must press on with renewed energy, commitment, unity and focus to Bring Our Troops Home Now, to proceed to impeachment and to bring about a desperately needed social agenda that is good for children everywhere.

We have seen that the Congress can be moved. Chance, which, as Herman Melville said in Moby Dick, has with necessity and free will "the last featuring blow at events," is with us. The Bush Administration is reeling from its own wrongdoing. The horror its war of aggression has wreaked on the people of Iraq must trouble the sleep of every sentient American. The Surge is only adding to the death and destruction. The tide is turning in Afghanistan because human nature resists foreign occupation. Pakistan is rebelling because human nature resists foreign-supported military dictatorship. Cuba, Iraq, Iran, Korea, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and many others nations are resisting because nations, like people, were not born to be forced.

The Bush Administration's assault on human dignity at Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo, demeaning the Geneva Conventions and Habeas Corpus; invading the privacy of any American it chooses; corrupting the rule of law in the Department of Justice, in politicizing prosecutions; the four key resignations including a Presidential appointee in the Department of Justice within a month (with potentially more to come); and the criminal convictions of high civil officers, Scooter Libby, Chief of Staff to the Vice President, Steven Griles, Deputy Secretary of the Department of the Interior -- these reveal a need for affirmative action for peace and processing impeachment.

We must try now to achieve a fundamental shift toward peace, justice and freedom including the end of poverty, which can be done despite the policies of the Bush Administration, which have enriched the rich while spreading poverty.

Our focus must be on Congress, and the priorities of withdrawal from Iraq and impeachment now.

Everyone should write his or her own Representative, Senators and Congressional leadership. Tell them the vote for partial withdrawal, in a year and a half prolongs crime, spreads suffering and creates more enemies for the U.S. everywhere.

Urge votes for complete withdrawal, reparation and impeachment now by clicking on this link.

Identify House members and Senators in your state who may vote for withdrawal or impeachment and organize constituents to persuade them to do so.

In addition to individual action, everyone should consider the feasibility of organizing or joining groups within their own neighborhood, town, city, county and state and reach out to others and enlist as many as possible to demand troop withdrawal and impeachment.

Woodrow Wilson once observed that the highest and best form of efficiency is the spontaneous cooperation of a free people.

Having watched Iranians organize and take to the streets without violence to force the flight of a seemingly all powerful Shah in the late 1970's and the heroic people of the Philippines drive Marcos from power in 1986 with their voices, bodies and votes, I believe the power to prevail is in the people. The questions is one of will, commitment and perseverance.

In the coming weeks we will be engaged in a full mobilization using a variety of ways to build this movement. The impeachment movement will carry out a massive letter writing to Congress, newspaper ads, local and regional demonstrations, city council resolutions, and people's impeachment hearings. With your continued support we can make this happen.

Ramsey Clark
March 27, 2007

The legal basis for impeachment

Dollar edges lower as confidence, housing weigh

The consumer confidence report followed Monday's unexpected fall in U.S. new-home sales data, which underscored concerns the housing sector has yet to stabilize.

From Information Clearing House

Rumsfeld "Deserted His Post" On Morning Of 9/11

From Information Clearing House

Impeachment Threat Is Real: The Case Against George W. Bush

Impeachment Threat Is Real

Growing Scandals And Abuses Force Impeachment Into Discussion

The Case Against George W. Bush

With prominent Republican Senators speaking out against a scandal-plagued White House, talk of impeachment has moved from the margins to the mainstream. That may seem politically far-fetched, but in fact, there is a strong case to be made.

From Information Clearing House

David Hicks: Guilt by Incarceration

Any normal Australian, facing a system weighted so heavily against them and broken by five years of unimaginable privation, is likely to have signed a document that would get them out of Guantanamo – regardless of their guilt or innocence.

Hick's father says plea was part of deal

Terry Hicks, told Australian Broadcasting Corp. radio on Tuesday he believed his son had pleaded guilty as part of a bargain with prosecutors that would get him out of the Guantanamo prison: "It's a way to get home, and he's told us he just wants to get home."

From Information Clearing House

Iran presses oil customers to pay in currencies other than dollars

Iran is pressuring its oil customers to start paying in currencies other than U.S. dollars and many have begun to comply, oil executives here say.

From Information Clearing House

Moscow warns U.S. Iran policy may spark "clash of civilizations"

Moscow urges the United States to avoid escalating tensions around Iran over its nuclear program as it could lead to a "clash of civilizations," the Foreign Ministry said Tuesday.

From Information Clearing House

Russia Warns US Against Attacking Iran In Strategy Paper

Russia's Foreign Ministry Tuesday sharply criticized the U.S. for what it called over-reliance on force and warned Washington against military action against Iran.\ACQDJON200703270958DOWJONESDJONLINE000376.htm&selected=9999&selecteddisplaysymbol=9999&StoryTargetFrame=_top&mkt=WORLD&chk=unchecked&lang=&link=&headlinereturnpage=

From Information Clearing House

Russian intelligence sees U.S. military buildup on Iran border

Russian military intelligence services are reporting a flurry of activity by U.S. Armed Forces near Iran's borders, a high-ranking security source said Tuesday.

From Information Clearing House

U.S. launches huge show of force in Persian Gulf

The U.S. Navy today began its largest demonstration of force in the Persian Gulf since the 2003 invasion of Iraq, led by a pair of aircraft carriers and backed by warplanes flying simulated attack maneuvers off the coast of Iran.

From Information Clearing House

UAE will not be used in any Iran strike -president

"We have informed the Iranian brothers ... that we are not party to its conflict with the United States and will not allow our territories to be used for any military, security or spy activities against it."

From Information Clearing House

U.S. Adults Reject Attacking Iran Over Iraq Bombs

Many adults in the United States believe their country should not become involved in a military conflict with Iran, according to a poll by Harris Interactive. 50 per cent of respondents are opposed to bombing Iran if it is proven that the Islamic country is helping the Shiites in Iraq.

From Information Clearing House

USA & Allies Stoking Shia-Sunni Divide

The policy of divide and rule is as old as the Roman empire – a constant guide to the Christian West and implemented ruthlessly during its colonial onslaught on the rest of the world.

From Information Clearing House

Iraq’s break-up will lead to ‘100 Years War’

From Information Clearing House

Children's slaughter sparks Baghdad bloodlust

"Eight of the kids already fell on the ground. The guys kept shooting, they just wanted to make sure everyone was dead.",5942,21452353,00.html

From Information Clearing House

Top official is refusing to answer any congressional questions about the US attorneys scandal

By David Michael Green

This top official in the Justice Department, who serves as its liaison to the White House, is now refusing to answer any congressional questions about the US attorneys scandal. You know, the one in which George and Dick and Karl and Alberto have been hiring and firing federal prosecutors based on their willingness to politicize the legal system.

Honor the Promises Made to Your Veterans

Surviving At The Pleasure Of The President

By Sheila Samples

Blackwater is in place to become this nation's shadow police force and is its current shadow army. Go back to the "dry run" of Katrina and take a look at the heavily armed force that laid seige to New Orleans, that sped through the streets rounding up hurricane victims, packing them into a "detention" arena where they were forced to stay for days without food or water or assistance.

9/11 and the Evidence

By Paul Craig Roberts

The 9/11 attack has been used to start wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, to plan an attack on Iran, to curtail constitutional protections and civil liberties in the US, to radically expand US military budgets and the power of the executive, and to enrich entrenched vested interests.

FBI Turns Citizen Into a Secret Informer

Washington Post

It no doubt surprised most Americans to learn that between 2003 and 2005, the FBI issued more than 140,000 specific demands under this provision -- demands issued without a showing of probable cause or prior judicial approval -- to obtain potentially sensitive information about U.S. citizens and residents. It did not, however, come as any surprise to me.

EPA Moves to Deregulate Hazardous Waste

More than a half-million tons of hazardous waste annually could escape federal environmental regulations under a new proposal from the US Environmental Protection Agency.

Gonzales's Allies Are Scarce

Despite President Bush's unwavering public support for Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, the White House is doing little privately to lobby Republican senators to get behind the embattled Justice Department chief, according to senior Senate sources. In fact, Senate Republicans said Monday that the administration essentially has been absent when it comes to courting defenders for the attorney general, who has been under fire for the controversial dismissal of eight US attorneys.

Broad White House Efforts to Stifle Climate Research

Bush administration officials throughout the government have engaged in White House-directed efforts to stifle, delay or dampen the release of climate change research that casts the White House or its policies in a bad light, says a new report that purports to be the most comprehensive assessment to date of the subject.

Kampagne gegen Klimaschutz: Süddeutsche und Welt ziehen mit

Der gläserne Handy-User

„Big Brother“ am Arbeitsplatz

Mercury in energy-saving bulbs worries scientists - Low-energy bulb disposal warning


Low-energy bulb disposal warning

There's a short piece on the front cover of Today's Daily Telegraph (Sat 5th) which quotes someone as saying that up to 340,000 people in the UK could suffer from Eczema and skin cancer from the new energy saving bulbs.

Good the news is getting out and in plenty of time.

Haven't checked the other papers but imagine there is more coverage.

Maybe we could use this exposure (no pun int) to point up the health links from microwaves?

What never ceases to amaze me is how none of these reporters ever ask "If these devices can do this to God knows how many people, what are they doing to the rest of us?"

Gary wrote:

BBC, 5/1/08

Low-energy bulb disposal warning

Energy-saving light bulb

Low-energy bulbs contain a small amount of mercury...

Low-energy bulbs 'worsen rashes'


Low-energy light bulb Energy saving bulbs could reduce carbon dioxide emissions The switch to energy-saving light bulbs may put thousands at risk of painful skin reactions, health charities warn...

Low-energy bulbs 'cause migraine'



Low-energy bulbs

The lighting industry says that the latest bulbs do not flicker Energy-saving light bulbs could trigger migraines, say campaigners...

Low-energy bulbs 'could cause skin cancer'

STEUEROASEN: Heimliche Paradiese,2828,472760,00.html


New Bush Plan To Gut Endangered Species Act



The Center for Biological Diversity and Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility have exposed a secret plan by the Bush administration plan to gut the Endangered Species Act from top to bottom. The leaked Bush plan made headlines across the country last including National Public Radio, MSNBC, ABC, and Reuters, prompting editorial denouncements by Newsday, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, New York Times, and the Arizona Republic.

See the Center’s detailed analysis of how the draft plan would cripple the Endangered Species Act.


The Center for Biological Diversity’s campaign to have Julie MacDonald fired for abusing and overruling federal scientists trying to protect endangered species took a big step forward last week. The political appointee’s reign of terror over the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will surely end in the wake of an Inspector General report concluding that the administration’s “attack dog” bullied federal scientists, altered scientific analyses, shared confidential government documents with industry lawyers and lobbyists, and even sent government documents to her internet fantasy role-playing partner.

The federal investigation was launched in response to complaints from anonymous federal biologists, an expose by the Washington Post, and calls by the Center for Biological Diversity and other groups to investigate and oust MacDonald. In response to the new report, the Washington Post has also called on MacDonald to resign.

For more information on MacDonald’s antics and the Center’s efforts to stop her, see Endangered Earth #373 (11-02-06), #377 (12-14-06), and #378 (12-22-06):

The Corporate Crime of Selling Private Health Insurance

Past Due: Constructive National Self-Examination

No Special Rights

James Madison: "Impeach Bush Over Purgegate!"

Republican Sees Iraq Pullout Passing then Vetoed

Cheney Speech at BYU Causes Outcry

Global Warming Study Warns of Vanishing Climates


More CO2 Will Shift Climate Zones

Global warming could remake the world's climate zones by 2100, with some polar and mountain climates disappearing altogether and formerly unknown ones emerging in the tropics. Such changes would endanger some plants and animals while providing new opportunities for others, said John Williams.

Keep Wyoming Wildlife Safe!

Big Brother surveillance means no one is safe, experts warn

Who won the 'war on terror'?

Informant: Useful I.

AMNESTY WIRELESS: when telephoning doing something good?

AMNESTY WIRELESS: Beim Telefonieren Gutes tun?,1518,473539,00.html

Amnesty International bringt eigenes MF-Paket


Mobilfunk und Menschenrechte

Die amerikanische Mobilfunkindustrie auf der Anklagebank

Wissenschaft zu Mobilfunk

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander H. Volger: Mobilfunk und seine Technikfolgen u.a.

Mobilfunk und Gesundheit

Gesundheitsrisiko Mobilfunk

Ärzte und Mobilfunk

Ärzteappelle gegen Mobilfunk

Ärztekammern und Mobilfunk

Handys können Krebs auslösen

Zunahme der Hirntumore bei Handy-Vieltefonierern: Risiko steigt um 39 Prozent

Lösen Handys Krebs aus, Krebs durch Handy-Strahlung?

Handy am Ohr: Hirntumor?

Langzeitstudie aus Dänemark: kein Krebsrisiko durch Handy-Strahlung?

Kein Beweis für ein erhöhtes Risiko durch Handys?

Elektrosmog als Krebsrisiko: Kein Krebsrisiko durch Handy-Strahlung?

Flucht aus Oberammergau: Pfarrer flüchtet vor Handy-Strahlung

Handy-Verbot an Schulen

Does Genetic Engineering Have God's Endorsement?

by Greg Ciola

Since genetic engineering and biotechnology are now impacting our lives in so many ways, isn’t it time that it were examined from a biblical perspective? There is ample evidence from both the Bible and extra-biblical books that shows strong disapproval of genetic engineering...

Großer Erfolg der amerikanischen Friedensbewegung: US-Kongress gegen Irakkrieg

Senate Keeps Pullout Date in Iraq War Bill

The Senate defeated an attempt to erase an American troop withdrawal date from an Iraq spending bill this afternoon after an emotional debate about the powers of the presidency and Congress and the well-being of front-line soldiers.


Be The Participatory DEMOCRACY That Brings Our Troops Home

Tell The Senate To Go FURTHER Than The House In Stopping the Iraq Occupation/War

Call your members of Congress now toll free at 800-828-0498, 800-459-1887 or 800-614-2803.


If there is any good news to come out of the House last week, it is that the headlines read that the Democrats are standing up to Bush, even though they still aren't doing so nearly sufficiently. And for his own part Bush painted himself further into the rapidly shrinking corner with an another angry veto threat. Barbara Lee, the sponsor of a TRUE "end the war" amendment was pragmatic afterwards, recognizing that she might have only gotten 100 votes for her measure, even if that vote had been allowed by Pelosi. Why? The answer is self-evident. They need to hear from MORE of us.

Now as debate shifts to the Senate the difference between how many votes we can get to support a proposed 120 day start for withdrawal, or not, is how many of us will pick up the phone right now, call our senators at one of these toll-free numbers, 800-828-0498, 800-459-1887 or 800-614-2803, and then follow that up with a message in writing. Indeed, we could have had the Lee amendment passed already if only more of us were ringing those phones. Polls show that 90% of Democrats say they want the war to end. But it is not enough to only say it to pollsters. Are 90% or us calling on the phone? Why not? The call is free!

We made OUR calls last week. How about you? Are you calling all of your members of Congress on an ongoing basis, once a week as part of your regular activist routine, to tell them again, and again, that is time to end the horrific madness in Iraq? We know that Bush is not going to stop trying to use his bully pulpit to make a least one statement a week, to try to bully us all in the other direction. Where Harry Truman once said, "The buck stops here," Bush keeps demanding, "Just give me the war bucks."

We can't just hold our breaths waiting for our elected politicians to show "leadership". For the vast majority it's never going to happen without our voices continuously prodding them. In fact, we don't even need any leaders. All we need are REPRESENTATIVES, and we have enough of those right now, who will respond to their constituents' calls, and vote accordingly. But unless we ARE calling, and incessantly, we cannot expect the result to happen on its own.

The aspiring presidential candidates we hear talking on the stump so early, do they actually want to END the Iraq war, or do they just want to CAMPAIGN on ending the war? There's a pretty big difference. For truly, those who are senators have the power this very instant to end the war. They must stand up to Bush NOW, not just let him play defiantly loose cannon for another two years. But they aren't going to really do it without constant pressure from we the people.


And if matters were not urgent enough, while all this is going on there has already been a serious border incident with Iran. 15 British soldiers were captured by the Iranians, after venturing into a DISPUTED border area of open water. Leaving aside the issue of what they thought they were doing in known questionable waters, if they had been American soldiers the bombs might be raining down on Tehran right now, blowing the gates of hell entirely off their hinges in Iraq. We are that dangerously close to total Armageddon.

The wackos in Iran want war because they have evidence from Iraq that they no longer have anything to fear from American military power. The wackos in the White House want war because they are too high on the fumes of their own arrogant belligerence to know better. Only we the people can stop them by bombarding our representatives with our messages, by speaking out now to bring the troops home immediately, if not sooner.

Our military in Iraq has become nothing but a provocation, the greatest obstacle to achieving any kind of political settlement there, and the greatest threat to our own national security. Every day the risk grows of another incident that Bush will try to use as an excuse to unleash whatever dogs of war remain. That's what he wants, his deliberate plan, what he likely sees as his only remaining personal salvation, at the expense of own utter destruction as a country.

Please make your calls and send your emails today. Talk to all your friends and neighbors. Forward them this email. Encourage them to do the same. Our lives and our future depend on the number of messages we can generate every week from now on.

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this message to everyone else you know.

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