Mittwoch, 7. März 2007

Bush's Medicare czar feeds propaganda to the press, but won't answer questions from Congress

E-Voting on Trial in Columbus, Ohio: The Squire Case

The Squire v. Geer case is more than just a mere election challenge lawsuit; the reliability of electronic voting was on trial last week in a small courtroom in Franklin County, Ohio. Voting rights activists see the issues before the court as going to the heart of democracy itself, and whether or not election results obtained through the computerized voting machines can be trusted.

The Wider Shame of Walter Reed

The editors of the New York Times write: "It is impossible not to feel fury at the shameful neglect of wounded soldiers at Walter Reed’s outpatient facilities, just a few miles from an oblivious and neglectful White House. There is plenty of blame to go around. But the fundamental responsibility rests with the president and his former defense secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, who stubbornly insisted on going to war without sufficient resources — and then sought to hide the costs of their disastrous mistakes from the American public."

Fired US Prosecutors Felt Threatened by Republican Lawmakers

Thomas D. Williams reports that four US attorneys testified before Congress Tuesday that they believed they were forced to resign for improper reasons. An email from one of the US attorneys, Arkansas's Bud Cummins, was offered by Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles E. Schumer, D-NY, as potential Congressional evidence of alleged improper warnings of retribution by high Justice Department officials.

Congress Says Prepared to Act in Plame Affair

Aides to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and Congressman John Conyers, D-Mich., chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, said they were engaged in discussions Tuesday about the possibility of holding immediate hearings and subpoenaing Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald to provide details of his nearly four-year-old investigation, and the evidence he obtained regarding the role Vice President Dick Cheney and other White House officials played in the leak of covert CIA operative Valerie Plame Wilson.

Joseph Wilson: Time for Bush/Cheney to Come Clean

Keith Olbermann

In his first live interview since the guilty verdicts in the trial of Lewis "Scooter" Libby, former ambassador Joseph Wilson told Keith Olbermann it's now time for President Bush and Vice President Cheney to be honest with the American public about their roles in the outing of his wife, CIA Operative Valerie Plame.

The Time Is Now To Protect The Rockies

Informant: smileycoyote

Feds test new data mining program

Lawmakers and privacy advocates are concerned that a powerful new data searching tool being tested by the Department of Homeland Security could pose a threat to Americans' privacy as it sifts through mountains of information for patterns that might reveal terrorists.

The War Against the Third World

What I've Learned About U.S. Foreign Policy


CIA covert operations and US military interventions since World War II. A video compilation of footage and speeches recorded in the 1980s.

From Information Clearing House

Washington Is Losing Its Grip on Latin America

"State of Denial" is the title of Bob Woodward's famous book on the Bush team's road to disaster in Iraq, but it would have served just as well for a description of their Latin America policy.

From Information Clearing House

Libby lied, troops died

The Scooter Libby verdict is inextricably linked to Iraq: his lies were an attempt to cover up the disingenuous case for war.

Arianna Huffington: Why the Libby Verdict Is So Damning

Libby was found guilty not just of perjury but of obstructing justice -- obstructing justice in order to encumber the investigation and keep secret the dark, ugly truth about how the White House sought to cover up its lies about Iraq and its efforts to intimidate and silence critics of the administration.

From Information Clearing House

A Barack-star no more

Barack Obama used to inspire nothing but sympathy and affection. But recently he's given pandering a bad name.

From Information Clearing House

Top US Official Warns Arab Businessmen Over Trade With Iran

Stuart Levey, the U.S. undersecretary for terrorism and financial intelligence, said the long arm of U.S. sanctions could come down on Arab companies trading with some government-linked firms in Iran.

From Information Clearing House

Webb bill limits Iran fight: Freshman Sen.

James H. Webb Jr. yesterday introduced legislation to force President Bush to seek congressional authorization before using force against Iran.

From Information Clearing House

Vermont Votes to Impeach Bush/Cheney

When Vermont Governor Jim Douglas, a Republican with reasonably close ties to President Bush, asked if there was any additional business to be considered at the town meeting he was running in Middlebury, Ellen McKay popped up and proposed the impeachment of Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney.

From Information Clearing House

Iraq War Opponents to March in Washington

A coalition of anti-war groups is planning a march on the Pentagon to protest the Iraq war. The March 17th protest will come on the 40th anniversary of a 1967 march on the Pentagon that was a major milestone in the anti-Vietnam War movement. VOA's Bill Rodgers reports.

From Information Clearing House

In the World’s Eyes the US has become Amerika

By Paul Craig Roberts

US casualties (dead and wounded) have now reached 27,000 in a war that was supposed to be a “cakewalk” over in a few weeks. If what four-star general Wesley Clark, former supreme commander of NATO, told Amy Goodman in a March 2 interview is correct, US casualties are yet in their early days.

Seven Countries In Five Years

An interview with General Wesley Clark

“This is a memo that describes how we’re going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran.” I said, “Is it classified?” He said, “Yes, sir.

Audio and transcript

Freilandanbau von genverändertem Reis mit menschlichen Proteinen

In den USA könnte bald das erste kommerzielle Biopharming beginnen, Kritiker warnen vor unkontrollierbarer Ausbreitung.

Bush's Spring Break

by Mark Engler,

A beleaguered Bush takes his show to Latin America, which will not provide many friendly crowds.

Mast Sanity Newsletter Mar 2007

Experts Warn New US Weapon Could Jumpstart Nuclear Arms Race

Last Friday, the Department of Energy announced it was seeking to develop a new hydrogen bomb that would replace the existing W76 warhead now deployed on submarine-launched ballistic missiles. Analysts say the Bush administration's plan would undermine international efforts to control the spread of nuclear arms and would provide justification to those countries currently suspected of trying to build such weapons.

On the Duty to Counter Recruitment

Camillo Mac Bica begins: "Counter recruitment is a strategy for bringing attention to deceptive recruitment practices and to the immorality and illegality of the war in Iraq. Its ultimate goal is to discourage enlistment into the military, primarily through counseling and educating prospective recruits, and by denying recruiters access to our schools and to our children."

When Morality Demands Winter Soldiers

Camillo "Mac" Bica, writing for Truthout, says: "In March of this year, the Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW) will convene the Winter Soldier hearings in Washington, DC. 'Winter Soldiers,' according to Thomas Paine, are those who step up in behalf of their nation when things seem most bleak. With this in mind, IVAW members and others will courageously provide eyewitness accounts of their experiences of war in Iraq and Afghanistan."


Winter Soldier Hearings

By Aaron Glantz

Get ready for the horrible, honest reality of the American occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan like you haven't heard it before. For four days, from March 13 through March 16, hundreds of U.S. veterans of the two wars will descend on Washington and testify in the "Winter Soldier" hearings about what they really did while they were serving their country in Iraq. And their experiences aren't pretty.

Video and text

New Tests for the Supreme Court

William Fisher writes: "Two of the Bush administration's signature issues may soon face further challenges in the US Supreme Court. In one case, the high court will be asked to review lower court decisions upholding the constitutionality of the Military Commissions Act. In the other, lawyers may contest the government's use of the 'state secrets privilege' in a case involving the practice of 'extraordinary rendition.'"

Mast appeal planned

Tuesday, 6th March 2007. 12:34pm

By: Matthew Cresswell.

A ROW OVER the siting of mobile phone masts on church buildings took a new turn this week with news that the Court of Arches is to hear an appeal to stop an Essex parish hosting a mast.

A spokesman said part of their appeal was based on the fact that the mobile signals could be transmitting pornography and was therefore not suitable for churches.

In a strongly worded open letter sent to the Archbishop of Canterbury, and other senior Church of England leaders, the Archbishops’ Council has been asked to reconsider the issue of allowing churches to attach transmission masts to their steeples.

St Peter and St Paul Church in Chingford is now appealing to have their decision in the previous Consistory Court - in which they were refused the mast - overturned.

The author of the letter, Stephen Turner, has already opposed St Peter and St Paul Church in Chingford over their plans to allow the construction and is planning to stand against the church in the next court battle. In addition it is estimated that 100 other churches around the country have similar telecommunications masts, oblivious that in addition to supporting a mobile communications network they are possibly distributing x-rated material to web-capable mobile-phone users.

In his letter Mr Turner argues that it was wrong for the Archbishops’ Council to strike up a deal with QS4 (the communications company responsible for the masts) in 2002. “What the Archbishops’ Council appears to be doing is stating that the transmission of pornography can be consistent with the ‘role of the church as a local centre of worship and mission’,” he writes.

“I do not believe that such a position is correct. It is possible that in 2002, the Archbishops’ Council was not fully aware of some of the problems of pornography, which are now well established through research at respected universities and institutes.” Such problems, Mr Turner argues, includes the abuse of children, increased paedophilia, breakdown in marriages, a strong link with rape cases and exposing young people to deviant network users.

Considering that a church can earn £10,000 in rent from installing such a mast, Mr Turner argues whether the financial benefits outweigh the potential damage done by pornography. Although unable to comment on the Chingford case for legal reasons, the Church of England’s general stance is published on a specific website dealing with the transmission issue.

“Clearly there is a risk with any communication medium that it will be used for ill; but this has to be balanced against the enormous good which can flow from mobile communications,” the advice states.

They argue that such positive use of the masts includes emergency calls and the privilege of staying in touch with other mobile users. Continuing they say: “By comparison, the purchase of a TV licence allows access to material that, in the eyes of many, might be unsuitable, particularly for children, but audiences, families, parents etc. must take responsibility for access to such material. “Parishes who feel strongly on this issue should not register with the national scheme.”

They also added that the content available via the new generation of 3G phones was dictated by the Government licence under which the telecommunications companies were permitted to broadcast. But others remain unconvinced by the church’s stance.

In refusing the Chingford parish permission, diocesan Chancellor George Pullman QC said that it was no “part of the work or the mission of the Church to facilitate the transmission of pornography whether from the internet or privately created.” Continuing he said: “No Church bookstall would consider it appropriate to offer for sale ‘top shelf’ magazines with their images of sexual titillation or impropriety.

“In my judgment it is not for the Church to facilitate access to pornography. But this is what the Church of England would now be doing if these antennae were allowed.” Ironically, during question time at last week’s Synod the Archbishops’ Council confirmed that the QS4 contract would terminate in May this year — but for contractual reasons unrelated to pornography.

However, a spokesman for the Church of England said this was no reason for churches to terminate other contracts or enter into new ones with other telecommunications companies.

© 2005 - 2006 Religious Intelligence

The administration goes for broke

In These Times
by Hans Johnson


It has become conservatives’ equivalent of handshakes at a union hall. Professing aversion to government and venom toward taxes before the right-wing rank-and-file is a set piece of Republican presidential primaries. Though a gimmick, the anti-tax, anti-government message resonates with donors and diehard GOP voters and has become a badge of the seriousness, even suitability, of the party’s presidential aspirants. But the mounting cost of the Iraq war is playing havoc with this hallowed gesture of GOP statecraft. … With nearly $370 billion of taxpayers’ money spent so far and at least $8 billion more gouged from Americans each month to pay for it, the Iraq war makes a mockery of plans by Republican ‘08 candidates for any other major use of federal power. Despise and disparage LBJ as they do, the leading candidates of the party that for years boasted of its big ideas now can’t even joke about a Great Society. They’re stuck defending Bush’s glum society...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Dump the Dems, unite against the war

by Joshua Frank


The time is now for us to come together under a unified antiwar banner despite what our political leanings may be. Liberal, radical, conservative, libertarian, it doesn’t matter. Ending the war and our government’s imperialist polices is just that important. We may be a minority, but we can be a successful one. Indeed if we unite we could have a profound effect on our political discourse and the upcoming elections. Let’s not wait around for either party to come to their senses. Let’s force them to...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Don’t lean on me

Mother Jones
by Leigh Ferrara


Last spring, an amendment was slipped into a bill reauthorizing the PATRIOT Act by Senator Arlen Specter’s chief counsel, Michael O’Neill, who was reportedly acting on the Justice Department’s behalf. The little-noticed but controversial provision allowed the Attorney General to appoint interim U.S. Attorneys for an indefinite period of time, eliminating the 120 day limit that had been in effect for more than 20 years. Today, as the Senate Judiciary Committee convened to examine the abrupt firings of eight federal prosecutors, this amendment took center stage and Specter, the committee’s ranking Republican, certainly seemed a bit uncomfortable. After all, the language inserted by his office allows administration loyalists to be installed as U.S. Attorneys for the remainder of the president’s term without receiving Senate confirmation. Once in place, they can potentially wield their prosecutorial power for political ends. Now, Specter is among a group of lawmakers who are seeking to rollback this provision...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Martyr of the War Party: is Libby taking a fall for the White House?

Human Events
by Pat Buchanan


[I]t was an arrogant and stupid thing Libby did. He lied to the FBI, to Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald, to the grand jury. He fabricated a story about where he learned about Wilson’s wife, when, as sworn testimony proved, he learned it from Vice President Cheney and was himself moving it to the press. However, this was about a larger issue than the narrow question of whether Libby lied about leaking the role of Valerie Plame in having her husband sent to Niger to investigate a report that Iraq had been seeking ‘yellowcake,’ a critical component in a uranium enrichment program. That larger issue is this: Were we misled, were we deceived by our government, as the White House made the case for invading and occupying Iraq?

Is Libby taking a fall for the White House?

by John Dickerson


Denis Collins, the former Washington Post reporter on the jury, said the deliberating jurors often wondered about the role of the White House in general and Dick Cheney and Karl Rove in particular. Collins said that ‘a number of times’ the jury asked themselves, ‘What is he doing here? Where is Rove and all these other guys? … I’m not saying we didn’t think Mr. Libby was guilty of the things we found him guilty of. It seemed like he was … the fall guy.’ Collins said the jury believed that Vice President Cheney did ‘task [Libby] to talk to reporters.’ He said, ‘Some jurors said at one point, ‘We wish we weren’t judging Libby. … This sucks.” The jury has convicted Libby, but Collins has convicted the administration. Libby was being a good soldier, lying and obstructing justice to protect himself, the vice president, and the administration from political embarrassment or legal jeopardy...

A corrupt endeavor

by Justin Raimondo


The Cheney coup d’etat that made the invasion of Iraq possible is, finally, overthrown: that’s the larger significance of this verdict, and, as such, it is a cause for celebration. But let’s not rest on Fitzgerald’s laurels: it is time, now, for Congress to follow up the plentiful leads provided by the prosecution in this case and expose the neocons’ corrupt endeavor to the light of day. Let’s lift up the rock under which the War Party has been hiding for so long and watch as swarms of uglies pour out — because they can’t live for long in full sunlight. Exposure neutralizes them: they curl up and die. Once the web of deception they have woven is swept away, we’ll finally see the War Party’s methods and motives — and, believe you me, it won’t be a pretty sight...

Cheney’s henchman gets his

The Nation
by Nicholas von Hoffman


Well, they nailed Scooter. The news of I. Lewis Libby’s conviction had hardly been out on the Internet before the Democrats were letting loose with war whoops of delight. ‘It’s about time someone in the Bush Administration has been held accountable for the campaign to manipulate intelligence and discredit war critics,’ quoth Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid. To which some thoughtful people will reply, ‘Pipe down, Harry, there but for the grace of He or She whose name may not be invoked on some but not all public occasions goes you or one of your Democratic pals.’ The story behind the story of Libby’s conviction is that he should never have been in Washington in the first place. … Why does a Vice President have a chief of staff? The Vice President has no administrative functions. … And why should he have a National Security Adviser? The President already has one...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Questions About Cheney Remain

With Tuesday's verdict on Mr. Libby - guilty on four of five counts, including perjury and obstruction of justice - the vice president has been diminished. "The trial has been death by 1,000 cuts for Cheney," said Scott Reed, a Republican strategist. "It's hurt him inside the administration. It's hurt him with the Congress, and it's hurt his stature around the world because it has shown a lot of the inner workings of the White House. It peeled the bark right off the way they operate."

Walter Reed uproar refuels Iraq debate

Red Bluff Daily News


Democrats are using the uproar over Walter Reed Army Medical Center as their latest cudgel to batter President Bush for his Iraq war policies as the administration shows signs it fears political damage from the revelations. Reports of patient neglect and shoddy outpatient rooms at the hospital have brought Army brass to Capitol Hill to explain and apologize. Bush’s handling of the war has been widely unpopular with voters, and reports about Walter Reed come on the heels of his decision to send more troops to Iraq — which has also met a negative response from the public...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Goldman Sachs warns of 'dead bodies' after market turmoil

The global currency storm of the past week is starting to infect the corporate bond markets and may prove harder to contain than last year's May sell-off, Goldman Sachs has warned.

From Information Clearing House

Whistle-blower Had to Fight NSA, LA Times to Tell Story

Whistle-blower AT&T technician Mark Klein says his effort to reveal alleged government surveillance of domestic Internet traffic was blocked not only by U.S. intelligence officials but also by the top editors of the Los Angeles Times.

From Information Clearing House

Guantanamo defense lawyer threatened with charges of `contemptuous words'

The Pentagon-appointed lawyer for Australia's sole inmate at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, said yesterday a chief US prosecutor threatened him with charges that could slow his client's case from going to trial.

From Information Clearing House

U.S. Court Allows CIA Kidnapping and Torture

State secret doctrine prohibits judicial review

From Information Clearing House

Hans Blix: Powers of persuasion

It is illogical to ask Iran to suspend its enrichment programme before any diplomatic negotiations take place about the conditions for the suspension. It is time for serious talk - not for humiliating preconditions.

From Information Clearing House

Struggles with Influx of Iraqi Refugees

Few European countries are offering much refuge, with one exception: Sweden.

From Information Clearing House

Bush says gradual progress in Iraq despite violence

From his office in clouded cuckoo land

President George W. Bush insisted on Tuesday a new Iraq security plan is making gradual progress, despite the deaths of nine more U.S. troops and another major bomb attack.

From Information Clearing House

Are Americans unaware of the malicious devastation the Bush administration is wreaking upon this good earth and its inhabitants?

By Sheila Samples

Sometimes I wonder if Americans are unaware of the malicious devastation the Bush administration is wreaking upon this good earth and its inhabitants, or if they just don't give a damn.

Evidence Mounting for Armchair Revolution

Ambivalent Couch Potatoes Mobilizing

By J.D. Suss

Five giant corporate entities own most of media now and there is essentially no free press interested in doing investigative journalism anymore – but if it does, it’s smeared as that “leftist” or “liberal” press. The truth of current events can often be found on the web. But even when we know the (questionably vetted) truth, does that really change anything, I mean, in the long run?

The Right to Know

By James Rothenberg

The Middle East is either going to be linked up to the “West” (meaning the US) or go over to the Asian bloc (meaning China), and the power that goes with this control is enough to make or break a superpower. That’s why we went, that’s why we’re staying, and that’s what cannot be stated in the polite circles of influential opinion.

War is a Disaster An Oil Shortage is Not

By Nathan Allonby

The only visible reason for the US oil obsession is the military-industrial-political complex. The US military is the world’s 4th largest consumer of oil - consuming more than many countries (6). The US needs to maintain a strong domestic oil industry to service its military. The history of the oil industry in Iran is that it was originally developed for military reasons - to fuel the British Royal Navy.

When a Leader Missteps, a World Can Go Astray


Mr. Brzezinski’s verdict on the current president’s record — “catastrophic,” he calls it — is nothing short of devastating. And his overall assessment of America’s current plight is worrying as well: - Fifteen years after its coronation as global leader, America is becoming a fearful and lonely democracy in a politically antagonistic world.”

What We Know About Waste and War in Iraq

Let's start with the obvious waste. We know that hundreds of thousands of Iraqis have lost their lives since the Bush administration invaded their country in March 2003, that almost two million may have fled to other countries, and that possibly millions more have been displaced from their homes in ethnic-cleansing campaigns. We also know that an estimated 4.5 million Iraqi children are now malnourished and that this is but "the tip of the iceberg" in a country where diets are generally deteriorating, while children are dying of preventable diseases in significant numbers; that the Iraqi economy is in ruins and its oil industry functioning at levels significantly below its worst moments in Saddam Hussein's day - and that there is no end in sight for any of this. We know that, while the new crew of American military officials in Baghdad are starting to tout the "successes" of the President's "surge" plan, they actually fear a collapse of support at home within the next half-year, believe they lack the forces necessary to carry out their own plan, and doubt its ultimate success. What a tragic waste.

Hostages to Policy

Tom Engelhardt reviews what we know about waste and war in Iraq.

Another million people could flee homes this year

The United Nations and international agencies have warned that if sectarian violence in Iraq does not abate, up to a million new people could become displaced in 2007, putting an increasing burden on the country's infrastructure and resources. "At the current rate of 40,000 to 50,000 a month, up to 2.3 million might be permanently displaced by the end of this year," Antonio Guterres, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, told the Arab League in Cairo on Sunday. He added that of Iraq's population of about 27 million, 1.8 million people had already been displaced within the country and another two million had fled its borders, with one million having gone to Syria, 750,000 to Jordan and 150,000 to Egypt. The UN itself chose to leave Iraq in 2003, after its Baghdad headquarters were bombed twice, killing 25 people, mostly UN staff. Since then, UN agencies have handled Iraq from Amman, Jordan but are stepping up efforts to address the country's multifaceted humanitarian problem.

The Right to Organize

The New York Times writes: "There are many reasons for the long decline in the membership rolls for private-sector unions, including powerful changes in the economy and the unions' past corruption scandals. And there is little doubt that federal rules and regulations for union organizing have also become increasingly hostile to labor ... The House of Representatives passed a bill last week that would strengthen the rights of employees to form unions, and it drew an immediate veto threat from President Bush."

Declare Polar Bears Threatened? Alaska Wary

Officially, the State of Alaska has not decided whether to back a federal proposal to list polar bears as threatened under the Endangered Species Act. But speaking at a federal hearing, Governor Sarah Palin's point person on polar bears stopped just short of saying it was a lousy idea.

A Suggestion for Probing Our Shameful Treatment of Fallen Troops

"Let's get this straight once and for all: With great power comes great responsibility," says Joseph L. Galloway. "The president and the Congress have the power to send America's fighting men and women to war. They also bear the responsibility for caring for those troops and their families."

Blood Diamonds and Blood Oil

"We have a myth that we can transform children and kids in their teens into men and women by sending them to war. If they fight young, we give them adulthood. Children and kids who fight eventually do grow into adults - adults with lifetimes ahead of them filled with emotional pain and anger. Is that what we want for our children and for our country?" asks Ann Wright.

Konservative britische Tageszeitung prangert unsichere RFID-Pässe an

Next-up News n°202

State of New Mexico Impeachment Resolution Passed

Informant: ranger116

Don't Buy Bush's War

'Reject mobile phone mast'

MP Norman Baker has today strongly urged Wealden District Council, to reject the application to erect a telecommunications mast at Church Farm, Eckington Corner, Ripe.

The proposed mast would be 20 metres high, and be based approximately 50 metres from the Ripe Conservation Area and just 150 metres or so from Ripe Nursery School.

Mr Bake, the MP for Lewes, pointed out the independent Stewart Report, originally published in May 2000, reported that a five-year-old child may absorb up to 60% more of the radio frequencies used by mobile phones than an adult would and urged caution with the siting of telecommunications equipment where children were nearby.

Mr Baker said:,'A great many of my constituents have contacted me on this issue, many of whom have children that attend Ripe Nursery School, and it is clear that they are very worried.

'Some have even stated that if the proposed mast goes ahead they will remove there children from the school.'

'The independent Stewart Report, rightly in my view, recommended that a prudent approach should be taken where children are involved. For that reason I am urging Wealden District Council to reject the application.'

All rights reserved © 2007 Johnston Press Digital Publishing.

Mobile technology pushed into schools worldwide

I do wonder what "the dream" or "the vision" is for the future of the world.

"a" is followed by "b" is followed by "c" and so technology marches on ... but in terms of meaningful life as a race and a civilisation, when 9 billion people are consuming anything like we are over here now, "Get mobile" will mean leaving desertified tracts of the planet in search of water, not a chrome and steel consumer idyll ...


The mantra for western 21st century (and the previous one) is consume, consume, consume, no matter what the cost. The "disease" of western civilisation is spreading across the planet at an alarming rate and at the current rate of consumption, there will be nothing of anything worthwhile left to plunder within the next few years. I can't help but think that we are being led, sheep like, to our own demise - the ignorance surrounding mobile phones, WiFi and all the other technological toxins are just the inevitable outcome of the trap that we've fallen into.

Cheers, Marcus.

From Mast Sanity/Mast Network


Children and mobile phones

Ban mobiles in schools

WLAN, DECT in Schools and Kindergardens

Wi-Fi / WLAN in Schools

WiFi in Schools

US Foreign Policy Hinders Human Rights Work Around the World

Amnesty International USA

Can We Expect an Attack on Iran Next?

Vermont: The Land of Hope

Cindy Sheehan


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

US Must Decide Who Gets Left Behind

When Politics Infects Justice

Libbygate: Now Let's Get to the Real Story

'Frankenstein Foods': The Rice With Human Genes

Grassroots Effort Under Way to Force Impeachment of Bush and Cheney

Liberal Democrats Revolt on Iraq Spending Bill


Democrats Alter Plan To Restrict Iraq War

Senior House Democrats, seeking to placate members of their party from Republican-leaning districts, are pushing a plan that would place restrictions on President Bush's ability to wage the war in Iraq but would allow him to waive them if he publicly justifies his position.

From Information Clearing House

Die Angst vor dem Elektrosmog

Psychological Torture Just as Bad, Study Finds

Machen Elektrostrahlen krank?

Handys können Krebs auslösen

Zunahme der Hirntumore bei Handy-Vieltefonierern: Risiko steigt um 39 Prozent

Lösen Handys Krebs aus, Krebs durch Handy-Strahlung?

Handy am Ohr: Hirntumor?

Langzeitstudie aus Dänemark: kein Krebsrisiko durch Handy-Strahlung?

Kein Beweis für ein erhöhtes Risiko durch Handys?

Elektrosmog als Krebsrisiko: Kein Krebsrisiko durch Handy-Strahlung?

Flucht aus Oberammergau: Pfarrer flüchtet vor Handy-Strahlung

Mobilfunk und Gesundheit

Wissenschaft zu Mobilfunk

Ärzte und Mobilfunk

"Ich habe Menschen bestochen"

Nachricht von Knut W. Schlanert

Operation Save U.S.

by Charlotte Iserbyt

This article recommends that all Americans who cherish their Constitutional form of government and care about their children’s and grandchildren’s futures contact the following important conservative political action groups with the request they immediately have their members start lobbying (telephoning) the Congress with the demand that hearings (open to the public) be held immediately on the constitutionality of the North American Union.......


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