Freitag, 2. März 2007

Krebs durch Handys unwahrscheinlich?

Handys können Krebs auslösen

Zunahme der Hirntumore bei Handy-Vieltefonierern: Risiko steigt um 39 Prozent

Lösen Handys Krebs aus, Krebs durch Handy-Strahlung?

Handy am Ohr: Hirntumor?

Langzeitstudie aus Dänemark: kein Krebsrisiko durch Handy-Strahlung?

Kein Beweis für ein erhöhtes Risiko durch Handys?

Elektrosmog als Krebsrisiko: Kein Krebsrisiko durch Handy-Strahlung?

Flucht aus Oberammergau: Pfarrer flüchtet vor Handy-Strahlung

Mobilfunk und Gesundheit

Wissenschaft zu Mobilfunk

Ärzte und Mobilfunk

Broschüre dialog 17



Hallo Herr Tittmann,

heute ist per Postwurfsendung die Broschüre dialog 17 der Mobilfunkbetreiber bei mir angekommen. Diese Broschüre wurde anscheinend an alle Unternehmen aus dem Gesundheitsbereich, der Prävention und des Arbeitsschutzes verschickt. Die Lobby streut gezielt falsche Darstellungen. Hier z.BSp. ein Artikel aus Forschung & Gesundheit; Recht & Politik: Neues Zwischenergebnis zur Interphone Studie; Krebs durch Handys unwahrscheinlich [ ]. Die von WHO koordinierte Interphone-Studie untersucht in 13 Ländern den Zusammenahang zwischen Handynutzung und Tumoren im Kopfbereich. Infos;

[ ]

Schon die Überschrift der Seite ist bemerkenswert: Forschung & Gesundheit / Recht & Politik. Auch die EU-Stellungnahme zu elektromagnetischen Feldern. (

Dies deutet sehr auf die Beiträge der führerlosen U-Bahnzüge in Nürnberg mit den Hochfrequenzfeldern an Bahnsteigen hin, um eine ev. technische Zulassung anzudeuten. Aufgrund massiver Behinderung bei der Informationsweitergabe dieses Artikels, muss davon ausgegangen werden, dass weder für den Testzug noch für die Strahlenfelder an Bahnsteigen technische Zulassungen bzw. Gefährdungsanalysen vorhanden sind.

Viele Grüße aus Gießen sendet Ihnen

Lothar Stern

Zum nationalen Energiekonzept: "Energischer Ausbau der erneuerbaren Energien bis auf 100 Prozent"

Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel hatte unlängst die Frage aufgeworfen, woher nach dem Atomausstieg die dann fehlende Energie kommen solle. Die EU-Energieminister haben am 15. Februar beschlossen, bis 2020 einen Anteil der erneuerbaren Energien von 20 Prozent anzustreben. Nach Auffassung des Geschäftsführers des Solarenergie Fördervereins Deutschland (SFV), Wolf von Fabeck, ist dieses Ziel nicht hinreichend. "Ich habe den Eindruck, die EU-Energieminister haben den Ernst der Lage noch nicht begriffen", sagte er im Gespräch mit ngo-online. Angesichts "der ungeheuren Gefahren" fordert er ein Verbot des Neubaus weiterer fossiler Energiegewinnungsanlagen, ein Abschalten der Atomreaktoren und einen "energischen Ausbau der erneuerbaren Energien bis auf 100 Prozent". Ein Umstieg auf 100 Prozent erneuerbare Energien sei bereits "mit den heute bekannten Techniken und Verfahren" möglich - "und zwar sogar auch in Deutschland, obwohl Deutschland eines der am dichtesten besiedelten und am höchsten industrialisierten Länder ist".


Klima-Appell: „Zeit zum Handeln!“


Direkt zur Kanzlerin


"Versagen der Industrie vertuschen": Greenpeace kritisiert nachträgliche Änderung von CO2-Statistik

Die Umweltschutzorganisation Greenpeace wirft der Bundesregierung vor, sie wolle "unangenehme Wahrheiten" nicht so deutlich machen, um das Versagen der deutschen Automobilindustrie Minderung des CO2-Ausstoßes von Pkw zu "vertuschen". Konkret kritisiert die Organisation nachträgliche Änderungen an einer aktuellen Statistik des Kraftfahrtbundesamtes zum CO2-Ausstoß. "Es wäre interessant zu wissen, wer in den hohen Etagen der Automobilindustrie, des Verkehrsministeriums oder des Kanzleramts am Donnerstag in Flensburg angerufen hat", sagte Greenpeace-Sprecher Wolfgang Lohbeck am Freitag in Hamburg. Das Kraftfahrtbundesamt hat laut Greenpeace die vor einer Woche veröffentlichte Statistik zur CO2-Emission von Pkw nachträglich geändert. Dass eine Bundesbehörde Presseerklärungen nach der Veröffentlichung entschärfe grenze an Dokumentenfälschung, sagte Lohbeck.


#Die Linkspartei.PDS: Pressemitteilungen

12. März 2007

Deutschland kann und muss mehr zum Gesamtergebnis beitragen

Zu den Ergebnissen des EU-Gipfels erklärt der stellvertretende Parteivorsitzende Wolfgang Methling:

Wer hätte das gedacht?! Die EU-Staaten haben sich auf verbindliche Ziele geeinigt: 20 Prozent weniger CO2-Ausstoß und 20 Prozent Anteil von erneuerbaren Energien bis 2020 zu vereinbaren, ist angesichts der zahlreichen widerstreitenden Interessen der beteiligten Länder durchaus ein Erfolg. Es bleiben jedoch erhebliche Zweifel, dass diese politische Deklaration wirklich durch nationale Aktionspläne umgesetzt wird. Nicht allen Ländern wird es leicht fallen, diese Ziele zu erreichen. Das erhöht die Verantwortung für andere, z.B. Deutschland. Insbesondere die osteuropäischen Länder haben durch den Zusammenbruch ihrer emissionsstarken nicht wettbewerbsfähigen Industrie in den vergangenen Jahren ungewollt einen hohen Beitrag zur Reduzierung des Ausstoßes von Treibhausgasen geleistet. In unserem eigenen Land bleibt auch nach dem Gipfel zu konstatieren, dass das Durcheinander nach wie vor groß ist. Deutschland kann und muss mehr zum Gesamtergebnis beitragen. Die Voraussetzungen für einen weit höheren Anteil von erneuerbaren Energien an Verbrauch und Produktion sind sehr gut. Außerdem bleibt zu hoffen, dass die starre Haltung Frankreichs zur Atomenergie nicht zu weiteren Angriffen der Atomlobby in unserem Land auf den gesetzlich fixierten Ausstieg führt. Es wird Zeit, dass die Kanzlerin hier ebenso ihr Verhandlungsgeschick beweist und ein Machtwort spricht. Atomenergie ist keine erneuerbare Energie und deshalb keine zukunftsfähige Alternative. Es muss aufhören, dass die vor allem für den Klimaschutz zuständigen Bundesminister Gabriel, Glos und Tiefensee laufend in verschiedene Richtungen weisen. Die Bundeskanzlerin muss die von ihr selbst beanspruchte Führungsposition auch in ihrer eigenen Regierung durchsetzen.

Will Science Teachers Welcome Climate Change Deniers?

John F. Borowski writes: "Imagine this one-two punch in classrooms across America. Give the kids facts and unforgettable visuals, give them 'real science' and give them solutions. These solutions bring hope and empower them as the potentially most powerful and ecologically-caring voters and doers in human history. Most climate scientists state that we need an 80 to 90 percent reduction in carbon emissions worldwide this coming decade. The next generation may not have the ability to 'undo' the damage if we allow this generation to be made 'comfortably numb' by false promises of the American Petroleum Institute and the American Forest Foundation."

Will We Suffer From the Iraq Syndrome?

Ira Chernus writes: "The nation seems to be remembering a lesson of the Vietnam War: We can't get security by sending military power abroad. Every time we try to control another country by force of arms, we only end up more troubled and less secure."

The Big Meltdown

Paul Krugman writes, "After the bursting of the technology bubble of the 1990s failed to produce a global disaster, investors began to act as if nothing bad would ever happen again."

GOP Lawmakers Tried to Influence Federal Investigation

Senator Pete Domenici and Representative Heather Wilson of New Mexico pressured the US attorney in their state to speed up indictments in a federal corruption investigation that involved at least one former Democratic state senator, according to two people familiar with the contacts.

Democrats Send Out First Round of Subpoenas

A House judiciary subcommittee approved today the first in what is expected to be an avalanche of subpoenas to Bush administration officials. They will likely explore corruption and mismanagement allegations on everything from pre-war Iraq intelligence to the mishandling of the response to Hurricane Katrina. The first round of subpoenas concern the recent controversial firings by the Bush administration of seven US attorneys, some of whom were pursuing public corruption cases against Republican members of Congress.

Phone company renews bid for controversial Foxford mast

by Fiona McGarry

A mobile phone company has made a fresh bid to secure planning permission for a controversial mast development outside the town of Foxford.

Towards the end of last year, O2 applied to erect a 30 metre mast at Clossaghroe outside Foxford, generating strong local opposition. That application was judged to be invalid by Mayo County Council, because of problems with the position of the site notice. However, O2 has now lodged a fresh bid for permission for the mast at the same location.

The first application for the mast was made in November of last year, but after a site inspection County planners noted that the site notice was placed “very high up on a telephone poll” and was not legible from the public road. In its letter to O2, telling them the application was invalid, the council also attached an advice note. It pointed out that the mast seemed to go against the County Development Plan, which says that masts should be located at a minimum distance of 500 metres from rural homes. The Council also told the company that forestry plantation around a mast was a requirement, so that it could be screened from view.

While the first application was rejected as invalid, it also generated objections on a number of grounds from residents of Clossaghroe. A petition with 52 signatures calling for the mast to be refused was submitted to the county council. In a letter to planners, signed on behalf of “the residents of Clossaghroe and the surrounding areas”, a number of concerns about the mast were outlined. Local people said there were already three existing masts close to the proposed site, and questioned the reason for a fourth. They also described the site as “a beautiful rural setting”, with little screening from trees. It was noted that the Foxford Way, a popular walking trail passes in front of the proposed site, and concerns were expressed about the impact on this tourist attraction. The letter also said: “It is appalling to have to accept such decisions against our will, when there are many local families having planning permission difficulties in this area.”

At the end of last month (February), the phone company lodged a fresh application for the same location. This is currently being assessed by planners, and by April 15, planners must make a decision or request Further Information on the proposed O2 mast. The deadline for submissions from the public on the proposed mast is March 25.

© Mayo Advertiser Ltd,2007

Locals in dark on phone mast

By Eric Randolph

RESIDENTS have launched a protest against a mobile phone mast which they say will lead to health risks and the loss of trees.

It is just over a year since Hutchison 3G (H3G) were forced to abandon the use of a new base station at the Holly Tree pub in Moordown due to fierce local objections.

Now they face a similar battle in trying to get a mast erected on Castle Lane West to the rear of the Cotswold unit, with the council receiving 65 objections from residents.

John Dewar, who helped rally protestors, said: "They wanted to knock down these huge 90-year-old trees that are next to it if they interfere with the signal, which would be a disaster.

"We've lost so many trees around this area in recent years that we can't let these go."

Residents are also worried about the health implications of placing a mast in a residential area and adjacent to several busy shops.

"There's no conclusive evidence regarding radiation risks, but while there are still questions, we just don't want it around here.

Omega this is not true. See under:

"And once you've had one up, you get more."

Retailers are also angry about the apparent favouritism shown towards big companies.

Justin Cook, of Hollywood Fancy Dress, said: "We've tried to build a conservatory or move a couple of trees in our back yard, and we get turned down.

"But when a company like H3G shows up, they're allowed to tear them all down."

H3G spokesman Mike Dobson said: "H3G has been seeking to improve the reception for its mobile phone network in the Moordown, Muscliff and Redhill areas for some considerable time.

"This area is highways land and mobile phone operators are entitled to seek to use that. The proposed telecommunications base station would be a 15-metre ultra-slim street furniture pole with the antennas, which are located at the top of the pole, shrouded.

"In order for the installation to meet our technical requirements we are asking the council to agree to some modest trimming of trees next to the bus stop."

© Copyright 2001-2007 Newsquest Media Group

U.S. House Democrats seek more war funds than Bush

Informant: Corey

Kleiner Nuklearkrieg, große Katastrophe

Simulationen zeigen, dass auch regional begrenzte Kriege mit Kernwaffeneinsatz weltweit Opfer fordern.

Petitions, please sign

Help Bring Kei the Wolf Home Petition

Algonquin Park Wolf Buffer Zone Petition

Save the Animals Petition

Stop the Seal hunt and Calgary stampede Petition

Stop the sale of wolves at Ebay Petition

Cease and Desist the sale of Wolves on Ebay Petition

Help save the wolves of North America

Save Wolves Petition

Save America's Wolves

Save the Wolves

Vancouver Island Wolf and Cougar Cull Petition

Stop Yahoo's Support of Wolf Pelt Sales Petition

From Kim K.

Mobilfunkveranstaltung 5. März 2007 in Olching

Liebe Nachbarn, geehrte Newsletterabonnenten,

folgende Nachricht, mit der Bitte um Weitergabe, hat uns aus Olching erreicht.

Viele Grüße, Bürgervereinigung gegen die Mobilfunkanlage in Dachau-Süd

Liebe Mitstreiter, am Montag 05.März findet bei der VHS Olching Hauptstraße 82 um 20 Uhr eine Veranstaltung von VHS Olching, Bund Naturschutz und Lokale Agenda 21 Olching statt.

Das Thema

Mobilfunk- (k)eine Gefahr für die Gesundheit ?

Als interessante Referenten sind angekündigt:

Dr. Ing. Volker Schorpp, Physiker Bereich Elektrotechnik, Karlsruhe.
Seine Schwerpunkte sind: Funktionsprinzip Mobilfunk, Grenzwerte, Studien-Baumschäden durch Mobilfunkstrahlung

Dr. med Cornelia Waldmann-Selsam, praktische Ärztin, Bamberg.
Ihre Schwerpunkte sind: Ärztliche Erfahrung, Symptome und Erkrankung durch Hochfrequenzbelastung

Bitte geben Sie diesen Termin weiter…

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Lilli Kammerl und Paul Hornyak

Immoral Lack Of Care

by Casey Aden-Wansbury,

Nine days of current military spending would pay for universal health care for America's children.

Right Wing Swings And Misses

by Isaiah J. Poole,

Conservatives claim the public can be brought back into the fold, but the evidence suggests otherwise.

Rescinding the Bush Doctrine

Boston Globe
by Andrew J. Bacevich


Rather than vainly sniping at President Bush over his management of the Iraq war, the Democratic-controlled Congress ought to focus on averting any recurrence of this misadventure. Decrying the so-called ’surge’ or curbing the president’s authority to conduct ongoing operations will contribute little to that end. … Long viewed as immoral, illicit, and imprudent, preventive war — attacking to keep an adversary from someday posing a danger — became the centerpiece of US national security strategy in the aftermath of 9/11. President Bush unveiled this new strategy in a speech at West Point in June 2002. ‘If we wait for threats to fully materialize,’ he said, ‘we will have waited too long.’… Although the Constitution endows the legislative branch with the sole authority to declare war, the president did not consult Congress before announcing his new policy. He promulgated the Bush Doctrine by fiat. Then he acted on it...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Iraqi oil agreement reveals true winners

Mother Jones
by James Ridgeway


The Iraqi oil deal set to go before the country’s parliament next month could spell the end of the country as a nation state, and signals a major Bush victory in the war. The proposed law not only opens the door to the big international oil companies, but offers them lucrative contract deals, and even a place on the national oil board that will run the industry. The Byzantine scheme for dividing up oil revenues on the basis of population is little more than a facade for the biggest rip off of resources since the British barged into Mesopotamia more than a century ago...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Markets, no mandates, for Net

Competitive Enterprise Institute
by Dominik Saran


The battle over Internet freedom is heating up again. The spark this time is the proposed Internet Freedom Preservation Act of 2007, recently introduced in the Senate. Numerous Internet companies, website operators, and advocacy groups fear that without legislation big telecom companies will soon gain the power to restrict the quality or availability of certain types of Internet traffic — web sites, VoIP telephony, video broadcasting, and other new technologies — unless each content provider agrees to pay a toll...,05790.cfm

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Bush’s theater of the absurd

by Christopher Brauchli


It has an appealing symmetry. George Bush is deploying a missile defense system that may or may not work to defend against nuclear weapons that might be fired from Iranian secret weapons sites that may or may not exist. This strategy is of a piece with the rest of George Bush’s foreign policy strategies that have produced such successes as, for example, Iraq...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The Pentagon plays war games with Iran

Asia Times
by Gareth Porter


Leaked reports of a recent Pentagon meeting only add to the mounting evidence that the US is preparing to attack Iran. In this context the recent ’surge’ of US troops is not meant to pacify Baghdad but to contain Iraqi Shi’ite fury in response to air strikes on Iran. George W Bush doesn’t want to have to go to Syria and Iran and ‘ask for anything’...

Don’t start another war

Cato Institute
by William A. Niskanen


[T]he October 2002 war resolution provides authority for the use of U.S. military forces only to ‘defend the national security of the United States against the continuing threat posed by Iraq,’ a narrowly defined mission that was accomplished in the first few weeks of the U.S. invasion in the spring of 2003. No other nation is mentioned in this resolution, and it would take an exceptionally tortured interpretation to sanction war with any nation other than Iraq. So the President has no authority for a broader war...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The Iraq war crash

by Justin Raimondo


The Chinese panic is being diagnosed as the ’cause’ of our own apparent meltdown, but this mistakes the symptoms for the underlying disease. The name of our affliction is debt, and that burden has increased by over 30 percent since our venture into empire-building was launched. The Chinese are — or, have been — buying that debt, but the bursting of the Shanghai bubble could soon cut off that supply of income — and then where would we get the money to pay for the biggest military build-up in world history? Bush is demanding $716 billion for his ‘defense’ budget, which, as one news report described it, is ‘greater than the annual gross domestic product of all but 14 countries.’ He’ll get that, and more: the Democrats, for all their ‘antiwar’ pretensions, fault this administration for not having a large enough military...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Kriegsfinanzierung durch Friedensdiplomatie

Kucinich Comes Back for '08

Kucinich was the only Democratic candidate in the 2004 presidential primaries to vote against the war in Iraq. Three years later, the Iraq war has cost the lives of more than 3,000 American servicepeople and untold thousands of Iraqis. And once again, Kucinich, relentless in his call for withdrawing troops, is vying for the nation's top job. Daniel Sturm speaks with Kucinich about his decision to run again for president and his position on the war.


I was just sent this by a friend in Plymouth…


Help Keep Northern Rockies Wolves Protected


Time is running out to protect Rocky Mountain wolves


Idahoans Weigh In on Ending Wolf Protections

Pitting memories of wolves howling at the moon against dead cattle and failing ranches, more than 150 people drove from across the state Tuesday evening to voice their opinions on the proposed removal of gray wolves in the northern Rocky Mountains from the federal endangered species list.


Your Words, Their Actions for Wolves

New Evidence That Global Warming Fuels Stronger Atlantic Hurricanes

Informant: binstock

Arctic Inuit argue U.S. pollution devastates centuries-old hunting traditions

Inuit petition argues pollution melts Arctic, threatens way of life

Informant: binstock

US-Heimatschutzministerium nennt Details zu Real-ID,39029460,39152309,00.htm

New Options (and Risks) in Home Care for Elderly

With 4.2 million Americans currently over 85 - a number expected to grow to 5.9 million by 2014 and then accelerate with the baby boom generation - the exploding need for long-term care is remaking the home-care industry, driving more of it underground. Gray-market hiring, fraught with risks, is a solution that middle-class families are turning to as they face the crushing burden of indefinite home-care expenses.

RFK Jr. Rips President Bush for Environmental Policy

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., son of a 1960s Democratic icon, made it clear on Monday that he wasn't critical of Bush because of his political affiliation. He was critical of him, he said, because Bush has implemented policies and circumvented the law in order to enrich his donors at the expense of thousands of lives and America's environmental future.

Group Says Ocean Harm Should Force US Carbon Regulation

A wildlife conservation group said it is trying to pressure US states to regulate carbon dioxide emissions under federal clean water laws because of harm the gas does to the cycle of life in the ocean. Unlike most other developed countries, the United States, the world's top greenhouse gas emitter, does not regulate carbon dioxide and other gases that scientists link to global warming.

Retired Forest Service Planner Wants Former Boss Fired

"In October, recently retired Forest Service planner Richard Artley made a few headlines when he blew the whistle on his former employer's secretive plan to close thousands of recreational facilities. Now, he's blowing the whistle on the man behind it, his former boss, Mark Rey, who currently holds the position most people don't know even exists," says Bill Schneider.

Fighting Warming Key to Anti-Poverty Goals

Driven by increased concerns and mounting evidence of the threats posed by global warming, some of the world's most eminent scientists are telling policymakers to get their act together before it is too late to avoid a doomsday scenario.

Majority of National Guard Units Rated "Not Ready"

Nearly 90 percent of Army National Guard units in the United States are rated "not ready" - largely because of shortfalls in equipment worth billions of dollars - jeopardizing the Guard's ability to respond to crises at home and abroad, according to a Congressional commission that released a preliminary report today on the state of US military reserve forces.

Panel Slams Treatment of Guard, Reserves

The National Guard and Reserves don't get enough money or equipment and are left out of important planning for national emergencies, an independent panel concluded Thursday, long after the Iraq war and Hurricane Katrina exposed serious stresses on the services.

'Wi-fi' fear parents should stop moaning and take kids away

Muswell Hill Journal
1st March 2007

THE article "Radiation fear at schools" (Muswell Hill Journal, February 15) on radiation fears for schools in Muswell Hill is the latest piece of scaremongering from people who should know better. There is no firm evidence that exposure to "wi-fi" networks brings any adverse health effects to children. The educational advantages that this technology brings far outweigh any theoretical risks that might be associated with it. This topic has been repeatedly raised with governors of Tetherdown, the local education authority and the DfES and much valuable management time has been wasted rehearsing the same arguments with the same people every time. Isn't it time that the outstanding headteacher and the governors of Tetherdown were left to get on with running the school rather than having their time repeatedly wasted on this? If parents are so worried about "wi-fi" networks then they should remove their children from the school rather than carry on dredging this up again and again. - Joanna Maude and Robert Richards, Collingwood Avenue, N10.

Anyone who lives in Muswell Hill, close to one of the largest sources of electromagnetic radiation in the UK, the Ally Pally transmitter, should have no fears about their children's school having the far lower-powered wi-fi transmitters. - Thomas Paternoster, Palace Gates Road, N22.

I am seriously concerned about the story "Radiation fear at schools"
(Muswell Hill Journal, February 15). The story simply gives people a soapbox from where they can spout opinion and speculation with not a shred of fact to back up their claims. I think such reporting is irresponsible and scaremongering. Wi-fi networks have a valuable part to play in modern educational establishments. Safety standards for this sort of equipment are set nationally, and we follow Government guidance. Of course if any evidence was produced which indicated that there were safety concerns, then we would look at such evidence and seek expert advice. - Councillor Liz Santry, Members' Room, Civic Centre, High Road, N22.

Previous week's letters below:

WiFi dismay
21 February 2007

I read with dismay the article regarding WiFi in schools (Muswell Hill Journal, February 15). It is untrue that there is no evidence of adverse health effects. In fact there are dozens of peer reviewed research papers confirming a link. A letter sent by one of the leading scientists in this field can be found, along with several other documents, at May I respectfully suggest that you take a look at them and judge for yourself without the constant stream of lies from this Government and the phone industry in general. - Name and address supplied. In response to your article on the dangers of WiFi in schools, I became electro-sensitive after WiFi transmitters were installed at the school where I teach. I should be sorry if others, especially children, were affected in this way. I am always saddened when I notice people suffering from headaches, nosebleeds, nausea, joint and nervous pains and some types of asthma, all of which can be the effects of radiation, without realising the cause. - Michael Bevington, by e-mail.

Pupils not at any risk says hi-tech school
21 February 2007

TETHERDOWN Primary School has refuted claims that pupils could be exposed to dangerous radiation from wireless internet technology. Parents and lobby groups warned last week that the technology should not be used around young children until it had been proved harmless, as it emerged some schools had been using it for years. But Tetherdown hit back at the claims saying it had considered all health concerns and had written to parents explaining its use of the wireless network. Beth Shand, chairwoman of governors, said: "Since their introduction at Tetherdown some five years ago, the wireless laptop computers have become an increasingly invaluable tool for teaching across the curriculum in a more effective and powerful way. "The governors are in no doubt that the flexibility offered by wireless technology has educational benefits for the children and staff which would not be achieved through a more constrained, hardwired setup. "We have considered the health concerns about wireless networks at considerable length and have been guided at all times by the advice of the local authority and by central government guidelines, including those contained in the Stewart Report. Ultimate responsibility for health and safety in community schools rests with the local authority.

US-Regierung hat Votum der Atomenergiebehörde gegen Iran erpresst

Stop the Next War Now!

Families take on phone mast threat

02 March 2007 09:13

Families living in the city centre are hoping people power will scare off a mobile phone company which wants to put a mast yards from a school.

Phone company Hutchison 3G has written to bosses at Bignold First and Middle Schools, in Wessex Street, informing them of its intention to set up a 15-metre mast just 75 yards away on the corner of the nearby Jenny Lind Park.

However, parents, councillors and school governors are hoping to fend off the application before it even reaches the planning stage.

A petition has already been placed in the school corridors and dozens of parents have shown their objection amid fears that health risks caused by such masts are still unknown.

David Moon, chairman of both schools' joint board of governors, said today: “We have mixed feelings about this because the research into the health risks has proved inconclusive.

“Governors are against the proposal because of the unknown impact and parents have already been expressing their concerns to us. We are also concerned to know why the phone company has chosen this site when it is so close to a school.”

Chris Hull, county councillor for the Town Close ward, said: “I would be very concerned about a mast near the school and on the edge of a park as it is in a wholly inappropriate location. Masts cannot be refused for health reasons but there is also the fact that this will be an eyesore.

“What concerns me is when you speak to mobile phone companies they say the reception in Norwich is great, so if that is the case why do they need to keep constructing more masts?”

A letter from the phone company to Mr Moon said studies show mobile phones were unlikely to have an adverse affect on people's health.

It said: “Our proposal to site a base station at this location is in order to meet local demand for 3's services and this area of Norwich currently has poor coverage.

“We looked at of 27 other sites in this area. These were rejected for several different reasons.”

Campaigners are hoping for the same success as that which convinced council bosses to throw out plans for a mast on Grove Road.

T Mobile were told to axe proposals for a 12m mast on near a parade of shops after more than 100 people signed a petition against it.

The Evening News has fought against the installation of mobile phone masts near homes and schools until it is proved they are safe through our Put Masts on Hold campaign.

What are your views on phone masts? Write to Evening News Letters, Prospect House, Rouen Road, Norwich, NR1 1RE or email eveningnewsletters of log on to

Copyright © 2007 Archant Regional. All rights reserved.

Klima-Appell zur deutschen EU-Ratspräsidentschaft: "Zeit zum Handeln!"

Klima-Appell: „Zeit zum Handeln!“

Der Klimaschutz steht groß auf der Fahne der deutschen EU-Ratspräsidentschaft. Doch während des ersten Drittels der Präsidentschaft stand Deutschland bei wichtigen klimapolitischen Schritten auf der Bremse – wie vor drei Wochen bei der Reduktion des CO2-Ausstoßes von Neuwagen.

Klima-Appell: „Zeit zum Handeln!“

Das muss sich jetzt ändern! Heute in einer Woche treffen sich die Staats- und Regierungschefs in Brüssel zum EU-Gipfel. Dort wird über Maßnahmen zum Klimaschutz verhandelt. Mit einem Klima-Appell fordern wir von der Bundesregierung, dass sie sechs wichtige klimapolitische Schritte durchsetzt.

Unterzeichnen Sie den Klima-Appell:

Wir wollen den Klima-Appell auch nach dem EU-Gipfel fortführen. Auf dem informellen Treffen der Umweltminister am 1. Juni in Essen wollen wir tausende Unterschriften präsentieren – eingefroren in eine 5-Meter breite Eiswand mit dem Schriftzug: „Zeit zum Handeln!“ Die Eiswand schmilzt während des Treffens – wie die verbleibende Zeit zum Handeln.

Günter Metzges

Aus: Campact-News 04/07


Zum nationalen Energiekonzept: "Energischer Ausbau der erneuerbaren Energien bis auf 100 Prozent"


Klima-Appell zur deutschen EU-Ratspräsidentschaft: "Zeit zum Handeln!"

Die Bundesregierung hat den Klimaschutz in den Mittelpunkt ihrer EU-Ratspräsidentschaft gestellt. Doch wenn es um konkrete Schritte geht, steht sie bisher meist auf der Bremse – wie vor kurzem bei der Reduktion des CO2-Ausstoßes von Neuwagen. Das muss sich beim EU-Gipfel vom 7. bis 8. März ändern!

Unterzeichnen Sie den Klima-Appell und verlangen Sie von der Bundesregierung, dass sie sechs konkrete Schritte für den Klimaschutz durchsetzt.

Gentechnik: Widerstand pflanzen und schmecken

Die Aktion "Bantam-Mais" will in Tausenden von Gärten Süßmais heimisch machen. Wer "Bantam" anbaut, muss über Nachbarbauern informiert werden, die Gentechnik anbauen und vor gentechnischen Verunreinigungen geschützt werden. Schmeckt köstlich und vermehrt sich von selbst.

Weitere Infos finden Sie unter:

Aus: Campact-News 04/07

US profiling program raises fears

US government technologists testing a proposed new data-mining system may already have violated privacy laws by, "reviewing real information, instead of fake data".

From Information Clearing House


Anti-terror tests broke law, says watchdog



The Department of Homeland Security is testing a data-mining program that would attempt to spot terrorists by combing vast amounts of information about average Americans, such as flight and hotel reservations. The new program, similar to a Pentagon program that Congress killed in 2003 over concerns about civil liberties, could take effect as soon as next year. But system testers probably already have violated privacy laws by reviewing real information, instead of fake data, a source familiar with a congressional investigation into the $42.5 million program told The Washington Post. The program, called Analysis, Dissemination, Visualization, Insight and Semantic Enhancement (ADVISE), is on the cutting edge of analytical technology that applies mathematical algorithms to uncover hidden relationships in data. The idea is to troll a vast sea of information and extract suspicious people, places and other elements based on their links and behavioral patterns...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Recalling Pol Pot's Terror, But Forgetting His Backers

John Pilger

"It is my duty," wrote the correspondent of the Times at the liberation of Belsen, "to describe something beyond the imagination of mankind." That was how I felt in the summer of 1979, arriving in Cambodia in the wake of Pol Pot's genocidal regime.

Year Zero: The Silent Death of Cambodia


John Pilger vividly reveals the brutality and murderous political ambitions of the Pol Pot / Khmer Rouge totalitarian regime which bought genocide and despair to the people of Cambodia while neighboring countries, including Australia, shamefully ignored the immense human suffering and unspeakable crimes that bloodied this once beautiful country.

Antiwar Radio: Charles Goyette Interviews Seymour Hersh

From Information Clearing House

U.S. Blasted for Treatment of Detainees

The U.N. human rights chief expressed concern Wednesday at recent U.S. legislative and judicial actions that she said leave hundreds of detainees without any way to challenge their indefinite imprisonment.,,-6448430,00.html

From Information Clearing House

Going Back to North Korea, Hat in Hand

Five years and an outlaw nuke test after President Bush blew up the peace process with Pyongyang so he could look tougher than his predecessor, he capitulated completely earlier this month in accepting a negotiating framework that tacitly accepts the huge surge in the communist state’s estimated nuclear arsenal. Bush blinked big-time.

From Information Clearing House

Lieberman: We can face Iran alone

From Information Clearing House

Chief of ex-Soviet military pact warns U.S. against striking Iran

The Russian head of a military pact including several ex-Soviet nations warned the United States on Thursday not to use force against Iran, saying a military strike would not succeed in stopping Iran's nuclear program but would destabilize the region.

From Information Clearing House

Bolton Says U.S. Should Seek `Regime Change' in Iran

John Bolton, the former American envoy to the United Nations, said the U.S. should pursue "regime change'' in Iran because European governments refuse to back sanctions tough enough to halt the suspected Iranian nuclear-bomb program.

From Information Clearing House

Snow at CPAC: We didn't create the war in Iraq

Speaking at the Omni Shoreham Hotel's Regency Ballroom in Washington DC, the presidential advisor said, "We didn't create the war in Iraq. We didn't create the war on terror."

From Information Clearing House

Kucinich introduces bill to immediately end Iraq occupation

HR 1234 is a plan for the United States to use existing money to bring the troops and necessary equipment home and transition to an international security and peacekeeping force.

From Information Clearing House

Dems Nix Idea of Military Budget Cuts

Just hours after floating the idea of cutting $20 billion from President Bush's $142 billion request for military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan next year, Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad was overruled by fellow Democrats Thursday.,,-6449727,00.html

From Information Clearing House

McCain Says U.S. Lives 'Wasted' in Iraq

From Information Clearing House


The Power of Narrative
by Arthur Silber


The truth is infinitely worse than that these lives have been ‘wasted’: these deaths have served to strengthen our enemies and weaken our own country in countless ways that our actual enemies could never have achieved on their own. That these lives have been ‘wasted’ is the best one can say, not the worst. They are the greatest boon our enemies could dream of. These lives have not been ‘wasted’: they are the precious tribute laid at the feet of our enemies, by our own leaders in the pursuit of indefensible and criminal aims. Of course, the recognition of this truth requires that we act like adults, and that we are capable of coherent thought, shorn of lies...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Australia: The New 51st State

By John Pilger

John Howard's servility to the US is even greater than Tony Blair's and has earned him the nickname Bush's deputy sheriff. The conspiracy between Washington, the media and politicians is eroding the country's freedoms.

BBC über Bemühungen der US-Regierung um einen Anlass für Irankrieg

Firm challenges decision to reject phone mast bid

MOBILE phone giant Orange is to fight a Town Hall decision blocking plans for a mast just feet from bedrooms.

The firm’s attempt to put up an eight-foot mast in Dynham Road, West Hampstead, was rejected by Camden planning chiefs in November last year. They ruled that the phone mast would clutter a conservation area.
Orange was the first phone company to have a mast application thrown out by the Town Hall.

The decision will now be reviewed by the planning inspectorate, a government body that has the power to overturn local planning rulings.

Lib Dem finance chief and Kilburn ward councillor Janet Grauberg opposed the siting of the mast at November’s meeting. She was concerned about its proximity to rooms where people would be sleeping, but, under planning regulations, health fears cannot be taken into account when deciding on a mast application.

Seven years ago the Stewart Report ruled that there was not enough evidence to support concerns that radiation from masts is dangerous.

Objector Simon Holmes’s home is less than 10 feet from the proposed site of the mast. The father of two wants to see health concerns incorporated into law.

He said: “The council take into consideration health risks on their own property. It’s slightly hypocritical that they don’t do the same for public property which they have been elected to safeguard.”

The Town Hall’s policy, introduced five years ago, is not to have phone masts on council buildings.

But Tory environment chief Councillor Mike Greene, who warned against rejecting the phone firm’s plans at last year’s meeting, said the appeal could be costly.

He added: “I would be delighted if the council were to win – from the point of view of residents and council tax-payers – but I fear we’re rather up against it.”

The average cost to the taxpayer of the appeal process is between £10,000 and £20,000, he pointed out. That figure shoots up to about £50,000 if costs of the case are awarded against the council. In the last two years there have been 325 planning appeals in Camden, which have cost council tax-payers about £350,000.

Residents have until March 23 to lodge their objections.

All content © New Journal Enterprises, 2006

Mobilfunk-Angst vertreibt Mieter

Informant: Landesverband Thüringen
Hauptstrasse 106
98663 Westhausen

Quicksand: Bush is sinking

From Information Clearing House

Michael B. Nifong and the Sociopathic State

Senate Republican Warmongers

Another Cold War Against Russia

Sen. Majority Leader Harry Reid: 'It's nothing that any of us are considering'

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Geredet wurde genug jetzt ist zu handeln!

#Die Linkspartei.PDS: Pressemitteilungen

02. März 2007

Das Kyoto-Protokoll von 1997 legte erstmals verbindliche Ziele zur Reduktion von Treibhausgas-Emissionen für Industrieländer im Zeitraum von 2008 bis
2012 fest. Es ist seit 2005 in Kraft. Zu zehn Jahren Kyoto-Protokoll erklärt der stellvertretende Parteivorsitzende Wolfgang Methling:

Es ist bisher auch in Deutschland nicht gelungen, zwingende Maßnahmen einzuleiten. Das Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz war ein richtiger Schritt. Aber er reicht nicht mehr aus. Wir brauchen den Ausstieg aus der Verbrennung fossiler Energieträger. Stattdessen werden Milliarden Euro in den Bau neuer Steinkohlekraftwerke gesteckt und über die Wiederbelebung der Kernenergiegewinnung philosophiert. In Mecklenburg-Vorpommern wurden in den letzten Jahren große Fortschritte bei der Nutzung erneuerbarer Energien vor allem Windkraft, Biomasse und Biogas erzielt. Immerhin 34 Prozent des Stroms werden aus diesen Quellen erzeugt. Damit brüstet sich heute der neue CDU-Wirtschaftsminister und forciert gleichzeitig den Bau eines neuen Steinkohlekraftwerkes in Lubmin. Welche Schizophrenie! Der Autoindustrie wird gestattet die dringend erforderliche drastische Reduzierung des Kraftstoffverbrauchs zu hintertreiben. Kerosin wird nach wie vor nicht besteuert. Von der Verlagerung des Güterverkehrs auf die klimafreundliche Schiene ist keine Rede. Nahezu jeder Vorschlag wird von der herrschenden Politikerkaste zerredet und alles bleibt beim Alten. So werden wir den Klimakollaps nicht verhindern. Vorschläge liegen von Experten, den Umweltverbänden und auch von der Linkspartei.PDS auf dem Tisch. Geredet wurde genug jetzt ist zu handeln! Das Kyoto-Protokoll war ohne Zweifel ein Meilenstein in der internationalen Klimaschutzpolitik. Angesichts der Dramatik des Klimawandels fällt die Bilanz der Ergebnisse nach zehn Jahren allerdings ziemlich bescheiden aus. Die Industrieländer haben ihre Treibhausgasemissionen um 3,3 Prozent reduziert. Das ist aber den mittel- und osteuropäischen Staaten zu verdanken. Die übrigen Industrieländer verbuchen eine Steigerung der Emissionen um 11 Prozent. Die am wenigsten entwickelten Länder tragen am wenigsten zum Klimawandel bei, haben aber bereits heute am meisten darunter zu leiden. Diese nüchterne Bilanz hat die Konferenz von Nairobi im vergangenen Jahr leider ziehen müssen. Abgesehen davon, dass sich die USA aus dem Prozess bereits 2001 wieder verabschiedet haben, können sich weder Europa insgesamt noch Deutschland zufrieden auf die Schulter klopfen. Geht die Entwicklung so weiter wie bisher, wird nicht einmal das bescheidene Ziel, 5 Prozent weniger Treibhausgase als 1990 auszustoßen, erreicht. Und jedem müsste inzwischen klar sein, dass das bei weitem nicht ausreicht.

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