Mittwoch, 21. Februar 2007

Wolfowitz Warns of 'Surprise like Pearl Harbor' Months Before 9/11 Attacks

Informant: Amy Sasser

From ufpj-news

Phone mast plan for historic building

A MOBILE phone company wants to install a mast on a B-listed building in Kirkintilloch town centre.

O2 want to build four antennae and cabinets inside the clock tower at Barony Chambers in Kirkintilloch.

A spokesperson for the mobile phone company said: "The planning application is to put the mast behind the louvres on the clock tower, so there will be nothing visible to the naked eye.

"The mast is for our 3G network and it's going in there because we have identified a requirement for that service in the area.

"We recognise that putting structures on the street or green field sites can sometimes be off-putting for local communities therefore we try to find solutions to that where we can."

Barony Chambers, at Cowgate in Kirkintilloch, is a B-listed building and planning permission needs to be approved by Historic Scotland.

Leigh Johnston, Historic Scotland's senior inspector, said: "Historic Scotland has not received an application for a telephone mast to be incorporated into the steeple yet and would expect to be consulted should East Dunbartonshire Council be minded to grant permission.

"As a B-listed building it is important that any alterations are appropriate and do not unnecessarily diminish the historic character of the building."

21 February 2007

All rights reserved © 2007 Johnston Press Digital Publishing.

Concern over church phone mast plans

21 February 2007

TALKS are underway between mobile phone giant T Mobile and Muswell Hill Baptist Church for a mast in its spire just yards from two schools.

The possibility of a mast in the Dukes Avenue church so close to Muswell Hill Primary School and the Hornsey Trust's Conductive Education Centre for children with cerebral palsy has prompted concern.

There are already at least 17 mobile phone base stations within three-quarters of a mile of Muswell Hill Broadway including a Vodafone mast on nearby land at The Hill bar/nightclub.

One resident, who did not want to be named, said: "I know that the local authority has said that children must not be within 200 yards of a phone mast.

"There are two opinions on this - one that it doesn't matter about mobile phone masts, the other is that we need to know where masts are going and adopt a 'play safe' attitude towards them."

Church minister Andrew Picton told the Journal a final decision would be made by congregation members.

He said: "I understand there's still a certain amount of controversy around the issue even after all these years.

"We need to make decisions as a community together and explore all the issues open and honestly. We will take any concerns seriously."

He would not say how much T Mobile was proposing to pay in rent.

A spokesman for T Mobile said: "It is at a very early stage yet. There is no agreement, no planning application, no design; it is just to see whether they are interested and whether we can fit the equipment in the area of the church.

"I think probably it will be another two months before anything happens."

Meanwhile, St Peter-le-Poer Church in Albion Avenue, Friern Barnet, has given the go ahead for its tower to be used for a Vodafone mast.

The next steps are an application to Barnet Council and for the chancellor of the diocese of London to give his blessing to the move.

Copyright © 2007 Archant Regional Limited. All rights reserved.

Third Way, Wrong Direction

by Thomas I. Palley,

"New" Democrats peddle "new" rules based on old ties with Wall Street.

A War Conspiracy Documented

by John Prados,

Newly released slides show Bush and Blair launched the Iraq shooting war long before the 2003 invasion.

The Real News About Global Warming

by Bill McKibben,

An international report understates the environmental danger but still prompts significant action.

Holding corporations accountable for human rights abuses isn't an easy task

"Lügenpropaganda": Friedensbewegung fordert Stopp der Kriegsvorbereitungen gegen den Iran

"Tun Sie alles Ihnen Mögliche, um einen Krieg der USA gegen den Iran zu verhindern" - dies fordern zahlreiche Repräsentanten der deutschen Friedensbewegung von Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel. Die Wissenschaftler, Mediziner und Friedensforscher um den Osnabrücker Politikwissenschaftler Professor Mohssen Massarrat rechnen mit einem "bevorstehenden umfassenden Luftkrieg der Vereinigten Staaten gegen den Iran". Mit Hilfe von drei Flugzeugträgern wolle die US-Armee "die gesamte militärische und zivile Infrastruktur" Irans zerstören. Wie üblich werde noch nach "Vorwänden" für diesen Krieg gesucht, woran sich auch die "New York Times" beteilige. "Die Situation heute erinnert an die Lügenpropaganda in den Monaten vor dem Irak-Krieg", heißt es in dem Schreiben an Merkel.


Direkt zur Kanzlerin

Fitzgerald: "There Is a Cloud Over the Vice President"

During closing arguments Tuesday in the obstruction of justice and perjury trial of former vice presidential staffer I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald told jurors that "there is a cloud over the vice president É a cloud over the White House over what happened," according to a copy of the transcript of Fitzgerald's statements.

Petition under the Auditor General Act to the Auditor General of Canada

Dear Auditor General

Please find attached two documents, which comprise my petition to you.

My petition concerns the very serious environmental problem of electro magnetic radiation (EMR). EMR will increasingly affect the health and many other aspects of the lives of Canadians.

I will send you further messages with supporting information.

Yours sincerely,

Martin Weatherall


Revised petition to the Auditor General of Canada

I have attached my revised petition to the Auditor General of Canada.

Martin Weatherall.


Auditor General Petition

EMFs and Office of the Auditor General of Canada

We need your help.

Those of you who are concerned about radio frequency radiation, low frequency electromagnetic fields, dirty electricity or ground current in Canada and the possible health consequences can contact Roger Hillier, who is the Petitions Manage for the Office of the Auditor General of Canada.

He can be reached via email at: roger.hillier
or by phone at: 1-888-761-5953 x 4664

I am sending this to people in Canada who have contacted me about cell phone towers, high voltage power lines, ground current, electro-sensitivity, compact fluorescent lights etc.. Apparently two petitions have been presented to the OAG (one is by Higgins and the other by Weatherall). However, I know there are a lot of you out there who have been frustrated with the answers you have received from Health Canada and other federal bodies.

Please email Roger and tell him about your concerns. It will make his job easier and it will help the two petitions currently on file.

Also, please let me know if you have/will contact him with perhaps a cc of your email correspondence. Please use "Concern about EMFs" in the subject heading.

The OAG is here to help us get Ministers in various Departments to respond to pressing concerns we all have about our health and environmental exposure to toxins (among other things). One email to Roger can make a difference. Share your story with him in a couple of paragraphs, ask specific Ministers to respond to your questions and lets see what happens.

Thanks for helping,

p.s. Please forward this email to those in Canada who have a story to share, a question to ask or are just concerned about this emerging public health issue.

Dr. Magda Havas, B.Sc., Ph.D.
Environmental and Resource Studies Program, Trent University
Peterborough, ON K9J 7B8, CANADA
email: mhavas
phone: 705-748-1011 x7882
fax: 705-748-1569

Words to live by . . .

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." Martin Luther King, Jr.

"The world shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage."
Anais Nin

"Liberty can not be preserved without general knowledge among people." --John Adams

"Facts don't cease to exist just because they are ignored."
Aldous Huxley

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead

Never Give Up! Winston Churchill

Informant: Martin Weatherall

StratCom already planning pre-emptive strike on Iran

Informant: Kev Hall

Prediction: This nation will go to war with Iran, and it will do so with the full consent of Congress

Informant: Carol Moore in DC

From ufpj-news

Anti-Terror Case Data Flawed

Federal prosecutors counted immigration violations, marriage fraud and drug trafficking among anti-terror cases in the four years after 9/11 even though no evidence linked them to terror activity, a Justice Department audit said Tuesday. Overall, nearly all of the terrorism-related statistics on investigations, referrals and cases examined by department Inspector General Glenn A. Fine were either diminished or inflated.

Congressional battleground

The American Prospect
by Paul Starr


Can the public make its will felt through Congress and start the difficult process of bringing closure to the Iraq War? Although the voters spoke last November, the administration has seen no need to listen. But the prospect of another defeat in 2008 may motivate enough Republicans in Congress to break with the administration on the war — and by acting strategically the war’s opponents and the Democratic leadership can help make that happen. It is a frightening thought that however little confidence they enjoy, George W. Bush and Dick Cheney will be in the White House for nearly two more years...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Framing the Presidency

The Nation
by Aziz Huq


What kind of executive branch did America’s constitutional framers have in mind? It’s a question with which federal courts are now busy wrestling. And the quality of liberty American citizens enjoy very much depends on their answers. Today, President Bush’s lawyers claim unlimited power to seize, indefinitely and without charges, individuals the Administration deems ‘enemy combatants.’ In two separate appellate court cases — one of which, Omar v. Harvey was argued earlier this month, the President’s lawyers made the following, remarkable claim: When international entanglements are involved, signified in the Omar case by a United Nationals Security Council resolution, US officials can detain a US citizen, indefinitely. Last week, the DC Court of Appeals rightly — and squarely — rejected this legally specious claim...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Appealing dissent

The American Conservative
by Michael Brendan Dougherty


Even out of uniform, Sgt. Liam Madden looks every bit the dutiful jarhead. His dark hair is cut short, his posture stiff and composed, his square jaw barely moves when he speaks. Even in the blistering cold, while reporters look for shelter from the wind, Sgt. Madden’s arms stay at his sides. Dozens of microphones form a media bouquet on the podium, leaving no place for him to rest his notes before he speaks. Facing the television cameras that frame his stern face against the Capitol dome, Madden’s bearing says that he is on a mission. In his hands he holds a message for Congress. The communication reads As a patriotic American proud to serve the nation in uniform, I respectfully urge my political leaders in Congress to support the prompt withdrawal of all American military forces and bases from Iraq. Staying in Iraq will not work and is not worth the price. It is time for U.S. troops to come home. Simple, devoid of radicalism, and most important to Madden, legal. This Appeal for Redress to End the War in Iraq has been signed by over 1,100 members of the Armed Forces, including 100 officers. Delivering it to Congress after the Martin Luther King holiday, Sergeant Madden isn’t nervous. But he never expected to be doing this...

The Cheney handicap

National Review
by Bruce Bartlett


It is becoming increasingly clear that the Republican party has a huge problem going into 2008. Usually, it has a clear frontrunner going into the process who is broadly acceptable to most Republicans. But in this election cycle, that is not true. The race is wide open and it is hard to predict who will be left standing when the last primary vote is cast. One thing that can be predicted is that a great many Republicans will be dissatisfied with their party’s presidential nominee. It won’t matter who among those currently running ends up with the nomination, because, in my opinion, none have the capacity to unite the party or to stimulate the kind of intense support a nominee needs to win the general election. … One thing that could have changed things for the better, from the Republican point of view, is if it had a sitting vice president who was a candidate...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

We’ve got issues

Liberty For All
by Lady Liberty


I’ve said and written any number critical things about President George W. Bush, but I’ve never called him stupid. That diminishes, in my mind, the intent behind some of his more objectionable acts, and these are things I do believe were committed with knowledge and intent. I believe he knew full well, and understood completely, the repercussions of the USA PATRIOT Act which goes well above and beyond extraordinary measures to fight the ‘war on terror.’ I think he endorses REAL ID because it gives the government more control over all of us rather than that it might give the government some dubious control over a few terrorists...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Scooter Libby and WWIII

by Justin Raimondo


Given that U.S. foreign policy is, to a large degree, driven by domestic politics, the motive on the part of the administration to escalate provocative covert actions inside Iran has never been greater. With Scooter Libby likely to be convicted and Fitzgerald’s sights increasingly turned on Cheney, the War Party, cornered, has every reason to lash out in one last desperate bid to save its political skin. Fitzgerald, by all indications, is coming for Cheney. After the trial but before the sentencing, Fitz will make a strenuous effort to ‘flip’ Scooter and use his testimony to target the vice president. … What better way to distract attention away from this coming political bombshell than by dropping some real bombs on Iran?

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The mythology of the “Good Guy” American

The Power of Narrative
by Arthur Silber


One point is crucial: a critical part of our national mythology is the insistence on viewing our nation and ourselves as Americans in comparative terms. When we insist that we are uniquely ‘good’ and ‘virtuous,’ this logically necessitates a further conclusion: we are better than everyone else. We are ‘the Good Guys.’ The emphasis is not only on ‘Good,’ but on ‘the’: we are the Good Guys in a way that no one else is, or can ever be...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Merck suspends lobbying for HPV vaccine

Yahoo! News


Merck & Co., bowing to pressure from parents and medical groups, is immediately suspending its lobbying campaign to persuade state legislatures to mandate that adolescent girls get the company’s new vaccine against cervical cancer as a requirement for school attendance.The drug maker, which announced the change Tuesday, had been criticized for quietly funding the campaign, via a third party, to require 11- and 12-year-old girls get the three-dose vaccine in order to attend school...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

MPs attack plan for police access to ID database

Independent [UK]


The Government’s plan to bring in identity cards has run into further problems after it emerged that the police would be able to use the national database to check fingerprints found at crime scenes. Tony Blair was accused of contradicting previous assurances that the police would not be able to go on ‘fishing expeditions’ when the scheme takes effect. He said ID cards would help to solve crimes, in an attempt to reassure 28,000 people who signed a petition against the cards on the Downing Street website. In an email to the signatories, the Prime Minister argued that the scheme would help the police bring people guilty of serious crimes to justice. ‘They will be able, for example, to compare the fingerprints found at the scene of some 900,000 unsolved crimes against the information held on the register,’ he said. Opposition parties claimed Mr Blair was ‘changing his tune’ and that they never realised the police would be able to use the database in such a way...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Life and Death in Antarctica


Stronger Unions Mean a Strong Middle Class

Harley Shaiken writes: "Polls tell us that 58 percent of eligible workers would join a union if they could, yet union membership in the private sector plummeted to a record low in 2006. What explains this yawning gap? The fact that, for many Americans, joining a union has become a risk rather than a right."

Why Americans Are Skeptical of Their Role in Global Warming

While the evidence is clear that human-caused global warming is occurring and is a threat to many humans and other organisms on the planet, many Americans have been slow to buy the whole argument.

"Now or Never" for Climate Action

In an article on the BBC News website, the EU environment ministers wrote: "We all know that the current Kyoto deal does not go far enough. If we are going to avoid the dangerous impacts of climate change, the EU must stand up and lead the debate on committing to further action."

Small US Towns Bear Scars From Iraq

Across the nation, small towns are quietly bearing a disproportionate burden of war. Nearly half of the more than 3,100 US military casualties in Iraq have come from towns like McKeesport, Pennsylvania, where fewer than 25,000 people live. One in five hailed from hometowns of fewer than 5,000. Many of the hometowns of the war dead aren't just small, they're poor.

Leak Lawyers Close on Credibility Issue

Prosecutors told jurors Tuesday that former vice presidential aide I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby concocted an implausible story in the CIA leak case, while defense attorneys said it would be unfair to convict Libby in a case with so many memory failures. In closing arguments, prosecutor Peter Zeidenberg said it's hard to believe that Libby would forget about Valerie Plame since he was eagerly trying to discredit her husband, former Ambassador Joseph Wilson, who had accused the Bush administration of doctoring pre-war intelligence on Iraq.

Hungerstreik als Protestform: Existentieller Notschrei

Aktionsbündnis Sozialproteste plant kollektiven Hungerstreik im April. Kritikerin warnt vor unkontrollierbaren Folgen der Debatte. Artikel von Sebastian Wessels in junge Welt vom 21.02.2007

Aus: LabourNet, 21. Februar 2007


Kleine Dramaturgie des Hungerstreiks gegen Hartz IV

Der Zeitplan von Peter Grottian vom 16. Februar 07 (pdf)

Kollektiver Hungerstreik gegen Hartz IV ab 02. April 2007 in Berlin – existenzielle Zumutungen mit existenziellen Protestformen beantworten! Aufruf zu einer besonnenen Debatte und für ein extremes Mittel der gewaltfreien Demonstration

Aufruf in überarbeiteter Fassung vom Februar 2007 (pdf). Die Autoren: Peter Grottian, Michael Maurer, Tommi Sander, Pia Witte

„Die Würde des Menschen steht unter Finanzierungsvorbehalt". Warum ich an einem Hungerstreik teilnehme

Artikel von Ellen Diederich, Oberhausen, vom 15.2.2007 bei Linkezeitung

Die Debatte

Klarstellung: BAG-SHI und Hungerstreik

„Aufgrund einer ‚Außerordentlichen Rundmail’ des ‚Aktionsbündnis Sozialproteste’ vom Dienstag, 20.02.2007 stellt die Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Erwerbslosen- und Sozialhilfeinitiativen (BAG-SHI) e.V. zum Thema ‚Kollektiver Hungerstreik gegen Hartz IV ab 02. April 2007 in Berlin – existenzielle Zumutungen mit existenziellen Protestformen beantworten!’ fest: „Die Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Erwerbslosen- und Sozialhilfeinitiativen (BAG-SHI) e.V. unterstützt nicht den Hungerstreik von Menschen in Berlin ab 02. April 2007 als Unterstützer oder Träger…“ Stellungnahme vom 21.02.2007 (pdf)

Aus: LabourNet, 22. Februar 2007


Alltägliche Schikanen: In Gütersloh ist ein Erwerbsloser gegen ARGE-Schikanen und Kürzungen im Hungerstreik!

Hartz IV Hungerstreik in Gütersloh nimmt dramatische Formen an

„Erwerbslosen Forum Deutschland fordert ein sofortiges Einlenken des Geschäftsführers der GT-Aktiv GmbH in Gütersloh. Das Verhalten von Geschäftsführer Kupczyk ist schon jetzt mehr als beschämend zu bezeichnen…“ Pressemitteilung des Erwerbslosen Forum Deutschland,

Solidarität mit Berndt Pfeifer: Demonstration am 10. April um 15 Uhr vor der GT aktiv GmbH in Gütersloh

Aufruf bei Techeles e.V.

Aus: LabourNet, 7. April 2008


Solidaritätsdemonstration für Berndt Pfeifer am Donnerstag, 10. April in Gütersloh


9. April 2008

Hartz IV öffnet Tür und Tor für Schikanen

Zu dem seit mehreren Wochen anhaltenden Hungerstreik von Berndt Pfeifer aus Gütersloh (Nordrhein-Westfahlen) erklärt die stellvertretende Parteivorsitzende Katja Kipping:

Das perfide Hartz-IV-System zwingt Menschen in Armut, grenzt sie aus – und treibt viele an den Rand der Verzweiflung. Es lädt geradezu ein, Menschen zu Objekten der Willkür zu machen. Dieses System Hartz IV muss weg. Als Sofortmaßnahme fordere ich die Herstellung der aufschiebenden Wirkung von Widersprüchen, um den Betroffenen wenigstens einen Minimalschutz ihrer sozialen Bürger- und Grundrechte zu gewähren. Der widerrechtliche Abzug eines Hinzuverdienstes, die rechtwidrigen Kürzungen des Regelsatzes bereits vor einem Klinikaufenthalt und der Leistungen für die Unterkunft – alles das musste der Bezieher von Arbeitslosengeld II Berndt Pfeifer erleben. Dazu kommt, dass sein Antrag auf ALG II nur schleppend bearbeitet wurde – die ihm zustehende Vorauszahlung eines Teilbetrages musste er sich hart erkämpfen. Berndt Pfeifer fordert nunmehr mit seinem Hungerstreik eine Entschuldigung der zuständigen Verantwortlichen der Verwaltung. Diese sitzen nicht nur in der Gütersloher Hartz-IV-Behörde. Vielmehr sind die Schuldigen in der rot-grünen Koalition unter Schröder und in der heutigen schwarz-roten Koalition zu finden. Die Bundesregierung ist jetzt gefordert, sofort moderierend einzugreifen, um das Schlimmste in Gütersloh zu verhindern.

Aktionen und Proteste: Gegen-Armut-2007

Statt Kombilohn für Niedrigverdiener: Wir fordern eine Regelsatzerhöhung und einen gesetzlichen Mindestlohn.

Konzept der Kampagnenwoche beginnend am 2. April von und bei Aktionsbündnis Sozialproteste (pdf)

Für Gerechtigkeit, Frieden und Bewahrung der Natur. 2. Sozialforum in Deutschland am 18.-21. Oktober 2007 in Cottbus

Aktionsseite mit allen Infos beim Sozialforum Deutschland

Aus: LabourNet, 21. Februar 2007



Die Kampagnenwoche, beginnend am 2. April, hat eine eigene Homepage mit aktuellen Informationen

Aus: LabourNet, 2. April 2007

Angeklagt: mit einer "Öffentlichen Verhandlung" protestieren Betroffene gegen das Instrument der Ein-Euro-Jobs

»Vier Ein-Euro-Jobs ergeben drei reguläre Arbeitsstellen«. In »öffentlicher Verhandlung« wurden in Bremen Erwerbslose und Mitarbeiter von Beschäftigungsträgern befragt.

Ein Gespräch von Andreas Grünwald in junge Welt vom 21.02.2007 mit Uwe Helmke, Mitinitiator einer »öffentlichen Verhandlung zu den Ein-Euro-Jobs«, die am Freitag in Bremen stattfand.

Aus: LabourNet, 21. Februar 2007

Hängematte für alle?

Zeit statt Konsum - Arbeitsverweigerung

„Je höher die Arbeitslosigkeit und Verarmung, umso beharrlicher wird im öffentlichen Diskurs die Arbeitsmoral hochgehalten. Wie das neue Regierungsprogramm zeigt, denkt sich der Staat immer neue Kontrollen und Zwangsmaßnahmen gegen Arbeitslose aus. Bei all der übersteigerten Stigmatisierung von angeblicher Faulheit setzen viele kritische Kräfte als Gegendiskurs auf demonstrative Faulheit als Utopie. Das „Lob der Faulheit“ hat in der Linken wieder Konjunktur. Was bringt das? Und was kann „Faulheit“ eigentlich heute bedeuten?“ Ein Dossier in der österreichischen Zeitschrift Malmoe des Vereins zur Förderung medialer Vielfalt und Qualität Nr. 36

Ökonomie der Anerkennung: Tristesse ade, bonjour Pares(s)e?

„“Faulheit!” soll das wieder entdeckte Gegenmittel für das von Arbeitsalltag und -eifer geplagte partikuläre Ich heißen. Würden gesellschaftliche Veränderungen in Ratgeberliteratur ihren Anfang finden, sollten schon ein paar davon im Gange sein – so viele Bücher unterschiedlichster Couleur begrüßen, erläutern, entdecken, begründen und bringen dem/der LeserIn die Faulheit und den geschickten Umgang mit ihr bei. Die AutorInnen unzähliger Ratgeber sprechen kokett brenzlige Themen an – entfremdete Arbeit, Selbstausbeutung, aktives Distanzieren vom eigenen Unternehmen. Sie lösen überschaubare Skandale aus, schreiben mitunter subversiv und geben ihr Wissen als Tipps weiter. Wozu/wogegen Faulheit gut sein soll? Dazu, sich ein windstilles Plätzchen in einer Ecke der großen Arbeitswelt zu sichern, Stress abzubauen, die eigene Verwertbarkeit zu erhöhen, sich für den nächsten (besseren) Job fit zu machen, von der eigenen Kreativität zu profitieren, cool zu wirken oder die Kunst zu vermitteln, sich selbst die Nicht-Identifizierung mit dem Unternehmen beizubringen – eine Herausforderung, die angesichts der Popularität der hochaktuellen Ich-AGs abseits der Schizophrenie kaum zu bewerkstelligen ist…“ Artikel von Radostina Patulova

Recht auf Faulheit. Nach Paul Lafargue

„Als Paul Lafargue, der Schwiegersohn von Karl Marx, 1883 das „Recht auf Faulheit“ in einem polemischen Manifest diesen Titels ausruft, wird er meist ignoriert oder im günstigsten Fall belächelt. Zu sehr kippt die Kampfschrift ins Parodistische. Zu sehr nimmt der Text sich selber das Recht heraus, statt zu argumentieren in Traumwelten eines geglückten Lebens zu schwelgen. Im Rückblick erscheinen Lafargues Traumwelten jedoch zum Teil realistisch…“ Artikel von Martin Jörg Schäfer

Die ArbeiterInnen mögen die Arbeit nicht ...auch heute noch nicht, obwohl der Kampf gegen die Arbeit schwieriger ist

„Das Lob der Faulheit wird heute in linken Kreisen vorwiegend von der so genannten „wertkritischen“ Denkschule gesungen, die Kapitalismus als alles absorbierendes System kritisieren, das nicht durch Klassenkampf, sondern nur durch eine Kritik und anschließende Überwindung der Warenform attackiert werden kann…“ Artikel von Robert Foltin

Aus: LabourNet, 21. Februar 2007

Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen: Alternative zum Sozialstaat?

„Der Vorschlag, Hartz IV und andere Sozialleistungen durch ein pauschales Grundeinkommen für alle Bürger zu ersetzen, scheint zahlreiche Probleme auf einen Schlag zu lösen. Doch viele gute Gründe sprechen gegen diesen Ansatz…“ Artikel in Böckler Impuls 01/2007 (pdf)

und dazu:

Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen: Der Weg zum Armutsfreien Sozialstaat

Eine Antwort von Karl-Heinz Pachura vom Januar 2007 auf den Artikel im Böcklerimpuls 1/2007 mit dem Titel: “Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen: Keine Alternative zum Sozialstaat“

Siehe dazu auch:

Das bedingungslose Existenzeinkommen und die Arbeit: Anmerkungen zum Begriff der Arbeit

Artikel von Karl-Heinz Pachura vom Januar 2007

Aus: LabourNet, 21. Februar 2007

1-Euro-Jobs: Subventionierter Stellenabbau

„Ein-Euro-Jobs verdrängen sozialversicherungspflichtige Beschäftigung und schaffen bislang keine Brücken in den ersten Arbeitsmarkt. Damit Zusatzjobs für Arbeitslose mehr nützen als schaden, sollten die Arbeitsvermittler genauer hinsehen, rät das IAB…“ Artikel in Böckler Impuls 03/2007 (pdf)

Aus: LabourNet, 21. Februar 2007

Die unerträgliche Situation eines einstmals "normalen" Ehepaares in Deutschland

Die Geschichte von Jutta und Andreas Embacher aus Algermissen

Aus: LabourNet, 21. Februar 2007

Climate change laps at Bangladesh's shores,0,6823000.story

Informant: binstock

Bundesnetzagentur will restliche Wimax-Frequenzen vergeben

The generation of 'damaged' girls

A generation of very young girls is being psychologically damaged by inappropriate "sexy" clothing, toys and images in the media that are corrupting childhood, leading psychologists warn today.

From Information Clearing House

George Orwell 1984 or should we call it 2006?


From Information Clearing House

Britain Developing Tiny Camera to Spy on Each Passenger

TINY cameras the size of a fingernail linked to specialist computers are to be used to monitor the behaviour of airline passengers as part of the war on terrorism.

From Information Clearing House

An Orwellian solution to kids skipping school

Let's say your teenager is a habitual truant and there is nothing you can do about it. A Washington area politician thinks he might have the solution: Fit the child with a Global Positioning System chip, then have police track him down.

From Information Clearing House

Illusions of Security: Global Surveillance and Democracy in the Post-9/11 World

Love letters, bank transactions, library books, scuba diving lessons: can the government actually use your personal information to predict whether you might be a terrorist?

From Information Clearing House

No habeas for Guantánamo captives

U.S. Gulag: Court

The federal appeals panel in Washington, D.C., sided 2-1 with the Bush administration today, upholding an act of Congress that stripped Guantánamo Bay captives of the right to challenge their detention in lower federal courts.

From Information Clearing House

Venezuela Preparing for 'Asymmetrical' Showdown With U.S.

Venezuela is beefing up its military capabilities by land, sea and air in preparation for what one senior official called a possible "asymmetrical conflict" with the United States.

From Information Clearing House

Russian general warns against US missile bases

In a statement reflecting the growing distrust between Moscow and the West, a top Russian general warned yesterday that Poland and the Czech Republic risk being targeted by Russian missiles if they agree to host US missile defense bases.

From Information Clearing House

Farid N. Ghadry: Syria's terror networks

War pimp alert

The Syrian regime is just as complicit as Iran in moving forward hostile activities specifically designed to kill Americans. The evidence is there and widely acknowledged by those in the know.

Who Is Farid N. Ghadry?

Described as a "discredited businessman from Virginia" who is "Syria’s version of Ahmad Chalabi" by Robert Dreyfuss April 17, 2006.

From Information Clearing House

Iran: This, Mr President, is how wars start

Andrew Stephen in Washington warns that war could easily be triggered by the Bush administration's sheer incompetence.

From Information Clearing House

Any US strike on Iran will mean attack on Muslim ummah

Chief Minister of Pakistan's North West Frontier Province Akram Khan Durrani said here Tuesday that any US strike on Iran would be considered as attack on Muslim Ummah.

From Information Clearing House

Two 'Gators' deploy from Norfolk in two different directions

The 1,000 sailors of the Saipan had just six weeks to get ready. The Captain said they're needed in the Arabian Gulf, where they could remain for four to six months.

From Information Clearing House

Bush's Iran 'attack plan'

GEORGE Bush will launch missiles against Iran if it is proved to be behind attacks on US soldiers in Iraq, it was claimed last night.,,2-2007080330,00.html

From Information Clearing House

Iran bomb is 10 years away, says ElBaradei

Iran may be able to enrich uranium on a mass scale in six months but it could be 10 years away from being able to build a nuclear bomb, the chief United Nations nuclear monitor says.

From Information Clearing House

Security forces’ rob Baghdad academics

The security forces separated the men from the women and then ordered Jabouri’s wife to give them a suitcase filled with jewellery and £20,000 in cash.

From Information Clearing House

Bush wanted the 'right' people in charge of the reconstruction of Iraq

The project

President Bush wanted the 'right' people in charge of the reconstruction of Iraq. Unfortunately for the country, that meant loyalty to the president rather than expertise - including a 24-year-old estate agent put in charge of the stock exchange, writes Rajiv Chandrasekaran in the second exclusive extract from his new book.,,2017023,00.html

From Information Clearing House

Baghdad On The Potomac?

Both houses of Congress have now gone on record opposing Bush's dispatch of 21,500 more troops to Iraq. Yet neither house is willing to end U.S. involvement by cutting off funding for the war.

New Iraq Oil Law To Open Iraq's Oil Reserves to Western Companies

What would this new law mean for Iraq? - Concerning Iraq's sovereignty. Iraq will not be capable of controlling the levels -- the limits of production, which means that Iraq cannot be a part of OPEC anymore.

From Information Clearing House

Until You Change How Money Works, You Change Nothing

By Carolyn Baker

"Tapeworm” is the name Fitts applies to the economic system of the U.S. which seeks to feed upon both its inhabitants and its neighbors, near and far, and at the same time, ingest them with toxins which cause them to crave the very elements which feed the Tapeworm, thereby establishing a perpetual search-and-destroy economic system.

Learning To Be A Lean, Mean Killing Machine

By Sgt. Martin Smith, USMC, ret.

It speaks volumes that in order for young working-class men and women to gain self-confidence or self-worth, they seek to join an institution that trains them how to destroy, maim, and kill. The desire to become a Marine-as a journey to one's manhood or as a path to self-improvement-is a stinging indictment of the pathology of our class-ridden world.

Eisenhower's Worst Nightmare Now Harsh Reality For USA

By John Hanchette

Consider this mind-twisting equation from a well-researched article in the current issue of "Vanity Fair" magazine: Private federal contractors now "absorb the taxes paid by everyone in America with incomes under $100,000."

In Iraq, Anyone Can Make a Bomb

By Andrew Cockburn

In November, U.S. troops raiding a Baghdad machine shop came across a pile of copper disks, 5 inches in diameter, stamped out as part of what was clearly an ongoing order. This ominous discovery, unreported until now, makes it clear that Iraqi insurgents have no need to rely on Iran as the source of EFPs.

US 'Iran Attack Plans' Leaked

BBC News Video

Senior figures in Washington have been considering how to attack Iran if the order is given, the BBC has learned.

Click to view

US 'Iran Attack Plans' Revealed


US contingency plans for air strikes on Iran extend beyond nuclear sites and include most of the country's military infrastructure. - It is understood that any such attack - if ordered - would target Iranian air bases, naval bases, missile facilities and command-and-control centres.

Die biometrische Vollerfassung des deutschen Volkes ist in vollem Gange

CCC warnt vor biometrischer Vollerfassung

Es hat nur wenige Monate gedauert, bis die vom Bundesministerium des Innern (BMI) versprochene Zweckbindung der für die Reisepässe erhobenen biometrischen Daten der Bürger abgeschafft wird.

Obwohl das BMI stets versicherte, dass es keine zentrale Speicherung der biometrischen Daten geben wird, hat am Freitag der Bundesrat gefordert, sowohl die Gesichtsbilder als auch die Fingerabdrücke der Bürger in einer zentralen Datenbank für immer zu speichern. Bevor die Fingerabdrücke an den Meldeämtern überhaupt abgeben werden müssen, steht die zentrale Datenbank bereits vor der Tür.

Der CCC betont, dass die Speicherung in einer zentralen Datenbank ein Risiko für die Sicherheit der sensiblen biometrischen Daten darstellt. Diese zentrale Erfassung bietet deutlich einfachere Zugriffsmöglichkeiten für Datenverbrecher.

Polizei und Ordnungsamt sollen nach dem Willen des Bundesrates auf diese Datenbank ohne weiteres, z. B. zur Verfolgung von Ordnungswidrigkeiten, zugreifen können. Dabei soll es ohne jegliche Kontrolle einen “automatisierten Abgleich mit erkennungsdienstlichen Dateien der Polizeivollzugsbehörden” geben. Das heißt praktisch, dass jedem Bürger beispielsweise bei Geschwindigkeitskontrollen wie einem Schwerverbrecher Fingerabdrücke abgenommen werden. Diese Abdrücke können dann beispielsweise mit der AFIS-Datenbank (automatisches Fingerabdruck-Identifizierungssystem), die EU-weit mehrere Millionen Fingerabdrücke gespeichert hat, abgeglichen werden.

Der einfache Abgleich ist laut Bundesrat “unverzichtbar”. Die Begründung für diese angebliche Unverzichtbarkeit ist an Dreistigkeit kaum zu überbieten. Es wird angenommen, dass dadurch “Falschinformationen enthaltende Dokumente” auffindbar werden würden. Offenbar ist den Sicherheitshysterikern und Datensammlern dabei entgangen, dass die passive Authentifikation des RFID-Chips die Veränderung der Passdaten unmöglich macht.

In der Praxis ist bei den automatisierten Abfragen mit sehr vielen fälschlich als Verbrecher identifizierten Unschuldigen zu rechnen. Ein Großteil der Bevölkerung, insbesondere Senioren, Jugendliche und Frauen, besitzt keine ausgeprägten Fingerabdrücke, was zu Fehlidentifizierungen führt. Dies wurde durch eigens vom BMI in Auftrag gegebene Studien belegt.

Außerdem ist ein massiver Datenabgleich gegen eine biometrische Datenbank in dieser Dimension noch nie getestet worden. Es handelt sich also ein weiteres Mal um einen leichtfertigen Feldtest an der lebenden Bevölkerung.

Der Bundesrat forderte bei der Gelegenheit auch gleich, auf die Löschung der sensiblen biometrischen Daten zu verzichten. Statt einer Begründung wurde vom Bundesrat als Grund nur nebulös von “präventiven Gründen zur Aufrechterhaltung der öffentlichen Sicherheit und Ordnung” gesprochen. Zu deutsch: einmal erfasste Bürger sind für immer gespeichert.

In der Praxis wird dann jeder Straßenpolizist nach seinem Gutdünken nicht nur biometrische Gesichtsdaten, sondern auch Fingerabdrücke abnehmen, die danach für immer gespeichert bleiben und den Ermittlungsbehörden weiter zur Verfügung stehen.

Natürlich soll der Bürger für den staatlichen Missbrauch seiner biometrischen Daten selbst aufkommen. Über eine erneute Erhöhung der Passgebühren wird bereits diskutiert, denn der Bundesrat stellte fest, dass über die Hälfte der Kosten des biometrischen Reisepasses für die Länder nicht gedeckt sind.

Natürlich denkt das Innenministerium auch fürsorglich an jene Bürger, die keinen Reisepass besitzen. Die Einführung von Personalausweisen mit Funk-Chip, Biometrie-Bild und Fingerabdrücken ist fest eingeplant. Die biometrische Vollerfassung des deutschen Volkes ist also in vollem Gange.

Petition for an Environmental Court to be set up in the UK

Bush Is Losing the 'War on Terror'

Informant: Alan Dicey

Affaire en cours du Collège Marcel-Pagnol BETZ (Oise)

L'enquête (partie1)

La vérité sur les faisceaux d'irradiation

- Le Parisien 2 Mars 2007: Collège de Betz, le mystère des allergies reste entier.

- Le Parisien 1er Mars 2007: Allergie au Collège de Betz, l'INERIS n'a toujours pas trouvé d'explication.

Stop AT&T and Verizon from abusing your privacy!

If You Use the Phone, You Need to Act

Das Handy für den Hund

Is That All There Is?

The Propaganda Machine’s Lies About Saddam Live On

Ron Paul Exposes the Federal Reserve

Informant: shane_digital

2nd US supercarrier now in Gulf of Oman to 'help set the conditions'

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

CREW Sues Council on Environmental Quality over Global Warming Documents

EPA Do-Nothing Rule on Cement Kiln Mercury Pollution Ignores Court Order, Public Outcry

Time to Clip the Wings of Vulture Funds

Hillary Clinton Would Rather Be Wrong Than President

Renunciation of Reality

Another Big Win for Big Business: Court Sets Aside Award in Philip Morris Case


Shielding the Powerful

The editors of the New York Times write: "The Supreme Court's decision yesterday, overturning a nearly $80 million punitive damage award against Philip Morris, is a win for corporate wrongdoers. It stretches the Constitution's guarantee of due process in a way that will make it easier for companies that act reprehensibly to sidestep serious punishments. It also provides unsettling new evidence that the court is more concerned about - and more willing to protect - the powerful than the powerless."

Libby Testimony Raises More Questions about Cheney's Role In The CIA Leak Case

Javier Solana and the Global Constitution

by Constance Cumbey

The German ambassador to the USA once worked for Javier Solana, or so he said in his own speech at the February 14th function. So did his boss, German Foreign Minister Walter Steinmeier. Javier Solana is “the invisible man” to far too many Americans.” He certainly was not presumed “invisible” to the journalists at this gathering. “As you all know, Javier Solana is the face and voice of Europe,” proclaimed the Germanic ambassador making preliminary remarks before Senor Solana’s keynote speech.....

AAAS Board Releases New Statement on Climate Change

Informant: NHNE

Scientists unite to push Bush on climate

Informant: NHNE

Desperation in Pine Ridge Indian Reservation

by Melanie McBee

Alcoholism, addiction, violence, and suicide predominate in this once tranquil place. Although my family educated me on the statistics, I was hardly prepared when in 1997-98, I went to live there. I was mortified by the alcoholism. These people...MY PEOPLE were committing a slow suicide by the huge amounts of alcohol they were consuming. This was no longer just another statistic to me; it became my reality, the place I woke up to every day......

Drug Safety: The Eleventh Hour is NOW!

by Byron Richards

Testimony given on February 13th and 14th should have curdled the blood of Americans from coast to coast. The mainstream media, which receives several billion dollars a year in advertising income from Big Pharma, failed to report on the bone-chilling testimony that plainly depicts FDA fraud and collusion that is allowing thousands of our citizens to die at the hands of Big Pharma profiteering......

North American Union "Conspiracy" Exposed

by Cliff Kincaid

The Council's honorary chairman is David Rockefeller and its board members come from such major corporations as Merck, PepsiCo, McDonald's, Ford, Citibank, IBM, Wal-Mart, Exxon Mobil, GE (which owns NBC News and MSNBC) and Time Warner (which owns CNN and Time Inc.).......


Listen to Joan Veon being interviewed by Talk Show host Carl Wilson on KAJO Radio, Grants Pass, OR. The interview is brilliant.

Topic: North American Union, the coming NEW NAU currency, Sustainable Development, British Royalty, Etc...... or,

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