Samstag, 24. Februar 2007

Cheney leaves open military option against Iran

Informant: ranger116

Democrats Propose Bill to Withdraw Troops Starting in 120 Days

Brushing aside criticism from the White House, Senate Democrats said Friday their next challenge to President Bush's Iraq war policy would require the gradual withdrawal of US combat troops beginning within 120 days.

Next-up News n°194

Canada's High Court Strikes Down Indefinite Detention

One of Canada's most contentious anti-terrorism provisions was struck down Friday by the Supreme Court, which declared it unconstitutional to detain foreign terror suspects indefinitely while the courts review their deportation orders. The 9-0 ruling was a blow to the government's anti-terrorism regulations.

It Can Happen Here

"For the first time since the resignation of Richard M. Nixon more than three decades ago, Americans have had reason to doubt the future of democracy and the rule of law in our own country. Today we live in a state of tension between the enjoyment of traditional freedoms, including the protections afforded to speech and person by the Bill of Rights, and the disturbing realization that those freedoms have been undermined and may be abrogated at any moment," says Joe Conason.

Chomsky on Iran, Iraq, and the Rest of the World

Noam Chomsky, noted linguist, author, and foreign policy expert is interviewed by Michael Shank where he discusses the latest developments in US policy toward Iran, Iraq, North Korea, and Venezuela. Along the way, Chomsky also comments on climate change, the World Social Forum, and why international relations are run like the mafia.

Americans Underestimate Iraqi Death Toll

Americans are keenly aware of how many US forces have lost their lives in Iraq, but they woefully underestimate the number of Iraqi civilians who have been killed.

BP Alaska Still Risks Environmental Disaster

Less than a year after a corroded pipeline ruptured causing the largest oil spill in Alaskan history, BP (British Petroleum) has continued to implement severe cost-cutting measures at its North Slope facilities, making it vulnerable to another environmental disaster, a leading critic of the company has charged.

Irankriegs-Vorbereitungen in der heißen Phase?


Werden die Kriegspläne konkreter?

Israel verhandelt angeblich mit den USA für einen eventuellen Angriff auf Iran über einen Luftkorridor über dem Irak, die israelische Regierung macht für die Gerüchte westliche Staaten verantwortlich.

USA: Hospitäler setzen Patienten aus

Detainee Policy Gets a Misguided Endorsement

Campaigners fight plans for 81ft mobile phone mast

By Melanie Adams

MORE than 700 people have vowed to fight plans for a mobile phone mast in a popular Hampshire woodland.

Protesters against the proposed plans for an 81ft mast in Stoke Park Wood, in Bishopstoke, joined forces with Eastleigh MP Chris Huhne yesterday to hand over a petition in a bid to halt plans.

The Guardians of Stoke Park Wood want to preserve the unspoilt beauty of the woodland, which for hundreds of years has been a haven for families and a sanctuary for wildlife.

It is hoped that the petition, which seeks to protect the enjoyment of the woods and stop the "vandalism", will put pressure on Eastleigh Council planning officials to dismiss the plans submitted by Hutchinson 3G.

Graham Mole, one of the guardians, said: "Feelings are running very high. People are exceptionally fond of these woods and will be very upset if the plans are agreed.

“Feelings are running very high. People are exceptionally fond of these woods and will be very upset if the plans are agreed."

Graham Mole, one of the Guardians of Stoke Park Wood.

"I just hope now that the right decision is made at the committee meeting next month. We will make sure we are there, picketing to save Stoke Park Wood."

Amanda Oosthuizen, another guardian, added: "We think it is vital to keep the woods as they are. It is a great place to take the dogs and just get away from it all.

"All my teenage daughters go there with their friends and walk the dogs, where they can have some freedom away from the little houses in tight spaces. It's a place where you have room to think."

The planning application submitted by the mobile phone giant seeks permission to install a radio base station comprising a 25m telecommunications tower, three antennas, three 300mm-diameter dish antenna and radio equipment housing.

Mr Huhne said: "I think it would be a great shame if the mast were put up in these woods.

"This is a very attractive, unspoilt part of the area where people walk and take their dogs. It has probably been like that for hundreds of years and something really ought to be done to protect it.

"It would be an intrusion into the woods to install a very high mast. At 81ft it is pretty big. It is a real issue."

Hutchinson 3G has said that it has considered the concerns that have been raised but believed the woods to be the best location.

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America Tortures

Is War with Iran Next?

Getting Conyers His Conscience Back

We Must Reverse Global Warming

Press Failing, Says Critic Norman Solomon

Speculation Rages: Is Iran Bush's Next Target?

Pressure Mounts on Blair for Inquiry into Mistakes in Iraq

US Intelligence on Iran Does Not Stand up, Say Vienna Sources

US Economy Leaving Record Numbers in Severe Poverty

"Dumping" of Homeless by Hospitals Stirs Debate

For a year, reports have surfaced that Los Angeles hospitals have left homeless patients on downtown streets. Now, prosecutors are hoping a bill introduced last week in the State Senate will give them stronger legal firepower to charge the hospitals.

Global Warming "Makes Children Sick"

Global warming will take a toll on children's health, according to a new report showing hospital admissions for fever soar as days get hotter.

Where Bush Would Steer Energy R&D

Overall federal spending on energy research in real dollars is only one-third what it was at its 1978 peak. Some question the administration's emphasis on nuclear research, saying other promising technologies could be applied sooner to climate and energy-security issues.

World Bank Encouraging Deforestation

The World Bank has released a report encouraging the Indonesian government to create vast timber plantations that would damage local ecosystems and livelihood, in order to encourage economic growth.

Cleaning Up Greenpoint's Oil Spill

"You have to wonder why it has taken so long. It happened over 57 years ago, when Exxon Mobil leaked at least 17 million gallons of oil in the Brooklyn neighborhood of Greenpoint," writes Joshua Frank. "But on February 8th, New York State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo finally filed notices of intent to sue Exxon Mobil and several other companies to force a massive cleanup of the polluted neighborhood," Frank continues.

Nearly 800 Iraq Contractors Killed

In a largely invisible cost of the war in Iraq, nearly 800 civilians working under contract to the Pentagon have been killed and more than 3,300 hurt, according to figures gathered by the Associated Press.

Cheney's Role Dominates Closing Arguments at Libby Trial

It was the defense attorney representing I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby who first told jurors during closing arguments in the perjury and obstruction-of-justice trial Tuesday that the government believes Vice President Dick Cheney told Libby to leak the identity of covert CIA operative Valerie Plame Wilson to a New York Times reporter in July 2003 to undermine the credibility of her husband, a critic of the Iraq war.

The Rising Prevalence of Severe Poverty in America

A Growing Threat to Public Health: From 2000 to 2004, the prevalence of severe poverty increased sharply while the proportion of Americans in higher income tiers diminished.

From Information Clearing House

Causes of Poverty

Nearly a billion people entered the 21st century unable to read a book or sign their names. Less than one per cent of what the world spent every year on weapons was needed to put every child into school by the year 2000 and yet it didn’t happen.

From Information Clearing House

Walter Reed Ex-Patient, Wife Speak Out on Poor Conditions

The Washington Post revealed that hospital rooms at Walter Reed were infested with mouse droppings, cockroaches, stained carpets, rodents and black mold.

From Information Clearing House

Asia no longer in awe of US superpower

Times Asia Editor looks at how Dick Cheney's visit has displayed a new mood in the region.

From Information Clearing House

The myth of Muslim support for terror

Those who think that Muslim countries and pro-terrorist attitudes go hand-in-hand might be shocked by new polling research: Americans are more approving of terrorist attacks against civilians than any major Muslim country except for Nigeria.

From Information Clearing House

US and Iran Trade Accusations of Bombing Involvement

An interview with Sam Gardiner. Retired Air Force Colonel.

Unnamed source: Booby Traps Detonated by US Remote Controls

An informed source said here in Tehran on Tuesday that after terrorists' hideout in Iran's southeastern city of Zahedan was raided, Iranian police discovered several US-made remote controlled detonators there.

From Information Clearing House

Iran Must Get Ready to Repel a Nuclear Attack

For the general Leonid Ivashov, the former Chief of the Russian armed forces’ Staff, it is doubtless that the Bush administration plans nuclear attacks against Iran and that the Pentagon will be capable to carry them out within the few coming weeks.

From Information Clearing House

Fears grow over Iran

Tony Blair has declared himself at odds with hawks in the US Administration by saying publicly for the first time that it would be wrong to take military action against Iran.

From Information Clearing House

British officials fear US will attack Iran

Senior British government officials fear that US President George W. Bush will attack Iran before his final term in office ends in a little less than two years time, a newspaper reported in an early Friday edition.

From Information Clearing House

Any U.S. strike might not destroy Iran nuclear sites

Any U.S. attack against Iran could involve thousands of sorties and missile launches lasting weeks, but it still would not eliminate the country's nuclear program, U.S. military officials and analysts say.

From Information Clearing House

Oily Truth Emerges in Iraq

President Bush and his aides in the White House have scoffed at even the slightest suggestion that the U.S. military occupation has anything to do with oil. The President presumably would have us all believe that if Iraq had the world's second-largest supply of bananas instead of petroleum, American troops would still be there.

Oil Grab in Iraq

A new Iraqi law proposes to open the country’s currently nationalized oil system to foreign corporate control. But emblematic of the flawed promotion of “democracy” by the Bush administration, this new law is news to most Iraqi politicians.

From Information Clearing House

The Long Game: of sweetheart deals and the "surge"

Kenneth Anderson

Do details revealed in a draft oil law explain the need for more troops in Iraq?

From Information Clearing House

North Of Baghdad, War Getting Worse

More Attacks, Less Troops In Diyala Province As Military Focuses On Baghdad Crackdown.

From Information Clearing House

Fallujans Defiant Amidst Chaos:

Resistance attacks against U.S. forces have been continuing in Fallujah despite military onslaughts and strong security measures.

British Army wanted out of Iraq faster

British military chiefs had been pushing for much bigger cuts in troop numbers in Iraq than those announced by the Prime Minister, Tony Blair.

From Information Clearing House

No such thing as victory in Iraq, says Nelson

IRAQ will remain beset by sectarian violence and terrorism even after coalition forces leave it, Defence Minister Brendan Nelson has warned.

From Information Clearing House

Iraqi War Refugees: Millions of Iraqis Flee The Violence

The United Nations is warning that the violence in Iraq is leading to a disastrous refugee crisis in the Middle East. Out of a population of 26 million, nearly two million Iraqis are internally displaced and another two million have fled abroad, according to recent UN estimates.

From Information Clearing House

Did Corruption Force CIA Boss To Quit?


BBC - Newsnight's Peter Marshall has been investigating the reasons behind the resignation of former CIA chief, Porter Goss.

The True Extent of Britain's Failure in Basra

By Patrick Cockburn

The partial British military withdrawal from southern Iraq announced by Tony Blair this week follows political and military failure, and is not because of any improvement in local security, say specialists on Iraq.

Stop Bullying Iran

Iranian Nuclear Ambitions and American Foreign Policy

The Enduring Threat: A Brief History

These recent Iranian aspirations for nuclear weapons as purported by American policy makers are not a recent occurrence; the Shah in 1974 established the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran and stated that Iran would have nuclear weapons without a doubt very soon.

Next-up News n°193

Oberstes Gericht kippt Kanadas Anti-Terror-Gesetz,,OID6448732_REF1,00.html


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